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Reasons To Return Home

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Hi all

One of the big stipulations when applying for a visa for most countries is that the applicant has to prove that they have sufficient reasons/obligations to return to their home country at the end of their stay

Just wondering what all you people out there used as evidence to help your friends get Visas for your country?

My Bf (gay) will be applying for a visa soon and we intend to use the following evidence, can any others suggest anything else?

- Shanoot (Land deeds - translated to english) and photographs of his land and recently build home in Buriram

- Letter from Employer stating length of employment and stating exact dates he can take off, along with guarantee that he will keep his job open for him

- Photos of Bf together with family (parents and sister) to show family togetherness etc

- Letter from school (translated) where he attends part time finishing his M6, hopefully detailing that he must sit his final exams in October

- Provisionally booked flights from Bkk to Ireland

Unfortunately he has no bank statements, detailing savings etc to submit with the application(all savings spent on home) But as part of the application i have to submit my bank statements/pay slips and a letter of financial guaartee that I will be responsible for all his expenses/costs etc

Also as part of the application we do not say we are romantically involved as this would probably lead to immediate dismissal of the application (homophobic biddies in teh DOJ!)

Excerpt below from Irish Consulate in Bkk website:


Travelling to Ireland as a tourist

If you are a Visa-required national and you would like to visit Ireland for a short period (less than 3 months) you should present the following documents with your visa application:

A letter from the person(s) inviting you to Ireland. This letter should include contact details of the person(s), proposed dates for your stay and details of where you will be staying along with a detailed account as to how the reference met you (where applicable).

A full copy of the passport of the reference may verify when and where the reference met you.


Confirmation of a hotel booking containing the dates of your proposed stay.

Evidence that you have sufficient funds to maintain yourself during your stay in Ireland. This should be in the form of a bank/building society statement or equivalent document. If it is a bank statment, a recent bank statement covering a six month period is required.


A Letter from the person(s) undertaking to support you financially during your stay in Ireland. The Reference may be requested to show that they have sufficient funds to do this (e.g. a bank statement).

Evidence that you are obliged to return to your country of residence. This can take the form of a letter from your employer detailing when you are expected to return to work or a letter from a college specifying the date on which your course of study re-commences.

Or, details of family members residing in your country of permanent residence, or details of your accommodation in your country of permanent residence, e.g. ownership details or rental agreement.

If you do not work or study a letter from a person in authority may be sufficient.

If visiting another EU member state prior to traveling to Ireland, the relevent visa for that country should be obtained before a visa for Ireland can be issued.

If traveling to visit a non EU national resident in the State, details of non EU national's permission to remain in this State should be submitted (e.g. Garda (Police) Registration Card).

Three recent passport sized photographs

Returning flight details/itinerary. However, do not purchase an air-ticket or confirm your flight until your application is approved.

Applicant's original passport

Visa fee of THB 3,320 (per person) for single entry visa and THB 5,440 for multiple entry visa.

The fee is not refundable whether the visa is approved or not.

For faxing and photocopying, the communication cost is THB 400 (per person)

The standard processing time for a tourist visa application takes approximately 3 weeks. However, if the application is to be referred to Dublin, it can take up to 4 to 6 weeks.

Please ensure that everything is in order and all documentation is submitted in full.

Any Suggestions would be very welcome....

Edited by colmx
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Am i happy i am from the Netherlands. My wife (at that moment girlfriend) just stated, because "Thailand is my home and where all my family and friends are."

I had to sign a guarantee for sending her back on time. And provide an address to stay. Show sufficient financials.

I think these things YOU have to sign and declare carry the most weight.

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Hi Khun Jean

We applied last year for a visa for him and submitted all of my stuff, but unfortunately at the end of it all they said that...

"...in the opinion of the visa officer the applicant had insufficient reasons to return to Thailand at teh end of his visa..."

So this time we are trying to submit as much proof/evidence as possible that he has enough ties to Thailand to compel him to return...

(as if anyone would want to stay in Ireland for more than 3 weeks anyway!)

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Hi colmx,

Did you challange this outcome. Sometimes they just make it hard to see if you are serious enough.

I only have experience with my embassy, so i can not help you with yours.

Strange thing is that you have to make something up to convince them.

Actually for most thai people the best reason is family as family is the most important. If your friend is responsible for taking care of his mother or father it should give some more changes. A job someone can return to can also be a reason to not come back. :o

After reading many stories it looks like it depends on the mood of the one who makes the decisions. After all it is an offence against the law to overstay your visa and punishable by a large fine and possible jail time. More than a convincing reason to go back but logic is not used here it is opinion.

I wish you good luck, and hope the officer is in a good mood this time.


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