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Don't Try To Kill A Little Scorpion By Stepping On It!


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Tonight my wife saw a very small black scorpion, only about 1.5", on the porch walk when we came home. She went to kill it by stepping on it (she had sandal type shoes on). To her surprise, it must have seen the scorpion version of the Grim Reaper coming because it jumped up, eluding her step, then came down on her toe and did it's dirty deed!

Poat mak mak!

Thanks to my friend Dr. Neverdie, she has been properly treated and is resting but she will have a painful night ahead of her.

Tiny little bastard but versatile and packed one hel_l of a wallop!

Edited by ThailandLovr
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I wouldn't mind hearing what medical attention Neverdie recommended. Since I am the one called on to chase creepy crawleys it would be nice to have an idea in my head as to what might limit the pain of these things. I assume at some point I will get stung.

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I wouldn't mind hearing what medical attention Neverdie recommended.

Remove foot? :)

Well that was the step if she kept him awake last night, remove foot - place in orfice.

Theres not too much you can do with the stings from these little guys, so your best to apply a cold pack to the bite area, lay down and rest, slightly elevate the bite area if possible & some pain killers if needed. The pain should subside in a few hours. If the bite victim suffers from severe health problems it may be wise to attend a medical practicioner. Most of all don't panic, this little baby shouldnt kill you unless you die of fright.

A cold pack is the best thing.

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Well, she didn't sleep a wink last night due to the pain, not unbearable but throbbing. She wouldn't go to the hospital for a pain injection. She made the big mistake of insisting on hobbling on one foot (with my help) to go to the toilet before attempting to sleep because that made the pain A LOT worse, plus the toe swelled up even more. She should have stayed off her feet as Dr. Neverdie said. We've all pissed in pots before.

Pain not bad this morning, another two paracets. Swelling unchanged.

She'll be ok in a day or two.

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Mod, I've made my point, which was for people not to to attempt kill a scorpion in this manner, and what to expect if a sting occurs. I have no appetite for this thread's diversion into various religious beliefs about the killing of insects or creatures capable of inflicting severe pain on humans. Somebody else can open a new topic if they want.

Please close.

Edited by ThailandLovr
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