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My Neighbour Makes Evil Noises With His Subwoofer


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My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

What would you do?

Your rather incoherent post may be the key - is it not the case that you have ave difficulty in communicating with others and this situation - imagined or not - is really the result of your own lack of communication with your neighbor?

They live above me not near me and I don't know them.

I have talked about this with a manager around here but they don't do anything.

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My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :D

I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

What would you do?

If he's getting your smoke in his room, evil noises is the least you deserve. I've had that from inconsiderate neighbours before and hate it intensely.

Easy solution if one intensely hates someone outside smoking...close your windows :)

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My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

What would you do?

If he's getting your smoke in his room, evil noises is the least you deserve. I've had that from inconsiderate neighbours before and hate it intensely.

Yup, my condo advertise for people not smoke on their balcony but then they also advertise not to leave cigarettes burning inside for fire prevention...I guess they are saying they don't like smoking....

Me EX smoker 2 months after 25 years! and loving it!!!!!!

disgusting filthy habit that stinks stinks stinks! and my beer tastes great now....much like the first few tastes of beer when you were too young but your old man would give you a few sips.....

I wish u the best of luck, I know your lungs will thank u

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My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

What would you do?

I'd suggest that you recommence your medication, although if you are a little forgetful you could always have a depot. :D


Edited by mrtoad
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I find it odd expats move to Thailand and end up in a condo with all kinds of problems with neighbors and other issues.

If you live out on the outskirts of the city, say places like Rangsit, you can get a 3 bedroom 2 bath stand alone house with garden yard in a gated community for 10,000 thb per month or even less.

Why in the world do people smother themselves living like this is beyond me?

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I find it odd expats move to Thailand and end up in a condo with all kinds of problems with neighbors and other issues.

If you live out on the outskirts of the city, say places like Rangsit, you can get a 3 bedroom 2 bath stand alone house with garden yard in a gated community for 10,000 thb per month or even less.

Why in the world do people smother themselves living like this is beyond me?

With shoe box size rooms and shared bathrooms like used in dorm rooms.

No thanks:

That said there is nice community out in Rangsit that is located just a touch beyond Lotus between Klong 6 -7

Expensive, 6+ million, but they are nice inside and out.

Thus far, they have the only homes I have seen worth having in Thailand. They have real yards etc.

If I was dripping with money I would live there. ( I think it is called Forest Homes)

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I find it odd expats move to Thailand and end up in a condo with all kinds of problems with neighbors and other issues.

If you live out on the outskirts of the city, say places like Rangsit, you can get a 3 bedroom 2 bath stand alone house with garden yard in a gated community for 10,000 thb per month or even less.

Why in the world do people smother themselves living like this is beyond me?

Probably because its too far from Nana!! :)

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I find it odd expats move to Thailand and end up in a condo with all kinds of problems with neighbors and other issues.

If you live out on the outskirts of the city, say places like Rangsit, you can get a 3 bedroom 2 bath stand alone house with garden yard in a gated community for 10,000 thb per month or even less.

Why in the world do people smother themselves living like this is beyond me?

With shoe box size rooms and shared bathrooms like used in dorm rooms.

No thanks:

That said there is nice community out in Rangsit that is located just a touch beyond Lotus between Klong 6 -7

Expensive, 6+ million, but they are nice inside and out.

Thus far, they have the only homes I have seen worth having in Thailand. They have real yards etc.

If I was dripping with money I would live there. ( I think it is called Forest Homes)

TRy looking at some of the "shacks" next to RamaIX park behind Seri Centre nw thise are what you call decent houses!!

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here here tw25rw

i like what u said

this _____ guy doesn't really get it

he lights a smoke made with about 1500 different chemicals (mostly toxic ones mind you) and wonders why he has a problem the neighbor

this guy really needs a lesson in respect

2nd hand smoke from toxic chemi cigs just sucks and is very dangerous

i admit he is getting a soft treatment compared to what he is subjecting all the neighbors to

just think about sick people, the elderly and children

people with chemical sensitivity

really selfish is what I call this behavior to the point of dangerous


start burning natural things (only) and maybe you wont have so much problems with him or your health in the long run

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I find it odd expats move to Thailand and end up in a condo with all kinds of problems with neighbors and other issues.

If you live out on the outskirts of the city, say places like Rangsit, you can get a 3 bedroom 2 bath stand alone house with garden yard in a gated community for 10,000 thb per month or even less.

Why in the world do people smother themselves living like this is beyond me?

With shoe box size rooms and shared bathrooms like used in dorm rooms.

No thanks:

That said there is nice community out in Rangsit that is located just a touch beyond Lotus between Klong 6 -7

Expensive, 6+ million, but they are nice inside and out.

Thus far, they have the only homes I have seen worth having in Thailand. They have real yards etc.

If I was dripping with money I would live there. ( I think it is called Forest Homes)

TRy looking at some of the "shacks" next to RamaIX park behind Seri Centre nw thise are what you call decent houses!!

I am not sure what u r going on about Mr Yaba.... If u mean I should be greatful that I don't live in a shack.... what ever. I have my standards, and I don't find living in a tiny house with a shared crapper to be my idea of a slice of heaven. It may be your bench mark, and if so, more power to you.

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I find it odd expats move to Thailand and end up in a condo with all kinds of problems with neighbors and other issues.

If you live out on the outskirts of the city, say places like Rangsit, you can get a 3 bedroom 2 bath stand alone house with garden yard in a gated community for 10,000 thb per month or even less.

Why in the world do people smother themselves living like this is beyond me?

With shoe box size rooms and shared bathrooms like used in dorm rooms.

Why would you have a shared bathroom in a standalone house?? :)

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Even if you live there alone you can't stand the two doors ?

In case you missed it, you can get the house for 10k for your own private use. No need to share it with anyone.

Anyways, i stay in condo as i want to stay at the town. Not within one to two hours away...

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Not many people giving advice on this other than blaming the OP for smoking on his balcony. I can see your point, some people hate smoke. Maybe OP has, unintentionally, p1ssed off the upstairs neighbour by smoking and the sub-bass is his retaliation? Would have been better IMO for siad neighbour to say he didn't like it but hey, seems it's degenerated into a 'tit for tat' 'you do something i don't like I do something you don't like' thing now.

I've had situations like this before, one neighbour (downstairs) decided he didn't like it when I swept my floor at 10 at night but it was ok for him to scream and shout at his wife/kids at 6am EVERY day, another played very very loud reggae music but was amused at my request for him to turn the treble up so i could hear it properly. One situation (the reggae music) was resolved amicably, (we ran some tweeters into my kitchen and he didn't play music when I was working nights) the other rapidly descended into hostility.

Really, dialogue is the only answer and, often, that doesn't work either.

I would go see him and apologise (yes I know you don't HAVE to but it helps) for smoking outside, explain that you didn't want to upset him, smoke inside instead, and ask him if he could stop with the sub-bass.

It may be that he will or it may be that he won't. If he won't at least you have tried to be reasonable and then you can try to escalate via the building management.

Neighbour wars are horrible and I hope you can resolve this amicably.

Living in buildings with other people can be a 'lucky dip' with regard to neighbours, sometimes you have to move out for peace of mind.

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here here

i like what u said

this _____ guy doesn't really get it

he lights a smoke made with about 1500 different chemicals (mostly toxic ones mind you) and wonders why he has a problem the neighbor

this guy really needs a lesson in respect

2nd hand smoke from toxic chemi cigs just sucks and is very dangerous

i admit he is getting a soft treatment compared to what he is subjecting all the neighbors to

just think about sick people, the elderly and children

people with chemical sensitivity

really selfish is what I call this behavior to the point of dangerous


start burning natural things (only) and maybe you wont have so much problems with him or your health in the long run

I suppose you are an altar boy in your spare time. :)

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here here

i like what u said

this _____ guy doesn't really get it

he lights a smoke made with about 1500 different chemicals (mostly toxic ones mind you) and wonders why he has a problem the neighbor

this guy really needs a lesson in respect

2nd hand smoke from toxic chemi cigs just sucks and is very dangerous

i admit he is getting a soft treatment compared to what he is subjecting all the neighbors to

just think about sick people, the elderly and children

people with chemical sensitivity

really selfish is what I call this behavior to the point of dangerous


start burning natural things (only) and maybe you wont have so much problems with him or your health in the long run

I suppose you are an altar boy in your spare time. :)

Being an alter boy has nothing to do with simply having enough consideration to not poison others.

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Even if you live there alone you can't stand the two doors ?

In case you missed it, you can get the house for 10k for your own private use. No need to share it with anyone.

Anyways, i stay in condo as i want to stay at the town. Not within one to two hours away...

While raising up kids, I would rather them live in a "proper" house... but that is just my limited view of what proper is.

and to stay on topic, my kids will be taught that it is

A- impolite to smoke around others

b- smoking is very harmful

c- smoking is a disgusting habbit

I hope it sinks in....

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My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

What would you do?

If he's getting your smoke in his room, evil noises is the least you deserve. I've had that from inconsiderate neighbours before and hate it intensely.


Don't be so lame.

We don't know if that's even the case. If the smoker is doing it on the balcony there won't be any smoke bothering folk.

Be cool and light one up and chill :D

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Even if you live there alone you can't stand the two doors ?

In case you missed it, you can get the house for 10k for your own private use. No need to share it with anyone.

Anyways, i stay in condo as i want to stay at the town. Not within one to two hours away...

You can get a townhouse in the city for 6-10k if you know where to look.

I think the OP should get himself some high range tweeters and do battle with high range frequency. That should freak him out whilst your having a smoke.

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My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

What would you do?

Your rather incoherent post may be the key - is it not the case that you have ave difficulty in communicating with others and this situation - imagined or not - is really the result of your own lack of communication with your neighbor?

They live above me not near me and I don't know them.

I have talked about this with a manager around here but they don't do anything.


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My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

What would you do?

Your rather incoherent post may be the key - is it not the case that you have ave difficulty in communicating with others and this situation - imagined or not - is really the result of your own lack of communication with your neighbor?

They live above me not near me and I don't know them.

I have talked about this with a manager around here but they don't do anything.


I have have been at their door and they did not open...

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here here

i like what u said

this _____ guy doesn't really get it

he lights a smoke made with about 1500 different chemicals (mostly toxic ones mind you) and wonders why he has a problem the neighbor

this guy really needs a lesson in respect

2nd hand smoke from toxic chemi cigs just sucks and is very dangerous

i admit he is getting a soft treatment compared to what he is subjecting all the neighbors to

just think about sick people, the elderly and children

people with chemical sensitivity

really selfish is what I call this behavior to the point of dangerous


start burning natural things (only) and maybe you wont have so much problems with him or your health in the long run

I suppose you are an altar boy in your spare time. :)

Being an alter boy has nothing to do with simply having enough consideration to not poison others.

well my grand pa lived to be 107,no he didn't smoke but he minded is own business,lol.

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By any chance is your cigarette smoke blowing over into your neighbour's airspace? Are the ciggie butts disposed of in the trash or just tossed? Is it 1 beer or is it several as you stand on the balcony in your ripped short shorts and bulging belly with butt crack exposed as you scratch the nutz?

Nice :)

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I'm glad you're not my neighbour. I can't abide the intolerant, holier-than-thou type. We all have to put up with our neighbours' personal preferences / habits to a degree. It's called live and let live.

But cigarette smoke drifting on the wind? Do me a favour. Go live in an oxygen tent somewhere. The real world is not for you.

Ah ha - now we see how difficult it is for people with an arrogant attitude to talk to their nieghbours to try and resolve issues.

"It's okay for my cigarette smoke to drift into someone elses private space - but not okay for their noise to drift into my private space".

Do you see the problem here?

Solution:- Only smoke in your own apatment with the doors and windows closed, then you can go and talk to him about the noise. Simple. :)

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