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Is there anything available to get rid off the little buggers. We try to keep the room as clean as possible and the building we are in is quite new and so there is no problem there but still they are everywhere.

We have a toddler and so we can't use anything too toxic, but does anybody have any recommendations on some way to make our quite unwelcome guests go away.


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^ The only thing that surprises me is that the number is only 2.5, I would of thought much higher, perhaps many of them are living in the streets.

I wouldnt get too worried about the odd cockroach here and there OP, its the rats that are likely to chew the arm off ur baby :)

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Try the rat glue that is sold in almost every Thai shop. Spread the glue over a piece of card board and place where the 'roaches are most prolific. You will need to put some bait in the middle of the glue and leave for a few days. Just for interest. Did you know that you can cut the head off of a 'roach and it will live for at least a week before dying of starvation ?

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Eco solution - use Pandan leaves. In thai they are called 'bai dteuy' and usually used in cooking, you can get it cheaply in the markets

And do what with them?

Just tie the leaves in a bunch and and leave them in dark corners. Natural roach repellant that doubles up as air fresherner

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Eco solution - use Pandan leaves. In thai they are called 'bai dteuy' and usually used in cooking, you can get it cheaply in the markets

And do what with them?

Just tie the leaves in a bunch and and leave them in dark corners. Natural roach repellant that doubles up as air fresherner

Apparently cockroaches don't like cucumber. Perhaps try smearing a bit of that around roach entry points.

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My cats turn them upside down and leave them for me to get rid of. Lately, I think because of the rain, I've had really a lot in the house and they aren't running around on the floor, they are on the walls. I opened an outside drain cover and it was full of them.

They drive me nuts. I can't sleep if I know one is in the room and boy they can move quickly.

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Mothballs contain dangerous chemicals and are probably not good for kids.

I would suggest spraying on the outside of areas where they can enter. I spray under the doors to the house and this has worked quite well. It's easier to keep a toddler away from these areas. If you use a spray, there is a kind with a long nozzle so that you can get it into cracks and thus make sure that it isn't all over the place.

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I second the mothball option :)

I've heard it works for snakes too. Needless to say, my back door, my front door and my bedroom door, all have mothballs there to keep the cobras out.

Save you the bother 'sbk', mothballs" have been proven not to work against snakes. The best way to discourage any pest is to eliminate the enviroment it likes. with snakes one should not keep debris ( woodpiles, old tyres,etc) that could provide cozy places for the snake.

Borax seems to be the answer. Look on www.ehow.comhow_4479844_make-cockroach-repellant-from-borax.htlm

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