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Looks like the "Night Owl" has laid down the pen. Sadly it appears he never really made it as an internet scribe.

Still, if this is the end, we must remember that he was very good and will be sadly missed.

At one time he was the only reason I bought the Bangkok post, in fact I cannot remember buying it since I discovered he'd lost his column.

More than a few bar owners would not agree with you.


Poor Bernard needed advertising support to pay his wages. Sadly it looks like this was not forthcoming, it's a difficult age to break into advertising sales and believe me it a'int easy in BKK.

I never read his Internet site, but always read his column in the post, still on his reputation alone I am sure he will be able to cadge enough free beer over the next few years.



Great shame but his column recently, even when online and supposedly free from the restrictions he used to complain so much about, was a shadow of its former self.

80% of it was non Thai related trivia and a disappointing read especially for those who used it to keep up to date.

Maybe BT was getting too old to do the rounds anymore. Who knows?

It is the end of an era but all good things must end. Thanks for the memories........


he was a good read ten years ago. but then he started to drone on and on about fire hazard in patpong and the price of razor blades going up by 50 satang and the disappearing world of the straphanger.

he should have hung up his pens then.

i wish him well.

nuff said!


Last time I spoke to him (about 10-12 years ago)he agreed and gave us a good write up over a couple of B.P.editions for our old pub in P.P.the Irish Rover.(anyone remember it ?)

Also a couple of years later our other old mate Tom of "Toms Irish pub" got a mention which was a good example of expats helping Ex...etc.(again anyone remember?)The bar is still there but been a while..... :o

Times were to say the least a bit fraught around then and with all the news coming out of Kam.re> Pol Pot,Chakra-pong and counter revolutions and all that jazz we succeded in getting a lot of media coverage with on one occasion the Reuters guys starting off the famous "story"about sending all the mad cows from England over to us and running them over the mine fields.(mean the 4 legged ones)...T Bones from the Heaven...feed the world. :D

So many thanks Bernard for all the good times ...good luck and best wishes ....

(also from Jim and Tom in the big Sky PuB :D ) :D

  • 2 weeks later...

what chance did he have up against the likes of stickman and dave at mangosauce ?

he was just pitifull in the end .

maybe the Nation might give him a few columns ?

but dont forget he is still to be seen every week in the Bangkok post writing book and film reviews !

so he is not exactly in the old folks home just yet


he did a book review about this book >>>



THB 295.00 US$ 7.56

Product Details

Publisher: BANGKOK BOOK.

ISBN: 9749272153


tells how prostitutes view their profession in general , all the tricks and scams etc

dumb farangs etc


Some of his views in regards to Aids were outrageous. For someone who was absolutely obsessed with the Bar scene and prostitutes, it is amazing to hear from the man himself, that he has never indulged in the forbidden fruits of the flesh...

Some of his views in regards to Aids were outrageous. For someone who was absolutely obsessed with the Bar scene and prostitutes, it is amazing to hear from the man himself, that he has never indulged in the forbidden fruits of the flesh...

Even more odd is the fact that he claimed to never have learned to speak a single word of the Thai language after living in Thaialnd more than 30 years. He said he has relied solely on his Thai wife to interpret and translate for him.

Some of his views in regards to Aids were outrageous. For someone who was absolutely obsessed with the Bar scene and prostitutes, it is amazing to hear from the man himself, that he has never indulged in the forbidden fruits of the flesh...

What he said in his column about HIV were more than outrageous, criminal in my opinion. Good riddance!

Some of his views in regards to Aids were outrageous. For someone who was absolutely obsessed with the Bar scene and prostitutes, it is amazing to hear from the man himself, that he has never indulged in the forbidden fruits of the flesh...

maybe he is impotent , he is a smoker and getting on in years .

his anti AIDS stance using 20years out of date info did him no favours with the Post .


He's at it again on his AIDS/HIV nonsense. Check out his review of Michael Crichton's new book, "State of Fear" in today's Bangkok Post (Real Time):

"This reviewer would like to see Chrichton research and state his conclusions re the controversy of whether HIV is or is not the AIDS virus. The pros and cons have been in conflict for a quarter-century and his conclusions might tip the scale to either side."

Right ....


He's at it again on his AIDS/HIV nonsense. Check out his review of Michael Crichton's new book, "State of Fear" in today's Bangkok Post (Real Time):

"This reviewer would like to see Chrichton research and state his conclusions re the controversy of whether HIV is or is not the AIDS virus. The pros and cons have been in conflict for a quarter-century and his conclusions might tip the scale to either side."

Right ....


just goes to show how out of touch the sad old git really is !

the pros and cons WERE in conflict a quarter century ago but Trink refuses to live in the present as far as HIV is concerned . :D

he doesnt seem to be a fool but we must presume the worst in his case :D

  • 1 year later...

he did a book review about this book >>>


If you looked at that one, take a look at "Only 13." I got it from Amazon. The website is attractive (www.only13.net) with many color photos of the girl and her sisters growing up. It is her life story from a runaway to Bangkok discos, Pattaya GoGos, softcore porn, German massage parlours, stripping in Sweden and now living in England with the ultimate loser.


Some of his views in regards to Aids were outrageous. For someone who was absolutely obsessed with the Bar scene and prostitutes, it is amazing to hear from the man himself, that he has never indulged in the forbidden fruits of the flesh...

If he ever said that it's either completely untrue or, like Bill Clinton, he does not regard certain activities as a "sexual act".

30 or so years ago when he wrote for the Bangkok World his weekly reports always contained a tale of his last session at the old Takara Massage Parlour - run by Ladda who he called "the Queen of Patpong" -, in particular he graded each girl on her expertise in "specials" - Bernards little euphemism for a bj.



I think the biggest mistake he made was making his internet column subscription based from the very beginning. His BP column on line was getting thousands of hits per day, supposedly more than any page of the newspaper's online edition. All of those people would have moved over to his internet site once he left the post had it been free and he would have had some very attractive numbers for advertisers.

But I think most people, like me, didn't bother when asked to pay for it ...

Saw him on Silom a couple of weks ago, expected to see him at the Independence Day picnic as usual but didn't.

30 or so years ago when he wrote for the Bangkok World his weekly reports always contained a tale of his last session at the old Takara Massage Parlour - run by Ladda who he called "the Queen of Patpong" -, in particular he graded each girl on her expertise in "specials" - Bernards little euphemism for a bj.


Yep those Bangkok World "Go Go Dancer of the Week" centre spreads were classic, tongue in cheek so to speak. That was BT at his high point. I never liked his column in the Post, too little effert to entertain and too much to fill space. Perhaps this was because he wasn't allowed to discuss his area of expertise.

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