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Landlord Has Building Turn Off Our Water, 5 Days Late On Rent

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" .. we've had a fine relationship, quite cordial in fact. One time he turned off our water and I went down to the building office in a rage and told them they had 2 minutes to turn my water back on or else.

".. in a rage .."

That would pretty much do it for me. You screw up and then threaten?

" .. then I kind of blew my top and told him 'I am the wrong farang to <deleted> with' and did he understand that?

Maybe he doesn't want a wannabe wise guy on his property

A) Yes I said their entire security staff will be needed in here unless my water is turned back on.

:) There's nothing wannabe about me. I am that guy.

Anyone else here, not on welfare and living in Pattaya with something of substance to add?

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" .. we've had a fine relationship, quite cordial in fact. One time he turned off our water and I went down to the building office in a rage and told them they had 2 minutes to turn my water back on or else.

".. in a rage .."

That would pretty much do it for me. You screw up and then threaten?

" .. then I kind of blew my top and told him 'I am the wrong farang to <deleted> with' and did he understand that?

Maybe he doesn't want a wannabe wise guy on his property

A) Yes I said their entire security staff will be needed in here unless my water is turned back on.

:) There's nothing wannabe about me. I am that guy.

Anyone else here, not on welfare and living in Pattaya with something of substance to add?

Yup, you are that guy and if I was your landlord your arse would be at the bottom of the stairs and your junk in the street. Lose the attitude or some small brown guys will lose it for you. Stop talking tough, dweeb, and grow up. That means pay your bills on time.

Edited by johnnyk
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Geez with farangs having an attitude like that with a Thai landlord it is no wonder that we are judged as second class people....get a life and organise to pay your due bills on time....your arrogance with your statement about people being on social welfare sums u up ...a johnny come lately who somehow has fallen into sme funds with absolutely no manners and furthermore no breeding

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OP: you are late with rent, then you rude to him?

Also he's a "HiSo" and you disrespect him by you being rude, when you was at fault to begin with?

And you've been late with rent before? Visarun is no excuse. Pay before you go. Pay early.

Not so difficult is it? Then no problem.

If it's so hard to remember due date for bills - your bank do it for you for only B 30 per bill. I've done it for years and never ever been late.

You made this, now solve it yourself, and plan your life better in future.

Don't mean to be rude to you, but this problem would not happend - if - you had planned better.

Edit: this is his Business - would you like to loose money if this was your business?

Imagine that you have 10-30 apartments for rent, and 30-50% are late with rent = you loosing money. What You do ? Close water shure works. Make people pay.

I have to agree.

The water turnoff isn't the primary issue here, and you shouldn't make it such. It's a diversion from the real problem which is yourself.

You precipitated the problem (late rent) and then exacerbated it by treating your landlord like $hit (your outrageous actions and words following your late payments and water problem).

If he does renew your lease (I wouldn't), then pay on time as you agreed, or pay early when you are away on the due date, and save everyone a hassle. And, I respectfully add, grow up. :)

you're absolutely wrong. the only issue here is whether it is legal to turn someone's water off if they are late on their rent. period.

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you're absolutely wrong. the only issue here is whether it is legal to turn someone's water off if they are late on their rent. period.

Almost everyone on the thread says you're wrong. Way wrong.

It's you. It's you. It's you.

You are the ugly American (or whatever country you're from).

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The question of the legality of your landlord turning off the water supply is immaterial. If he is, as you say, from a prominent Thai family no condo employee is going to reconnect the water supply without his say so. That's the reality of Thai society and hierarchy.

You feel, rightly or wrongly, aggrieved that your water supply has been cut through non payment of rent ( call it late payment if you wish ) Your landlord probably feel pretty annoyed after your abusive, even threatening, 'phone conversation. Whatever way I look at this the LL is holding all the cards in this game, you can't win. Call him again, apologize for your language etc during your last conversation ( I know he cut the water but threats achieve nothing ) and convince him you'll pay on time, as per your contract.

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"it seems you have a disain for ppl who slipped up a few days on rent before."

Why do you think it's OK for you to breach your lease several times, and not be punished for any of your lapses? How did your landlord know that you weren't going to be 7 days, 10 days, 15 days late? Your responsibility is to pay your rent on time, and you simply refuse to do so. As you've mentioned, you frequently have more important things to do than to uphold your responsibilities. I'm not sure why you have such disdain for your landlord.

Quite agree, if you expect the landlord to do the right thing then you need to do the same. Abusing people with your holier than thou attitude, is likely to see you looking for a new place to rent.

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Abusing people with your holier than thou attitude, is likely to see you looking for a new place to rent.

I don't think holier than thou is the appropriate term here for farang who describes himself as a "wise guy" aka one with criminal connections, which frankly is very sort of tenant I would not want in one of my properties, late payer or not!

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OP: you are late with rent, then you rude to him?

Also he's a "HiSo" and you disrespect him by you being rude, when you was at fault to begin with?

And you've been late with rent before? Visarun is no excuse. Pay before you go. Pay early.

Not so difficult is it? Then no problem.

If it's so hard to remember due date for bills - your bank do it for you for only B 30 per bill. I've done it for years and never ever been late.

You made this, now solve it yourself, and plan your life better in future.

Don't mean to be rude to you, but this problem would not happend - if - you had planned better.

Edit: this is his Business - would you like to loose money if this was your business?

Imagine that you have 10-30 apartments for rent, and 30-50% are late with rent = you loosing money. What You do ? Close water shure works. Make people pay.

I have to agree.

The water turnoff isn't the primary issue here, and you shouldn't make it such. It's a diversion from the real problem which is yourself.

You precipitated the problem (late rent) and then exacerbated it by treating your landlord like $hit (your outrageous actions and words following your late payments and water problem).

If he does renew your lease (I wouldn't), then pay on time as you agreed, or pay early when you are away on the due date, and save everyone a hassle. And, I respectfully add, grow up. :)

you're absolutely wrong. the only issue here is whether it is legal to turn someone's water off if they are late on their rent. period.

again OP, does your lease state landlord has to provide you with water???

If not he can legally shut off the water any time, you being ignorant and paying late or not :D

I m sure 100 lawyers can tell you otherwise because they want to make money with you, but

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Juristic in a condominium can and will turn off electricty and water for non payment of bills including maintainance bills. This is written into the contract when you buy the condo (and thank god too!). For us water bills are controlled/managed by Juristic, electricty we can and do pay by direct debit.

So all a landlord has to do is not pay juristic, because you have not paid him.

Full stop.

Edited by pkrv
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you all keep going on about my attitude... irrespective of my attitude and the LATITUDE I'll allow someone to screw with me, the topic on hand is the legality of what he's doing. I knew my attitude would ruffle some feathers here but please don't be so easily lead into blurring the topic at hand.

6 days late on rent

landlord calls building tells them to cut water

this is not pattaya, nor is this a building with a 5 minute time limit on phone calls... this is not normal behavior for a first world flat that i am aware of... i could be wrong...

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Juristic in a condominium can and will turn off electricty and water for non payment of bills including maintainance bills. This is written into the contract when you buy the condo (and thank god too!). For us water bills are controlled/managed by Juristic, electricty we can and do pay by direct debit.

So all a landlord has to do is not pay juristic, because you have not payed him.

Full stop.

The water and maintenance is handled by the Juristic here. The water bill is paid to the Juristic (aka The Office). Our water is always current and always has been. The only oversights I've committed is being late on our 6 digit rent on a few occasions and then always less than a week. It says nothing about being smoked out of our house in the lease. This is where I'm confused.

edit: let me also add that he turned the water on 2 minutes after we called to tell him he was paid earlier in the day and after my harsh words with him we haven't heard a peep from anyone. This thread's continuation is more about me hearing other's thoughts, preferably facts, of him holding our always current and even prepaid water over our heads, against our rent.

Edited by mobiryder
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Juristic in a condominium can and will turn off electricty and water for non payment of bills including maintainance bills. This is written into the contract when you buy the condo (and thank god too!). For us water bills are controlled/managed by Juristic, electricty we can and do pay by direct debit.

So all a landlord has to do is not pay juristic, because you have not payed him.

Full stop.

The water and maintenance is handled by the Juristic here. The water bill is paid to the Juristic (aka The Office). Our water is always current and always has been. The only oversights I've committed is being late on our 6 digit rent on a few occasions and then always less than a week. It says nothing about being smoked out of our house in the lease. This is where I'm confused.

edit: let me also add that he turned the water on 2 minutes after we called to tell him he was paid earlier in the day and after my harsh words with him we haven't heard a peep from anyone. This thread's continuation is more about me hearing other's thoughts, preferably facts, of him holding our always current and even prepaid water over our heads, against our rent.

I noted posts passed each other

Juristic act as sort of a school bursar - We leave a few thousand with them each trip to cover third party insurance, water, misc stuff.

Are you saying you directly pay juristic for the small stuff water etc, and the big stuff maintainance as well?

If so, and you are on time they should not be able to cut you off, and only they can do so.

That said setting up a direct debit is not so hard I have done this on a tourist visa.


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The only oversights I'VE commited is being late on my rent in 6 digits and then no more than a week .

The only oversight the landlord has commited is to turn off YOUR WATER , and you are vocifforously 'P@#ssing in the wind , threatening , going to show him who's boss , because YOU THINK it is illegal to do so , man , hope he sues you for interest on late payement plus pain and sufference for making him bend over TWICE to turn the water OFF and back ON again . You should be voted 'Nincompoop' of the month and awarded a pair of cement boots to use in the swimming pool .

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Its no good asking about laws in Thailand, they are all made to be broken,.sounds like you want to get out fast after seeing this side to the creep,. :)

Indeed, once again the informal legal system trumps the formal one.

I agree, laws in Thailand are some rules that only foreigners are expected to follow... Well, it might not be quite that drastic but you really have little recourse, practically speaking. I live in Phuket and the Thais regularly bully and threaten foreigners into submission. Call the police for help & the police will con you also. Sorry to have such a "defeatus" attitude but it's a losing proposition either way.

Forget the "letter of the law" here. The locals are treated differently than foreigners and laws are enforced (or not enforced as the case may be) completely in their favor.

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The only oversights I'VE commited is being late on my rent in 6 digits and then no more than a week .

The only oversight the landlord has commited is to turn off YOUR WATER , and you are vocifforously 'P@#ssing in the wind , threatening , going to show him who's boss , because YOU THINK it is illegal to do so , man , hope he sues you for interest on late payement plus pain and sufference for making him bend over TWICE to turn the water OFF and back ON again . You should be voted 'Nincompoop' of the month and awarded a pair of cement boots to use in the swimming pool .

That's quite harsh! You're advocating that this tenant should be drowned in a swimming pool... A real class act! You should go back to that rock that you crawled out from under! "Dumball" is an appropriate name for you!

Most 'civilized" countries have grace periods for rent. Where I come from it's generally 3-5 days. Owners are not allowed to bully or threaten tenants, enter the property (and dwelling unannounced), turn off utilities, refuse to return your security deposit for no reason, etc, etc, all of which is so common here in Thailand. Yes, he should pay his rent in a timely manner but the situation should be handled in a civilized manner according to the law which I suspect it is not.

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You have a duty to pay your rent on time, the Landlord has the duty to supply you with Water and Electricity, both of these are probably covered in the rental agreement. If you cannot uphold your duty then the landlord just does the same.

In my old condo, my friend continuously paid late, his security pass was blocked, so he had to wait for others to help him get in, the landlord gave him a grace period of 10days before the electricity would be turned off. He had a small baby at the time.

If you just paid on time everything would be okay, but you didn't, write it down remember when you have to pay the rent. Seems you are quite forgetful as this was the 4th time. Maybe you have forgotten to do your visa or 90 day reporting, those things cost more than a few showers.

Edited by beano2274
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To enlighten THEFALANG , my post was mostly 'Tongue in cheek'.

Your reference to most 'Civilised' countries do not apply in Thailand , hence the numerous threads on this and similar threads , wake up and smell the coffee , you may get the 'Odd' bout of laughter from comments here on TV , happiness is heart food .

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You have a duty to pay your rent on time, the Landlord has the duty to supply you with Water and Electricity, both of these are probably covered in the rental agreement. If you cannot uphold your duty then the landlord just does the same.

In my old condo, my friend continuously paid late, his security pass was blocked, so he had to wait for others to help him get in, the landlord gave him a grace period of 10days before the electricity would be turned off. He had a small baby at the time.

If you just paid on time everything would be okay, but you didn't, write it down remember when you have to pay the rent. Seems you are quite forgetful as this was the 4th time. Maybe you have forgotten to do your visa or 90 day reporting, those things cost more than a few showers.

when i was managing a complex my owner told me to 1st cut off the water, if that did not get the bill paid cut off the power and if that did not work remove the front door. the op is probably best served by moving into something that he can pay 6mo to 1yr in advance. btw i never had to do more than cut off the water to have all monies paid inlcuing late fees.

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To enlighten THEFALANG , my post was mostly 'Tongue in cheek'.

Your reference to most 'Civilised' countries do not apply in Thailand , hence the numerous threads on this and similar threads , wake up and smell the coffee , you may get the 'Odd' bout of laughter from comments here on TV , happiness is heart food .

You had me fooled! I've heard more ridiculous statements in some of these threads than yours.

Fine, if your post was "tongue-in-cheek", I'm laughing with you instead of at you!

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this site is so so funny. People working here on work permits think they are better then those who do Visa runs, etc. Turning someone watter off is over reacting, in the west that would get the landlord in lots of troulbe but I am sure here nothing well every get done. The guy should try to pay his rent on time. The first bills I would pay would be Rent and Electric. Things do happen they happen to all of us, for you guys to gang up and attack the op like this is crazy. I think it is like visa thing....grow up guys stop judging!!!

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