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Corrupt Downloads


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I have true adsl installed a few weeks ago and am really satisfied with the speed so far.

However I download from usenet groups and experienced since a few days that many downloads were corrupt.

Corrupt in the way that a file with 88 rars had 55 files incomplete.When start downloading my news leecher shows the file as complete but to the end of the file download it will notify that the rar file is smaller then expected.When download the same file again it may come in complete but I might have to retry a few times and each time save the rar files that were complete to come to a good end.

First I blamed it on the news server or maybe on the high download speed,but today I tried to download a few small rar files from regular servers which didn't came in at high speed but experienced the same problem.For example a file with an expected size of 22 Mb showed as complete but was actually only 8.8 Mb.

Some idea what the reason is for this or someone experience the same problems.

Edited by basjke
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Are you trying to download from free servers? That is always likely to have sad results. What down loader are you using? I have had some such problems with a paid service but they have almost always been very old (near cutoff date) so could be the server has lost them.

A cheap server for a test run is xlned.com

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Are you trying to download from free servers? That is always likely to have sad results. What down loader are you using? I have had some such problems with a paid service but they have almost always been very old (near cutoff date) so could be the server has lost them.

A cheap server for a test run is xlned.com

No I'm downloading from a paid server,astraweb in this case and I'm using newsleecher to download.I was thinking the same that the files were to old but then I would also not be able to download them completye on a second or third attempt.Also it downloads all the rar files only most of the files are smaller then expected.

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Are you trying to download from free servers? That is always likely to have sad results. What down loader are you using? I have had some such problems with a paid service but they have almost always been very old (near cutoff date) so could be the server has lost them.

A cheap server for a test run is xlned.com

No I'm downloading from a paid server,astraweb in this case and I'm using newsleecher to download.I was thinking the same that the files were to old but then I would also not be able to download them completye on a second or third attempt.Also it downloads all the rar files only most of the files are smaller then expected.

Using maxnet with astraweb, i never have any problems. So it might be true or your newsleecher i use newsbin pro

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It could well be True then as there have definitely been some strange goings on lately. Have you done speed tests using there server? Sometimes it works and gives correct information but other times it starts normally but then immediately completes to give you a speed reading that is impossible. My current check was good and have not had any download issues for a few days to believe it is being addressed.

Or the stars are in the right position for me this week.

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