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Lousy Neighbour


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If there are multiple problems of neighbours burning things which in one form or another annoy you - the obvious investment to make would be in a hose pipe....

and what do you think thais would do if you used your hosepipe??

perhaps you'd like to try the experiment and let us know what they did in retribution.

the only way is to talk to them and get the neighbours on your side and they may have a word

The old hosepipe filled with lead trick .... works wonders. (Doesn't do his head any good though ... you just feel better for doing it).

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Better than living in shoe I suppose...

...we dreamed of living in a shoe, there was sixteen of us sharing a hole in the road, nothing to eat but cold gravel...

And did you walk 5 km to school no matter what the weather? :)

Still don't know where the notion of burning husks is a "proven" method. Might as well burn tires too. Smoke is smoke.

I don't know why folks are beating up on the OP. It's a legit concern. He's stuck living next to the nimrod. Telling him to suck it up really isn't too helpful. If he posted it's because he has a worry.

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post-46475-1256565787_thumb.jpg thanking you all the the reply's

even the one's taking the piss

i have lived in thailand over 20 years

i do not live in the sticks

a city

what i was looking for was

what to do about it

the thais around will not complain they just shut doors windows and moan to them selves mumbling to afraid to say anything

or should i put it another way

what would you do

Edited by bedbugy
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I'd pack up my shoe and move.

It depends on your situation. In the past I have asked neighbours to stop burning rubbish near my house, particularly plastic, and they've agreed. If the guy absolutely refused to stop doing it you'd have to choose confrontation, or suffer in doors. You could try finding out why he's doing it, is it to keep mosquitos away, or is it just to get rid of them? Personally, I'd get the village headman to have a word with him, not much use if you're in a city, although you could try the district office. If the guy was being a total b'stard I'd drop a few hints to the hired help and let them deal with it. If you don't have any hired help you could try the other neighbours.

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I'd pack up my shoe and move.

It depends on your situation. In the past I have asked neighbours to stop burning rubbish near my house, particularly plastic, and they've agreed. If the guy absolutely refused to stop doing it you'd have to choose confrontation, or suffer in doors. You could try finding out why he's doing it, is it to keep mosquitos away, or is it just to get rid of them? Personally, I'd get the village headman to have a word with him, not much use if you're in a city, although you could try the district office. If the guy was being a total b'stard I'd drop a few hints to the hired help and let them deal with it. If you don't have any hired help you could try the other neighbours.

Exactly, as I said

Bodypaul is living in cloud cuckoo land.

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Why do posters on this forum keep suggesting the easy way out "If you can't beat 'em , join 'em " , why do farang always have to lower their standards , think it makes you more like a Thai ? Suggest you buy a pair of those old-fashioned pants with the emergency flap in the rear , make it as easy as possible for them EH ?

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And to think back home in the states I could just call the police to stop the neighbor's barking dog, which they would gladly do.

Many westerners need to be able to control their immediate environment as much as possible to be able to cope here. Like living in a quiet westernized hi-rise condo for instance.

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what would you do

Well we appear to have concluded that said person is burning the coconut husks as there is a perception or a reality that it keeps the mozzies away, therefore I would buy said person one or more of the mozzie machines with a year or two's supply of mats and go and talk him and say, you had noticed he was burning coconuts to keep the mozzies away, yes it works, but this machine works even better and give him the mozzie machine and mats...small cost you...

Everybody saves face, and you dont get the stench of burning coconuts...problem solved....if he carries on burning husks then I would the hose pipe out... :)

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what would you do

Well we appear to have concluded that said person is burning the coconut husks as there is a perception or a reality that it keeps the mozzies away, therefore I would buy said person one or more of the mozzie machines with a year or two's supply of mats and go and talk him and say, you had noticed he was burning coconuts to keep the mozzies away, yes it works, but this machine works even better and give him the mozzie machine and mats...small cost you...

Everybody saves face, and you dont get the stench of burning coconuts...problem solved....if he carries on burning husks then I would the hose pipe out... :)

The best reply, it wins the prize :D

Edited by skipvice
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We have some decent sized (2 meter wide blade span) industrial fans at our factory that could do the job, might be able to find something more portable but still high powered at Home Pro. Anytime he burns anything, just light up your fans, actually creates a pretty strong breeze, although I'm not sure if your other neighbors would appreciate you 'playing God/weather controller' with the wind or not. If all of your neighbors adopt similar 'brute force' methods, he'll figure it out when the smoke mostly lingers around his house in a little vortex of lung cancer.


Edited by Heng
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We have some decent sized (2 meter wide blade span) industrial fans at our factory that could do the job, might be able to find something more portable but still high powered at Home Pro. Anytime he burns anything, just light up your fans, actually creates a pretty strong breeze, although I'm not sure if your other neighbors would appreciate you 'playing God/weather controller' with the wind or not. If all of your neighbors adopt similar 'brute force' methods, he'll figure it out when the smoke mostly lingers around his house in a little vortex of lung cancer.


Heng you always make my day... your humor is simular to mine. Have a nice day you just made my day a lil more humorous.

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I lived in a crate that Heng provided, but the rent was too high so I moved back to my cardboard box. I steal leftover rice from the soi dogs, though, so it isn't too bad.

What I have found is that very few Thais are graceful about being told how to behave on their own property, even if reflexively they wouldn't like others living near them to behave that way. Nothing you can do except move- that's one reason choosing neighbors and living locations VERY carefully is important...

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Better than living in shoe I suppose...

...we dreamed of living in a shoe, there was sixteen of us sharing a hole in the road, nothing to eat but cold gravel...

cold gravel . . . . . . . . was a luxury in my day :D

Same me If i got a good hiding before i went to bed it was a luxury. :)

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what would you do

Well we appear to have concluded that said person is burning the coconut husks as there is a perception or a reality that it keeps the mozzies away, therefore I would buy said person one or more of the mozzie machines with a year or two's supply of mats and go and talk him and say, you had noticed he was burning coconuts to keep the mozzies away, yes it works, but this machine works even better and give him the mozzie machine and mats...small cost you...

Everybody saves face, and you dont get the stench of burning coconuts...problem solved....if he carries on burning husks then I would the hose pipe out... :)

Who pays the Electric bill , remember they are poor

The best reply, it wins the prize :D

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I lived in a crate that Heng provided, but the rent was too high so I moved back to my cardboard box. I steal leftover rice from the soi dogs, though, so it isn't too bad.

What I have found is that very few Thais are graceful about being told how to behave on their own property, even if reflexively they wouldn't like others living near them to behave that way. Nothing you can do except move- that's one reason choosing neighbors and living locations VERY carefully is important...

Probably the best in the end, Steve. Nothing is more damaging to the soul than living in a crate you can't really afford.

As opposed to westerners who are always gracious when being told how to behave on their property?


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What I have found is that very few Thais are graceful about being told how to behave on their own property, even if reflexively they wouldn't like others living near them to behave that way. Nothing you can do except move- that's one reason choosing neighbors and living locations VERY carefully is important...

The only place to be quiet safe from neighboring activities would be owning a huge property with a house right in the middle. Or a penthouse on a high rise.

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Perhaps the guy could get a tad more civilised and come into the present day , like put mosquito screens on his windows , beats destroying his and his neighbours lungs , goes for all the daily garbage burners also .

Ahh but if he did that, then those posts lamenting air quality wouldn't make their annual appearance as people start choking on air particulate and complaining about air quality. :D There are better ways to discourage mosquitos. You know, stuff like removing the stagnant water collection points from the yards.

You don't understand Thai culture :)

(Sorry, couldn't resist...)

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I lived in a crate that Heng provided, but the rent was too high so I moved back to my cardboard box. I steal leftover rice from the soi dogs, though, so it isn't too bad.

What I have found is that very few Thais are graceful about being told how to behave on their own property, even if reflexively they wouldn't like others living near them to behave that way. Nothing you can do except move- that's one reason choosing neighbors and living locations VERY carefully is important...

Probably the best in the end, Steve. Nothing is more damaging to the soul than living in a crate you can't really afford.

As opposed to westerners who are always gracious when being told how to behave on their property?


Yes im real gracious if my neighbors complain me i salute them with my middle finger. Just joking there are enough low class westerners around. But i must say that in general there are more rules in the west about what you can and cant do on your property if it damages others.

How much did you charge for the crate Heng you old highway robber :D

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I lived in a crate that Heng provided, but the rent was too high so I moved back to my cardboard box. I steal leftover rice from the soi dogs, though, so it isn't too bad.

What I have found is that very few Thais are graceful about being told how to behave on their own property, even if reflexively they wouldn't like others living near them to behave that way. Nothing you can do except move- that's one reason choosing neighbors and living locations VERY carefully is important...

Probably the best in the end, Steve. Nothing is more damaging to the soul than living in a crate you can't really afford.

As opposed to westerners who are always gracious when being told how to behave on their property?


Yes im real gracious if my neighbors complain me i salute them with my middle finger. Just joking there are enough low class westerners around. But i must say that in general there are more rules in the west about what you can and cant do on your property if it damages others.

How much did you charge for the crate Heng you old highway robber :D

Like a lot of things, it's easy to cherry pick what one likes and doesn't like. If we had all of the rules and enforcement of back home, there would be plenty of folks who wouldn't want to live here. I've vaguely smelled smoke wafting through my property before, even in my places that are 20+ floors up, I don't like it either. I'd be happy if everyone had to own their own private mini-incinerator, if there were $2000 on the spot fines for littering, if car registration taxes were multiplied 10 fold to clean up the city air a bit, etc. You want rules, if I were PM, we'd have crazy rules.


Edited by Heng
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I guess I really shouldn't reply to this discussion. Today I burnt a whole pile of leaves and brush and it was smoking for hours. I should-ah taken a photo. :):D

I :D sure hope u checked the neighbours washing and windows were open first then threw on an old tyre for added zest?? Dont forget to belt out on your hi fi some thud thud Thai music to alert the locals to this fire.

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I lived in a crate that Heng provided, but the rent was too high so I moved back to my cardboard box. I steal leftover rice from the soi dogs, though, so it isn't too bad.

What I have found is that very few Thais are graceful about being told how to behave on their own property, even if reflexively they wouldn't like others living near them to behave that way. Nothing you can do except move- that's one reason choosing neighbors and living locations VERY carefully is important...

Probably the best in the end, Steve. Nothing is more damaging to the soul than living in a crate you can't really afford.

As opposed to westerners who are always gracious when being told how to behave on their property?


Yes im real gracious if my neighbors complain me i salute them with my middle finger. Just joking there are enough low class westerners around. But i must say that in general there are more rules in the west about what you can and cant do on your property if it damages others.

How much did you charge for the crate Heng you old highway robber :D

Like a lot of things, it's easy to cherry pick what one likes and doesn't like. If we had all of the rules and enforcement of back home, there would be plenty of folks who wouldn't want to live here. I've vaguely smelled smoke wafting through my property before, even in my places that are 20+ floors up, I don't like it either. I'd be happy if everyone had to own their own private mini-incinerator, if there were $2000 on the spot fines for littering, if car registration taxes were multiplied 10 fold to clean up the city air a bit, etc. You want rules, if I were PM, we'd have crazy rules.


Heng you hit the nail on its head, its true there are too many rules in the west and its easy to want just what is good. I want a mix of Thailand and the west but i rather have Thailand the way it is then that it changes completely to be like it is in the west.

I have smelled smoke in my home at times, but it happens rarely so i don't really care about it. I like it here with its good and bad things that does not mean i don't complain about bad things.

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Better than living in shoe I suppose...

...we dreamed of living in a shoe, there was sixteen of us sharing a hole in the road, nothing to eat but cold gravel...

Cold gravel! COLD GRAVEL! Bloody luxury! My mum used to stick her fingers down her throat and vomit to give us a hot meal during winter.

My dad gave me an empty shoebox for Christmas and told me it was an Action Man deserter.

etc. etc.

Please don't describe any more of your familys activities, in most civilised countries there are laws restricting that sort of behaviour :)

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post-46475-1256565787_thumb.jpg thanking you all the the reply's

even the one's taking the piss

i have lived in thailand over 20 years

i do not live in the sticks

a city

what i was looking for was

what to do about it

the thais around will not complain they just shut doors windows and moan to them selves mumbling to afraid to say anything

or should i put it another way

what would you do

Perhaps you could adopt the "if you can't beat em, join em" option. Start burning cow dung or something repulsive in your front yard. Soon you will long for the smell of them burning coconut shells :)

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Better than living in shoe I suppose...

...we dreamed of living in a shoe, there was sixteen of us sharing a hole in the road, nothing to eat but cold gravel...

Cold gravel! COLD GRAVEL! Bloody luxury! My mum used to stick her fingers down her throat and vomit to give us a hot meal during winter.

My dad gave me an empty shoebox for Christmas and told me it was an Action Man deserter.

etc. etc.

Please don't describe any more of your familys activities, in most civilised countries there are laws restricting that sort of behaviour :D


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Perhaps the guy could get a tad more civilised and come into the present day , like put mosquito screens on his windows , beats destroying his and his neighbours lungs , goes for all the daily garbage burners also .

You cannot change Thailand to be like the UK or USA

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