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Priorities Changing


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For as long as I can remember, I have been a creature of habit and routine. In my home country I strived to build a beautiful house, which I kept spotlessly clean and the gardens were manicured to perfection. I use to take great pride in the presentation of my home, my car and my belongings. I even bought my ex wife another house, just to get her out of mine :D .... I think they called that a divorce. :)

I use to work very long hours, often more than 80 hours a week, some weeks I would work more than 100 hours, however despite that, my home was always spotlessly maintained and anyone that visited would normally take the time to look around the gardens, check out my latest projects and admire what I had acheived. I even use to garden late into the night.

Anyway, nowdays I live in a run down little thai shack, the gardens are basic yet pleasant, I had grand plans to create a little oasis here however something has changed. Ive noticed that passing cars in the soi constantly pull into the garden to allow other traffic to pass by (narrow soi). People often trample into the garden to visit me or steal a mango. When it rains a little bit the water covers the soi and everything becomes so dam_n muddy, I even found a fish swimming in the garden one day :D . Theres rubbish blowing into the garden from every direction and no matter how often I pick it up, more crap just blows down the soi, The weeds and everything else seems to grow so quickly around here and basically theres <deleted> everywhere. Ive adopted this new passion for not giving a toss about it either, the mess and chaos has kind of grown on me (so to speak).

I understand that its normal for peoples priorities to change throughout life, however these are fairly significant changes for a person who use to dive sideways and pull off a backflip just to prevent a stray leaf from landing on his manicured lawn :D - major weirdo, I know. Anyway, Whilst the inside of the home has remained clean and hygenic, I can't help but noticed that my priorities have definately changed over the last few years.

What about you? Do you think that the thai lifestyle is responsible for those changes? Not interested in being flamed, just wondering what others have experienced.

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It's tough to say as I am not sure if my changes are do to age or being here for a decade - no doubt some conditioning taking place.

Don't think my standards have gone down during this time - but my expectations have. Which could be a good thing.

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For as long as I can remember, I have been a creature of habit and routine. In my home country I strived to build a beautiful house, which I kept spotlessly clean and the gardens were manicured to perfection. I use to take great pride in the presentation of my home, my car and my belongings. I even bought my ex wife another house, just to get her out of mine :D .... I think they called that a divorce. :)

I use to work very long hours, often more than 80 hours a week, some weeks I would work more than 100 hours, however despite that, my home was always spotlessly maintained and anyone that visited would normally take the time to look around the gardens, check out my latest projects and admire what I had acheived. I even use to garden late into the night.

Anyway, nowdays I live in a run down little thai shack, the gardens are basic yet pleasant, I had grand plans to create a little oasis here however something has changed. Ive noticed that passing cars in the soi constantly pull into the garden to allow other traffic to pass by (narrow soi). People often trample into the garden to visit me or steal a mango. When it rains a little bit the water covers the soi and everything becomes so dam_n muddy, I even found a fish swimming in the garden one day :D . Theres rubbish blowing into the garden from every direction and no matter how often I pick it up, more crap just blows down the soi, The weeds and everything else seems to grow so quickly around here and basically theres <deleted> everywhere. Ive adopted this new passion for not giving a toss about it either, the mess and chaos has kind of grown on me (so to speak).

I understand that its normal for peoples priorities to change throughout life, however these are fairly significant changes for a person who use to dive sideways and pull off a backflip just to prevent a stray leaf from landing on his manicured lawn :D - major weirdo, I know. Anyway, Whilst the inside of the home has remained clean and hygenic, I can't help but noticed that my priorities have definately changed over the last few years.

What about you? Do you think that the thai lifestyle is responsible for those changes? Not interested in being flamed, just wondering what others have experienced.

I am in the same situation. I still have a house in Canada that I keep well maintained and everyone passing yard would stop and look and comment on the yard and property. I was really looking forward to selling and purchasing a property or house here and having a beautiful place and yard here. But I have definately changed my mind and priorities since coming here full time. I am or very shortly was married to a Thai lady that doesnt really have any interest in looking after a house or yard and I can not have a property in my name and am at the mercy of the government as to what will happen if I did purchase something it makes no sense to own anything here any more, better off to rent. If I had sold and purchased something I would have been at the mercy of my soon to be ex and she would have taken at least half of everything. I have always lived in my own house and have never rented for the last 40 yrs but since coming here my attitude and life has changed. Not bashing Thai's but most unless they are the wealthy dont seem to care or take pride in there properties. Thats just my experiances and observations. I read many statements from people that have done so and are happy and I say great for them and i hope they are happy forever.

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For as long as I can remember, I have been a creature of habit and routine. In my home country I strived to build a beautiful house, which I kept spotlessly clean and the gardens were manicured to perfection. I use to take great pride in the presentation of my home, my car and my belongings. I even bought my ex wife another house, just to get her out of mine :D .... I think they called that a divorce. :)

I use to work very long hours, often more than 80 hours a week, some weeks I would work more than 100 hours, however despite that, my home was always spotlessly maintained and anyone that visited would normally take the time to look around the gardens, check out my latest projects and admire what I had acheived. I even use to garden late into the night.

Anyway, nowdays I live in a run down little thai shack, the gardens are basic yet pleasant, I had grand plans to create a little oasis here however something has changed. Ive noticed that passing cars in the soi constantly pull into the garden to allow other traffic to pass by (narrow soi). People often trample into the garden to visit me or steal a mango. When it rains a little bit the water covers the soi and everything becomes so dam_n muddy, I even found a fish swimming in the garden one day :D . Theres rubbish blowing into the garden from every direction and no matter how often I pick it up, more crap just blows down the soi, The weeds and everything else seems to grow so quickly around here and basically theres <deleted> everywhere. Ive adopted this new passion for not giving a toss about it either, the mess and chaos has kind of grown on me (so to speak).

I understand that its normal for peoples priorities to change throughout life, however these are fairly significant changes for a person who use to dive sideways and pull off a backflip just to prevent a stray leaf from landing on his manicured lawn :D - major weirdo, I know. Anyway, Whilst the inside of the home has remained clean and hygenic, I can't help but noticed that my priorities have definately changed over the last few years.

What about you? Do you think that the thai lifestyle is responsible for those changes? Not interested in being flamed, just wondering what others have experienced.

I am in the same situation. I still have a house in Canada that I keep well maintained and everyone passing yard would stop and look and comment on the yard and property. I was really looking forward to selling and purchasing a property or house here and having a beautiful place and yard here. But I have definately changed my mind and priorities since coming here full time. I am or very shortly was married to a Thai lady that doesnt really have any interest in looking after a house or yard and I can not have a property in my name and am at the mercy of the government as to what will happen if I did purchase something it makes no sense to own anything here any more, better off to rent. If I had sold and purchased something I would have been at the mercy of my soon to be ex and she would have taken at least half of everything. I have always lived in my own house and have never rented for the last 40 yrs but since coming here my attitude and life has changed. Not bashing Thai's but most unless they are the wealthy dont seem to care or take pride in there properties. Thats just my experiances and observations. I read many statements from people that have done so and are happy and I say great for them and i hope they are happy forever.

Good points Gudge and I agree about the renting thing. Im lucky because I dont need to buy or rent at this time, ive got a free shack. I have looked at properties just out of interest but have never been impressed by the building standards or quality, I wont buy either, renting works fine and is so dam_n cheap, plus the money that I tie up in a house can be working for me making a fortune and not tied up in stagnant property here in LOS.

I think you are right about the points you have raised. :D

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Im still only a young man yabaaaaa, one could say i havent even reached the midlife crisis yet :)

So do you wipe your ass with leaves or toilet paper these days?

No, neither, I actually use a hose and wash my toshe and if the water is off, I keep a little toad in a bucket by my shitter, I just wipe on him. :D

Im still only a young man yabaaaaa, one could say i havent even reached the midlife crisis yet :D

the first sign of mid life crisis is denial. just accept it and go buy a Harley.

Bite your tongue JIMMY, I will NEVER buy a Harley Davidson.....unless of course Im chasing a new boat anchor.

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Bite your tongue JIMMY, I will NEVER buy a Harley Davidson.....unless of course Im chasing a new boat anchor.

Thank you, I'm sure Harley Davidson would not want you messing up the image by parking a real motorcycle outside of your rundown muddy hovel on some back woods soi.

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^I think what your trying to say is Harley Davidson doesnt have the reliablity to travel out into the real world and reach the little slice of paradise Ive located.

Also, lets face it, they're not the most wonderful handling machines, the last place you'd wanna take one is off road. :)

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Thoughtful post neverdie. I'm older than your good self, and have taken a wee bit longer to reach your advanced stage of enlightenment.

Easy to say but priorites do indeed change, and different things become important.

Used to be a perfectionist of sorts, that is a pain in the a*s, to myself and doubtlessly others. It sounds like you are old enough to have become aware that you will some day not be extant. Perhaps you're becoming somewhat more philosophical than practical, less concerned with the maybe-attainable, more accepting of what is.

Thailand can do this. Seems you've made a good choice of domicile.

Apologies for the rave.

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What about you? Do you think that the thai lifestyle is responsible for those changes? Not interested in being flamed, just wondering what others have experienced.

I guess when you are back in your homecountry for few weeks you soon get back in your 'old rhythm' and understand it must be have been the heat that slows down the mind.

'Cold is Hard but Heat is Heavy'

Nothing to worry about too much as long as you are aware of it, I always loved gardening but when so hot it's just no fun and often 'manjana' the things I have to do.

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Thoughtful post neverdie. I'm older than your good self, and have taken a wee bit longer to reach your advanced stage of enlightenment.

Easy to say but priorites do indeed change, and different things become important.

Used to be a perfectionist of sorts, that is a pain in the a*s, to myself and doubtlessly others. It sounds like you are old enough to have become aware that you will some day not be extant. Perhaps you're becoming somewhat more philosophical than practical, less concerned with the maybe-attainable, more accepting of what is.

Thailand can do this. Seems you've made a good choice of domicile.

Apologies for the rave.

Thats far from a rave, I appreciate your comments. As for icumkitteh, you've lost me, with the exception of its so much harder to work in the heat :)

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I don't think as much about my appearance as I used to. Back home I always had a wardrobe full of immaculately kept designer clothes and top of the range smellies to go with it. Nowadays though I always go for comfort over appearance and couldn't care less about what label might be on my clothes. That might be down to the climate, or maybe it is an age thing, or maybe a bit of both.

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^I think what your trying to say is Harley Davidson doesnt have the reliablity to travel out into the real world and reach the little slice of paradise Ive located.

Also, lets face it, they're not the most wonderful handling machines, the last place you'd wanna take one is off road. :)

Ofcourse they aren't off road vehicles, you want a dirt bike get a dirt bike, and if you live in the Jungle then Obviously the King of the Road is not for you. But far from a anchor I assure you.

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Im still only a young man yabaaaaa, one could say i havent even reached the midlife crisis yet :)

the first sign of mid life crisis is denial. just accept it and go buy a Harley.

you sound old to me neverdie.in regards to your thai garden "if you cant beat them join them" could be appropriate.

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Ohh and their poor performance on the bitumen. What are they used for other than parking outside the coffee shop whilst one guzzles his 4th latte for the morning??? racing? :)

and an image from the movie Wild Hogs springs to mind as Neverdie falls off his new Harley exiting his soi.

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^well sure jimmy, those things arnt designed for real riding conditions. Irregardless of my changing priorities, I still like a motorcycle that Handles well, has some braking efficiency and doesnt weigh as much as a small car. Harleys are fine for those who like that type of bike, the image thing and all of that (including small apendages) but for me my Priorities are going to have to change a whole lot more to get me seated on a HOG. :)

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6 years ago saw me living in London earning a very tidy wage for someone in his late twenties, I had a pad in Primrose Hill and was living with a lass who made even more then me. I vividly remember going out to buy a pair of sunglasses from Camden - I ended up buying a pair of D&G glasses costing about 250 quid. It wasn't quite a 'money no object' purchase, but I wouldn't have dreamed of buying anything under a hundred quid.

Flip forward to yesterday (if that makes sense)... my Thai GF bought me a new pair of sunnies as the ones I'd had had broke whilst I was cleaning them (not the D&G's if you're wondering - I lost those). She asked me to guess how much they cost - "I hope no more than 200 Bhat", I quipped. She seemed to take offense at that, but I was unsure if I'd guessed too high or too low... "59 Bhat!" she piped back.

It really made me chuckle how my priorities had changed - a quid for some shades? Too right mate!

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It's tough to say as I am not sure if my changes are do to age or being here for a decade - no doubt some conditioning taking place.

Don't think my standards have gone down during this time - but my expectations have. Which could be a good thing.

My opinion doesn't count, I was only 22 when I came to Thailand. :)

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It's tough to say as I am not sure if my changes are do to age or being here for a decade - no doubt some conditioning taking place.

Don't think my standards have gone down during this time - but my expectations have. Which could be a good thing.

My opinion doesn't count, I was only 22 when I came to Thailand. :D

You came over with the US military SBK? :)


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Im still only a young man yabaaaaa, one could say i havent even reached the midlife crisis yet :)

So do you wipe your ass with leaves or toilet paper these days?

Stay in Thailand long enough and you'll realise the the little shower is much more hygienical than both toilet paper and leaves :D

This thread made me think of my old friends and how they strive to reach their goals, house and car paid by 55 and then retire, and when they finally can, they realise that their lives already passed by on the way

Both priorities and expectations change in Thailand, thank God :D

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You came over with the US military SBK? :)


:D No, just itchy feet and a yearning to experience other cultures (get your mind out of the gutter jamie :D )

SBC, Everybody keeps telling me Im old, but Im a young man I tell ya.....probably younger than you :D

I know mate am sure you are, just joshing.

I wouldn't count on that if I were you samuibeachcomber :D

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You came over with the US military SBK? :)


:D No, just itchy feet and a yearning to experience other cultures (get your mind out of the gutter jamie :D )

SBC, Everybody keeps telling me Im old, but Im a young man I tell ya.....probably younger than you :D

I know mate am sure you are, just joshing.

I wouldn't count on that if I were you samuibeachcomber :D

I did n't like to tell neverdie.............but he does sound soooooooooooooooo old :D

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