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Immigration Arrested Mr.scott With Illegal Drug


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People use drug as an escape RDN, or an to increase pleasure even in a pleasant enviroment, that's why they use drugs, including drink.

It's foolish to wonder why people use drugs given the reasons your've stated if you yourself enjoy a beer, just work out why you drink the beer and there's your answer.

I really can't be bothered to argue, bkk. If you think beer and drugs are the same, well, that's your problem I'm afraid.

I'm sorry RDN, but you asked why people use drugs, and it's exactly the same reasons people drink beer, both being drugs, it's the same reasons, they are social acceptence, escape, pleasure.

If you cannot see the connection between illegal drugs and beer then you really do need to read up a little bit more on the subject before you get high on beer next time.

Drugs are illegal

Beer drinking is not

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This is a troll.

Having just done a 'google' and a BBC search, nothing was turned up for 'William Hurford Scott' or several variations on that theme.

Surprised to see you all ready to condemn an figment of someone's imagination.

No professor,

I saw this guys pic on the thai immigration website a few days ago, but there was no info at that time, just a pic, but it is the same guy.

Another Victim of the Pattaya disease where people will do anything to avoid going back to their own countries, I have seen many over the years. Pattaya should carry a government health warning. :o

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Drugs are illegal

Beer drinking is not

You are of course right,

Only cos your friendly neighbourhood governments tax the beer. Governments allow you to get high on their drugs but will jail you for producing your own Alcohol, and people think street drug dealers are ruthless.

The worlds governments control drugs like Alcohol and Tobacco that are responsible for the deaths and suffering of millions of people a year.

As you say, drinking beer is legal and smoking a Joint in the privacy of ones home will get you thrown in jail. The drug masters also make the laws, we are bolloxed.

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He could probably get between THB200 and THB350 each if he was selling to farang.This is an evil,evil drug.Maybe they were just for him?

Why is this drug yaba so evil??

In my youth back in the UK we would sniff or eat speed regularly,everyone seemed to be doing it on friday and saturday night.Made me dance like a bellend and also had an unquenchable thirst for beer.It was good fun and no damage done.Yaba and amphetamine are one and the same right?

No damage done by speed ? You just got away with it, that's all.

I've been there in the club scene myself - 92-96 every weekend. I saw many casualties - speed/e/coke-heads taking things too far.

Speeds addictive & I've seen it turn people into complete nutters.

You & your mates wisely managed to not get addicted - some people don't stop after the weekend.

It's a bit like the difference between a social drinker & alchoholic.

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Drugs are illegal

Beer drinking is not

You are of course right,

Only cos your friendly neighbourhood governments tax the beer. Governments allow you to get high on their drugs but will jail you for producing your own Alcohol, and people think street drug dealers are ruthless.

The worlds governments control drugs like Alcohol and Tobacco that are responsible for the deaths and suffering of millions of people a year.

As you say, drinking beer is legal and smoking a Joint in the privacy of ones home will get you thrown in jail. The drug masters also make the laws, we are bolloxed.

Go forward 100 years & one of 3 things will have happened.

1 - Tobacco & alchohol will be outlawed

2 - All drugs will be legal

3 - No changes

I'd put my money on number 1.

I also think it's a bloody good idea, so wouldn't like to see governments start to legalise more addictive substances.

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Go forward 100 years & one of 3 things will have happened.

1 - Tobacco & alchohol will be outlawed

2 - All drugs will be legal

3 - No changes

I'd put my money on number 1.

I also think it's a bloody good idea, so wouldn't like to see governments start to legalise more addictive substances.

Tobacco and Alcohol may be outlawed, in some countries, a century from now, but will still be widely used elsewhere in the world. Until all the 3rd and 4th world countries start reaching the same standard of living as the "1st" world countries, smoking and boozing will still be widely available and used. From what I see around me here (in Afghanistan), 100 years from now, very little will have changed.

Remember that the USA tried to outlaw alcohol in the 30's (Prohibition). It failed miserably and lead to 2 things, a sharp increase in crime and a drop in income for the government.

A few years ago, I did a short study on the amount of taxes the Canadian goverment was receiving from the sale of tobacco. In a country of (approx) 30 million, where less than 1/3rd of the adult population were smokers, the goverment was reaping close to 4 billion a year in taxes on cigarette sales alone.

In a move that is total hypocrisy, the same government that regulates the sale of tobacco and enlarges it's coffers with tobacco taxes, then turns around and sues the tobacco companies for selling their product !

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I have quite libertarian views.I dont drink , smoke or do drugs however I do believe anyone should be able to drink, smoke, do drugs etc... as long as it is entirely for personal use and you do not bring harm or burden upon any external parties as a result of your actions.After all, these things people consume are, at the root of it all, provided by the laws of nature, however man is supremely arrogant and will always profess his laws are right.

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Go forward 100 years & one of 3 things will have happened.

1 - Tobacco & alchohol will be outlawed

2 - All drugs will be legal

3 - No changes

I'd put my money on number 1.

I also think it's a bloody good idea, so wouldn't like to see governments start to legalise more addictive substances.

Tobacco and Alcohol may be outlawed, in some countries, a century from now, but will still be widely used elsewhere in the world. Until all the 3rd and 4th world countries start reaching the same standard of living as the "1st" world countries, smoking and boozing will still be widely available and used. From what I see around me here (in Afghanistan), 100 years from now, very little will have changed.

Remember that the USA tried to outlaw alcohol in the 30's (Prohibition). It failed miserably and lead to 2 things, a sharp increase in crime and a drop in income for the government.

A few years ago, I did a short study on the amount of taxes the Canadian goverment was receiving from the sale of tobacco. In a country of (approx) 30 million, where less than 1/3rd of the adult population were smokers, the goverment was reaping close to 4 billion a year in taxes on cigarette sales alone.

In a move that is total hypocrisy, the same government that regulates the sale of tobacco and enlarges it's coffers with tobacco taxes, then turns around and sues the tobacco companies for selling their product !

Each Year the EU spends approximately $95 million dollars in anti-smoking campaigns

Each year the EU spends approcimately $1.1 billion dollars in subsidies to tobbacco farmers.

Go figure

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Why is he smiling? Does he actually know whats going to happen to him? Or did he think they were just going to confiscate his drugs take some nice photos of him and then let him go?

He is probably still high on "yaa ba". Maybe he is coming off it - the withdrawals from this drug are very dangerous. I have a good friend who became psychotic and hospitalised, never to have fully recovered.

I don't drink, or use illegal/legal drugs, and haven't for many years. Well I don't include M & Ms or Lipton here. In the past I have been addicted to legal drugs(booze/prescription drugs). These in my 'experience' were FAR worse to come off of than illegal ones that I was also addicted to.

I did many illegal things when either high on booze or needing the cash to feed my craving. I would have done nearly ANYTHING.

In my native country, 4 out of 5 court cases are related to alcohol, I think this says it all!

When I was an alcoholic, I used to slag off druggies as I was in denial.

When I became a druggie, i used to slag off alkies to justify my need.

My personal opinion is to legalise all drugs.

Heroin used sparingly if it were legal is not any worse than beer, IMHO.

Back to the OP,

One can feel sorry/compassion for him or call him an idiot, or both. We don't know and never will know WHY he did it.

We should try to fight all drugs that kill by education, not confinement, and at this time of year in Thailand it is unfortunately booze.

Edited by Neeranam
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People use drug as an escape RDN, or an to increase pleasure even in a pleasant enviroment, that's why they use drugs, including drink.

It's foolish to wonder why people use drugs given the reasons your've stated if you yourself enjoy a beer, just work out why you drink the beer and there's your answer.

I really can't be bothered to argue, bkk. If you think beer and drugs are the same, well, that's your problem I'm afraid.

I'm sorry RDN, but you asked why people use drugs, and it's exactly the same reasons people drink beer, both being drugs, it's the same reasons, they are social acceptence, escape, pleasure.

If you cannot see the connection between illegal drugs and beer then you really do need to read up a little bit more on the subject before you get high on beer next time.

Drugs are illegal

Beer drinking is not

That was not the question RDN asked if you read through the thread. Anyway, of course one is legal and one is illegal, but there are many connections as well.

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Heroin used sparingly if it were legal is not any worse than beer, IMHO.


Do you mean you don't believe that or disagree.

Why? Any experience?

I have been to two states in India where one can by strong opium and marijuana from local shops ran by the government. Alcohol is illegal. Probably about 70 million people in these states. Of course there are some people who get addicted like people get addicted to booze in the USA. Guess where the most crime occurs?

I don't know the statistics but in my experience booze causes more problems.

One thing about heroin that cauase a lot of deaths is overdose by unpure stuff.

Similarly, in India many people die from alcohol brewed illegally.

Just because you or your society think the way you do, doesn't mean you are right.

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It is true that unpuer Heroin is the reason for overdosing. Pure heroin is far less harmful, of course talking about smoking it.

Alchohol is a very dangerous drug people, take note, and defended by many people that have a minor addiction to it "I'm dying for a beer", "I could murder a pint", "I need a drink" are all turns of phrase you might want to examine more.

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Heroin used sparingly if it were legal is not any worse than beer, IMHO.


Alcohol is very damaging to your body.

Heroin,in its pure form, is less harmful to your body.

As for the social cost I would say alcohol is far worse.

Depends also how you take the heroin. Main lining or smoking.

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I enjoy a drink like the next person. However i drink in moderation and do not need a fix of double whisky when i open my eyes every morning.

The heroin users i know (yes i know many, they are as common as football supporters) they cannot face the reality of the day. I never see them socialise, ever. The crap they stick in their bodies reduces them to nothing more than scared rabbits. Paranoid of the real world they lost through drugs.

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I have quite libertarian views.I dont drink , smoke or do drugs however I do believe anyone should be able to drink, smoke, do drugs  etc... as long as it is entirely for personal use and you do not bring harm or burden upon any external parties as a result of your actions.After all, these things people consume are,  at the root of it all, provided by the laws of nature, however man is supremely arrogant and will always profess his laws are right.

I second.

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It is of course interesting that governments make good money from smokers.

However, in countries like Canada where the public health care system is actually functional, it would be a good idea to also study the governments yearly expenses for the cases of various respiratory diseases and forms of cancer mainly caused by cigarettes... The taxes do not cover these costs, in Sweden at least. And I would be very surprised if any other government in a country with functional, state sponsored health care makes a profit from it.

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I have quite libertarian views.I dont drink , smoke or do drugs however I do believe anyone should be able to drink, smoke, do drugs  etc... as long as it is entirely for personal use and you do not bring harm or burden upon any external parties as a result of your actions.After all, these things people consume are,  at the root of it all, provided by the laws of nature, however man is supremely arrogant and will always profess his laws are right.

I second.

I would agree too, only the thing is there will always be a large portion of people who cannot handle any kind of drug in moderation. The question then is, how do we deal with these people. Do we leave them to their own devices and hope that natural selection weeds them out, or do we (like most western countries do, to some extent) try to help them or force them to get rid of their addictions (which we facilitate and are partially responsible for, if we legalize heavily addictive drugs)....?

There is lots of sheet in nature that we should not mess with. If we, for example, drank crude oil or molten lead, which are both highly natural substances, we would be in a lot of pain or very sick. The argument that drugs are natural is therefore not a very good one.

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Why is this drug yaba so evil??

In my youth back in the UK we would sniff or eat speed regularly,everyone seemed to be doing it on friday and saturday night.Made me dance like a bellend and also had an unquenchable thirst for beer.It was good fun and no damage done.Yaba and amphetamine are one and the same right?

Yabba is to Speed as Crack is to Cocaine, totally different.

Dont agree on that, its actually very similar

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I hope we can agree: what a person does or does not do to him or herself, is entirely up to them. Then, what ever happens to them, physically or mentally is their own fault.

If we i.e. society should have any concerns in this matter, these must only be in the area where a person’s actions endanger or adversely affect others.

In the area of legalised drug taking e.g. smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, present society is beginning to recognise the consequences of the individual’s private choices have effects on many who are innocents: the child in a smokers womb; passive smokers, especially smoker’s children; alcoholic’s families; the victims of drunken drivers or even those threatened by stimulant induced yobbish behaviour; plus the economic consequences on others of these addictions.

These same criteria apply to illegal drugs. With perhaps two obvious exceptions; the nature of these addictions is often more acute and debilitating (although alcoholism comes into this area), the needs are often greater; but primarily, the taking, procurement and selling of these substances is illegal. This means, in order to satisfy these needs, there is no alternative but to engage in illegal activity, thus generating further illegal activity in others. Just to begin this spiral often involves illegal activity to find the money to buy your stash!

My point her is, the only way we (society) will ever effectively control drug misuse and its consequences, is to remove the question of legality from the equation. Free all drugs. Use the money spent in trying to stem trafficking etc. on centres that “freely” supply these drugs under supervision, giving education, qualified counselling, registration and medical control.

IMHO money spent this way will see far better results in the short, but especially the long-term, than locking the Scotts of this world up in the Bangkok Hilton.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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I enjoy a drink like the next person. However i drink in moderation and do not need a fix of double whisky when i open my eyes every morning.

The heroin users i know (yes i know many, they are as common as football supporters) they cannot face the reality of the day. I never see them socialise, ever. The crap they stick in their bodies reduces them to nothing more than scared rabbits. Paranoid of the real world they lost through drugs.

Of course the flipside to this coin is the many people that smoke heroin recreationally on the weekends and there are plenty of them, and the people that wake up in the morning and do need that double whiskey.

Just a thing everbody should look at, how many people on this forum have a few beers at the end of their day, everyday, and how many people get home from work and crack a few beers open to take the edge off. How many of the beer drinkers on here could quite easily stop drinking beer now for a month, and not miss it or have a craving for it.

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Of course the flipside to this coin is the many people that smoke heroin recreationally on the weekends and there are plenty of them, and the people that wake up in the morning and do need that double whiskey.

Can we get one thing clear here. Heroin is not a recreational drug that is taken at the weekends. Heroin is a drug that people will rob, steal, kill their grandmothers to get the next fix. Anyone who says they only do it at weekends are spending the remaining days in a state of cold turkey. I have seen these so called recreational users, we call them rattlers because the whole of the body shakes until they have the next batch of nonsence pumped into their system.

Can we at least try to keep this topic on an even keel.

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Heroin is a drug that people will rob, steal, kill their grandmothers to get the next fix.

Perhaps when a can of the drug beer is sold a thousand dollars, you will see the same happens.

Edited by meemiathai
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Of course the flipside to this coin is the many people that smoke heroin recreationally on the weekends and there are plenty of them, and the people that wake up in the morning and do need that double whiskey.

Can we get one thing clear here. Heroin is not a recreational drug that is taken at the weekends. Heroin is a drug that people will rob, steal, kill their grandmothers to get the next fix. Anyone who says they only do it at weekends are spending the remaining days in a state of cold turkey. I have seen these so called recreational users, we call them rattlers because the whole of the body shakes until they have the next batch of nonsence pumped into their system.

Can we at least try to keep this topic on an even keel.

I have known many recreational users back in London, many working in good jobs the rest of the week, and many don't use it now as they got bored with it, or grew out of the clubbing scene (used for come downs) and none of them had to kill and rob anyone tpo get it, just paid with it with their work wages as you would do with alchohol. I know a guy that used on the weekends because he never liked going to the pub, and the rest of the week he was the well loved village postman. It is more addictive than Alchohol but that's another drug that is also addictive and people will steal money to get if their need is great enough. Obviously with all drugs if you start doing too much you will have a problem.

Just to keep this on an even keel, these were smokers, injectors are another story, that really is going down the wrong path., but then so's doing a bottle of vodka everynight instead of some beers on a Friday night.

Edited by bkkmadness
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This is a troll.

Having just done a 'google' and a BBC search, nothing was turned up for 'William Hurford Scott' or several variations on that theme.

Surprised to see you all ready to condemn an figment of someone's imagination.

Honestly... some of you "nerds" are unbelieveable.

"If it doesn't exist on Google, It must not exist anywhere in the world"..... sheesh...

Try the Immigration Police official website... he's there.

Edited by sriracha john
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This is a troll.

Having just done a 'google' and a BBC search, nothing was turned up for 'William Hurford Scott' or several variations on that theme.

Surprised to see you all ready to condemn an figment of someone's imagination.

Honestly... some of you "nerds" are unbelieveable.

"If it doesn't exist on Google, It must not exist anywhere in the world"..... sheesh...

Try the Immigration Police official website... he's there.


Take a drink and refresh yourself!

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