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Tried to go to 2Bangkok.com this morning and got the following:


The web site you are accessing has been blocked by the requested of The Communication Authority of Thailand.

For more information please contact:

The Communications Authority Of Thailand,

99 Moo 3 Chaeng Watana Road, Thung Song Hong, Laksi, Bangkok 10002

This site is not usually politically controversially, with perhaps the occasional mild criticism of the government; and certainly wouldn't be viewed as sexually offensive.

What's that all about, anyone know?

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Yep, I was just preparing for my daily dose of 2bangkok and got the same message.

The site usually contains a good range of material from the local press that is not normally accessible to those that cannot read Thai - maybe that is what has got CAT so worried :D

If it's an April fool, then its a bit of a strange one.... :o

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Yeah, looks like a prank.

It's not a divert off to another web server owing to the domain name, which is what happens when you try to access genuine blocked content.

Try this:


Works fine.

Looks like the webmaster has simply changed the main page to the one you're seeing now.

Still, it got us wound up. Good one!

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They are either hacked or it's done by the 2bangkok.com webmaster. Looks like only the first page is changed.

I've found a couple of the pages blocked, but the forum and others work fine.

If the webmaster had updated the main page and made a mistake, you would get a "404" error, not a message from the C.A.T.

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The 2bangkok.com index page is still blocked. If it's not an April Fool's joke then it's been hacked. This has happened to other local sites hosted overseas.

If it's a joke, and I hope it is, then it's gone on for long enough. Hasn't it, Ron? :o

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Cut n pasted from the now "open" website... A very poignant april fools joke in my opinio to point up the whole issue of blocked sites in Thailand. Good one there, Mr. Ron.

New 'Who took my 2Bangkok.com?' - April 2, 2005

No, we have not finally been blocked. It was April Fools Day... but thanks to all those who wrote in expressing support and offering to help! A thread on the 'blocking' is here.

Above and below are screens one gets when trying to access a blocked site from within Thailand. Recently, some blocked sites are being forwarded directly to the Royal Thai Police website (second screen below

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April Fools! I'd been planning that for year.

Thanks for your concern. Over 300 people (and still counting) wrote in expressing sympathy and support and our phones were ringing all day long. I never thought that many people would notice and take the time to let me know how they feel. I do appreciate it.

The main page is back up with some screenshots of what you get when you try to access blocked pages from within Thailand.

Best regards and thanks for reading,

Ron Morris

555555555 We've bin had :o:D

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