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Going Back To Uni.


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Ive decided to resign from my current job in Thailand and go back to University to do a Bachelor degree. Basically

I choose between two programs , Hotel and Tourism management and BA. Both at the Bangkok University.

Im now 24 years old and spent 5 years working and studying (2+3) in the travel industry and want to stay, but I am doubtful

If I can land a job after doing my bachelor if I choose Hotel and Tourism, thinking I might be better of with BA.

Anyone got an input on this one?

All help and advise is higly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

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Ive decided to resign from my current job in Thailand and go back to University to do a Bachelor degree. Basically

I choose between two programs , Hotel and Tourism management and BA. Both at the Bangkok University.

Im now 24 years old and spent 5 years working and studying (2+3) in the travel industry and want to stay, but I am doubtful

If I can land a job after doing my bachelor if I choose Hotel and Tourism, thinking I might be better of with BA.

Anyone got an input on this one?

All help and advise is higly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

It is very honorable to go back to school and at your age can only benefit your future. My opinion is there are 1,000's of Thai grads every year in Hotel and Tourism that can never find a job here. Your hopes would be pinned on, in my opinion, a couple of things. First if you could speak Thai. I think if you can speak Thai fluently, you might be able to get picked up from a Multi National Hotel chain in some sort of management role. You might want to even send a nice cover letter to some of the more famous western hotels in Thailand (send the letter to the overseas headquarters), tell them of your plans and desires. Maybe they can give you a coop opportunity at their hotel in the 3rd and 4rth year of your degree studies.

With a BA and no specialty behind it, roll the dice and get in line with all the Thai BA graduates.

Another avenue is if you really desire to spend your whole life in Thailand, research where all the money is paid to foreigners, whether banking, finance, law or medicine and go that route and specialize your studies in international finance or banking, trying the same coop trick with a bank in year 3

I think a keep advantage you will have is if you can be 100% proficient in Thai, English and even another language.

You are certainly on the right track, if you want to stay, research the money trail and study that path

Good luck with your future studies

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Hey Nio

Thanks for the answer, great feedback.

Youre right in that I might be sick and tired of Thailand after a few years, but you cant plan to much ahead either right?!

As for now I have the basic knowledge in thai language and I think it´s really up to me to prove a point

and get fluent, within 3-4 years that would not be impossible.

Ive studied(+ visits) spanish and italian too (6 years!), besides that im a native swedish speaker.

I just think that it´s a good thing to keep on in the same industry where I have some experience and also enjoy working.

Therefore my choice Hotel and Tourism Management.

All of you reading, feel free to share your thoughts.

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When you find something you enjoy you will excel. If this is what you want, go for it.

I look at it this way:

You are going for a degree in Hotel Management in a tourist country. You are bilingual and worked on and or working on multiple languages.

English is the language of the traveler here, so you will most likely have a leg up on most Thais. Try to find a Thai who is fluent in Swedish. This is a valuable trait to have for a hotel that sees a lot of swedish tourists.

Further more you can also double as a business English teacher.

The only downfall I see is that a hotel might not want to bother with the visa paper work.

I myself went back to school and it's the best decision I've made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I graduated from Bangkok University in BA Hotel and Tourism Management, it was very easy!

After graduation, I taught Thai program and International College students there for 1 year, but only in general English courses.

If you want to teach Hotel courses there, you need to complete a MA degree.

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