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Do You Think There Will Be Another Tsunami Soon?


Do you think there will be another tsunami soon?  

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Not even as thick, relatively, as the skin on an orange. The current model also suggests that a large proportion of the planet is liquid -

I thunk i'd prefer to live on a world which is solid rock, and not one with a thin skin filled with liquid.

Anyone else coming too?

Just so long as someone doesn't stick a giant stickpin in our "water balloon", I think we'll be alright here. :o

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Just wanted to see how people felt about the reoccurance of another tsunami.

How do people about holidaying/visiting these areas?

Have no idea. But I wouldn't go to the Andaman ANYWAY.

Just a bunch of dirty beaches, sleazy touts and overpriced hotels.

Got to disagree with you there, Larry. The beaches are definitely not dirty.

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Now, I'm not saying that in the next day or so, there's going to be another 8+ quake because the 6.3 has probably released the stress building up. But who knows?

Let me run this one past you.

Once a fault starts slipping via a quake, the stress is indeed released in the area that moved, but the plate - as it extends along the rest of the fault line, is 'left behind' - so it will have to catch up - at some stage. That creates a new set of stresses.

We know this plate is moving - more aggressively than anywhere else - including the San Andreas.

We're not seismologists - so making scientific calibrations of this is impossible for me.

My only point is that for Scampy and Lawnmower to be so bold is just sheer guesswork.

One thing that still irks me is that during the weeks before the last 8.7 quake, there were a few 5's and 6's in the area, and I nearly posted a new topic about the chances of another big one. When it came I thought "Bugger! Why didn't I post that thread?" :D:D:D

But I think the next full moon should be interesting :o .

RDN did you see that piece on Stickman about day to day safety in Patong?

I've tried to find it, but can't :D - but if you PM me the link I'll have a look (shouldn't really post a link here :D:D ).

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...RDN did you see that piece on Stickman about day to day safety in Patong?

OK, I see it now. The writer (1611) makes some excellent points in his article "The Events Of Monday 28 March". But there is one idea that will definitely not be adopted, and that is having street signs saying something like "Tsunami escape route" with an arrow! But the rest is good. (I'll take advice from other mods on posting the link).

Edit: OK, here's the link - http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/Reader/reader1611.htm

Edited by RDN
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i just don't feel that it's right to go and have fun, relax and enjoy myself at a place where so many people lost their lives. it feels like i'm being disrespectful to all those people who lost their lives.

With that attitude where can you go in this world to have fun and enjoy, sure a lot of people died here, but you staying home isn't going to bring them back, all you do is making more difficult for the survivors to make a living and stay alive.

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A couple more 'quakelettes reported:

2005/04/06 11:20 M 5.6 SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA Z= 77km  3.95S 102.36E

2005/04/07 11:46 M 5.9 NIAS REGION, INDONESIA Z= 30km  0.63N  7.39E

And one more: :D

2005/04/07 19:43 M 5.5 MOLUCCA SEA Z= 10km  2.94N 126.44E

..and two more: :o

2005/04/08 01:51 M 5.5 NIAS REGION, INDONESIA Z= 30km  0.74N  97.39E

2005/04/08 05:48 M 5.9 KEPULAUAN BATU, INDONESIA Z= 25km  0.22S  97.72E

Edited by RDN
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I figured with the first tsunami back in December last year that there wouldn't be another one anytime soon. However with the recent quake activity down south I would be wary about spending time in those beach areas. If I were to spend a night or two there I would choose a hotel at least a few km inland. That would take care of the night hours. Still, if you're close to the beach and can see the wave or waves coming, it's usually too late to get to safety. Tsunami warning systems are a must.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recon' that if you worried about this sort of thing you would never be able to cross the road - more chance of getting knocked over by a car than being killed by a Tsunami.

Despite this philosophical approach I think there will be another earthquake in the region within the next few years - one big enough to cause another problem Tsunami. All the science seems to point to this as there is still a lot of pressure on the plates that have been moving recently.

If anyone gets the chance to go to the holiday resorts take it – at least the warning systems and starting to come on line and they will improve more with time. Some of the best resorts in the World have there potential problems – live a little keep chilled!

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Hey come on!

There are the edges of the plates all over the planet, and such a big earthquake causes possibly some changes all over the world. You can never guess where and when the next one comes. If the scientist knew, they probably would tell us, eh?

Not all the earthquakes (the big ones either) cause tsunamis, the tsunamis can't be measured on richter scale. But that's all the information we have at the moment of the earthquake and thus the evacuation on the 29thMarch.

Indonesia has ALWAYS had earthquakes frequently, and when was the last time it affected us in Thailand?

I would be truely scared if there was one on the Burma plate just in front of us... but then again, just as likely there would be one in that line that passes Kanchanaburi, are you all going to move out of Bangkok for that one? Why not, if we are supposed to leave the Andaman coast? Maybe the Chiang Mai would need to be emptied too, just in case? :o

People have always lived in the areas where there are dangers or risks. Look at Japan or California or Turkey. Or Bangladesh!

I consider the most immediate risk for my health here at the Andaman cost beeing the same one than everywhere else in Thailand - the traffic.

And to add, 26th of Dec I did run, and I did loose my home and all I had. But here I am still, by the beach, and won't go anywhere.

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