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Kicking The Crap Out Of A Pervert ?

William Osborne

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My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

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Obviously, it is not advisable to take the law into your own hands.

The more interesting question to me is what would happen to the perp if you reported him to the police as someone who has openly solicited a minor. I would assume nothing would happen, that there would have to be actual evidence of a sex act for there to be a legal issue here.

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I know how you are feeling, just like any red blooded man and father would feel, but I think doing what you, and many others, feel is the right thing would only land you and you family in the sh1t. For a start you have no proof except what your daughter has told you and the perv's defence lawyer is going to challenge that resulting in your daughter having to testify in court. That is if you can identify the scumbag, and if it gets to that it is going to cause her probably more trauma than the actual event.

So what to do given that we all must let our kids off the rein at some time or another? Other than arming her with pepper spray the best advice is to tell her to give these vermin the bum's rush in as loud a voice as possible. At least the surrounding, 99% decent, people will get a good look at the perv.

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................................................ the best advice is to tell her to give these vermin the bum's rush in as loud a voice as possible. At least the surrounding, 99% decent, people will get a good look at the perv.

My thoughts, entirely.

Have often (too often, mayhap) seen Thai "Street-Justice" meted out to Farang's abusing the locals for far less than what the OP describes as having occurred.

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There are always two sides to any story - and in this case we will only hear one. :)

...and what could possibly be the other side of the story that would put the guy in a better light?

There is a group that asks people to report foreigners of his bent - the posters I have seen also mention reporting their embassy if you know their identity (which you don't). I believe the group is a farang group, so not Thais blaming us for all the kiddy-crap before that comes in response. I don't know the number, but will be at a school I know has a poster in a couple of weeks, and I'll post it if someone doesn't beat me to the punch.

I once saw a Thai man (on yabba I was told) holding up a young boy (perhaps 4 y/o) and holding a knife in his other hand (boy was to his body facing outwards - like a reverse hug I guess). There was a ring of villagers around him and several BiB. They eventually got the guy to drop the knofe and put the kids down - the kids was passed out of the circle to its mum and then, whoof, the ring imploded - cops didn't seem to be in much of a hurry 'rescueing' the guy!

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As much as all of us daddys would love to take a ball bat to these creeps, its probably best to hold our tempers. I tell my daughters to stay in groups of at least 3 and if approached to get vocal and let the surrounding crowd know what is happening. If I saw or overheard such a proposal I am not sure what would happen, but in honesty doubt if I would follow my own advice totally. I would hope to control my temper while accidentally bumping into the as.. ole.

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If you find the guy and kick the crap out of him the implications would be he goes to hospital, if he doesnt know you and their are no witnesses to identify you. It doesnt help the next kiddy he approaches, but it will be a release for your fury.

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If thats you in the picture Mr Osborne you may have difficulty catching him.

if thats you in the picture Mr Cobalt60 you may have difficulty in anyone seeing you ... :D anyway who said anything about chasing anyone, a straight kick into his kneecap should slow him down.. :)

Mr. Osborne, most 14 year olds in this country seem to have a mobile phone. Hopefully, yours does and if not, she soon will have. Good advice is to let this go, make sure your daughter knows to call you immediately if something like this happens again and for her to advise her friends to call THEIR parents if it happens to them. You or other parents can arrive, find a cop to to put after the guy and start building a record of his behavior. If the local cops get a whif of what he's up to, verified by other reports, they can go after him and make him very uncomfortable, if not set him up and put him away.

Don't let the other comments get to you. If any of us are in your shoes, we would fell the same as you. Don't take the chance of being thrown in jail or out of the coutry and not being there for your family.

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You would do better to do some detective work and find out his name and nationality and then inform the authorities who in turn could do some checking of his background.

He is probably a convicted paedophile in his home country.

The kicking-in idea would only lead you to Thai jail and possibly paying the pervert for his hospital treatment at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

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Acouple of years ago my girl friend was with her daughter, 16 years old, when a farang pulled the same crap. They just ignored the guy until they could get across the street.

Some people who come to Thailand have not a brain cell.

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This really needs to be reported even if you think nothing will be done about it.

By not reporting it all you are doing is guaranteing that the guy will go unchecked.

If your daughter has a cam mobile if she ever see him again get her to photograph him and identify to the police. Giving evidence to the police maybe traumatic but a lot less than actually being assualted as some young girl in the future maybe.

Remember your not only helping to protect your daughter but some other persons daughter as well.

These types are the boil on the arse of humanity and need to be stopped, But taking the law into your own hands could only deprive your daughter of her fathers company for sometime.

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Can't watch your teenagers like a hawk ALL THE TIME!!! They grow up, have a mind of their own, go out to the malls, see movies, eat out with friends and sometimes alone. Best is to talk to them about sex, the dangers of drugs, smoking, and talking to strangers - they may act like they're NOT listening to you when you talk to them - but trust me - if you're honest with them - they do listen!!!!!!!!! I'm speaking from experience of course.

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Can't watch your teenagers like a hawk ALL THE TIME!!! They grow up, have a mind of their own, go out to the malls, see movies, eat out with friends and sometimes alone. Best is to talk to them about sex, the dangers of drugs, smoking, and talking to strangers - they may act like they're NOT listening to you when you talk to them - but trust me - if you're honest with them - they do listen!!!!!!!!! I'm speaking from experience of course.

Very true whatcham.

But they is also the minority that do not listen whatever you say. As a teenager (although in a different era) I thought i always knew what was best for me, Found out in later years i didn't know.

We can protect our children without alienating them better by not dictating (more explanation than you must not scenario) to them too much.

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My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

Friend of mine who speaks fluent Thai had a similar situation, not with daughter, but similar.

Not far away from the foreigner in question was a copper, he went to the copper and said this guy just insulted Elvis, would you turn the other way while I belt him....he did, he belted, he left, no problem.

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If you find the guy and kick the crap out of him the implications would be he goes to hospital, if he doesnt know you and their are no witnesses to identify you. It doesnt help the next kiddy he approaches, but it will be a release for your fury.

And if he recognized you and happened to know someone well connected you would face a lenghty stay in one of thailands most famous institutions. Sounds fun? So, you either make a report, or you give your stephdaughter good advice on how to avoid people like this. Its not the last time she will have to say no to sleezebags of any age.

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I kind of like cyb's idea. Equip your daughter with a phone/camera, if she hasn't already got one, and tell her to photograph anyone who approaches her in a similar manner in the future.

Even if you do nothing with it the creep will spend the rest of his time in Thailand looking over his shoulder and worrying if that copper is looking at him. If you do act on the photo though it gives the BiB a face to look out for and a report to file for the future.

The danger is that the creep may throw a wobbly and attack the girl to get the phone but if she does it in a crowded place there will be plenty of assistance within seconds.

Although I dislike the infestation of the things in the UK a few more CCTV's in shopping malls and other public places may act as a deterrent. All bars and places of entertainment are required by law to have CCTV coverage so why can't they make it obligatory for shops and malls to do the same.

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So what to do given that we all must let our kids off the rein at some time or another? Other than arming her with pepper spray the best advice is to tell her to give these vermin the bum's rush in as loud a voice as possible. At least the surrounding, 99% decent, people will get a good look at the perv.

Probably the best advise given so far, along with the suggestion taking immediately pictures of him. In the moment that guy is publicly ousted he will not attack anyone's daughter but rather make a runner. Add some martial art skills (a kick in the seeds is quite efficient for a start) and he might think twice next time.

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the pervert will come unstuck in his own good time, theres no need for you to risk going to a thai cell/jail and face being either deported from thailand or blacklisted or something, if that happens, who wins?

the pervert will get his own.

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the pervert will come unstuck in his own good time, theres no need for you to risk going to a thai cell/jail and face being either deported from thailand or blacklisted or something, if that happens, who wins?

the pervert will get his own.

Unfortunately the longer he is running free, the more children are at risk. Obviously in this case there is no evidence to include in a police report, but it is a good opportunity for Mr. Osborne to educate his daughter on how to deal with the situation, should it happen again. The advice that he had already given her has payed off, thank goodness. His daughter had the good sense to report it to him, and there are some good suggestions here from other posters (such as taking pictures if possible, and making a lot of noise to attract the attention of witnesses, etc.). Hopefully he will be caught before any children are harmed.

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My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

Well my brothers mate filled in a queer farang perv who was sat in McDonalds with his hand on a thai boys lap (not his son either).

Nothing happened to him.

Mind you this was back in Patong Beach back in the wild and free 90s so...

Go to Tops and see if your step daughter can spot him again with you at a discrete distance ...

The question is not if you get into trouble, it's how much money do you have if it goes tits up...

Edited by JimsKnight
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I'm afraid that you would end up with a lot of trouble on your hands as he would probably deny it and possibly try to put blame on the girl. It is difficult to do nothing, but sometimes that is all we can do.

I don't agree with you. A few month back, my step daughter (14 yo) went by bicycle through the Moo Ban to the market. As there are several Moo bans in my area, she went through the neighbourg Moo Ban where she saw a younger girl screaming as a "Business Man" looking guy grabed her. This was in a Mu Baan where security is present. Unfortunately there is a small entrance unsecured to make a shortcut to go to the market.

My step daughter left the bike an run to the market to meet her mom (my wife) and immediatly called me. She explained that neighbourgs went out with an iron stock and went hunting the guy. When i came to the market and so passed the "crime scene" i saw the parents of the youg girl that apparently just came back beating the Sh*** out of the guy... police was just trying to calm them down...

As it s our neigbourg Mu Baan we were quite worried and asked a few days later to the security what happened. It came out that the guy was on Yaa Ba. Nothing happened with the family that beat this guy in front of the police...

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Nor will much happen, people power and common law still hold sway in Thailand thank god.

If this were the UK that piece of slime would be trying to sue those who'd given him his due punishment.

Sometimes it's nice to hear of something that puts stuff in perspective :)

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