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Bombs Explodes In Hat Yai/songkhla


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The next liberal that tells me "Oh Islam is Peace"  ..............

  and "They are just misunderstood"  :o

I feel the same, how come its always involving Islam problems arise? Hindus vs Muslims with India vs Pakistan, Christian vs Muslims loads of places, Muslims vs Budhists Thailand, Muslims vs Catholics, Muslims vs Jews....its always Muslims vs someone else.....but never their fault, we are encroaching on them apparently but they wish to make the whole world bend to Islam.

Maybe mass generalisation on my part, but they really do pi$$ me off.

That is very very truthful,could not agree more,always such hateful behavior/talk aimed towards other religions',it's the "them and us mentality"it gets' my goat to. :D

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this is getting very scary now

I have 4 of my guys in Songkhla right now, luckily none were in the Green World but I have used that Hotel many times.

Also had a guy arrive in HDY airport just a short while before the bomb went off.

My guys are pretty shook up and will be flying back to BKK today once they have their wp sorted out

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A true religion will not preach or teach killing. The only Christian denominations that preach peace are Quakers, Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Church of the Brethren, and some Seventh Day Adventist holdouts. The rest think that maybe their best theologians may believe the biggest pipe dream of all time, with or without opium or marijuana: the "Just War Theory," which says that maybe someday somehow sometimes maybe warfare can be justifiably righteous. However, human warfare can never be righteous.

Jesus is a pacifist. Killing in the name of Jesus is a sin and a heresy.

I know virtually nothing about the pacifism of Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism - but violence done in the name of their deity ALWAYS gives that religion a bad name.

Everywhere in the world, I doubt that terrorists (or any other killers) who claim to be Muslim, Jewish or Christian are faithful followers of their religion.

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Thai travel warning

April 04, 2005

AUSTRALIANS should defer non-essential travel to Thailand's southern provinces after yesterday's bombings, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) advised today.

At least two people were killed and several dozen wounded in a series of bomb blasts in Thailand's deep south, including one at the region's main airport.

The three explosions occurred in Songkhla, a province just north of where an Islamic insurgency has been active since early last year.

The bombings raised the possibility the militants could be expanding their field of operations.

Officials said several foreigners were among the wounded but a foreign affairs spokeswoman said there was no word of any Australian casualties.

"Consular officials in Bangkok are checking with local authorities as to whether any Australians may have been affected," the spokeswoman said.

"Our travel advisory for Thailand recommends that Australians in Thailand exercise extreme caution, and it advises Australians to defer non-essential travel to a number of southern provinces, including Songkhla."

The spokeswoman said the advisory noted the frequency and intensity of violent incidents in Thailand's southern provinces had increased since early last year.


and how about all the rambos and their threats of death and destruction cease posting until they have something constructive to say...every time something like this happens the same old cliche's get posted.. :o

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Is there a frontier wall/big fence all along the border? If there isn't I fear there may...

Actually there is a short stretch of wall, a few kms in length, built to stop easy passage into either country. I think at one time it was in the planning stages to run the entire length of the border.

I'll get back with more info if I find it.

Ok. Found something.


Edited by Gazza
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On top of the recent natural disasters this problem down south really doesn't help with tourism. Sure it is down south but when tourists are thinking of going on holiday I think they would see it as just a problem.

So many things to make tourists think twice of holidaying to the land of smiles. Sad really.


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A true religion will not preach or teach killing.  The only Christian denominations that preach peace are Quakers, Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Church of the Brethren, and some Seventh Day Adventist holdouts.  The rest think that maybe their best theologians may believe the biggest pipe dream of all time, with or without opium or marijuana: the "Just War Theory," which says that maybe someday somehow sometimes maybe warfare can be justifiably righteous.  However, human warfare can never be righteous.

Jesus is a pacifist.  Killing in the name of Jesus is a sin and a heresy.

I know virtually nothing about the pacifism of Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism - but violence done in the name of their deity ALWAYS gives that religion a bad name.

Everywhere in the world, I doubt that terrorists (or any other killers) who claim to be Muslim, Jewish or Christian are faithful followers of their religion.

Amen, PeaceBlondie. Not that I'm religious. Spiritual, yes; religious, no.

No true religion preaches murder so yes, those Islamics who follow their religion's true teachings feel they are misunderstood. Islamics who preach and practice death and destruction give Islam a bad name, indeed. Nor do they understand their religion in the least. For them the logic has been bent and twisted by those who seek to persoanl gain from the distortions. Religion is a powerful tool that is used by those who seek power. Always has been the case and always will be.

There is no such thing as a "just war." The end does not justify the means. Nor can war and death ever be a solution. Love begets love and hate begets hate.

There's a simple principal operating in this world. Like attracts like. That's it. How that principal operates in one's personal life and the world en masse is little understood. And until that principal is understood by the majority rather than the relatively few the events of South Thailand will continue to be repeated, in other times and other places, just as history has repeated itself throughout recorded time.

Fortunately, the world is a big place. Big enough for everyone. So there's really nothing to fear. If you feel safe you will be safe, despite the actions of anyone else. If you seek happiness you will always find it. If you seek the opposite, which, by the way, you inadvertently do through your fear as well as through your hatred, you will attract that to you instead.

It takes two to tango. Simply refuse to do so. Each individual has that personal choice. Pacifism isn't a sign of weakness; it's simply having an understanding of the true mechanics of life. Those who wish to counter with like acts of force appear to take a position of strength. And yet that is true weakness.

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Certainly taking things up a big notch, hitting an airport especially...

and especially with all 3 bombs going off outside of the three Deep South provinces.

Will Thaksin continue with his plans of reducing troop strength there? Will he make the government findings on the Tak Bi fiasco public?

Will he spend more money or less money on projects there?

What WILL his response be?

The eyes of the world are on you, Mr. T

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Islam and Muslim is not the same.

Islam is the path God wishes all to follow. And as some have stated it does not call for nor give merit for acts of terrorism especially against the innocent.

Muslim is what a person who claims to follow this path. That doesn't mean they actually do. Illiteracy and religion make a powerful team for people who would want to make forceful political gain using religion as a call to arms. The root of the problem is a very small group of powerful people who want more power (bow down to me). Find them and one can decapitate the serpent.

Terrorism and Divine Islam

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I think alot of you here are getting everything wrong.... We do not say Muslim are bad or they kills people... Its just there are NATION OF ISLAMS and there are different types of muslims in this world...

If we say the muslims are terrorist what about the non muslims like the mexican Brotherhood,Italian Mafia, and other non muslim group which kills people why dont we say they are terrorist...

We are only making things worst by sayin muslim are bad...Islam have several group..example.. Shiates,Suni, and etc

And now we dont know which group are making all these problems...

Long time ago this happens in Malaysia.... A so called devote muslims group making his own army and also do you guys remember Abu Sayaff in Philipines....

These bad Muslims are not accepted by their own Fellows muslims in their countries and other part of the regions.....So when they dont have the backing from the goverment they will create their own Army....THE AUTHORITIES SHOULD TAKE THEM DOWN...As the true religion of Islam do not teach them this....

So the moral of the story here we cannot just say muslims are terrorist...

If we say muslims are terrorist then we should also say the catholic,Buddist,Jews are also terrorist ....

Just because of 1 muslim idiot group we cannot say that the whole muslim are Terrorist it will make a bad impression to all the other muslims...


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well i think these topic is getting hot with the non muslims blamming the muslim create the bombs attack....

I think the the admin have got to closed down these topic before the other muslims community join these site and creat spam....

George better shut it down before it goes big

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I think alot of you here are getting everything wrong.... We do not say Muslim are bad or they kills people... Its just there are NATION OF ISLAMS and there are different types of muslims in this world...

If we say the muslims are terrorist what about the non muslims like the mexican Brotherhood,Italian Mafia, and other non muslim group which kills people why dont we say they are terrorist...

We are only making things worst by sayin muslim are bad...Islam have several group..example.. Shiates,Suni, and etc

And now we dont know which group are making all these problems...

Long time ago this happens in Malaysia.... A so called devote muslims group making his own army and also do you guys remember Abu Sayaff in Philipines....

These bad Muslims are not accepted by their own Fellows muslims in their countries and other part of the regions.....So when they dont have the backing from the goverment they will create their own Army....THE AUTHORITIES SHOULD TAKE THEM DOWN...As the true religion of Islam do not teach them this....

So the moral of the story here we cannot just say muslims are terrorist...

If we say muslims are terrorist then we should also say the catholic,Buddist,Jews are also terrorist ....

Just because of 1 muslim idiot group we cannot say that the whole muslim are Terrorist it will make a bad impression to all the other muslims...


Linda, i don't mean to hit on ya but i think you don't know what you are talking about here.

Please understand the koran before saying of what you just said, Linda.

Explorer :o

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i guess all religion has lost their meaning.

we dont need the priests(for any religion) telling us what we need to do or dont, we are mature enough to make our own decisions.

religion now is just a political tool where the priests and other higher authorities can brainwash and control the peoples minds...

be it anywhere....any religion thats the case(maybe not for buddhisim i dunno)....

i really feel disgusted how some people(probable malaysian driven) can brainwash people to do such acts of terror in the name of religion....really sickens me...

what sickens me more is that other people of the same faith dont oppose to that....

other muslims(who disagree with these terrorists) should protest against these terrorists....if they dont the only signal we get is that they agree with the terrorists ideology...

PS: u visit any house in the deep south, u may find photos of osama bin ladden or saddam on their walls...

Edited by devil_dog
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A true religion will not preach or teach killing.  The only Christian denominations that preach peace are Quakers, Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Church of the Brethren, and some Seventh Day Adventist holdouts.  The rest think that maybe their best theologians may believe the biggest pipe dream of all time, with or without opium or marijuana: the "Just War Theory," which says that maybe someday somehow sometimes maybe warfare can be justifiably righteous.  However, human warfare can never be righteous.

Jesus is a pacifist.  Killing in the name of Jesus is a sin and a heresy.

I know virtually nothing about the pacifism of Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism - but violence done in the name of their deity ALWAYS gives that religion a bad name.

Everywhere in the world, I doubt that terrorists (or any other killers) who claim to be Muslim, Jewish or Christian are faithful followers of their religion.

Amen, PeaceBlondie. Not that I'm religious. Spiritual, yes; religious, no.

No true religion preaches murder so yes, those Islamics who follow their religion's true teachings feel they are misunderstood. Islamics who preach and practice death and destruction give Islam a bad name, indeed. Nor do they understand their religion in the least. For them the logic has been bent and twisted by those who seek to persoanl gain from the distortions. Religion is a powerful tool that is used by those who seek power. Always has been the case and always will be.

There is no such thing as a "just war." The end does not justify the means. Nor can war and death ever be a solution. Love begets love and hate begets hate.

There's a simple principal operating in this world. Like attracts like. That's it. How that principal operates in one's personal life and the world en masse is little understood. And until that principal is understood by the majority rather than the relatively few the events of South Thailand will continue to be repeated, in other times and other places, just as history has repeated itself throughout recorded time.

Fortunately, the world is a big place. Big enough for everyone. So there's really nothing to fear. If you feel safe you will be safe, despite the actions of anyone else. If you seek happiness you will always find it. If you seek the opposite, which, by the way, you inadvertently do through your fear as well as through your hatred, you will attract that to you instead.

It takes two to tango. Simply refuse to do so. Each individual has that personal choice. Pacifism isn't a sign of weakness; it's simply having an understanding of the true mechanics of life. Those who wish to counter with like acts of force appear to take a position of strength. And yet that is true weakness.

What crap! What are you guys smokin'? What was World War II then? Should everyone had just rolled over and let the Jews burn? :o

The right thing to do is work for peace and when ALL (& I mean ALL) options have been exhausted reach for the steel.

There is wisdom in what you say about like atracts like, however, you have forgotten balance, something ever religion speaks on. Chaos vs. Order, Good vs. Evil, etc; The world lives in the gray area and balances between. So , is a person creating choas or order and for what reasons? A war to free a country from enslavment is just, no? One would be going against the order as it stands to make this happen. A revolution like France had or America, or so many other countries, unjust you think? If war is to protect, free, or establish order from choas is this not just?

Yes, it takes two to tango and if someone is going to hurt me and mine and they refuse to listen to reason then we're going to tango! :D

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International planning, Thai execution

Commander: "Go to that big city in the south and plant the bombs at the international airport, a high-class international hotel, and a high-class international shopping centre."

Recruit1: "Krap. When should I do it?"

Commander: "Oh, before the biggest holiday of the year, when everyone goes away."

Recruit1: "Krapom."

Commander: "Heheheh. That should paralyse their international tourism revenues at one stroke."

Recruit1: "Hehehehe krap."


Recruit1: "Here, Somchai, er what is the biggest city in the south, anyway?"

Recruit2: "Dunno. Hat Yai I think."

Recruit1: "OK. What's the biggest poshest hotel?"

Recruit2: "Dunno mate. Let's ask a travel agent."


Travel agent: "Yes sir, I assure you Green World Palace pays the most comm- I mean, has the highest standard of facilities for international businessmen, more than the Regency or Novotel. Can I also interest you in car hire?"

Recruits: "That's ok, we have our own transport thanks. By the way, what was that about the massage service?..."


Recruit1: "Ok, now all we need is the international shopping centre. How about Central?"

Recruit2: "Nah, that's a Thai company. My sister says Carrefour is bigger. And that's owned by a Western company."

Recruit1: "Ok, Carrefour it is. I hate everything Western. Hey, let's get another bottle to celebrate. Make it Spey Royal this time, not that local crap."


-- 4th April 2005 --

Recruit1: "Pretty good huh?"

Commander: [Dreaming of hitting Amari Phuket etc at Christmas] Right, let's start from the beginning...

I'm not trying to downplay the seriousness of what's just happened, or trivialise the two deaths and many injuries. At the same time, something seems not quite right. Perhaps Had Yai was really the intended target, being softer than Phuket. But Green World doesn't exactly have the name recognition of say, Novotel, although checking online it seems to have as good facilities as anywhere in town. And, Carrefour? Anyone living in Thailand knows that it caters entirely for normal locals, not westerners.

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International planning, Thai execution

I'm not trying to downplay the seriousness of what's just happened, or trivialise the two deaths and many injuries. At the same time, something seems not quite right. Perhaps Had Yai was really the intended target, being softer than Phuket. But Green World doesn't exactly have the name recognition of say, Novotel, although checking online it seems to have as good facilities as anywhere in town. And, Carrefour? Anyone living in Thailand knows that it caters entirely for normal locals, not westerners.

Might be because this is one of the hotels that is used by workers in the oil & gas industry.

I used to send my guys there all the time as it was cheap and convenient

Edited by Ian_B
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International planning, Thai execution

Commander: "Go to that big city in the south and plant the bombs at the international airport,  a high-class international hotel, and a high-class international shopping centre."

Recruit1: "Krap. When should I do it?"

Commander: "Oh, before the biggest holiday of the year, when everyone goes away."

Recruit1: "Krapom."

Commander: "Heheheh. That should paralyse their international tourism revenues at one stroke."

Recruit1: "Hehehehe krap."


Recruit1: "Here, Somchai, er what is the biggest city in the south, anyway?"

Recruit2: "Dunno. Hat Yai I think."

Recruit1: "OK. What's the biggest poshest hotel?"

Recruit2: "Dunno mate. Let's ask a travel agent."


Travel agent: "Yes sir, I assure you Green World Palace pays the most comm- I mean, has the highest standard of facilities for international businessmen, more than the Regency or Novotel. Can I also interest you in car hire?"

Recruits: "That's ok, we have our own transport thanks. By the way, what was that about the massage service?..."


Recruit1: "Ok, now all we need is the international shopping centre. How about Central?"

Recruit2: "Nah, that's a Thai company. My sister says Carrefour is bigger. And that's owned by a Western company."

Recruit1: "Ok, Carrefour it is. I hate everything Western. Hey, let's get another bottle to celebrate. Make it Spey Royal this time, not that local crap."


  -- 4th April 2005 --

Recruit1: "Pretty good huh?"

Commander: [Dreaming of hitting Amari Phuket etc at Christmas] Right, let's start from the beginning...

Whichever reincarnated user name you are, :o , keep up the excellent work. Extremely well written...


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and what does all this have to do with tutsiwarrior???

Headline should read "Muslim Cowards Attack Defenseless Women & Children"

What makes you so sure that the bombers were Muslim?

Unless Tutsi warriors have infiltrated the south, I'd bet a months wages that muslims may have had a tad to do with it.....

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i hope they instigate road blocks in BKK and other tourists spots before there is another bali style attack . soi 4 has to be very dangerous now,

Is it a police state you wish for? Or is it simply to be safe? If it's your safety then there are better ways to do it. I don't think anyone really wants a police state, even if it's intent is to keep you safe. For someone else to secure your safety is an impossiblity. Only you can do that. Besides, safety isn't worth the price of freedom.

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what sickens me more is that other people of the same faith dont oppose to that....

other muslims(who disagree with these terrorists) should protest against these terrorists....if they dont the only signal we get is that they agree with the terrorists ideology...

PS: u visit any house in the deep south, u may find photos of osama bin ladden or saddam on their walls...

Fully agreed!! That's the point!

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soi 4 has to be very dangerous now,

For awhile I have had butterflies when I go to NEP -( that might be because I always get the cheapest beer on the menu). It does seem an easy, soft target though, doesn't it.

We witnessed 6 weeks ago that the insurgents had mastered the art of manufacturing car bombs- and that was a significant new weaponry development, largely overlooked.

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Why can't the Muslims who disargee with this stuff work to help turn these people in. There is most likely quite a few people who know who's doing what, and they are not saying anyhting.

Why can't the good policemen, military men and politicians do the same?

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