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I like this one Vulc: lots of potential for good "captions". :)

Agreed, wonder what shes thinking?

I like this shot Vulcan, and the others of Halloween you took.

Looks like its bigger in Th than Aus.

Canon EOS 5D - 50mm F1.2 L - 1/125th @f2.8 - ISO 320 - fill in flash

Moved by Kan Win

moved to where and why

i find this image disturbing!

Moved to where 'Evaluate my photo"

and as to why, as per the OP's request.

Nuff said 'yumidesign', you nosey :) parker you :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win


To clarify matters I'd inadvertently placed the image in the main forum whereas my intention was "Evaluate My Photo"

I asked the Mods to move it to the correct area.

I asked the Mods to move it to the correct area.

Nice. I suppose all your Halloween photos were intentionally underexposed/under-developed? Assuming it was taken indoor, would bouncing flash create even better effect?

I asked the Mods to move it to the correct area.

Nice. I suppose all your Halloween photos were intentionally underexposed/under-developed? Assuming it was taken indoor, would bouncing flash create even better effect?

You need to get your monitor calibrated my old friend! :)

Exposure is bang on - range shown is 3 - 249 (a tadge extra black to keep the mood)

Anyway - outdoor shot so nothing to bounce off although that would not have been a choice as I wanted full detail. Used a stofen diffuser to soften and spread a little.

I've since "whitened" her eyes a little and it's dead spooky now!

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