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Atm 150 Baht Fee


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Is it possible to avoid paying this charge as follows......................

I have a Nationwide debit card and I have been told I can withdraw against this card inside the bank with my passport and no commission or charge is taken. This then comes through online with Nationwide and they charge their 0.8% fee as would now be charged anyway.

Thus 150 Baht ATM fee not paid

Not done it personally, but know someone who has and told it works and rate received by checking online was the rate on the day.

Any pitfalls, as if this is fine, I don't understand why all the fuss about finding banks that don't charge the ATM fee when you can just go inside with passport and avoid paying it??

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Not up with all the details, but is the currency conversion to debit my UK account not undertaken by Nationwide. May be wrong, but think the conversion is not done by Thai bank.

Though my main point is i've seen many posters talking about where they can avoid the ATM fee of 150 Baht. Can it really have been missed, to just to go inside with passport, withdraw against debit card and not pay it at all - okay, after a cursory check on bank's policy if different from the only example I have been informed of, which worked fine.

You may find that different banks and even different branches have different policies.

I think Siam CB uses dynamic currency conversion and so more expensive.

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Though my main point is i've seen many posters talking about where they can avoid the ATM fee of 150 Baht. Can it really have been missed, to just to go inside with passport, withdraw against debit card and not pay it at all

There is a huge thread about the 150 Baht fee, I lost interest in it a long time ago. No it hadn't been missed, it was mentioned many times about withdrawing from inside the bank.

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and Ayudhya
Aeon ATM's are still dispensing money without charge.

If you are a tourist, the best way to avoid paying the fee is to not come to Thailand. Then send off an email to TAT and let them know why you decided not to come to Thailand.

It is unbelievable that the banks are still charging such a big amount to use a foreign ATM card..........this after the govt. told them to "correct the problem" and at a time when tourism is way down.

About tourism........see this recent article from Al Jazeera:


And here they come.......but if you can't afford that you should not travel anyway........ha ha ha..........pull head out of backside and understand that it is the principle that is irritating more than the cost........it is outright theft.........call it what it is.

You can either accept it or do something about it.

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Just go inside any bank with passport and withdraw for free. Saves finding the bank's with free ATM's and travelling to them to equally find they do charge after all or ATM not working or cleaned out.

I had read the ATM thread here and very lengthy. Missed the passport option if within it, but struck by the massive discussion on free ATM's and finding them.

What is this nonsense - why bother - take Passport and go anywhere, <deleted>!!

and Ayudhya
Aeon ATM's are still dispensing money without charge.

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and Ayudhya
Aeon ATM's are still dispensing money without charge.

If you are a tourist, the best way to avoid paying the fee is to not come to Thailand. Then send off an email to TAT and let them know why you decided not to come to Thailand.

It is unbelievable that the banks are still charging such a big amount to use a foreign ATM card..........this after the govt. told them to "correct the problem" and at a time when tourism is way down.

About tourism........see this recent article from Al Jazeera:


And here they come.......but if you can't afford that you should not travel anyway........ha ha ha..........pull head out of backside and understand that it is the principle that is irritating more than the cost........it is outright theft.........call it what it is.

You can either accept it or do something about it.

As for the Govt telling them to "correct the problem" it seems a bit harsh that the govt savings bank has now started charging the fee as well. but hey ,this IS Thailand after all.

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If you have a UK Nationwide card you can use ATM free at Auydhya (the yellow one) many of these all over, also AEON.

Or indeed you can go into any bank and draw over the counter. I have found the transaction can be delayed to your account by up to a couple of days if you do this, of course this can work for or against you depending on how the exchange rate moves.

It's realy not hard to avoid the 150 baht fee, I have never paid it!

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Calm down, calm down! I use my Nationwide card all the time over Bank counters, never been charged a fee and the rate I get is always good. Just the standard Nationwide charge of around 1%. (I think it started at 0.8% but was phased up to 1% but can't remember for sure). The outside Bank exchange kiosks are the best places to use as sometimes inside the Banks they are not geared up for foreign exchange transactions. The amount of paperwork I have seen them produce on occasion for a simple encashment is amazing!

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Calm down, calm down! I use my Nationwide card all the time over Bank counters, never been charged a fee and the rate I get is always good. Just the standard Nationwide charge of around 1%. (I think it started at 0.8% but was phased up to 1% but can't remember for sure). The outside Bank exchange kiosks are the best places to use as sometimes inside the Banks they are not geared up for foreign exchange transactions. The amount of paperwork I have seen them produce on occasion for a simple encashment is amazing!

why all the fuss?

just boycott the ATM's that charge 150baht, use Aeon ATM's and get 40 notes (40,000 baht) in one transaction for no fee and theres no waiting in banks for hours while the staff try look busy......

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I use my Nationwide card all the time over Bank counters, never been charged a fee and the rate I get is always good. Just the standard Nationwide charge of around 1%. (I think it started at 0.8% but was phased up to 1% but can't remember for sure). The outside Bank exchange kiosks are the best places to use as sometimes inside the Banks they are not geared up for foreign exchange transactions. The amount of paperwork I have seen them produce on occasion for a simple encashment is amazing!

Seconded. I have withdrawn over the bank counter more than once. Normal very good rates (from Visa, not Nationwide, I think). Plus the 1% charge that the Nationwide pass on. This is factored into the rate. No 150 B ATM charge. No ATM 15,000 B limit. You can withdraw a 6-figure sum if the Thai bank has the cash on hand and is happy to stand the transaction.

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why all the fuss?

just boycott the ATM's that charge 150baht, use Aeon ATM's and get 40 notes (40,000 baht) in one transaction for no fee and theres no waiting in banks for hours while the staff try look busy......

The trouble with your argument is that its the "10 green bottles syndrome"

Aeon is (are?) the last bank to be 100% sure of not charging this 150THB fee.....AT THE MOMENT.

Give them a few weeks/months running round topping the ATMs up daily, or even twice or 3 times daily (and at some extra cost to them too, don't forget) and THEN see if that policy of not charging changes.

Also, its OK saying boycott the ATMs that charge. What happens if there is no Aeon ATM within a viable distance from where you are?

We will soon be down to keeping our money in a sock and hiding it under the mattress

THAT'S why there is "all the fuss" i should imagine


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Calm down, calm down! I use my Nationwide card all the time over Bank counters, never been charged a fee and the rate I get is always good. Just the standard Nationwide charge of around 1%. (I think it started at 0.8% but was phased up to 1% but can't remember for sure). The outside Bank exchange kiosks are the best places to use as sometimes inside the Banks they are not geared up for foreign exchange transactions. The amount of paperwork I have seen them produce on occasion for a simple encashment is amazing!

NW Fees on Debit cards

There are actually none attributable to NW ITSELF. The only fee on NW Debit cards is actually .84% and is not a NW charge at all, but a VISA currency conversion charge. VISA did intend raising the rate to 1% (on the 1st June was it)but decided not to do so, however NW went ahead with their decision to no longer pay the VISA Currency conversion fee on behalf of its customers drawing from ATMs outside the UK and EU (not sure but think VISA Europe has different rules to VISA worldwide).



I can confirm (BIG thanks to another member here) that Aeon in Khon Kaen certainly are NOT charging the 150 Baht ATM (withdrew yesterday).


AYUDHYA ATMs[/u]Ayudhya I am in all honesty not sure. I used them for a couple of months. They warned of a150 baht charge but it was not charged and the screen said Zero before one had to commit. However, then suddenly no Ayudhya ATM would accept my card after being happy for weeks. Then when they did again start accepting my card they displayed a 105 Baht charge at commitment stage so I moved to GSB who were free at the time.

I admit I have not revisited any Khon Kaen Ayudhya ATMs recently to retry. I have heard of several reports of different ATMs in different locations doing different things. Maybe they are working through their ATMs. In Khon Kaen Aeon are the ONLY ones I know of still not charging but I would be delighted to learn of any others here in KK.


OVER THE COUNTER WITHDRAWALSI have heard many reports of bank branches refusing over the counter NW debit Cards (or others) even where the Bank concerned have other branches accepting them. This is strange maybe staff are not fully trained to know what service they can offer OR have been told not to do them by their local manager to save work load/force people to use the fee charging ATMs. I have asked my Local main GSB and they laughed and thought I was mad in thinking one could do such a thing in a Thai Bank. They were more respectful when via my wife i told them that some Thai banks DO and willingly.

If anybody knows for sure of a Khon Kaen Bank/branch that does accept over the counter withdrawals PLEASE let me know and what the maximum limit is. Thanks


To those who wonder why some like ATM withdrawals over counter I can name 3 reasons.

1) Convenience if a non fee charging ATM is where one goes regularly.

2) Try taking money over the counter on a Bank holiday/Sunday (one cannot always organize in advance for unexpected situations)

3) No Long queues (as in most Thai banks)

4) One can monitor the Exchange Rates and chose the best day as ATM withdrawals are dynamic. 2 years ago not very important but in these unusual days the baht can drop on value over 1 Baht in less than day (did so this last week). On a 300 GBP ATM withdrawal that is 300 Baht. Over the counter often are based on following day which may be the same higher of less (you are totally guessing).

Ignoring the principle that nobody like to pay more than necessary for anything. My comments above are dependent on EACH person's financial and/or /time ad/or principles priorities which have major bearings. For me 300 baht is important as my monthly pension used to be worth 61,000 Baht 2 years ago but is now is only 47,000 (lowest 43,500Baht and before ATM and curr. conv. fees on NW cards) By monitoring "non fee" ATMs and Exchange rates I can if careful save up to 1000 Baht in some months (depending how wildly the ER fluctuates).

I suppose the phrase of looks after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves comes to mind



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why all the fuss?

just boycott the ATM's that charge 150baht, use Aeon ATM's and get 40 notes (40,000 baht) in one transaction for no fee and theres no waiting in banks for hours while the staff try look busy......

The trouble with your argument is that its the "10 green bottles syndrome"

Aeon is (are?) the last bank to be 100% sure of not charging this 150THB fee.....AT THE MOMENT.

Give them a few weeks/months running round topping the ATMs up daily, or even twice or 3 times daily (and at some extra cost to them too, don't forget) and THEN see if that policy of not charging changes.

Also, its OK saying boycott the ATMs that charge. What happens if there is no Aeon ATM within a viable distance from where you are?

We will soon be down to keeping our money in a sock and hiding it under the mattress

THAT'S why there is "all the fuss" i should imagine


this is the Pattaya forum, there are three AEON Atm's within easy use of anyone who lives in Pattaya

Aeon have thoughtfully provided one in north Pattaya, one in central Pattaya and one in south Pattaya

so your argument about viable distance does not apply in Pattaya, if the statement applies in another area then i suggest you complain on that areas forum about the lack of Aeon Atm's

as it is Aeon are the only national ATM provider to hold out on the 150 charge, in my opinion they should be supported for that action alone

for me i will support any bank that helps me and even if Aeon began charging the 150baht fee, then i would still use them as they are the only ATM capable of delivering 40,000 baht in one transaction

if you want to use other machines and accept/condone the charge rather than boycott them then go right ahead, its your money

waste/spend it as you see fit.........


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why all the fuss?

just boycott the ATM's that charge 150baht, use Aeon ATM's and get 40 notes (40,000 baht) in one transaction for no fee and theres no waiting in banks for hours while the staff try look busy......

The trouble with your argument is that its the "10 green bottles syndrome"

Aeon is (are?) the last bank to be 100% sure of not charging this 150THB fee.....AT THE MOMENT.

Give them a few weeks/months running round topping the ATMs up daily, or even twice or 3 times daily (and at some extra cost to them too, don't forget) and THEN see if that policy of not charging changes.

Also, its OK saying boycott the ATMs that charge. What happens if there is no Aeon ATM within a viable distance from where you are?

We will soon be down to keeping our money in a sock and hiding it under the mattress

THAT'S why there is "all the fuss" i should imagine


You make a good point about Aeon ATMs locations as there are not that many around.

I am lucky one is close to where I often visit. As the ATMs for Aeon are in their branches (have not seen one yet other than at an Aeon branch (but maybe some are) they are easier to refill (unless down from an outside central source) and often there is more than one ATM so their usage will be spread I assume.

However, Aeon branches can be very busy at times.

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why all the fuss?

just boycott the ATM's that charge 150baht, use Aeon ATM's and get 40 notes (40,000 baht) in one transaction for no fee and theres no waiting in banks for hours while the staff try look busy......

The trouble with your argument is that its the "10 green bottles syndrome"

Aeon is (are?) the last bank to be 100% sure of not charging this 150THB fee.....AT THE MOMENT.

Give them a few weeks/months running round topping the ATMs up daily, or even twice or 3 times daily (and at some extra cost to them too, don't forget) and THEN see if that policy of not charging changes.

Also, its OK saying boycott the ATMs that charge. What happens if there is no Aeon ATM within a viable distance from where you are?

We will soon be down to keeping our money in a sock and hiding it under the mattress

THAT'S why there is "all the fuss" i should imagine


You make a good point about Aeon ATMs locations as there are not that many around.

I am lucky one is close to where I often visit. As the ATMs for Aeon are in their branches (have not seen one yet other than at an Aeon branch (but maybe some are) they are easier to refill (unless down from an outside central source) and often there is more than one ATM so their usage will be spread I assume.

However, Aeon branches can be very busy at times.

as this is the Pattaya Forum you might like to know that theres a regular hole in the wall type ATM inside Carrefour located on Pattaya Klang in Pattaya, (the central dispensing location)

on the PATTAYA forum does it really matter about the locations of AEON ATM's or lack of them in other areas in Thailand?

Edited by timekeeper
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this is the Pattaya forum....,



this is the Pattaya forum, there are three AEON Atm's within easy use of anyone who lives in Pattaya...


:D OOPs Sorry Timekeeper.

My second reply was being written and yours was not visible when I posted. I did not ignore it.

Mine was a minor but well intended mistake.

Anyway my apologies to all (hope the info was helpful anyway).

I get a daily list of TV topics and did not realize (or notice) that they also list the local groups Forums (and I seldom look at the small printed Group title at the top of the page of a topic i am interested in - will try to remember to do so i future).

I agree with all your other comments Timekeeper.

Unfortunately for NW Debit Cards holders the limit is only 300 GBP per transaction (currently just over 16,000 Baht) another reason why no fee ATMs are desirable I need 4 to get my whole pension (as Aeon ATMs (here :) ) only wish to give complete 1000s).


Dave (of Khon Kean)

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this is the Pattaya forum....,



this is the Pattaya forum, there are three AEON Atm's within easy use of anyone who lives in Pattaya...


:D OOPs Sorry Timekeeper.

My apologies to all (hope the info was helpful anyway).

I get a daily list of TV topics and did not realize (or notice) that they also list the local groups Forums (and I seldom look at the small printed Group title at the top of the page of a topic i am interested in - will try to remember to do so i future).

I agree with all your other comments Timekeeper.

Unfortunately for NW Debit Cards holders the limit is only 300 GBP per transaction (currently just over 16,000 Baht) another reason why no fee ATMs are desirable I need 4 to get my whole pension (as Aeon ATMs (here :) ) only wish to give complete 1000s).


Dave (of Khon Kean)

no apology neccesary Dave, my remarks weren't aimed at you

i thought your comments about those of us who favour ATM's over watching your life ebb away in a bank waiting for a number to come up were very valid

i hope the exchange rate improves for your pension entitlement.......

best regards


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no apology neccesary Dave, my remarks weren't aimed at you

i thought your comments about those of us who favour ATM's over watching your life ebb away in a bank waiting for a number to come up were very valid

i hope the exchange rate improves for your pension entitlement.......

best regards


Thanks Timekeeper,

I think many are hurting at present.

Although a Brit I have noticed in my ER monitoring that US citizens are currently taking a hel_l of a hammering on their Dollar > Baht.

Not being one of those Expats who like to snipe at other country's Expats, all Expats (whatever their countries of origin) have my sympathies when their income or transfers take a hammering due purely to ER fluctuations.

My regards to all Pattaya Forum members

(from, a much small I suspect, Khon Kaen Forum).

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Now matter how you cut it, the ATM fees are a rip off at both ends. If I withdraw 20,000 baht from my Hawaii bank, I get charged 150 baht at the Thai bank, and $4.00 by the US bank. Also, the Hawaii bank applies a 2% on the currency exchanged and a lower exchange rate. In my case it's the Hawaii bank that's doing the rip-off.

My remedy is to write a personal check for $1000 (backed by my credit card) on my Hawaii account and pay a 217 baht fee – flat…no hidden charges, plus I get a primo exchange rate. Just like traveler's checks.

Works perfectly…been doing it for years as I'm retired here.

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Now matter how you cut it, the ATM fees are a rip off at both ends. If I withdraw 20,000 baht from my Hawaii bank, I get charged 150 baht at the Thai bank, and $4.00 by the US bank. Also, the Hawaii bank applies a 2% on the currency exchanged and a lower exchange rate. In my case it's the Hawaii bank that's doing the rip-off.

My remedy is to write a personal check for $1000 (backed by my credit card) on my Hawaii account and pay a 217 baht fee – flat…no hidden charges, plus I get a primo exchange rate. Just like traveler's checks.

Works perfectly…been doing it for years as I'm retired here.

How long does it take for the cheque to clear, and which Thai bank do you use to deposit the cheque?

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Now matter how you cut it, the ATM fees are a rip off at both ends. If I withdraw 20,000 baht from my Hawaii bank, I get charged 150 baht at the Thai bank, and $4.00 by the US bank. Also, the Hawaii bank applies a 2% on the currency exchanged and a lower exchange rate. In my case it's the Hawaii bank that's doing the rip-off.

My remedy is to write a personal check for $1000 (backed by my credit card) on my Hawaii account and pay a 217 baht fee – flat…no hidden charges, plus I get a primo exchange rate. Just like traveler's checks.

Works perfectly…been doing it for years as I'm retired here.

Are you saying that you can draw cash immediately with a personal cheque? That's interesting to know.

Do you have an account at the branch you use?

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this is the Pattaya forum, there are three AEON Atm's within easy use of anyone who lives in Pattaya

Aeon have thoughtfully provided one in north Pattaya, one in central Pattaya and one in south Pattaya

so your argument about viable distance does not apply in Pattaya, if the statement applies in another area then i suggest you complain on that areas forum about the lack of Aeon Atm's

as it is Aeon are the only national ATM provider to hold out on the 150 charge, in my opinion they should be supported for that action alone

for me i will support any bank that helps me and even if Aeon began charging the 150baht fee, then i would still use them as they are the only ATM capable of delivering 40,000 baht in one transaction

if you want to use other machines and accept/condone the charge rather than boycott them then go right ahead, its your money

waste/spend it as you see fit.........


Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice !!!!!

A whole THREE of them.....all to ourselves huh?

And all three of them within easy reach (i think you meant to say "reach"?)

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah !!!!

Define "within easy reach" in terms of being in, say, South Jomtien. Or on the wrong side of Sukhumvit, for example.

Route march is nearer the mark, i would say.

And your "talk" about supporting them goes how far, exactly?

Open an account with them, and transfer money into your newly opened account...or just suck their t*ts by using the free ATM facility while it lasts?

What happens to your theory when one makes the trek to one of their ATMs only to find it emptied, and not in service?

And yes i DID know this is the Pattaya forum.

Another couple of points are:

Where did i say anything about other banks ATMs, and my "acceptance" of this fee" as you infer i have.

And i will stand by my statement that Aeon is the only bank not to be charging this 150 TBH fee..........AT THE MOMENT, and only that.

But i think we BOTH agree on the 150 Baht fee being usary,.

I also think you seem to be grasping at straws, in thinking that the solution to it all is to "support" Aeon (all 3 of them) ATMs, when economics would imply that it wont make much sense in NOT charging the same as all the rest, if the only "benefit" to them is their ATMs get hammered.

Admittedly, its "the lesser of a few evils" but ...for how long, i wonder?

I honestly cant see a long term solution, other than counter withdrawals ( which i ALSO think will become less and less availible as time goes by) or doing a once a year (or biannually would be better) Swift/Chaps transfer and pulling the whole lot out in one lump and stashing it somewhere.

No "solution" to this fee will be ideal, but to bank on just three ATMs to provide you with a reliable cash flow must rank as the least viable, IMO.


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this is the Pattaya forum, there are three AEON Atm's within easy use of anyone who lives in Pattaya

Aeon have thoughtfully provided one in north Pattaya, one in central Pattaya and one in south Pattaya

so your argument about viable distance does not apply in Pattaya, if the statement applies in another area then i suggest you complain on that areas forum about the lack of Aeon Atm's

as it is Aeon are the only national ATM provider to hold out on the 150 charge, in my opinion they should be supported for that action alone

for me i will support any bank that helps me and even if Aeon began charging the 150baht fee, then i would still use them as they are the only ATM capable of delivering 40,000 baht in one transaction

if you want to use other machines and accept/condone the charge rather than boycott them then go right ahead, its your money

waste/spend it as you see fit.........


Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice !!!!!

A whole THREE of them.....all to ourselves huh?

And all three of them within easy reach (i think you meant to say "reach"?)

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah !!!!

Define "within easy reach" in terms of being in, say, South Jomtien. Or on the wrong side of Sukhumvit, for example.

Route march is nearer the mark, i would say.

And your "talk" about supporting them goes how far, exactly?

Open an account with them, and transfer money into your newly opened account...or just suck their t*ts by using the free ATM facility while it lasts?

What happens to your theory when one makes the trek to one of their ATMs only to find it emptied, and not in service?

And yes i DID know this is the Pattaya forum.

Another couple of points are:

Where did i say anything about other banks ATMs, and my "acceptance" of this fee" as you infer i have.

And i will stand by my statement that Aeon is the only bank not to be charging this 150 TBH fee..........AT THE MOMENT, and only that.

But i think we BOTH agree on the 150 Baht fee being usary,.

I also think you seem to be grasping at straws, in thinking that the solution to it all is to "support" Aeon (all 3 of them) ATMs, when economics would imply that it wont make much sense in NOT charging the same as all the rest, if the only "benefit" to them is their ATMs get hammered.

Admittedly, its "the lesser of a few evils" but ...for how long, i wonder?

I honestly cant see a long term solution, other than counter withdrawals ( which i ALSO think will become less and less availible as time goes by) or doing a once a year (or biannually would be better) Swift/Chaps transfer and pulling the whole lot out in one lump and stashing it somewhere.

No "solution" to this fee will be ideal, but to bank on just three ATMs to provide you with a reliable cash flow must rank as the least viable, IMO.


i bet your glass is always half empty.....

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could someone tell me where the aeon bank in so. pattays is located...am familiar with area but cant remember that bank...is it close to friendship market?????thanks

The Aeon ATM, not a bank branch, in South Pattaya is on the right side of the entrance to "HomeWorks" ( I think this is the name, too many home supply shops in Pattaya to remember which one is which), either way, it's the home supply shop in the same parking lot as Big-C on Sukhumvit/South Pattaya Rd.

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