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Personal Protection- Carrying A Weapon? Which?


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did you ever see cops with guns? why do they carry them?

Because of people like you.

After over 20 yrs of havin to carry one and having to cope with your kinda attitude it was refreshing to move here and get away from it.

And now you're back..... good gawd... :)

Choc dii my friends up there in Changers..

Gentleman I am having a hard time understanding this hostility towards this poster.

I do like the idea of carrying a weapon at all.

But have been faced with several hairy times when I wish I had of been.

I do see and slightly agree with some of his theory.

What is this nonsense, many people in the USA carry one and are not police or criminals.

He seems to have handled himself very well in showing a logical other side to things , yet I keep seeing the same failed personal low shots and its getting tiring.

And I happy to inform you all that you are all quite wrong.

He seems to be a very nice person who is teaching at the gym where I live on soi 13. He is known by the owner there.

He must be genuine because the man who runs it would not give time of day to anyone who is not.

He, like the owner are both involved in the Quaker 's( more popularly known as The Religious Society of Friends) I do see that's kind of ironic as the Quaker are known to be complete pacifist's.

I do not really see why it was necessary to make fun of his request for information .

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did you ever see cops with guns? why do they carry them?

Because of people like you.

After over 20 yrs of havin to carry one and having to cope with your kinda attitude it was refreshing to move here and get away from it.

And now you're back..... good gawd... :)

Choc dii my friends up there in Changers..

Gentleman I am having a hard time understanding this hostility towards this poster.

I do like the idea of carrying a weapon at all.

But have been faced with several hairy times when I wish I had of been.

I do see and slightly agree with some of his theory.

What is this nonsense, many people in the USA carry one and are not police or criminals.

He seems to have handled himself very well in showing a logical other side to things , yet I keep seeing the same failed personal low shots and its getting tiring.

And I happy to inform you all that you are all quite wrong.

He seems to be a very nice person who is teaching at the gym where I live on soi 13. He is known by the owner there.

He must be genuine because the man who runs it would not give time of day to anyone who is not.

He, like the owner are both involved in the Quaker 's( more popularly known as The Religious Society of Friends) I do see that's kind of ironic as the Quaker are known to be complete pacifist's.

I do not really see why it was necessary to make fun of his request for information .

I don't agree with the op but he has a right to an opinion.

If you don't like it move on. No need to be rude.

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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys

i never carry a weapon. You state you never pulled your knife " in anger", yet you then go on to say "there are times "perhaps i pulled it too quick". The person you "pulled it too quick" on was probably not aware that you were not angry. I will guess you do not pull your knife and say " i am not angry" to them.If someone pulled a knife on me, i would not consider whether they were angry, i would just assume they are. hmmmm please be careful sir

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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys

Why stop at a knife, would not a concealed firearm make you feel even better?

And then when everyone is "tooled up" what a safer city CM would be??

And when you turn a corner and see an incident in progress, how do you know which is the "good guy"? How did the taxi driver "see the steel" if you have never pulled your knife in anger?

I would carry a gun if I could,although I am not sure if i really feel the need here

i understand what you mean about CM but the USA has a gun culture( i do not like it- but we cannot just change it)

when you turn a courner and see an incident?

well, use you common sense, if a guy is being beaten on by 5 guys with sticks what would you think? I will give you hint- help the guy being beaten on

or if some old guy is being tracked by some homeboys

it ain't difficult really

I pulled my blade without realy being angry, I was a little nervous, it was getting out of hand

stopped him going to town with this heavy looking thing

was that bad? wrong?

nobody got hurt, nobody went to jail

most here i guess would just sit back and let someone else sort it and someone would get hurt maybe go to jail

guys, that way of thinking is not for good people


I do use my "common sense" and this is why I have never felt the need to carry a weapon on the street. I particurlary have never felt the need in Chiang Mai.

Good luck in your endeavours to keep the peace and folks out of "jail".

Do you offer a 24/7 service? The next time I pop across the road to my local 7/11 and meet a gang of 5 ruffians with sticks, are you on call with your knife to help me?


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I am just curious have you ever had any knife type training? As I said, I am just curious and not trying to make any inuendos.



yeah,military, which is pretty basic, in the other units things were much better

but still not complete- and still learning I guess

I am ranked in Amok!

and train in sayoc kali method

the flores reverse hand grip method

southnarc combatives ( truly good stuff- he will be coming over next year to teach his system, its so cool, the guy can get his blade out and in in less time to say " i have not a clue of what i talk" put it where it needs to go

I love the james keating methods , and kelly mccan methods, etc but have not trained under the guy

as kid i used to love fencing, but its not so practical ( is there a club in bangkok does anyone know please?), the blade is and can used meaningfully by anyone right up until we check out

one learns about timing,footwork,strategy

in bangkok I will be doing krabi krabong too.

how about you buddy?

Me? Nah....

And I haven't known many award recipients that talk about them much either.


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I personally do not agree with carrying weapons, I do not think there is any need to feel scared living in Chiang Mai and to suggest to readers living elsewhere that the need to protect yourself here is completely misleeding.

As a women who has lived in England, I have felt more safe here, even late at night on my own in tuk tuks.

If we all carry knives and guns, how many of us would have used them after way too much to drink and an argument, I know I could have shot my Husband a few times!!

I would ask the OP and other readers to read the attached article, too many peoples lives have been wasted by violence; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...ecord-week.html

Maybe the OP could spend more time training in martial arts, so that if someone needed help he could do more restraining then maiming, the tourist police are looking for volunteers, no knives! :)

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One day, while walking in the downtown area of NY city, a raving madman came rushing out of a building, wildly brandishing a Bible over his head and screaming obscenities. Before I even had a chance to react, he hurled that bible straight at me! Full force!! I never saw it coming. I never had a chance to duck. That Bible struck me right in the chest! Right at my heart!! I knew I was a goner...

But... and thank God... that Bible struck my grandma's bullet which stopped it completely, and so it didn't have a chance to reach my body. The bullet stopped that Bible and saved my life! If I hadn't been prepared, that madman's Bible would have killed me for sure. It pays to be prepared! :)

I'm surprised the bullet didn't explode on impact by the Full Force of the Bible. :D Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition :D

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Apparently our esteemed friend can be seen on youtube with the item that is offending everyone.

Can we just move on. As someone just said just because you do agree there is no real need to be so rude and personal.

And also quite wrong in the way you arrive at things. How can you really say anywhere is safe? And surely it is a a good thing that capable/trained men are ready and willing to get involved and assist "24/7:?

Come on, tell me otherwise.

You are getting a darn good kicking because some thugs ignored the " this is a safe area do not come in if you are not law abiding" sign and along come's david , he may like a drink, he may stand to the stars and stripes,he may even have some of those old fashion values

But he jump's in to help. Who knows he may have his weapon used against him, even you, he may get it all wrong. Chance's are that just may of saved your hide's and you must surely see this.

How many woman have been dragged off to be raped, children lead away in park's by their "uncles" to be molested, men beaten up by group's of thugs as passerby's pretend not to notice.

All because "someone else should deal with it" or we cannot make a judgment call.

This whole "debate" reminds me of the shocking way the USA treated some of their troops in the old Vietnam days. Not completely related,it just does. That's how we treat people who by all appearances have been a positive contribution to the world ,is it?

They may not always get it right, but at least they tried .

Would it surely not be much better to make sure we are correct in what we may think first?

He was not even talking about any awards and qualification's. He mentioned he had them,I have been told a little about them, enough to know that's exactly who I would want in my corner , but did not go into detail and all this was caused by one of you lot in defense of an accusation.

The man cannot win can he?

Disliked it seems because he does what he does and some males do not like this.

They then try to insult him further, they question his character he defends himself. I certainly would not just sit back and lets other bring my character into question without showing them they were wrong.

And then get's criticized for his defense ! Lets look at this with logic.

If you are those people who's ego is rankled by people like this because you are unable to do what they can,which I think is becoming plainly obvious ,do something about it.

At least check out what you say first.

Because I know the owner I know how completely wrong you all are about something's and how others are just a matter of opinion .

The same happened with owner of the gym here recently( did someone say maybe it was an ad for the gym??? Typical of what I see here, a really nonsensical comment. A man puts himself at risk to help others and so many negative comments. Why would he then, as he did manage not to be in any newspapers, surely , he would be happy to be on the front page holding the gun he took off, and the knife to keep the peace, would he not?

They must have a huge advertising budget to pay the whole of soi 13 to be closed down, a whole bunch of cops to come and take several people away and to rent the space at the police station, etc, etc, and to have it all filmed

( I saw it myself, how many people just walked on by,or ran off as thug put a whole street, or tried to, in danger, the owner's holding his knife to him certainly seems to have exactly the affect discussed here. Although it was not plainly clear, the thug gave up, and others seem to be a bit more cautious .

In the footage it is obvious because suddenly a whole sort of area is formed around them and you see the thugs hands just drop.

Now, lets put you hat on for a sec and think like you; what would you say?

soi 13 is dangerous area

he should not of been carrying a knife, bring a knife and it will used against you

my two arms are much more deadly than modern firearm and would of persuaded a gun carrying "mafia" thug who has just put a whole street in danger and any friends( this was not clear, as many just walked off when given the chance) of his to step back, give up and hand themselves willingly over to the force's of the law.

how did he know who was good/bad/etc?

he should not get involved

he should of waiting for the cop's ( they took 15 minutes,security did not want to anger a local thai "gangster who I am sure may not of been open to the idea of waiting to shoot anyone

the world is more dangerous with people like that in it

Do you see how each one one of these does not quiet work . I do not think there is an absolute right nor wrong, but simply that of opinion.

What a shame it would be if you were all wrong about the owner of this gym, the theory that it was an advert and that david was law abiding capable professional that many recognized organization's apparently have credited?

Lastly I read of a man who was stabbed by some bouncer's near sukumvit, I bet he wished someone like our friend(s) were around to help and that they did not just let someone else deal with it like you all seem to advocate.

And that they were in possession of those item's , or perhaps a gun ( never thought I would ever say that as I hate the things) so that it had the same affect as it did in the previous incident.

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your use of "all" in " like you all seem to advocate" , to refer I guess to everyone that posted being against the OP is incorrect if that is what you meant.


Apparently our esteemed friend can be seen on youtube with the item that is offending everyone.

Can we just move on. As someone just said just because you do agree there is no real need to be so rude and personal.

And also quite wrong in the way you arrive at things. How can you really say anywhere is safe? And surely it is a a good thing that capable/trained men are ready and willing to get involved and assist "24/7:?

Come on, tell me otherwise.

You are getting a darn good kicking because some thugs ignored the " this is a safe area do not come in if you are not law abiding" sign and along come's david , he may like a drink, he may stand to the stars and stripes,he may even have some of those old fashion values

But he jump's in to help. Who knows he may have his weapon used against him, even you, he may get it all wrong. Chance's are that just may of saved your hide's and you must surely see this.

How many woman have been dragged off to be raped, children lead away in park's by their "uncles" to be molested, men beaten up by group's of thugs as passerby's pretend not to notice.

All because "someone else should deal with it" or we cannot make a judgment call.

This whole "debate" reminds me of the shocking way the USA treated some of their troops in the old Vietnam days. Not completely related,it just does. That's how we treat people who by all appearances have been a positive contribution to the world ,is it?

They may not always get it right, but at least they tried .

Would it surely not be much better to make sure we are correct in what we may think first?

He was not even talking about any awards and qualification's. He mentioned he had them,I have been told a little about them, enough to know that's exactly who I would want in my corner , but did not go into detail and all this was caused by one of you lot in defense of an accusation.

The man cannot win can he?

Disliked it seems because he does what he does and some males do not like this.

They then try to insult him further, they question his character he defends himself. I certainly would not just sit back and lets other bring my character into question without showing them they were wrong.

And then get's criticized for his defense ! Lets look at this with logic.

If you are those people who's ego is rankled by people like this because you are unable to do what they can,which I think is becoming plainly obvious ,do something about it.

At least check out what you say first.

Because I know the owner I know how completely wrong you all are about something's and how others are just a matter of opinion .

The same happened with owner of the gym here recently( did someone say maybe it was an ad for the gym??? Typical of what I see here, a really nonsensical comment. A man puts himself at risk to help others and so many negative comments. Why would he then, as he did manage not to be in any newspapers, surely , he would be happy to be on the front page holding the gun he took off, and the knife to keep the peace, would he not?

They must have a huge advertising budget to pay the whole of soi 13 to be closed down, a whole bunch of cops to come and take several people away and to rent the space at the police station, etc, etc, and to have it all filmed

( I saw it myself, how many people just walked on by,or ran off as thug put a whole street, or tried to, in danger, the owner's holding his knife to him certainly seems to have exactly the affect discussed here. Although it was not plainly clear, the thug gave up, and others seem to be a bit more cautious .

In the footage it is obvious because suddenly a whole sort of area is formed around them and you see the thugs hands just drop.

Now, lets put you hat on for a sec and think like you; what would you say?

soi 13 is dangerous area

he should not of been carrying a knife, bring a knife and it will used against you

my two arms are much more deadly than modern firearm and would of persuaded a gun carrying "mafia" thug who has just put a whole street in danger and any friends( this was not clear, as many just walked off when given the chance) of his to step back, give up and hand themselves willingly over to the force's of the law.

how did he know who was good/bad/etc?

he should not get involved

he should of waiting for the cop's ( they took 15 minutes,security did not want to anger a local thai "gangster who I am sure may not of been open to the idea of waiting to shoot anyone

the world is more dangerous with people like that in it

Do you see how each one one of these does not quiet work . I do not think there is an absolute right nor wrong, but simply that of opinion.

What a shame it would be if you were all wrong about the owner of this gym, the theory that it was an advert and that david was law abiding capable professional that many recognized organization's apparently have credited?

Lastly I read of a man who was stabbed by some bouncer's near sukumvit, I bet he wished someone like our friend(s) were around to help and that they did not just let someone else deal with it like you all seem to advocate.

And that they were in possession of those item's , or perhaps a gun ( never thought I would ever say that as I hate the things) so that it had the same affect as it did in the previous incident.

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Straight Dave - As a fellow American, I would like to point out that average American citizens are much more into the gun culture than average citizens in the rest of the world (where the gun culture is mostly reserved for rebels, criminals, military and police verses the closet of a middle class family in America). There are some amazing stats to support this.

In addition, I think many of the foreigners that choose to live here are looking for a peaceful life (i.e. one where you do not feel the need to carry a weapon). I am guessing these are some of the reasons you are seeing so much aggression geared towards your post.

I also see that you are getting pretty defensive just on this casual forum, which doesn't help your claim that you are responsible with your weapons.

Just trying to help clarify, since many American's (no matter how much they 'know' or 'see' of the world) still believe that other cultures think like us.

BTW non American readers: I would just like you to know that there are still a handful of Americans that are NOT addicted to weapons, war and the belief that carrying a weapon is a god given right. I am one of those people and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

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As a martial artist with around 20 years experience I would say do not carry a knife unless you are very skilled in using it otherwise you are likely to end up on the receiving end of it.

I have never felt the need to carry a weapon in Chiang Mai, have been in two silly fights with other Farangs here in 14 years which could of been defused but being young free and stupid at the time ego took over :)

There is no need to carry a weapon in Thailand unless you are living in the area of the southern Insurgency then I recommend a big <deleted> off gun :D

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Is the OP an American or just a 'plastic yank'? He spells 'humour' the British way and uses the British phrase 'number plates'.

My goodness,is that the best you can do?

I suppose you mean English , not British , is not my first language and people who travel often pick up foreign way's of writing and other such influence's.

One friend from the USA will only spell certain words the English way, like through, not thru, etc. How color and colour?

Maybe he is half English, or welsh, maybe a bit of polish. And what difference would that make to the contents of his argument?

Okay, he use's the English way, does that mean all what he say's is invalid? I suppose he could always use spell check.

Why don't we mention his bad spelling as well, oh yes, that can only mean he is a bad person and not American, and for sure, no American a has ever adopted for whatever reason other ways of writing and talking have they?

I suppose one could attend one of his classes ( maybe I should not say that in case I now get accused of advertising for that school- is it really that good that you all have to pull out such ridiculous claims that are not only wild speculation but wholly incorrect and just plain rude ?)

Come see and see for yourself.

I just met Mr Leigh Harris, one of the manager's of that, they all find this highly amusing and welcome you to the classes.

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Straight Dave - As a fellow American, I would like to point out that average American citizens are much more into the gun culture than average citizens in the rest of the world (where the gun culture is mostly reserved for rebels, criminals, military and police verses the closet of a middle class family in America). There are some amazing stats to support this.

In addition, I think many of the foreigners that choose to live here are looking for a peaceful life (i.e. one where you do not feel the need to carry a weapon). I am guessing these are some of the reasons you are seeing so much aggression geared towards your post.

I also see that you are getting pretty defensive just on this casual forum, which doesn't help your claim that you are responsible with your weapons.

Just trying to help clarify, since many American's (no matter how much they 'know' or 'see' of the world) still believe that other cultures think like us.

BTW non American readers: I would just like you to know that there are still a handful of Americans that are NOT addicted to weapons, war and the belief that carrying a weapon is a god given right. I am one of those people and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

I think the main issue is that many of these freedom seeking, gun avocates are ( i wanna say 'barmy' but thats any english expression, so i had better use a more yankee work- how about " nuts")

How can one justify having a full auto and a dozen other pieces at hand

we have gone a bit too far ( wanted to say 'tad")

My buddy pikced me up in a few weeks back and had a shotgun in the boot, a glock on waist belt, a small gun under the seat.

its a little too much

I get defensive when called things

suppose if i had to chose a label it would be a lefty, supported obama, disagreed with bush on almost everything and want our boys outta that mess we helped cause ( but treated like any service man who is only following orders ought to be),

like what you said about war, an old mentor once said to me- nobody wins a war if so much as one person loses their life( can't remeber how it ends)

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I personally do not agree with carrying weapons, I do not think there is any need to feel scared living in Chiang Mai and to suggest to readers living elsewhere that the need to protect yourself here is completely misleeding.

As a women who has lived in England, I have felt more safe here, even late at night on my own in tuk tuks.

If we all carry knives and guns, how many of us would have used them after way too much to drink and an argument, I know I could have shot my Husband a few times!!

I would ask the OP and other readers to read the attached article, too many peoples lives have been wasted by violence; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...ecord-week.html

Maybe the OP could spend more time training in martial arts, so that if someone needed help he could do more restraining then maiming, the tourist police are looking for volunteers, no knives! :)

i have spent a great deal of time training in the arts

but a knife kinda has that ability to warn people away

a person should be able to do both, but you do have valid points

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Is the OP an American or just a 'plastic yank'? He spells 'humour' the British way and uses the British phrase 'number plates'.

My goodness,is that the best you can do?

I suppose you mean English , not British , is not my first language and people who travel often pick up foreign way's of writing and other such influence's.

One friend from the USA will only spell certain words the English way, like through, not thru, etc. How color and colour?

Maybe he is half English, or welsh, maybe a bit of polish. And what difference would that make to the contents of his argument?

Okay, he use's the English way, does that mean all what he say's is invalid? I suppose he could always use spell check.

Why don't we mention his bad spelling as well, oh yes, that can only mean he is a bad person and not American, and for sure, no American a has ever adopted for whatever reason other ways of writing and talking have they?

I suppose one could attend one of his classes ( maybe I should not say that in case I now get accused of advertising for that school- is it really that good that you all have to pull out such ridiculous claims that are not only wild speculation but wholly incorrect and just plain rude ?)

Come see and see for yourself.

I just met Mr Leigh Harris, one of the manager's of that, they all find this highly amusing and welcome you to the classes.

yeah, i have gone from yank to brit to now not existing and can now post at the same time as you from other parts of the place

and thanks for those words

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Doesn't Thailand have of the highest gunshot death per capita rates in the world? You can search past topics but Thailand seems to rank in the top 5 of countries not at war.

I recall the US was ranked about 20th-25th

no shit

is that right, even more reason to ready for anything

what was number 1 ?

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what the heck? whats going on here guys

I just got one post stopped ( about the quakers) and now this

what is wrong with you guys? why is it I seem to have upset you so much

okay to all of you- this will shut you up

you made a statement, but you wanna know what none of you will stick by it

typical of your sort,

come down to the gym where I work out now in the daytime

boxer-rebellion on soi 13 , I teach there,

see if I am a troll, see if I exist, ask to see some proof of anything I have claimed

bangkok is full of wannabee anyone with any knowhow will see through any BS

come see my record, my history, I will not just claim with words, but show much more than that

including mr mod sherlock holmes ( what exactly would be the point of this ?)- if I am a quaker attender!

its that simple really

you know, none of yous will come down, because you are all too scared to see that you are mistaken

thats the kind of mark of you all

I am real suprised by this and the sheer igronance of some of what you say

and I will be even more suprised if any of you shows that your a man and sticks to your claim and trys to check thing out

I guess thats it, won't be hearing no more

any chance we get back to my question

if you do not agree, fine, why be rude?

WHAT is this foolishness doing in the Chiang Mai Forum??

To the OP, I find myself totally embarrassed that you may actually be a fellow American.

And no, I am not one of your "wannabee's" or "you all's" who run and hide but an American veteran of some 18 months of full-on combat experience.

I could, like you, wave my awards and medals but everyone knows that such behavior smacks of raging insecurity about who you are today and what you have become..

You are hawking your heroism and bravery in possibly one of the most peaceful places on this planet yet wonder why other posters wonder what you are on about?

Do you really not have a clue?

I do agree with you about the whole American "we are the saviors of the world" and the armed-to-the-teeth right-wing nuts but then, here you are,

claiming to be some kind of street savior with some lord-given right to weaponize yourself and determine who are the good-guys/bad-guys in a country that is not even your own??

Ahh, ain't American arrogance grand? :)

I have been traveling all around this world for many decades, have resided in CM now for eight years and am certainly aware that there are dangers everywhere in the world but feel no need whatsoever to arm myself in this lovely and peaceful town.

Someone earlier posted about eyes, ears and brain and I totally agree. While you seem to seek/expect violence (and will therefore find it),

most of us are careful about who we hang out with and where we hang out.

But please do not get me wrong - this combat vet don't run..

I have to also agree with the above posts about your serious need for further PTSD counseling. I have done mine and I sense that your's is not nearly finished by any stretch of the imagination.

I would also strongly suggest that you consider exploring your educational opportunities since your command of your own native language seems severely limited.

I wish you all the best but feel less safe in Thailand knowing that you are wandering our streets, knife-man...

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what the heck? whats going on here guys

I just got one post stopped ( about the quakers) and now this

what is wrong with you guys? why is it I seem to have upset you so much

okay to all of you- this will shut you up

you made a statement, but you wanna know what none of you will stick by it

typical of your sort,

come down to the gym where I work out now in the daytime

boxer-rebellion on soi 13 , I teach there,

see if I am a troll, see if I exist, ask to see some proof of anything I have claimed

bangkok is full of wannabee anyone with any knowhow will see through any BS

come see my record, my history, I will not just claim with words, but show much more than that

including mr mod sherlock holmes ( what exactly would be the point of this ?)- if I am a quaker attender!

its that simple really

you know, none of yous will come down, because you are all too scared to see that you are mistaken

thats the kind of mark of you all

I am real suprised by this and the sheer igronance of some of what you say

and I will be even more suprised if any of you shows that your a man and sticks to your claim and trys to check thing out

I guess thats it, won't be hearing no more

any chance we get back to my question

if you do not agree, fine, why be rude?

WHAT is this foolishness doing in the Chiang Mai Forum??

To the OP, I find myself totally embarrassed that you may actually be a fellow American.

And no, I am not one of your "wannabee's" or "you all's" who run and hide but an American veteran of some 18 months of full-on combat experience.

I could, like you, wave my awards and medals but everyone knows that such behavior smacks of raging insecurity about who you are today and what you have become..

You are hawking your heroism and bravery in possibly one of the most peaceful places on this planet yet wonder why other posters wonder what you are on about?

Do you really not have a clue?

I do agree with you about the whole American "we are the saviors of the world" and the armed-to-the-teeth right-wing nuts but then, here you are,

claiming to be some kind of street savior with some lord-given right to weaponize yourself and determine who are the good-guys/bad-guys in a country that is not even your own??

Ahh, ain't American arrogance grand? :)

I have been traveling all around this world for many decades, have resided in CM now for eight years and am certainly aware that there are dangers everywhere in the world but feel no need whatsoever to arm myself in this lovely and peaceful town.

Someone earlier posted about eyes, ears and brain and I totally agree. While you seem to seek/expect violence (and will therefore find it),

most of us are careful about who we hang out with and where we hang out.

But please do not get me wrong - this combat vet don't run..

I have to also agree with the above posts about your serious need for further PTSD counseling. I have done mine and I sense that your's is not nearly finished by any stretch of the imagination.

I would also strongly suggest that you consider exploring your educational opportunities since your command of your own native language seems severely limited.

I wish you all the best but feel less safe in Thailand knowing that you are wandering our streets, knife-man...

That really is off mark.

Are you not now boasting too? " this combat vet does'nt run " " I seen plenty of action. Hup hup hup. Good man, we're proud of you. What machismo!

You know david never said such thing's. Not that I can see. But you have. Oh dear.

And you were not even required to!

Doesn't run or cannot? I thought you people had to do quite a bit of that,

Oh dear, that smack's of the whole lameness .

I did not see any boast's, so how is that for command of the language ? Was he not just someone defending against an allegation. Or can he not do that?

You even revert to insult's probably because you subconsciously know how weak your argument is.

Well, the whole thing is getting a bit crazy.

Someone ask's a polite question and is insulted by Mr "I have combat experience and medal's, but listen, do not talk about them.....!!!

and do not boast about this" ever considered stand up comedy?

That really is a joke my friend. And it's on you.

And Mr conclude if you will that Bob and David are the same person(s) despite then people being on at the same time! And david being up on youtube, plus and open invite to come and see for one's own.

Yes, the street's must be safer, after all at least David can run!

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Let me get this straight. You got some guy who has some kind of fighting/weapons skill that he also teaches and he's spreading the word about it. He lives and works in Bangkok but is in the Chiang Mai forum suggesting everyone "come on down and see for yourself".

I didn't see anyone doubting his "skill". only the appropriateness of flaunting it and flogging it here. Also people disagreed about the innate dangers that are prevalent here for an aware person. The OP then becomes defensive and sees "enemies" everywhere. No wonder he thinks he needs a weapon if this tiny thread is any indication of how he lives his life.

Anyhow, this Eagle Scout :) likes to think he would help where he could, run when that seems the appropriate thing to do, and consult his phonebook of far more influential persons than himself, if time allows.

Edited by lannarebirth
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