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Kicking The Crap Out Of A Pervert ?

William Osborne

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teach your children well, tell them to walk away from ANY one approaching them with anything, if the don't know them and are alone!

Pictures could turn a very, very wrong way - understand that there are victims at the other end of this tunnel too!

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So I am not saying it's ok to prey on 12 year olds but it is a fact that pretty much every girl in Pattaya if for sale anywhere including the young ones since I had winks of those pretty often... You can't entirely blame the guy can you?

Yes you can blame the guy, if i got a ''wink'' of a 12 year old girl it wouldnt make me approach her or look at her in a sexual way. In fact maybe they ''wink'' at me everyday but as i dont seem to be forcusing on girls that age i guess i would never notice, seems you notice though... :)

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So I am not saying it's ok to prey on 12 year olds but it is a fact that pretty much every girl in Pattaya if for sale anywhere including the young ones since I had winks of those pretty often... You can't entirely blame the guy can you?

Holy crap batman, I wink at people all the time, theres nothing sexual about it, I hope none of the old geezers i wink at think i want a bit of slap and tickle.

I also have a mate with a eye twitch, he'd be in a world of strife if this is the law according to brian. :)

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I'm afraid that you would end up with a lot of trouble on your hands as he would probably deny it and possibly try to put blame on the girl. It is difficult to do nothing, but sometimes that is all we can do.

I don't agree with you. A few month back, my step daughter (14 yo) went by bicycle through the Moo Ban to the market. As there are several Moo bans in my area, she went through the neighbourg Moo Ban where she saw a younger girl screaming as a "Business Man" looking guy grabed her.

This guy actually touched someone. That is a lot easier to prove than the intentions of someone who approached a girl without spelling out what he wanted. We all know what he wanted, but proving it might be difficult.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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We should all be seriously discouraging people from 'kicking the crap out of perverts' as there will pretty soon be a case of mistaken identity where some guy is out with their daughter and gets jumped by a bunch of vigilantes, who think he is a pervert.

There is due process to be followed, even if it is probably fairly hopeless in Thailand. Independent action should only be used as a very final resort, and only if there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever of the crimes involved.

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Crap here we go at a discussion I don't feel like haha. The guy was wrong. Prostitution under the age of 18 is forbidden in Thailand and Cambodia nowadays under great international pressure. Almost worldwide prostitution is illegal under the age of 18 nowadays. In Spain you can have sex with girls from the age of twelve. In several american states from the age of 14. This goes for alot more countries in the world.

hel_l what am I even saying here... I am against prostitution below the age of 18 myself by the way... But there's no reason for violence and 14 is a big girl, she can say no herself.

Edited by Crypt36
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My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

I fully sympathise with you and would feel similar but to be honest, you have mouthed a lot of tough guy stuff and then meekly asked on here what the consequences would be. I would say that if you really were going to "kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! " you wouldn't be asking for advice on here.

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its a persons God given duty to help those who need, in particular those who cannot defend themselves

doing nothing is a point in the favour of the bad guys

there simply is not enough time to allow fate to do its thing

kicking the crap outta someone sure feels good especially when they have done something to deserve it!

but to be sure its not the right way nor good way neither

nope, best lets the cops deal with it

no need to lower ourselves to that level

these people are sick it a cruel hand of mother nature

but they need to be taken off the streets and imobilised

best way is community awareness not turning a blind eye or waiting for fate

training in how to identify chester the molester

hope the kid is fine

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naaa wouldnt say that at all

give the guy a break here, think whats hes been through

the guy is confused, know how he feels too, i been there

it understandable whats going through his head

i hope he finds peace of mind soon

and we get that guy off the streets

My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

I fully sympathise with you and would feel similar but to be honest, you have mouthed a lot of tough guy stuff and then meekly asked on here what the consequences would be. I would say that if you really were going to "kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! " you wouldn't be asking for advice on here.

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This post is going to be unpopular but I'll post it anyway. You do not KNOW what happened. A 14 year old girl is one of the most manipulative creatures om the planet especially when dealing with dear old dad. She is in puberty and working out how (sadly) easy it is to manipulate men.

Before everyone jumps all over me let me tell you story. A friend of mine had just stated teaching and was at his first school. There was a 14 year old girl there who was a total pain in the arse. All the other older more experienced teachers let her get always with murder and when he asked why he was told to just let it go, that pubescent girls could be really really dangerous. Young and foolish he decided to discipline her and gave her detention. Next thing he knows he has a large man beating him so severely he has never been able to walk without a stick since. The man was of course her father and when questioned by police and asked if he might have considered that the allegations made by the daughter weren't true he said 'my daughter doesn't lie to me'. 10 minutes in the interview room and she confessed she told her dad my friend had molested her as revenge. Upshot she was expelled and the father got 6 years for GBH. None of which changes the fact that my friend can no longer walk straight.

I am not saying your stepdaughter is lieing only that you do not KNOW what happened. Let me give you an alternative scenario. The two of them asked him to buy them alcohol drink and he refused so they decided to mess him up. Not saying it happened just that it could have.

Bottom line vigilante justice is regarded as a bad thing for a reason. The police are there for a reason. If your can identify him report it to the police and let them investigate.

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You would do better to do some detective work and find out his name and nationality and then inform the authorities who in turn could do some checking of his background.

He is probably a convicted paedophile in his home country.

The kicking-in idea would only lead you to Thai jail and possibly paying the pervert for his hospital treatment at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

What gave you the great knowlege to to say such a thing? Are you a convicted bigot from your home country?

What this guy did was reprehensible but at 14 the girl should have enough sense to scream blue murder and get help.

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^my main point being, dont lose everything because you feel like kicking the crap out of a pervert, thats all.

I didn't mean to suggest that you were condoning apathy over this type of crime. Apologies if it sounded that way.

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Its Pattaya. Its going to happen. If you think its not going to happen then you are in denial. I personally would not have a young family within a hundred miles of this place.

Thank you.

I thought I would have to be the first to post this opinion.

I like to go to Pattaya, as it's a great place for ME to have a good time with a consenting ADULT woman.

But if I had a young daughter, Pattaya is probably the last place in the world I'd want to raise a family.

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Its Pattaya. Its going to happen. If you think its not going to happen then you are in denial. I personally would not have a young family within a hundred miles of this place.

Thank you.

I thought I would have to be the first to post this opinion.

I like to go to Pattaya, as it's a great place for ME to have a good time with a consenting ADULT woman.

But if I had a young daughter, Pattaya is probably the last place in the world I'd want to raise a family.

There are an awful lot of people, Thai and farang, who live in Pattaya and raise their kids there. They are in Pattaya for many reasons the greatest one being personal choice. There is an awful lot more to do in Pattaya, especially for young people, than in the remote villages as not everyones gets off on watching rice grow.

Your approach is to turn Pattaya into a no go area for families, fine for you who can afford a nice place far away but many of the Thai population don't have that choice.

Or don't the children of Thai families count?

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^my main point being, dont lose everything because you feel like kicking the crap out of a pervert, thats all.

I didn't mean to suggest that you were condoning apathy over this type of crime. Apologies if it sounded that way.

No, no apology needed oevna, I never thought for one minute that you were doing such.

I have been fortunate enuf over the years to put a couple of ROCK SPIDERS away in my day. Each and every time I had to deal with one of those vermin, my stomache would turn. The easy thing for me at the time would have been to beat them to a pulp, drop a piece of led between their eyes, string em up or whatever BUT that may have come at the extreeme cost of a court conviction, so common sense prevailed.

The OP would be better off finding this grub and making sure he was dealt with according to the law, rather than place himself out on a limb. These grubs are the flavour of the month (& should be) for law enforcement officials.....it would be great to see this pervert suffer in a thai jail somewhere. I dont care what anyone says, you cant mistake a 12yo for an adult, simple.

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you cant mistake a 12yo for an adult, simple.

It goes deeper than that. Even in a town like Pattaya you should not assume all women are available for a little cash. Adults, of course, are a fair bit more adept at protecting themselves but it all comes down to simple respect. Respect for the individual and respect for the law.

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She was not 12. :)

TRUE, my bad. She was actually 14 and according to the father looked about 12.

you cant mistake a 12yo for an adult, simple.

It goes deeper than that. Even in a town like Pattaya you should not assume all women are available for a little cash. Adults, of course, are a fair bit more adept at protecting themselves but it all comes down to simple respect. Respect for the individual and respect for the law.

YES, I agree totally.

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naaa wouldnt say that at all

give the guy a break here, think whats hes been through

the guy is confused, know how he feels too, i been there

it understandable whats going through his head

i hope he finds peace of mind soon

and we get that guy off the streets

My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

I fully sympathise with you and would feel similar but to be honest, you have mouthed a lot of tough guy stuff and then meekly asked on here what the consequences would be. I would say that if you really were going to "kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! " you wouldn't be asking for advice on here.

If he's confused then it means he's not really a violent guy and that's why he's asking for advice. I fully understand that. I'm making the point that actually he's only likely to be violent in his head. I doubt he would be violent to the guy in reality. He's fantasising what he should do and he won't be kicking the shit out of anyone unless it happened in a flash at the time, rather than sometime after the event. If he really was the violent type, he wouldn't be concerned with the consequences of his actions - he would just do it naturally.

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I'm 26 myself and had a gay approach me to have sex with them for money twice myself. Even had one lay his <deleted> hand on my leg! Hehe it's horrible and pisses you off so I do sympatise. But hey who would trade Pattaya heaven for Bangkok Hilton?!

Also I asked out a girl once when I just came here and after our first date and sex she asked me for money indicating she was doing muay thai... Other side of the story! I really liked this girl and was kinda pissed.

I do think however thai police has more problems with someone who commits violence then pedofiles. As far as I read being a "pedofile" is quite normal in Thai culture.

95% of Pattaya tourists come here for sex and that's it so why bring bring you're family here in the first place?!

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i may be splitting hairs

but theres many violent types of action

all usually wrong ( even war to be honest is all dam_n wrong)

some guys just flip, something triggers them, and a threat to their child is a common trigger

be easy on the dude

believe me i seen the most peaceful looking dude go to totally unrational being

there is common but misunderstood area that comes into play here

when a man has his blood kin threatened it deeply affects something deep within them

their core

often the real victim of, say rape for example is the husband because he is left to deal with the questions

and aftermarth

maybe i should do something ? how can i let him get away with it? should i bust his balls? could i down more?

remember- this poor guy is also a victim too

saying things like you should fxxx him up your should not make threats

this does not help one bit

this can lead to all sorts of complications

feeling of inadequecy, feeling that the guy did not provide what a man ought to do- and this can sting

real deep

i will post a few tips on how to make our kids a bit safer

buddy- i feel for you, my best wishes are with ya

naaa wouldnt say that at all

give the guy a break here, think whats hes been through

the guy is confused, know how he feels too, i been there

it understandable whats going through his head

i hope he finds peace of mind soon

and we get that guy off the streets

My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

I fully sympathise with you and would feel similar but to be honest, you have mouthed a lot of tough guy stuff and then meekly asked on here what the consequences would be. I would say that if you really were going to "kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! " you wouldn't be asking for advice on here.

If he's confused then it means he's not really a violent guy and that's why he's asking for advice. I fully understand that. I'm making the point that actually he's only likely to be violent in his head. I doubt he would be violent to the guy in reality. He's fantasising what he should do and he won't be kicking the shit out of anyone unless it happened in a flash at the time, rather than sometime after the event. If he really was the violent type, he wouldn't be concerned with the consequences of his actions - he would just do it naturally.

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straight dave hit the nail on the head Thank you I have been trying to help here because I understand a mans feelings and as you said the husband or father in this case also becomes victim of his own emotions. My heart felt feelings go out to him also and hope he can resolve this inside himself . I have seen men destroyed by their emotions after dealing with such things by violence.

I am looking forward to your future posts on keeping children safe. And hope they help some people.

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My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

Calm down and take a step back, don't let her out of your sight. I moved from Phuket for this reason

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often the real victim of, say rape for example is the husband because he is left to deal with the questions and aftermarth

I am sorry, do you really believe this to be true? I mean, really? The real victim ???

I was the victim of not only a flasher but also a peeping Tom as a young girl and I am the one who has had to live with the aftermath of that. I am the one who suffered from nightmares from years and still must have all curtains tightly shut at night. Not my father, not my husband.

And can you honestly say that the husband or boyfriend of a woman who has been raped is more of a victim than she is? She is the one whose security and very being has been violated.

While I appreciate your sentiments and do agree that these horrible acts affect men as well, to state that they are the real victims? Well, I honestly hope that you merely misspoke and I misunderstand what your meaning is here.

As for kicking the crap out of a pervert, well, better dam_n well make sure that you have the right guy, because otherwise your misplaced "knight on a white horse" syndrome may be victimising yet another person.

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often the real victim of, say rape for example is the husband because he is left to deal with the questions and aftermarth

I am sorry, do you really believe this to be true? I mean, really? The real victim ???

I was the victim of not only a flasher but also a peeping Tom as a young girl and I am the one who has had to live with the aftermath of that. I am the one who suffered from nightmares from years and still must have all curtains tightly shut at night. Not my father, not my husband.

And can you honestly say that the husband or boyfriend of a woman who has been raped is more of a victim than she is? She is the one whose security and very being has been violated.

While I appreciate your sentiments and do agree that these horrible acts affect men as well, to state that they are the real victims? Well, I honestly hope that you merely misspoke and I misunderstand what your meaning is here.

As for kicking the crap out of a pervert, well, better dam_n well make sure that you have the right guy, because otherwise your misplaced "knight on a white horse" syndrome may be victimising yet another person.

listen honey

first of all i apologise for not being clear

the joke about kicking the crap was just that a joke

i did beat the crap outta one perv once

and you know- i did not feel good about it

now listen, please understand , a lady get raped, she has all sort of places to go , hopefully

the man in her life often has no where no one to talk to no one to share and some fools ask dumb ass questions like

what are you gonna man? you arent gonna let him

a man purpose in life ( one of them) is to protect his lady and kids therefore his security has been seriously violated

my lady is me, flesh and soul, touch her you touch me i will not go there if that ever happens

and some go through sheer hel_l when their abilty to do this is questioned

what can go through some guys minds is hel_l sure, they might not be suffering like the poor lady

but how to mange hel_l? is there a scale?

and this f-ed up world of ours dictacts that he should do the manly thing and settle up

so, i hope we are clear, yes, the lady may suffer more and its disgusting, but often the male is left all alone to deal with those inner demons

suffer less he may well do

something to to council by and large they do not have

and this can actually make the healing process take a lot loner

hope were on the same page now

even more so, hope you will never have to face that crap again

best wishes


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straight dave hit the nail on the head Thank you I have been trying to help here because I understand a mans feelings and as you said the husband or father in this case also becomes victim of his own emotions. My heart felt feelings go out to him also and hope he can resolve this inside himself . I have seen men destroyed by their emotions after dealing with such things by violence.

I am looking forward to your future posts on keeping children safe. And hope they help some people.

thanks man

the lady was right, i didnt word it too good, but i think i clued her in

i will start a new post about this and would appriciate any feeback from you all

even those who like movies!!!

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Your anger is fully understandable. We experience the same thing many times with staff being touched & approached like prostitute by these low life foreigners in Pattaya. Disgusting old dirty bastards. They even think they are desirable, bloody ....holes....Best take a camera and take their picture and promise to publish on Internet with the appropriate comments.. These scumbags don't like that! Or get them around the corner with no witnesses....Or hold them and call the police, but first the local press, which loves stories like this and has little to fear...I am aware of many parents worrying about their kids in this respect. Good luck!

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often the real victim of, say rape for example is the husband because he is left to deal with the questions and aftermarth

I am sorry, do you really believe this to be true? I mean, really? The real victim ???

I was the victim of not only a flasher but also a peeping Tom as a young girl and I am the one who has had to live with the aftermath of that. I am the one who suffered from nightmares from years and still must have all curtains tightly shut at night. Not my father, not my husband.

And can you honestly say that the husband or boyfriend of a woman who has been raped is more of a victim than she is? She is the one whose security and very being has been violated.

While I appreciate your sentiments and do agree that these horrible acts affect men as well, to state that they are the real victims? Well, I honestly hope that you merely misspoke and I misunderstand what your meaning is here.

As for kicking the crap out of a pervert, well, better dam_n well make sure that you have the right guy, because otherwise your misplaced "knight on a white horse" syndrome may be victimising yet another person.

listen honey

first of all i apologise for not being clear

the joke about kicking the crap was just that a joke

i did beat the crap outta one perv once

and you know- i did not feel good about it

now listen, please understand , a lady get raped, she has all sort of places to go , hopefully

the man in her life often has no where no one to talk to no one to share and some fools ask dumb ass questions like

what are you gonna man? you arent gonna let him

a man purpose in life ( one of them) is to protect his lady and kids therefore his security has been seriously violated

my lady is me, flesh and soul, touch her you touch me i will not go there if that ever happens

and some go through sheer hel_l when their abilty to do this is questioned

what can go through some guys minds is hel_l sure, they might not be suffering like the poor lady

but how to mange hel_l? is there a scale?

and this f-ed up world of ours dictacts that he should do the manly thing and settle up

so, i hope we are clear, yes, the lady may suffer more and its disgusting, but often the male is left all alone to deal with those inner demons

suffer less he may well do

something to to council by and large they do not have

and this can actually make the healing process take a lot loner

hope were on the same page now

even more so, hope you will never have to face that crap again

best wishes



I'm not trying to be rude, but do you actually think the same way as you write? Your answer might go a long way to explaining why you have written what you have.

Also, are you good at lifting heavy things?

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Bottom line vigilante justice is regarded as a bad thing for a reason. The police are there for a reason. If your can identify him report it to the police and let them investigate.

The State police system only came about because of the growth in cities and population rises. Plus it's a good way of instilling fear without going overhand with a militia etc.

Vig. is a bad thing if it's done wrong, but if the police aren't available or are in 99% of cases a reactive clean-up force then it's you folks on the ground that are the 'police'.

Think about that one...

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