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I have been suffering terrible problems with my lower back in the last couple of months. I have seen more than one Doctor, had Accypuncture, Quarterzone Injections, High Herb packs, nothing worked. I changed hospitals in my search for an answer. Today I went to clinic opposite CM Airport.

He took more Xrays and told be I have the above which he explained was a degenarative bone disease in my left hip, after weeks of having Pethadin injections to control the pain he used a needle the size of a ruler and injected me several times to try to ease the pain.

He has given me some morphine capsules to take when the pain gets unbearable, but I am worried about taking them as I know how addictive they are.

Do any professionals or sufferers have any info on this that could be useful to me.




Did the Doctor actually say you had Oesteophrosis?

You can try this guy. He is an orthopedic surgeon. Excellent English and explains things very, very well.He works at CM Ram 2 or 1 during the day and has a clinic on Chiang mai-Lamphun highway (Tambon Chang phuak) after business hours. One of the best Doctors I have had anything to do with.(He studied in the USA)

his name is Sootee tel (053)214139


Cheers for the advice, I will contact Sootee shortly, see how this next week goes, and yes he said it was definatley Osteoporosis (Sorry I can't spell it, the Morphine is kicking in noooooooooooow


CMR 2 is the hospital I just ditched, never heard the name, I have 2 doctors there who worked on my conditions, Sompal and Tossporn

Never heard of the Doc you mentioned. I will definatley ask for him and I am very apprecative for your imput, problem for me is I suffer from:

Heppititis 2

Liver Problems

High Blood Pressure


Alcohol Abuse (well I think I do)

40 fags a Day.

This new problem is just the Icing on the cake!!!

At least I have not got VD or Aids, so I can count myself lucky on that front.!! If I did not laugh at my predicament I would cry. I better start making my funeral arrangements. Why is it that all this Sh#t comes down when you have worked so hard all your life?

Anyway not anybody's problem but mine. Thanks a lot for your help

TP (God I hope nobody knows me personally or can work out who the F##k I am)


I'm sure you'll overcome those problems.

I am normally very, very direct with Doctors. I look at them as an equal and expect to be treated the same. Any drug or service I have been given by a Doc, I always ask why, what, how etc (just like a little kid :o ) until I am satisfied/understand the answer.

With Sootee, he explained things to me extremely well. He is by far head and sholders above other orthopedic Doctor I have seen IMHO, and I've seen a few.

chok dee


ThaiPauly - I'm sorry to hear about your condition and can relate, somewhat, to your pain and frustration as I suffer from a similar condition called Spinal Stenosis, resulting from narrowing of the disks in the spine, causing the vertebrae to rub against each other.

While your doctor(s) appear to be treating the pain your suffering, IMHO they and you also need to work on slowing or haulting the diseases' progression. Unfortunately, osteoporosis cannot be reversed. However, many individuals respond well to a very high intake of calcium and other minerals, such as Vitamin D. Diet is very important. For example, alcohol is known to decrease osteoblast function (bone cell production) and caffeine reduces calcium levels by causing diuresis (increased urine flow). Therefore if possible, reduce your alcohol and caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drink) intake. As to smoking, I'm sure you've heard all the do's-and-don'ts, so I'll not repeat them again.

Also be aware that people suffering from osteoporosis are much more likely to suffer fractures of the spine and hips due to loss of bone mass. Therefore take added precautions to prevent falls and bone-stress exercises.

Most pain associated with this disease is the result of inflamation in tissue and cartilage surrounding the joints. One or a combination of drugs called NSAID's (Non- Steroidal AntInflamitory Drugs) may help reduce this inflamation and the associated pain. Ask your doctor.

Finally, have you discussed with your doctor(s) re: the possibility/advisability of having a "hip replacement"? Today, this proceedure is quite common for people with your condition. More info here. I personally know many in their late 70's and 80's who have had this proceedure in one or both hips. They are now pain free and able to do things they haven't done in decades.

Good luck and don't become discouraged or depressed. This is just one more of life's challenges. You conquered all the others. I'm sure you have the strength to handle this one too.


(PS - In addition to this forum, there are most likely other support groups near where you live. Ask around and/or check with your hospital's social worker.)



I cannot beleive how much trouble you have gone to to provide me with such comprehensive information.

The website you reffered to was very instructive. At least my Doctor is treating me correctly, I am currenrly on anti-inflammatory capsules and he has advised me to use a cane for any walking I do (which is at present limited to walking to the car to go to and from hospital)

I cannot thank you enough for this post, now I fully understand my problems.

Kind Regards



TP - No thanks needed. It was my pleasure.

I also use a cane. They are great for helping young damsels-in-distress reach items on the top shelf at the supermarket, or picking up my dropped newspaper or Playboy magazine.

.....and remember the old saying, "They can't plant you, as long as you keep moving." :D

Best regards :o

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