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Theres no way i would want my dad finding out about my batteries up my arse experience,

so definately im with you scampy, no need to show some people what little privacy/ outlet you have.

ps. dad if your reading this, i didnt really have batteries up my arse.

Batteries up the ass! :o

I thought the latest rage was Gerbils! :D:D:D

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My family and friends know I post here and my user name, part of that is they read my blog to find out whats been happening see some pics ect. It saves on e-mails!!

I always feel that when writing here that if you would'nt say something to someones face, why write it? seems a bit cowardly to me, any one can just sit anonamyously and rip people apart. In fact I'm probably mroe abrasive in person than online.

Originally, a forum was a place where one could rip into people with no fear of reprisal. In today’s world that can't be done. Therefore, for example, when I rip into, lets say the TPV, the TV.COM is the only method to get a point across without fear of retaliation. I don't think it at all a cowardly way to get an alternative view across to the masses!

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I used to think about sending friends and family links to TV as I was spending so much time on here that I'd never bother to e-mail.

However, I wouldn't want them to read EVERYTHING I write and ALL the topics that get posted here.

Random - I'll see you tomorrow mate. :D

Then you certainly wouldn't want your family or friends to find that little link:

Find Member's Post (all, btw)



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This is not personal Scamp, I am just upset with you really, I know and have read about your ex-lover,  and followed it through thick and thiin and even contributed. there are a lot of people on this forum that do not know of you I DOI dont have anything to proove to anyone, I have made my pile and beleive you teach English, but whats the point of this post , I mean who can give you advice, you are just setting yourself up. I dont mean any disrepect, in fact I really respect you for what you did, but PLEASE think about your posts in future, otherwise you are open for admonishments from far more intelligent people than me. I am not for one minute saying I do not like you, in fact the opposite, I know where you are from and I FELT YOUR PAIN. What more can I say. I am just being HONEST

Best OF Luck Mate, Feinds are hard to find, enimeis are very eay to find. PM me if you want to be freinds

All the Best


Oh Scamp if you are a teacher. Please help him with his English. :o

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My family and friends know I post here and my user name, part of that is they read my blog to find out whats been happening see some pics ect. It saves on e-mails!!

I always feel that when writing here that if you would'nt say something to someones face, why write it? seems a bit cowardly to me, any one can just sit anonamyously and rip people apart. In fact I'm probably mroe abrasive in person than online.

For me, it's not an issue of insulting people anonymously (Nanny nanny boo boo, I can call you a doodyhead and you won't know who I am!) but the very personal issue of privacy. Sometimes you might want to bring up some issue that you've been thinking about, but probably wouldn't want to discuss with anyone you know, and the forum allows for just that. Not that I have revealed any of my deepest darkest secrets online yet, but I just want to have the peace of mind that if I want to, I could.

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Originally, a forum was a place where one could rip into people with no fear of reprisal. In today’s world that can't be done. Therefore, for example, when I rip into, lets say the TPV, the TV.COM is the only method to get a point across without fear of retaliation. I don't think it at all a cowardly way to get an alternative view across to the masses!

I see your point Harry, but the TVP is an instatution. I was talking more of personal insults, which I still feel there are no need of. Its much more satisfyingto to it to someones face :o

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This is not personal Scamp, I am just upset with you really, I know and have read about your ex-lover,  and followed it through thick and thiin and even contributed. there are a lot of people on this forum that do not know of you I DOI dont have anything to proove to anyone, I have made my pile and beleive you teach English, but whats the point of this post , I mean who can give you advice, you are just setting yourself up. I dont mean any disrepect, in fact I really respect you for what you did, but PLEASE think about your posts in future, otherwise you are open for admonishments from far more intelligent people than me. I am not for one minute saying I do not like you, in fact the opposite, I know where you are from and I FELT YOUR PAIN. What more can I say. I am just being HONEST

Best OF Luck Mate, Feinds are hard to find, enimeis are very eay to find. PM me if you want to be freinds

All the Best


Oh Scamp if you are a teacher. Please help him with his English. :D

I once taught English as a means to an end - I once had a paper round also. :o

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I do not point my relations in the direction of this forum , not because of what I have posted , but many of the other topics would just encourage a multitude of questions of which I could not be bothered to answer.

eg. What does this mean? Did you ever do that? etc etc...

But I do direct many people toward this forum if they have any links to thailand because it is a great repositry of information.

and Scampy , in my opinion you have dribbled on some <deleted> topics in the past , but this one is more than acceptable . Good to see you back.

And good to see RC .


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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-04-03 23:07:39)

I think it is a pretty good topic Gentleman.

I wouldn't have a problem myself letting my parents or other family reading what I posted.

I wouldn't want people at work reading some of the things I post, but they may do as I use a computer at work, so they could log on as me.

BTW, does anyone know if I can stop my user name being shown if someone else did log on?

just log off. 

That simple, thanks. I thought there was more to it than that.

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This is not personal Scamp, I am just upset with you really, I know and have read about your ex-lover,  and followed it through thick and thiin and even contributed. there are a lot of people on this forum that do not know of you I DOI dont have anything to proove to anyone, I have made my pile and beleive you teach English, but whats the point of this post , I mean who can give you advice, you are just setting yourself up. I dont mean any disrepect, in fact I really respect you for what you did, but PLEASE think about your posts in future, otherwise you are open for admonishments from far more intelligent people than me. I am not for one minute saying I do not like you, in fact the opposite, I know where you are from and I FELT YOUR PAIN. What more can I say. I am just being HONEST

Best OF Luck Mate, Feinds are hard to find, enimeis are very eay to find. PM me if you want to be freinds

All the Best


Oh Scamp if you are a teacher. Please help him with his English. :D

I once taught English as a means to an end - I once had a paper round also. :D

Well scampy you still can stirr up controversy :D

although i'm suprised of your "return from the lost souls" :o i would say

Welcome back :D

As you like to lead a high profile forum life , you bound to get some flack scamp.

I know i do :D

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For a crap topic, this thread has been going pretty well.

Why are we so interested in this guy Scampy?

I think he shows his humanness, and feelings, which a lot of us try to hide in real life.

TV is not real life, it is a relaxing escape.

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For a crap topic, this thread has been going pretty well.

Why are we so interested in this guy Scampy?

I think he shows his humanness, and feelings, which a lot of us try to hide in real life.

TV is not real life, it is a relaxing escape.

The scamp is a member of thaivisa for a while now.

With his "open posting policy" he tends to attract a loyal following as well as a lynching mob at times :D:o

He's a nice guy though :D

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Originally, a forum was a place where one could rip into people with no fear of reprisal. In today’s world that can't be done. Therefore, for example, when I rip into, lets say the TPV, the TV.COM is the only method to get a point across without fear of retaliation. I don't think it at all a cowardly way to get an alternative view across to the masses!

I see your point Harry, but the TVP is an instatution. I was talking more of personal insults, which I still feel there are no need of. Its much more satisfyingto to it to someones face :D

Yeah...but I'm only 4'2'' :o

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to continue staying on topic...

I think about this issue a bit and I personally don't post anything I consider too private. It can be tempting at times when other people talk about their personal lives at length but it just seems unwise to me.

It is the Internet after all and a public forum. I also post on my travelogue about my experiences here and I don't consider that to be a diary either just a few stories. In the past, I have had a few Thai friends get angry at me about a sarcastic remark about Thailand. Although most of it was a misunderstanding because of the language barrier and context I did apologize and it left everybody feeling bad for a while.

I say enough stupid things at the pub! At least everybody else is drinking so the recollections of said stupidity are a bit fuzzy. :o

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I would like to appologise to any members that saw my posts as flaming both Scamp and BK Madness, I have p.m.'d them both.

My opinion is that Scamp is a good guy, his postings can be "different or unusual, but everyone is entitled to post what they want, and should be able to do this without being flamed, there are a lot worse flamers out there than me, but probably not yesterday!!! In future I for one will not post flames, I hope some of you other flamers will do the same. I NEED this forum, many others do as well, so dont be stupid, each to his own. I dont even know why many of you see "trolling" a problem, if you don't like what is being said , just ignore it, read something more worthwhile.

If you do not know if its a troll or not I suggest if you are going to respond then assume it is not a troll, otherwise dont bother.

Just my 10cents worth, and one again I am sorry to all the people I may have offended with my posts.



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Hey Scampy. Nice to meet you the other night. Anyway on topic. Why would i bother telling family about TV? No! They dont live here or havent even been here. Though they will in October. My folks are pretty laid back. But they dont do the internet thing. Except for emails. Friends i would point here. No worries. You wanna know anything about Thailand that i cant help with. Go here thaivisa.com Easy! As for what i say on here. I would say it to anyones face.

Edited by Jockstar
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First of all, this is the internet, which means that EVERYTHING you say is public domain.  Which means that NOTHING is secret.  So if you're going to post stuff that would embarass you in front of your family, DON'T.

have the common sense not to post personal information about yourself or your lifestyle if you don't want people to track it back to you.

Been tryin' to tell him that for a long time now... :o

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/Edit - Post reopened after discussion with a few individuals.

Please keep this thread on topic and refrain from flaming anyone

If either myself or another moderator finds direct attacks on another member of this forum then warnings will be issued and posting rights removed.

Now, lets keep this conversation civil and interesting.

Many Thanks


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/Edit - Post reopened after discussion with a few individuals.

Please keep this thread on topic and refrain from flaming anyone

If either myself or another moderator finds direct attacks on another member of this forum then warnings will be issued and posting rights removed.

Now, lets keep this conversation civil and interesting.

Many Thanks


Well done Wolfie. I'm sure a few will be pleased.

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Incedentally, I had a great chat with my dad and he hadn't criticised me for once

I am glad your Dad had time for you Scamp none of us are perfect.

I for one criticized my own Son more than once in the past till I realized that he had to make his own mistakes and you cannot put old head on young shoulders. I guess I just did not want him going trough the same pain I went true.

We have to share details about ourselves at times if we are to get our point across.

This being unavoidable at times and there are those that will like to take the piss.

But Scamp they still are entitled to there opinion

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Incedentally, I had a great chat with my dad and he hadn't criticised me for once

I am glad your Dad had time for you Scamp none of us are perfect.

I for one criticized my own Son more than once in the past till I realized that he had to make his own mistakes and you cannot put old head on young shoulders. I guess I just did not want him going trough the same pain I went true.

We have to share details about ourselves at times if we are to get our point across.

This being unavoidable at times and there are those that will like to take the piss.

But Scamp they still are entitled to there opinion

When parents criticise their children, all it dose is damage the child... Unless one is perfect they should criticise or judge others.

Yes people are all entitled to their opinions. But some opinions are best kept to one's self and not mentioned in a public forum.

Thanks Wolfie for starting this thread again and sorry for my outburst earlier at ThaiPauly.

I think we should not post more on a public forum than we are prepared for 'anybody' to know or find out about us. Personally, I do not care who knows what about me. If people have something 'sensitive' to their personal life, then it is easy enough to start with... "I have this friend.... " :o

Would like to point out Ravisher my son was not a child but an adult when he was critized and please read again what i wrote.

None of us are perfect.

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Incedentally, I had a great chat with my dad and he hadn't criticised me for once

I am glad your Dad had time for you Scamp none of us are perfect.

I for one criticized my own Son more than once in the past till I realized that he had to make his own mistakes and you cannot put old head on young shoulders. I guess I just did not want him going trough the same pain I went true.

We have to share details about ourselves at times if we are to get our point across.

This being unavoidable at times and there are those that will like to take the piss.

But Scamp they still are entitled to there opinion

When parents criticise their children, all it dose is damage the child... Unless one is perfect they should criticise or judge others.

Yes people are all entitled to their opinions. But some opinions are best kept to one's self and not mentioned in a public forum.

Thanks Wolfie for starting this thread again and sorry for my outburst earlier at ThaiPauly.

I think we should not post more on a public forum than we are prepared for 'anybody' to know or find out about us. Personally, I do not care who knows what about me. If people have something 'sensitive' to their personal life, then it is easy enough to start with... "I have this friend.... " :o

One of your better idea's.

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