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Lucky Finds


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They could easily have taken the phone and the wallet, but they didn't, try that in Liverpool. :D

I wouldn't be able to drive away at the green in Liverpool cos' they'd nick my bloody wheels as well.


We've got places like that here in Canada as well.

Besides the $12,000 in an envelope I've found a bunch of other stuff I was able to return to the owners. It always made me feel better than if I had kept it. I found a $1000 fly rod and reel in the middle of a parking lot in Montana. I kept it in my camper over night and waited around the next morning expecting the guy who had lost it to return. Sure enough I saw a guy drive up and start questioning different campers. I was right in guessing who it was. He sure was lucky I hadn't driven over it in the dark the night before. That was one happy fellow when I smiled and gave it to him.

The only time I was fairly annoyed is when I found a fishing pack in the river with some expensive reels and a fly pouch full of finely tied flies. I dried it all out and cleaned out the sand, and when I got home from my trip I advertised on a local fishing forum. Eventually somebody knew the guys who had lost it and gave me their address. It cost me $15 to mail the bag to them and I never even got a thank you. Some people have no class.

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Found about 120 USD in an un-marked envelope in Taiwan....

But that probably is not my best story.

It is really about what I lost & was returned to me. Left my wallet behind at a KFC out in Rangsit Klong 6 (a pretty poor area). I was leaving for the US the next morning, so my wallet was full of cash. Around 1300 USD.... (sometimes I get my i-phone and my wallet confused, the weight in my pocket seems the same) Any how I walked away from KFC that is located in a BigC

I realized what I had done maybe 15 minutes latter. Funny thing was, there was an army of Thais looking for "whitey" all over Big C in order to give him back his wallet.

A young fellow, early 30s, dressed well, cought up with me, signaled for me to follow him. We went back to KFC and he told the staff of KFC to hand over the wallet, which they did. I tried to give him money for an award etc, and he refused....

That said, I could then tell about the theft of my washer machines, stainless steel mail box, my wifes cell, my co-workers i-phone etc etc.

good mixed with the bad, like all places

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Good story, Dakhar. Too many people are quick to complain about the so called "thieving Thais" but a story like yours is more common if you get away from the rougher areas like parts of Pattaya, Nana Plaza in Bangkok or Patong beach in Phuket. I've been treated fairly by Thais far more often than I've been taken advantage of.

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While this thread may be shifting to what other people have found belonging to the posters, I really like reading about them.  It does a heart good to read about honest individuals, Thai or not, who find items and return them to their rightful owners.

Nice pick-me-up from the sometimes common complaining we read too often.

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When I was working in Bangkok after about 5 years I came to Khon Kaen for a weekend with some Thai pals and liked the place so decided to rent a pad for the weekends to escape from the Big Mango. One of the girls in our office was from Khon Kaen and said she knew a local woman who worked for a finance company and rented out a few properties on the side. I met the woman, she showed me a house and I agreed to rent. 10 years later and I'm expecting her home pretty soon with dinner for us and our daughter.

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I wouldn't be able to drive away at the green in Liverpool cos' they'd nick my bloody wheels as well.

What do you call a Liverpudlian in a suit?

The defendant.

Three men, a Scouser, a Manc and a Rasta all in the maternity ward waiting for their partners to give birth. The midwife comes out and tells them congratulations, they're all fathers of beautiful healthy boys, however unfortunately they've run out of the name tags, and the babies have been mixed up, so if they could each go in and identify their sons from any family resemblance etc. The Manc wants to go first, so in he goes and comes out with a black baby The Rasta looks a bit confused, "excuse me", he said, "but don't you think he's likely to be mine ?" "Probably", said the Manc, "but one of them in there's a scouser, and I'm takin' no chances !!!!!"

(Sorry Scousers. Couldn't resist!)

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A few years back in the UK, walking the dog early one morning, i noticed a small carrier bag on the pavement, everything else was blowing around in the gale, but not this bag, picked it up to find a 10 pence piece and wrapped around it was a Five Pound note, not a great find, but better than nothing i suppose.

Of course my greatest find of all was finding my Fella :)

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Lucky finds. I guess shopping bargains don't count? :)

I found 5000 baht I had stuck in a jewelry box about 2 years after I had put it there and forgotten about it, that was a pleasant surprise.

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I don't think i could live with myself if i found a wallet full of money lying on the pavement, but maybe i could - if there was no address. I have had wallets returned to me, without the cash. So what goes around comes around.... And i hope the feing bastards enjoyed my money!!

I did drop a phone in a taxi here and the taxi driver phoned up the first person on my list and she phoned me to ask if i had lost my phone and then gave me his number to call. He drove accross town to bring me my phone - I gave him a big tip. And we went out for dinner about a week later!!!

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An unsuspecting fellow from a company in South Africa happening upon my fledgling homemade (with a very basic Netscape Composer) export website in 1996 and becoming our first customer for a modest $900 or so order of tropical pet fish. Naturally I didn't mention that I wasn't even sure where to drop off shipments at Don Muang yet. Put that order on its way myself, delivered to the airport in my trusty Nissan Sunny. One single quiet order that day, and don't think we got another one for several weeks after that, but it felt so good. Now I watch all the 24 hr. a day anthill of motion of outbounds/inbounds/swirling dust/shrinkwrap/people running around with masking tape/trucks belching smoke/etc. of our cargo area of my Bangkok house from my house in Pattaya on the net.


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A very close friend found a big bag of weed scrunched up in a paper bag on the bar in Brown Sugar... It was his birthday bash and thought his mate had just put it there as a birthday gift so he pocketed it.

When he questioned everyone to say thanks, no one knew a thing!

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I found an expensive set of designer sunglasses, and I lost them myself the next day.

This reminds me of when I lost a $1k+ pair of Cartier glasses at Dublin airport many years ago. By chance I thought I'd check at the 'Garda' station when I returned to Dublin a couple of weeks later and someone had handed them in and I got them back ! Turns out I had left them in the bar.

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An unsuspecting fellow from a company in South Africa happening upon my fledgling homemade (with a very basic Netscape Composer) export website in 1996 and becoming our first customer for a modest $900 or so order of tropical pet fish. Naturally I didn't mention that I wasn't even sure where to drop off shipments at Don Muang yet. Put that order on its way myself, delivered to the airport in my trusty Nissan Sunny. One single quiet order that day, and don't think we got another one for several weeks after that, but it felt so good. Now I watch all the 24 hr. a day anthill of motion of outbounds/inbounds/swirling dust/shrinkwrap/people running around with masking tape/trucks belching smoke/etc. of our cargo area of my Bangkok house from my house in Pattaya on the net.


I think the subject of the thread is "What you found" - not "What you founded" :D

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A friend of mine was on his way to work and saw something shining on the side of the road,drove past then decided to go back and have a look. It was a jewelers briefcase open with diamonds and rubies spilled out. He took it home ,it had no ID in it. The next morning the local paper had a photo of the guy that had lost it. He had put it on top of his car while unlocking the car and drove off with it still there. My friend did the right thing and called the guy up and gave it back to him. The jeweler made him a very nice diamond ring for his girlfriend.

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An unsuspecting fellow from a company in South Africa happening upon my fledgling homemade (with a very basic Netscape Composer) export website in 1996 and becoming our first customer for a modest $900 or so order of tropical pet fish. Naturally I didn't mention that I wasn't even sure where to drop off shipments at Don Muang yet. Put that order on its way myself, delivered to the airport in my trusty Nissan Sunny. One single quiet order that day, and don't think we got another one for several weeks after that, but it felt so good. Now I watch all the 24 hr. a day anthill of motion of outbounds/inbounds/swirling dust/shrinkwrap/people running around with masking tape/trucks belching smoke/etc. of our cargo area of my Bangkok house from my house in Pattaya on the net.


I think the subject of the thread is "What you found" - not "What you founded" :D

Yeah, I found his order in my empty for nearly a year inbox.


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I'm gonna go ahead and say it too: My wife.

And on the topic of having a lost thing returned:

First time I was in Thailand, Aug 2004, my buddy and were flying out home, I had to get the 500baht leaving tax.

Went to the ATM and got 500, but it was late, I was tired, so forgot that you get your cash 1st, then your card.

I took the cash and left. Forgot the card. We had to rush to get the flight. It was one of those old style ATMs where it asks if you want to do any other transaction.

Moments later, some old Thai woman came running after me. She had my card. I was so grateful I did the best wai I could. She could have cleaned me out.

I have found a fair few wallets in my time. My own on a rainy, dark highway in West Autralia. It fell out of my pocket when I got out to take a leak. Did not notice until 15 minutes later. Drove back to the parking bay. Looked around in the weak head light of my Holden Commodore. Saw a glint when walking back to the car dejectedly. There it was lieing on the road.

Later in a hostel in Freo, some Maori guy was walking around grumpy for about a week, because hed had lost his wallet with 2 weeks pay. AUD1300. That's a lot of money for a backpacker. A buddy and I got sick of it, and demanded the keys to his van, because thats where he kept it usually. He was seriously drunk the night he lost it. He had turned his LiteAce inside out, but could not find it.

We went to the van and looked all over. Then I shoved my hand under the drivers seat. There was a small slit between the seat and wheel well. All the way in, there it was.

The guy was so happy, he gave me 100. Lucky me, I could go to the dentist get a new filling which had fallen out a few days before and caused me a lot of pain.

Found a little old lady's money pouch with 550 Dutch guilders in the early 90's. Stood there for a while, and sure enough, I saw her with tears in her eyes looking for it. Man, was I happy I could give it. She gave me 25. Made me happy, too.

Lesson learned: Do the right thing. It pays off in the end. Karma.

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