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Disgorged is the right term all right.

Great advertisement for America to have its paid corporate mercenaries for the military-industrial complex paying for sex after the shame of the Iraq invasion and Abu Gharaib.

Thais hate Ugly Americans just like the whole world of 6.5 billion humans does.

/edit , flaming not allowed

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bob does have a valid point, i know a guy that has an american friend, although i believe the guy i know is american so that might not count :o


Disgorged is the right term all right.

Great advertisement for America to have its paid corporate mercenaries for the military-industrial complex paying for sex after the shame of the Iraq invasion and Abu Gharaib.

Thais hate Ugly Americans just like the whole world of 6.5 billion humans does.

Who are you to say the whole world

hates the yanks.

You ####ing <deleted>

get a life.

Aaaahh...The typical eloquence of an American!And if y'all ever get to travel outside y'all trailer park and leave McDisneyland to see the world y'all shall hear what is talked about in every country.But just read the Pew international polls on how America is regarded around the world.But an idiot box watching Big Mac munching US public school graduate like y'all only has the America corporate media boob tube to tell y'all that the world really loves y'all and y'all's country.

Mutts are mutts.Y'alls genetics are sure fascinating to study!



Disgorged is the right term all right.

Great advertisement for America to have its paid corporate mercenaries for the military-industrial complex paying for sex after the shame of the Iraq invasion and Abu Gharaib.

Thais hate Ugly Americans just like the whole world of 6.5 billion humans does.

Who are you to say the whole world

hates the yanks.

You ####ing <deleted>

get a life.

Aaaahh...The typical eloquence of an American!And if y'all ever get to travel outside y'all trailer park and leave McDisneyland to see the world y'all shall hear what is talked about in every country.But just read the Pew international polls on how America is regarded around the world.But an idiot box watching Big Mac munching US public school graduate like y'all only has the America corporate media boob tube to tell y'all that the world really loves y'all and y'all's country.

Mutts are mutts.Y'alls genetics are sure fascinating to study!


Like i said.

Get a life <deleted> :o


Disgorged is the right term all right.

Great advertisement for America to have its paid corporate mercenaries for the military-industrial complex paying for sex after the shame of the Iraq invasion and Abu Gharaib.

Thais hate Ugly Americans just like the whole world of 6.5 billion humans does.

Who are you to say the whole world

hates the yanks.

You ####ing <deleted>

get a life.

Aaaahh...The typical eloquence of an American!And if y'all ever get to travel outside y'all trailer park and leave McDisneyland to see the world y'all shall hear what is talked about in every country.But just read the Pew international polls on how America is regarded around the world.But an idiot box watching Big Mac munching US public school graduate like y'all only has the America corporate media boob tube to tell y'all that the world really loves y'all and y'all's country.

Mutts are mutts.Y'alls genetics are sure fascinating to study!


Like i said.

Get a life <deleted> :o

Not nice to describe your mother that way!

Aaaahh...The typical eloquence of an American!And if y'all ever get to travel outside y'all trailer park and leave McDisneyland to see the world y'all shall hear what is talked about in every country.But just read the Pew international polls on how America is regarded around the world.But an idiot box watching Big Mac munching US public school graduate like y'all only has the America corporate media boob tube to tell y'all that the world really loves y'all and y'all's country.

Mutts are mutts.Y'alls genetics are sure fascinating to study!


That's a broad generalization. I'm American, and I've never been to a Di$ney park, never lived in a trailer, and I hate McDonalds. "Y'all" is a southern term, and this may be of quite a shock, but not every American is from the south.

Being an American, I hold very little regard for America's ethics and practices. Money is driving this whole thing -- wealthy actors, movie studios and other corporations (who own the USA) are lobbying for movements such as FTA, to keep Thai vendors from selling pirated movies, software, etcetera. It's all about the bottom line -- god forbid they allow a Thai person to buy a movie they can afford.

The US has failed keeping it's own people under control because we focus more on invading small countries and implementing governments that will ensure lots of OIL. I find it amusing that the country only 15% of the people own a passport has the largest and most volatile foreign presence. "If we don't like the way you police your country, AMERICA will show you how to do it the RIGHT way". Puhleeze.

One thing that's important to remember is that what one country's government does is NOT indicative of what its people believe.

I haven't met a Thai person who "hated" Americans, but then again, I don't go out of my way to mention it... if they ask, I tell them. Being American abroad definitely has its downside -- but it's better than being British.

Aaaahh...The typical eloquence of an American!And if y'all ever get to travel outside y'all trailer park and leave McDisneyland to see the world y'all shall hear what is talked about in every country.But just read the Pew international polls on how America is regarded around the world.But an idiot box watching Big Mac munching US public school graduate like y'all only has the America corporate media boob tube to tell y'all that the world really loves y'all and y'all's country.

Mutts are mutts.Y'alls genetics are sure fascinating to study!


That's a broad generalization. I'm American, and I've never been to a Di$ney park, never lived in a trailer, and I hate McDonalds. "Y'all" is a southern term, and this may be of quite a shock, but not every American is from the south.

Being an American, I hold very little regard for America's ethics and practices. Money is driving this whole thing -- wealthy actors, movie studios and other corporations (who own the USA) are lobbying for movements such as FTA, to keep Thai vendors from selling pirated movies, software, etcetera. It's all about the bottom line -- god forbid they allow a Thai person to buy a movie they can afford.

The US has failed keeping it's own people under control because we focus more on invading small countries and implementing governments that will ensure lots of OIL. I find it amusing that the country only 15% of the people own a passport has the largest and most volatile foreign presence. "If we don't like the way you police your country, AMERICA will show you how to do it the RIGHT way". Puhleeze.

One thing that's important to remember is that what one country's government does is NOT indicative of what its people believe.

I haven't met a Thai person who "hated" Americans, but then again, I don't go out of my way to mention it... if they ask, I tell them. Being American abroad definitely has its downside -- but it's better than being British.

A shame , a very nice post ruined by yet another sweeping Generalisation at the end.


Hate to burst one's bubble, but yank/brit/ozzie - whatever we are all lumped together in Asia.

As for yank bashing - I have the pleasure of traveling all over the world for business. For the most part Yanks are seen in a positive light and I'm quite confident on this. The small minority of yank haters always get the press coverage, but one fails to realize the majority are rather supportive.

Go ahead ask any Thai about America - most are rather supportive or they don't care one way or another. Thai(s) are more centralist leaning - more concerned with internal or day to day life not what's going on elsewhere. (sorry for the generalization, but from my own personal info this holds weight)


Thanks to the Explorer for putting the story straight.

The Thais hate Americans ? Well they do not have a good ride out of the Western culture sneking in the back door thru PM Taksin and the economy and prices are shooting up while the workers get payd the same. Face it they dont like us but need us in investment and tourism. Thats they'r rice on the table in many places. It will be a really bad thing if the Thai gowerment sign that contract , that will take away some serious income for some of the Thai's and they will blame the falang culture for it and soo on. It would for shure not make an better place for the falangs in this country. And why cant US just mind they'r own thing and keep they'r butterfingers away from other people and they'r countries. Is it nessesary to have a Big Brother messing things up all the time. Its nearly imposible for a Thai to go to Us soo why should them come over here to put laws on the Thais ? Wait and see Mr T is probably gonna enter this one too. Feel sorry for the Thai's if that happens. The US flag is bluring in my eyes and the stars have fallen of.

Sample : Thailand make they'r own HIV medicine cheeap. If they enter this agreement they will have to buy that thru/from US/licence. Whit todays social security system who says you got to buy all your medisine yourself things will be ##### up. In other contries HIV medicine are on free delivery fom the gowerment. Not here. This just an sample . The gowement will have to do police raids all the time to control the trade. US traders will come in and clame their right on brands opening Brand name stores , Boosting economy. Things will be more expencive , Thais will be the loosers and the whole Thailand feeling will be gone. Crime will rise even more and a lot of unpredictable things will happen and soo on and soo on.

Never ending story. :o

Aaaahh...The typical eloquence of an American!And if y'all ever get to travel outside y'all trailer park and leave McDisneyland to see the world y'all shall hear what is talked about in every country.But just read the Pew international polls on how America is regarded around the world.But an idiot box watching Big Mac munching US public school graduate like y'all only has the America corporate media boob tube to tell y'all that the world really loves y'all and y'all's country.

Mutts are mutts.Y'alls genetics are sure fascinating to study!


That's a broad generalization. I'm American, and I've never been to a Di$ney park, never lived in a trailer, and I hate McDonalds. "Y'all" is a southern term, and this may be of quite a shock, but not every American is from the south.

Being an American, I hold very little regard for America's ethics and practices. Money is driving this whole thing -- wealthy actors, movie studios and other corporations (who own the USA) are lobbying for movements such as FTA, to keep Thai vendors from selling pirated movies, software, etcetera. It's all about the bottom line -- god forbid they allow a Thai person to buy a movie they can afford.

The US has failed keeping it's own people under control because we focus more on invading small countries and implementing governments that will ensure lots of OIL. I find it amusing that the country only 15% of the people own a passport has the largest and most volatile foreign presence. "If we don't like the way you police your country, AMERICA will show you how to do it the RIGHT way". Puhleeze.

One thing that's important to remember is that what one country's government does is NOT indicative of what its people believe.

I haven't met a Thai person who "hated" Americans, but then again, I don't go out of my way to mention it... if they ask, I tell them. Being American abroad definitely has its downside -- but it's better than being British.

A shame , a very nice post ruined by yet another sweeping Generalisation at the end.

Totaly agree there .. Gess he is a thru American .. Still goes on Better and Best .. Its in they'r Blood .. Competition .. Too bad ..



This is not really a Pattaya topic - the ramifications of the Free Trade Agreement are going to affect all Thais - if it is signed in it's present format.

Until recently I despised all these global-economic protesters that wreak havoc at G8 conferences and the like. But having researched the impact and influence that multi-national corporations possess (and they are mostly American) I am not so sure that I like the world my children and grandchildren will inherit.

The FTA is designed to maximise profits for these multi-nationals by limiting the 'little-man' competition, forcing low-wage employees into lower wages and so on. It does not benefit the man-in-the-street in either country (other than a slightly lower retail price of branded goods - sometimes) and will certainly not benefit the average Thai. It will benefit a few large industrialists in Thailand, who can enter into sub-contract status with multi-national entities, but will destroy the guy who repairs your car by using locally made copies of parts, will put out of business a lot of the street vendors and market-stall-holders who sell 'seconds' and knock-offs that Thais can afford. Panthip Plaza will be under scrutiny every day - every hour. Computer software will be out of the reach of the average Thai, so education will take a step or seven backwards. Medecine will be limited to branded examples, no generics - health will deteriorate.

This is not having a go at the average American, after all, with such a large number never travelling outside the US of A, we never meet the average American. But it's easy to see who the septics are on this forum - list them from this thread!

This is not really a Pattaya topic - the ramifications of the Free Trade Agreement are going to affect all Thais - if it is signed in it's present format.

Until recently I despised all these global-economic protesters that wreak havoc at G8 conferences and the like. But having researched the impact and influence that multi-national corporations possess (and they are mostly American) I am not so sure that I like the world my children and grandchildren will inherit.

The FTA is designed to maximise profits for these multi-nationals by limiting the 'little-man' competition, forcing low-wage employees into lower wages and so on. It does not benefit the man-in-the-street in either country (other than a slightly lower retail price of branded goods - sometimes) and will certainly not benefit the average Thai. It will benefit a few large industrialists in Thailand, who can enter into sub-contract status with multi-national entities, but will destroy the guy who repairs your car by using locally made copies of parts, will put out of business a lot of the street vendors and market-stall-holders who sell 'seconds' and knock-offs that Thais can afford. Panthip Plaza will be under scrutiny every day - every hour. Computer software will be out of the reach of the average Thai, so education will take a step or seven backwards. Medecine will be limited to branded examples, no generics - health will deteriorate.

This is not having a go at the average American, after all, with such a large number never travelling outside the US of A, we never meet the average American. But it's easy to see who the septics are on this forum - list them from this thread!

Thanks for not lumping us all, the average American



I have many American friends - but I also know many others that take offence at any criticism of Dubya, the armed forces, Vietnam and Coca Cola / McDonalds.

But then being an Australianised Brit has it's drawbacks as well.

Or is it just that I'm an unlikeable person - without any reference to nationality, culture, heritage or what-have-you?

A shame , a very nice post ruined by yet another sweeping Generalisation at the end.

There's a difference between a sweeping generlalization and just flat out voicing one's disgust over an entire group of people.

Your a nice chap! I thought the Founding Fathers of America were British?

It's a pity you have such a large chip on your sholder. :o


He's "skating on thin ice". Be careful Hobgoblin - there's bound to be at least one moderator of the particular nationality that you choose to slur.

In fact, this whole thread looks as if it's heading for the trash can :o


In fact, this whole thread looks as if it's heading for the trash can :o

Should have been canned a long time ago .

Mention bargirl one time and its gone ( not that I do or condone it ) , here we have 4 pages of ........

A shame , a very nice post ruined by yet another sweeping Generalisation at the end.

There's a difference between a sweeping generlalization and just flat out voicing one's disgust over an entire group of people.

We the Great British Public understand that you were probably bullied by your sister and therefore feel the need to wet your pants everytime you see a pink pair of shoes.

Get over it Petal..... :o

In fact, this whole thread looks as if it's heading for  the trash can :o

Should have been canned a long time ago .

Mention bargirl one time and its gone ( not that I do or condone it ) , here we have 4 pages of ........

Bargirl Bargirl Bargirl - how's 3x?? :D

We the Great British Public understand that you were probably bullied by your sister and therefore feel the need to wet your pants everytime you see a pink pair of shoes.

Get over it Petal..... :D

..and the thread has been rescued! :o:D:D

More, please! :D


You guys wear pink shoes? :o

FTA could have been a good topic but the title of this thread sewed it's own seeds of distraction/destruction. Why did you use Thai people to accomplish your windup goal Mr. Badman? That's not cool.

You guys wear pink shoes?  :D

FTA could have been a good topic but the title of this thread sewed it's own seeds of distraction/destruction.  Why did you use Thai people to accomplish your windup goal Mr. Badman?  That's not cool.

Pink shoes :o:D:D Sorry, but Mr. "Badman" can't reply - he's, err, (have a look at the "Group" he's in) :D:D

Ah well, enough's enough.

Topic closed. :D

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