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The Easy Way To Test Your Future Prospective Thai Wife


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And of course it is against most banks regulations to give your PIN to another person.....

People do test each other out prior to entering an exclusive relationship, Most of us dont do to it to a formula as what is important for one person is not as important to another.

Like the guys who hire PI's to check on their girls.....if you need to do that or feel you need to subject the girls to tests....then you obviously dont trust them to start with.....If you dont trust them, how can you contemplate a relationship with them.

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And of course it is against most banks regulations to give your PIN to another person.....

People do test each other out prior to entering an exclusive relationship, Most of us dont do to it to a formula as what is important for one person is not as important to another.

Like the guys who hire PI's to check on their girls.....if you need to do that or feel you need to subject the girls to tests....then you obviously dont trust them to start with.....If you dont trust them, how can you contemplate a relationship with them.

Well put.

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Heres my point - if you were a Brit in the UK, a German in Germany, and Frenchman in France, and American in the USA, a Swede in Sweden ... etc etc .... would you write what the OP wrote in respect of how to "test" a potential partner in one of those countries .....?

No, you wouldn't

I do not agree with the OP's post; however, in all fairness, I have read pretty much the exact same "advice" to men in other countries to include the USA (American men seeking to marry an American woman.)

of course you would not, why?? simple..because there are not blogs like this one where so many farang men complain of being taken,ripped off, etc. by a Thai lady. I believe the VAST majority of thai women are good women, but farang seem TOO OFTEN to end up with ones that victimize them more frequently than should happen i would allege.i have ideas why this happens so much in LOS, but that is not the point. the point is to simply tell a true story in order to possibly help one person before they do what i did in the past before i decided to have a mental "list"..go for the first attractive one and concomitantly OFTEN pay the consequences..hence another "victim" to tell another story of being "victimized" It SEEMS to happen more in LOS than in the countries you described, but perhaps its just they get REPORTED more on thai visa

Cheers for that cognos. What you wrote here is partly why I wrote the post "Thai Wife - Is Your Girlfriend The One?"

I was hoping that the discussion would lead to a root cause and to point that out to the falang men who end up on here on the "scammed" list. We are almost there...

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Heres my point - if you were a Brit in the UK, a German in Germany, and Frenchman in France, and American in the USA, a Swede in Sweden ... etc etc .... would you write what the OP wrote in respect of how to "test" a potential partner in one of those countries .....?

No, you wouldn't

I do not agree with the OP's post; however, in all fairness, I have read pretty much the exact same "advice" to men in other countries to include the USA (American men seeking to marry an American woman.)

of course you would not, why?? simple..because there are not blogs like this one where so many farang men complain of being taken,ripped off, etc. by a Thai lady. I believe the VAST majority of thai women are good women, but farang seem TOO OFTEN to end up with ones that victimize them more frequently than should happen i would allege.i have ideas why this happens so much in LOS, but that is not the point. the point is to simply tell a true story in order to possibly help one person before they do what i did in the past before i decided to have a mental "list"..go for the first attractive one and concomitantly OFTEN pay the consequences..hence another "victim" to tell another story of being "victimized" It SEEMS to happen more in LOS than in the countries you described, but perhaps its just they get REPORTED more on thai visa

Cheers for that cognos. What you wrote here is partly why I wrote the post "Thai Wife - Is Your Girlfriend The One?"

I was hoping that the discussion would lead to a root cause and to point that out to the falang men who end up on here on the "scammed" list. We are almost there...

Jesus, the bugger is over here now. Take cover everyone

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I don't visit the bars and other night life venues too often but from my experiences of Farangs during daylight hours, it isn't a shocker they find themselves with money grabbers. A simple course on common courtesy might help some of these hopeless men find a nice woman. A nice start would be to stop speaking down to your woman in public.

Hmm, playing silly games and testing them probably isn't going to land you Mrs. Right.

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I don't visit the bars and other night life venues too often but from my experiences of Farangs during daylight hours, it isn't a shocker they find themselves with money grabbers. A simple course on common courtesy might help some of these hopeless men find a nice woman. A nice start would be to stop speaking down to your woman in public.

I totally agree, although having just spent the weekend in Pattaya and a night out last night in Bangkok witnessing some of the most charmless men the West has to offer may have coloured my opinion right now.

Does Thailand attract these sort of men or were they once civilised but many years being spoiled and having their egos overinflated in Thailand creates and corrupts them? I rarely see anyone back in the UK talk or treat anyone the way I daily see Thais getting treated by lowlife farangs.

I'm not saying that all farangs here are lowlifes, but all the lowlifes I see are farangs.

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And of course it is against most banks regulations to give your PIN to another person.....

People do test each other out prior to entering an exclusive relationship, Most of us dont do to it to a formula as what is important for one person is not as important to another.

Like the guys who hire PI's to check on their girls.....if you need to do that or feel you need to subject the girls to tests....then you obviously dont trust them to start with.....If you dont trust them, how can you contemplate a relationship with them.

i have a good bank manager..a thai friend did the same thing for her son in BKK, it can and is done..rules are not written in stone, although you are generally correct about PIN numbers. i trusted her, but just in case, i only kept about 60 000 baht ($2000 CDN) in the account until I knew her better) after several months, I did not keep a limit in the account, and she did not rip me off

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I don't visit the bars and other night life venues too often but from my experiences of Farangs during daylight hours, it isn't a shocker they find themselves with money grabbers. A simple course on common courtesy might help some of these hopeless men find a nice woman. A nice start would be to stop speaking down to your woman in public.

I totally agree, although having just spent the weekend in Pattaya and a night out last night in Bangkok witnessing some of the most charmless men the West has to offer may have coloured my opinion right now.

Does Thailand attract these sort of men or were they once civilised but many years being spoiled and having their egos overinflated in Thailand creates and corrupts them? I rarely see anyone back in the UK talk or treat anyone the way I daily see Thais getting treated by lowlife farangs.

I'm not saying that all farangs here are lowlifes, but all the lowlifes I see are farangs.

And you think the women they meet are any better?? Let's face it, that sort of man meets that sort of woman - full stop.

How many farang men do you know that didn't meet their wife (gf) in a bar?? :)They deserve each other!

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To: Happy Thai life..I am glad you have that..To answer your queries: 1. i did not literally write down a shopping list..just a general plan( if you fail to plan, you may be planning to fail inadvertantly or otherwise)

2.not 2 or 3 dates, 2 or 3 times to thailand..in my case we were together a total of 6 months every day over a 3 trip period, as i mentioned previously

a. 15 years younger mate ( not 30)

b. i do not believe she will take off after she has the passport, but time will tell ..note re: c: many hope she will, to reinforce the self-fulfilled prophesy that my relationship with her is not genuine..we will see mate

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to F1 fantastic; you hit the proverbial nail square on the head mate.. i did not seek out a bg for a mate, like many (most?) farangs seem to. That is the WHOLE crux of the problem... as UK MATT alludes to..go to to any bar in Patong, Pattaya, Nana, etc.. and observe the lowest common denominator of farangs at play..its disgusting, but it is the reality of LOS .. NO WONDER the bg's end up so JADED

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To: Happy Thai life..I am glad you have that..To answer your queries: 1. i did not literally write down a shopping list..just a general plan( if you fail to plan, you may be planning to fail inadvertantly or otherwise)

2.not 2 or 3 dates, 2 or 3 times to thailand..in my case we were together a total of 6 months every day over a 3 trip period, as i mentioned previously

a. 15 years younger mate ( not 30)

b. i do not believe she will take off after she has the passport, but time will tell ..note re: c: many hope she will, to reinforce the self-fulfilled prophesy that my relationship with her is not genuine..we will see mate

Cognos - Cheers for the reply, much appreciated, and good on ya for answering in that manner. Apologies if I sounded a bit gruff.

It seems like you have done your homework and took it quite slow at the beginning. Very good.

15 yrs younger... I'm not one for stereotyping age differences myself so no comment there; some say that if you take the age of the woman, divide it by 2, and add 7 years...that is a good age difference. Me? I'm not sure...there is 10 yrs between myself and my missus and I honestly don't have any issue with that; nor does she. She works with falang and compares me to them but, hey, most women compare...

I hear ya...hope she doesn't do a runner once the passport arrives; if she gets into Canada society, possibly she will "change" a bit but still realise that she is in her new home now and won't feel like she needs to return to thailand. Some say "you can never return home" because your expectations of home are never returned or realised. Maybe a trip back the odd time?

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to Happy Thai life..she has been in Canada now 2 months: I introduced her to some Thai ladies from the church i occasionally go to..she has bonded mak mak with 2 of them..one( Song is her name) lives 2 blocks from my work (her husband is in LOS with a mia Noi, pity that) so i drop the wife off 1 or 2 times a week in the morning, as her new friend works only part time..so far so good, and I quit drinking and smoking pot, so the wife was REAL happy about that. i have told her if she gets lonely she could go back to LOS for a month or 2 or more when i am working ( she has 6 sisters and she is close to all of them), but she says she wants to wait until next summer when we will go there for 2 months. Shes got me renovating the house like crazy, but thats good too...

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to Happy Thai life..she has been in Canada now 2 months: I introduced her to some Thai ladies from the church i occasionally go to..she has bonded mak mak with 2 of them..one( Song is her name) lives 2 blocks from my work (her husband is in LOS with a mia Noi, pity that) so i drop the wife off 1 or 2 times a week in the morning, as her new friend works only part time..so far so good, and I quit drinking and smoking pot, so the wife was REAL happy about that. i have told her if she gets lonely she could go back to LOS for a month or 2 or more when i am working ( she has 6 sisters and she is close to all of them), but she says she wants to wait until next summer when we will go there for 2 months. Shes got me renovating the house like crazy, but thats good too...

Is this the Hi So wife from the middle to upper class family from Phuket consisting of slightly rich to enormously rich ?

If it isn't mate you must be slacking, cos most members of this forum have Thai Chinese wives from very powerful families.

I can't understand why you would have any problems, given your past posts, everything seemed perfect, what went wrong ?

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i don't know the answer, and it begs the question, but that is for another thread i will not bother to write.

Oh, go on please, I've only lived here since 1990, I could do with an experienced view.

I really appreciate your input, it's certainly made me sit up, or wake up.

I kicked my Missus out this morning just in case she was in for the long term scam ! She protested, she held up my child and asked how could I be so heartless, I logged into ThaiVisa, pointed out a few threads to her saying what a bad person she was, because she's Thai and these threads were written by Farangs, and Farangs are right, right ?

Us Farangs can't take any chances, cos we all know that all Thais are out to get us....

Any discount one way fares back to UK ?

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Sad, if a man feel the need to "test" his prospective wife, whatever nationality she is. If the trust isn't there from the beginning, how can it ever be more than only "prospective"?

Keep your eyes open shure is a good thing, but from that to check her every move day and night?

If a man have to test her past history down to the smallest detail, honesty, etc, isn't it doomed from day 1?

Divorce rate are high worldwide, whatever nationality you choose.

Sorry Dr.Ruth, I dont buy your reasoning for starting this topic.

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to Happy Thai life..she has been in Canada now 2 months: I introduced her to some Thai ladies from the church i occasionally go to..she has bonded mak mak with 2 of them..one( Song is her name) lives 2 blocks from my work (her husband is in LOS with a mia Noi, pity that) so i drop the wife off 1 or 2 times a week in the morning, as her new friend works only part time..so far so good, and I quit drinking and smoking pot, so the wife was REAL happy about that. i have told her if she gets lonely she could go back to LOS for a month or 2 or more when i am working ( she has 6 sisters and she is close to all of them), but she says she wants to wait until next summer when we will go there for 2 months. Shes got me renovating the house like crazy, but thats good too...

Is this the Hi So wife from the middle to upper class family from Phuket consisting of slightly rich to enormously rich ?

If it isn't mate you must be slacking, cos most members of this forum have Thai Chinese wives from very powerful families.

I can't understand why you would have any problems, given your past posts, everything seemed perfect, what went wrong ?

Maigo6 - Ouch! I don't agree what you said in regards to rich or many in this forum have powerful families... wow, everything you mention relates to wealth. Read this:


I don't think anything has gone wrong mate...you've interpreted that incorrectly. He is now trying to keep her happy in her new foreign land home...a challenge that.

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i don't know the answer, and it begs the question, but that is for another thread i will not bother to write.

Oh, go on please, I've only lived here since 1990, I could do with an experienced view.

I really appreciate your input, it's certainly made me sit up, or wake up.

I kicked my Missus out this morning just in case she was in for the long term scam ! She protested, she held up my child and asked how could I be so heartless, I logged into ThaiVisa, pointed out a few threads to her saying what a bad person she was, because she's Thai and these threads were written by Farangs, and Farangs are right, right ?

Us Farangs can't take any chances, cos we all know that all Thais are out to get us....

Any discount one way fares back to UK ?

Maigo6 - hmmmm, not sure I believe this... I reckon you are making this crap up.

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Sad, if a man feel the need to "test" his prospective wife, whatever nationality she is. If the trust isn't there from the beginning, how can it ever be more than only "prospective"?

Keep your eyes open shure is a good thing, but from that to check her every move day and night?

If a man have to test her past history down to the smallest detail, honesty, etc, isn't it doomed from day 1?

Divorce rate are high worldwide, whatever nationality you choose.

Sorry Dr.Ruth, I dont buy your reasoning for starting this topic.

Agree with all mate.

He didn't mention check her every move day and night.

He started this topic as it is a forum, an open forum, simply. Check this one out:


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Maigo 6..ya, she is from a well off thai chinese family, but so what? I know you ain't jealous, so I am not sure what your point is mate

No, I'm jealous, really. :D

Everytime a poster here tells me of his Thai Chinese wife from an influential family who is 25 years younger than him and just threw herself at him at the gates of Harvard University, I look at myself and wonder where I went wrong.

I wish I was you. :):D

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Yeah right. I have met countless amounts of lieing cheating moron old guys. They are usually worse then young guys because they have been burned so many times in their old age. I think Thai girls eventually figure that out.

You probably have no idea what it is like being a lean strong young farang guy in Thailand. The girls die for us and I am not talking about Pattaya. Like I said, I had 82 replies on my Thailovelinks account in one day and I am 25, It almost crashed my email.

He was talking about Thai guys. As we do live in Thailand. So the Thai girls in most cases has had a Thai boyfriend before they meet you. Or surf online.

And don't be such a drama-queen. Almost crashed your email? Time to get a new email provider.

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Maigo 6..ya, she is from a well off thai chinese family, but so what? I know you ain't jealous, so I am not sure what your point is mate

No, I'm jealous, really. :D

Everytime a poster here tells me of his Thai Chinese wife from an influential family who is 25 years younger than him and just threw herself at him at the gates of Harvard University, I look at myself and wonder where I went wrong.

I wish I was you. :):D

Honestly you don't..she's only 14.5 years younger..the standard seems to be 30 years younger..so remember..imitation is the sincerest form of flattery..so no need to imitate me

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Start the day by announcing what you intend to do in 5 short sentences of pure English.

If it takes longer than 2 minutes for her to understand, either learn to speak Thai, or get her to learn to speak and understand English properly.

If it infuriates you that she can't understand what you have just told her and neither of you show any inclination to learnt to talk to one another, think again.

My entire experience of people who have unsuccessful marriages in Asia is that the two people often don't even understand what the other wants, feels, thinks, from day to day. If you can't even tell your wife that you are going to buy eggs and would she want you to get something else whilst you are at the supermarket, what hope do you have of expressing yourself about how you feel?

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Start the day by announcing what you intend to do in 5 short sentences of pure English.

If it takes longer than 2 minutes for her to understand, either learn to speak Thai, or get her to learn to speak and understand English properly.

If it infuriates you that she can't understand what you have just told her and neither of you show any inclination to learnt to talk to one another, think again.

My entire experience of people who have unsuccessful marriages in Asia is that the two people often don't even understand what the other wants, feels, thinks, from day to day. If you can't even tell your wife that you are going to buy eggs and would she want you to get something else whilst you are at the supermarket, what hope do you have of expressing yourself about how you feel?

I feel with my hands..but joking aside, you are astute in your observation. Communication ( being able to effectively express your feelings and emotions) between 2 people is probably at the heart of all good relationships.. the flip side is a lack of communication, which is probably at the heart of most difficulties in relationships, in LOS and everywhere else

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Like the guys who hire PI's to check on their girls.....if you need to do that or feel you need to subject the girls to tests....then you obviously dont trust them to start with.....If you dont trust them, how can you contemplate a relationship with them.

Excessive caution?

With all the advice not to trust Thai girls, is it surprising that some feel they should be extremely cautious?

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Like the guys who hire PI's to check on their girls.....if you need to do that or feel you need to subject the girls to tests....then you obviously dont trust them to start with.....If you dont trust them, how can you contemplate a relationship with them.

Excessive caution?

With all the advice not to trust Thai girls, is it surprising that some feel they should be extremely cautious?

..of course you can trust most Thai girls..probably the same % as anywhere..perhaps its the TYPE of Thai girls that many farang seem to prefer..from a very small pool out of the total.

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wow, it is interesting to read these posts. The different opinions certainly show what kind of thinking is out there...

To me, different countries or cultures make no real difference; there are difficulties, yes, but honestly I believe that the original common ground is important, the family element, our environments that we were brought up in (meaning parents), our morals, ethics, abilities, respect, trust and compassion...those are the things that are important...those are the things that start a union off well and then make us happy. When we lower our standards and ONLY consider wealth, possessions and image...well, we all know what occurs eventually...

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