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Personal Protection- Carrying A Weapon? Which?


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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys

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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys


first you say you have never pulled it in anger then you state you pulled it to quick !!??

I moved to CM to avoid the danger of big cities and the lack of weapons carried by the everyman. And the peaceful nature in general. Let me know where you hang out so I can avoid those places :)

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As far as I understand carrying a knife in public in illegal in Thailand. Some self defence weapons seem to be allowed, but maybe only in certain circumstances. I believe mace/peperspray is allowed, we had some discussion about that a short whil ago. But they might be confiscated as there is no apperent need to carry it, such as carrying a large amount of money. The information so far is a bit vague if you can always carry it or not.

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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys


first you say you have never pulled it in anger then you state you pulled it to quick !!??

I moved to CM to avoid the danger of big cities and the lack of weapons carried by the everyman. And the peaceful nature in general. Let me know where you hang out so I can avoid those places :)

yeah,once went over to assist a "lady" she was being beat up real bad by a guy she called ' honey" he was with a group and so i felt outnumbered

I called to him holding the blade just down

so he knew I had it

' hey buddy,cool it, she's had enough, the cop's are coming"

she turns to me, her face all bloody and tell me fXX off!

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Farang carrying a concealed weapon, be careful, if the BiB catch that during a late night road side check that will; cost you a good amount of money, or land in jail for the night, processed and possibly put your picture in the local paper.

funny been stopped once and they kinda joked about it

anyways, surely better to have and be prepared

oh, I had two of 'em they were not looking for weapons, more likely drugs i think

i was in the thonglor area

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I left my country years ago to get away from people like you. If you don't feel safe in Chiang Mai then you should perhaps find somewhere else to live where you will feel safer.

do you mean me- straightdave? what have I done?

people like me?

you mean a service record with all sorts of awards, , etc,etc, would you like me to go into them?

teacher for free of self defence for kids, ladys, minority's

a bunch more, but I guess you've had enough

would you like to amend that now?

no, I do not feel safe, I have seen too much shit, I wish it was all nice

all I am saying is, its nice to be prepared for when guys like you are caught out and cry for guys like me to come rescue 'em

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To carry a weapon would create more problems than it would to solve.

thats far too genral man, why do cops have weapons, do they create more or less trouble generally

think about it

try to think of some scenario where a weapon would help- I am sure you can

like it did my buddy on soi 13 when he took down a dick with a berretta waving his piece at joe public

that solved the problem and without bloodshed, the dick knew he was gonna cut so behaved

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no, I do not feel safe, I have seen too much shit, I wish it was all nice

all I am saying is, its nice to be prepared for when guys like you are caught out and cry for guys like me to come rescue 'em

thanks, i feel alot safer to have you around


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I left my country years ago to get away from people like you. If you don't feel safe in Chiang Mai then you should perhaps find somewhere else to live where you will feel safer.

do you mean me- straightdave? what have I done?

people like me?

you mean a service record with all sorts of awards, , etc,etc, would you like me to go into them?

teacher for free of self defence for kids, ladys, minority's

a bunch more, but I guess you've had enough

would you like to amend that now?

no, I do not feel safe, I have seen too much shit, I wish it was all nice

all I am saying is, its nice to be prepared for when guys like you are caught out and cry for guys like me to come rescue 'em

I'll take your comments at face value Dave, and I hope you take mine in the positive way which I intend. It's possible you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or maybe some "White Knight Syndrome". Psychiatric care in Thailand is not all it should be and you may not be able to get the help you may need here. There is an American psychiatrist in Chiang Mai who could perhaps help. Search TV member "Jungian" for details. Probably a greater amount of assistance avilable in Bangkok however, limited though it may be. Good Luck.

Edited by lannarebirth
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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys


first you say you have never pulled it in anger then you state you pulled it to quick !!??

I moved to CM to avoid the danger of big cities and the lack of weapons carried by the everyman. And the peaceful nature in general. Let me know where you hang out so I can avoid those places :)

up until recently , I was 'hanging out " at the very places I needed to be- another world,so guys like you, and now me, can enjoy the peace and quiet

and you sound a bit more smart than one other dick here, think about it

it ain't a matter of hanging out ,it's of being prepared

like I said soi 13 ain't exactly the bronx yet a little times ago some dick pulls a beretta 9mm out in front of ladys and kids

and my weapon carrying buddy put him down

oh yeah , so CM has never had problems has it

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I left my country years ago to get away from people like you. If you don't feel safe in Chiang Mai then you should perhaps find somewhere else to live where you will feel safer.

do you mean me- straightdave? what have I done?

people like me?

you mean a service record with all sorts of awards, , etc,etc, would you like me to go into them?

teacher for free of self defence for kids, ladys, minority's

a bunch more, but I guess you've had enough

would you like to amend that now?

no, I do not feel safe, I have seen too much shit, I wish it was all nice

all I am saying is, its nice to be prepared for when guys like you are caught out and cry for guys like me to come rescue 'em

I'll take your comments at face value Dave, and I hope you take mine in the positive way which I intend. It's possible you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or maybe some "White Knight Syndrome". Psychiatric care in Thailand is not all it should be and you may not be able to get the help you may need here. There is an American psychiatrist in Chiang Mai who could perhaps help. Search TV member "Jungian" for details. Probably a greater amount of assistance avilable in Bangkok however, limited though it may be. Good Luck.

I actaully was diagnosed with that

as for whiteknight, no, but sit back and do nothing ain't my ticket

I ain't looking for thanks or pats on the back all I was doing was trying to do the right thing

from the various citations,awards, etc someone must of appricated it

shame when guys like you, who I am guessing could not do something for the goods guys, for whatever reason, feels a need to people

like me down- and on mail-

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I always carry a small switchblade knife. I use it all the time for a multitude of things other than defense. The ONLY time I needed it for defense was in the Philippines when surrounded by a bunch of thugs. Fortunately, they correctly read my eyes and knew I meant business, and they backed off. But, it could have turned out far worse. At least I intended to sell my life dearly and they knew it from the crazy smile on my face. That was about 10 years ago in Angeles City. However, I've never felt threatened in Thailand even though I still carry a pocket knife.

I've got a bunch of American friends who carry handguns everywhere, but I've never felt the need to. But, I don't carry bear spray either and I'm ALWAYS in bear country. I saw two black bears today from a distance of 20 feet and didn't feel threatened.

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I am just curious have you ever had any knife type training? As I said, I am just curious and not trying to make any inuendos.



yeah,military, which is pretty basic, in the other units things were much better

but still not complete- and still learning I guess

I am ranked in Amok!

and train in sayoc kali method

the flores reverse hand grip method

southnarc combatives ( truly good stuff- he will be coming over next year to teach his system, its so cool, the guy can get his blade out and in in less time to say " i have not a clue of what i talk" put it where it needs to go

I love the james keating methods , and kelly mccan methods, etc but have not trained under the guy

as kid i used to love fencing, but its not so practical ( is there a club in bangkok does anyone know please?), the blade is and can used meaningfully by anyone right up until we check out

one learns about timing,footwork,strategy

in bangkok I will be doing krabi krabong too.

how about you buddy?

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Don't want to derail your topic Dave, but maybe you or someone else could answer a question that's bothering me. It's estimated that 70 million +/- people, civilians and soldiers lost their lives during WWII. By all accounts it was the most horrendous experience ever, in the history of humankind. Yet when it was over, victor and vanquished alike returned to their previous lives with little fanfare and little "outward" signs of the horrors they'd endured. Why is todays soldier, a volunteer, not a conscript, so much less capable of returning to live a life of normalcy post conflict? Just wondering.

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I am very fleet footed as well as having 20/20 eyesight, do not like dark uninhabited sois, try to be home in bed by 2100, mind my own beeswax, emulate Will Rogers "never met a man I did not like" and do not associate with people who carry dangerous weapons. So far so good, I have made it to old age by anyone's standard. I am always reminded of the fellow who brought a knife to the gun fight, and the other dork who when boasting of his blade, was told that this spectator hopes it is made of chocolate as it would be easier to swallow.

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I always carry a small switchblade knife. I use it all the time for a multitude of things other than defense. The ONLY time I needed it for defense was in the Philippines when surrounded by a bunch of thugs. Fortunately, they correctly read my eyes and knew I meant business, and they backed off. But, it could have turned out far worse. At least I intended to sell my life dearly and they knew it from the crazy smile on my face. That was about 10 years ago in Angeles City. However, I've never felt threatened in Thailand even though I still carry a pocket knife.

I've got a bunch of American friends who carry handguns everywhere, but I've never felt the need to. But, I don't carry bear spray either and I'm ALWAYS in bear country. I saw two black bears today from a distance of 20 feet and didn't feel threatened.

thank the Lord, someone was born intact

I love the switch, open that and the noise itself says " I am here and I mean business" I switched one far too long back to get away from some thugs and the mother jumped right out of my hand and I got my ass kicked!

all my pals in USA carry guns-even my gandparents- almost never had to use- wish it was like UK, but it ain't, its our culture now, like it or not

it pretty well far too much in my beloved country I gotta say with the whole gun culture, people not trained, often extreme right wing nerds out looking for trouble

be glad when they can stop all that

its a shame really that in this day and age we may still need something, but unfortunatly it can be necessary

and I hear from my UK cops buddys that even there now its getting really bad

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Don't want to derail your topic Dave, but maybe you or someone else could answer a question that's bothering me. It's estimated that 70 million +/- people, civilians and soldiers lost their lives during WWII. By all accounts it was the most horrendous experience ever, in the history of humankind. Yet when it was over, victor and vanquished alike returned to their previous lives with little fanfare and little "outward" signs of the horrors they'd endured. Why is todays soldier, a volunteer, not a conscript, so much less capable of returning to live a life of normalcy post conflict? Just wondering.

It's a no brainer really. Nowadays military "career" is not the first choice so you could assume the best "material" is doing something else for living. What is the ratio nowdays, less than half are actually given a gun, rest receive a two weeks training how to fire it and most importantly clean it? And somehow i feel OP is not one of those 50%.

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I love the switch, open that and the noise itself says " I am here and I mean business" I switched one far too long back to get away from some thugs and the mother jumped right out of my hand and I got my ass kicked!

Firstly I would respectly suggest a visit to Suan Prung, and after that possibly a career as a Hollywood script writer :)

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Don't want to derail your topic Dave, but maybe you or someone else could answer a question that's bothering me. It's estimated that 70 million +/- people, civilians and soldiers lost their lives during WWII. By all accounts it was the most horrendous experience ever, in the history of humankind. Yet when it was over, victor and vanquished alike returned to their previous lives with little fanfare and little "outward" signs of the horrors they'd endured. Why is todays soldier, a volunteer, not a conscript, so much less capable of returning to live a life of normalcy post conflict? Just wondering.

good question

i think it combo of

1- military people are kinda born not made so even when a guy leave,he still has that bearing, they know no other life- so what can they return to?

2- most volunteers are not really, they just have no other job possibilty, look at USA

3- in WW2 many suffered, and real bad, my grandpa for one

its just then we did not have a tendy name for many disorders and it was just not done to talk about it- which was sad- trust me, people did suffer

nowadys there are options, but people take advatange of them, the guys I seen who need help do not go

i think with the good facility out there people should be able to do okay

many just cannot, it breaks my heart when I see a good guy go south for whatever reason

had a buddy who saw some kid burn, he had seen so much more, but that messed with his head for quite some time

the old thing was going on " could'nt saved him" the kids looked a little like one of his own and was the same age

horredous does not have to be in ww2, not all saw action, people can see something just as bad right here and now,sadly and with the freedom of the net making so easy to make wmd we do

have you any ideas?,its subject that interests me too

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Don't want to derail your topic Dave, but maybe you or someone else could answer a question that's bothering me. It's estimated that 70 million +/- people, civilians and soldiers lost their lives during WWII. By all accounts it was the most horrendous experience ever, in the history of humankind. Yet when it was over, victor and vanquished alike returned to their previous lives with little fanfare and little "outward" signs of the horrors they'd endured. Why is todays soldier, a volunteer, not a conscript, so much less capable of returning to live a life of normalcy post conflict? Just wondering.

Didn't Mao take out close to that many people under his governance. People in China are finally coming outta that nightmare. People are tough as a whole, it is some individuals that occasionally need help.

I can understand where Daves coming from. Some of us that are males stand to take a pee, while others sit down like a women. Or or in other words I guess some of us are self reliant and others are sheeple. Of course I answer from being a conscript or draftee if you prefer and don't see the difference than being drafted or enlisting into military service as far as experiences received.

People survive horrible natural disasters, most cope with little or no effect lasting affects, while others will be haunted for the rest of their lifes, needing help medically or turning to alkcohol or drugs. Its not war, but stress than some handle better than others.

I think Dave should think of non lethal means of street protection and save the lethal means for those bumps in the night around the home. When it comes to protection of family, being a bump in the night in my home is akin to a death wish and I will make your dreams come true.

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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys

Are you for real?

Taking out a knife to a taxi driver and helping the good guys.

You`re not related to Batman by any chance?

You should speak to your psychiatrist before arming yourself and I`m serious about that. You have a problem.

Edited by sassienie
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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys


first you say you have never pulled it in anger then you state you pulled it to quick !!??

I moved to CM to avoid the danger of big cities and the lack of weapons carried by the everyman. And the peaceful nature in general. Let me know where you hang out so I can avoid those places :)

yeah,once went over to assist a "lady" she was being beat up real bad by a guy she called ' honey" he was with a group and so i felt outnumbered

I called to him holding the blade just down

so he knew I had it

' hey buddy,cool it, she's had enough, the cop's are coming"

she turns to me, her face all bloody and tell me fXX off!

I learned a long time ago never to interfere in a domestic dispute. The female sticks up for the guy beating her up. As regards here in Thailand, getting involved is making you stand out and the Thai guy's mates will seize the opportunity to teach you to mind your own business. Aside from that, I have lived here for ten years and have never felt safer. I can walk around Pattaya at any time whereas I wouldn't venture out in my hometown in the UK. Obviously I don't walk in unsafe areas, though I don't really know any really bad areas, and keep my eyes and ears open. Carry a weapon? No thanks, the nasty types will take it off you and use it against you.

Perhaps, if you are honest with yourself, you may recognise the fact that you are out to prove something rather than just defend yourself. You went to assist a lady? Call the police, let someone else deal with it. If you had rescued her you would only have a problem later because the guy had lost face.

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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys

Are you for real?

Taking out a knife to a taxi driver and helping the good guys.

You`re not related to Batman by any chance?

You should speak to your psychiatrist before arming yourself and I`m serious about that. You have a problem.


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