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"Ta Muang" isn't really a place, no wonder you couldn't find it 'getlost'. Try 'Prasat Ta Muang, Prasat Ta Muang Thot and Ta Muang Thom. "Thai soldiers sometimes provide a very pleasant company............" is defined on the website if you look in the right place.


Looks interesting. I'll have to visit when I get a chance.

I found this on the planetware website.

Prasat Ta Muen

To visit the most important Khmer temples of this regions requires certain navigational skills. The Prasat Ta Muen is situated south of Surin (on Highway 214) near the border with Cambodia at the town of Ban Ta Muang; it is advisable to enquire about security in advance at the TAT office in Surin (local guide). This 10th c. temple has several well preserved prangs.


We're in the outskirts of BKK, the other day the wife had a call from her brother, ex-Buriram, moved to his GF's village near the border, stating something to the effect that the Thai government was giving away 10 rai parcels of land in the border areas to Thais in order to keep Cambodians from taking the land. Anybody else hearing of something to this effect?


I'll to you what, the wife and I are still driving from Chiang Mai to Kap Choeng tomorrow. Leaving about 6am arriving around 7pm. When we get there I'll have my Leo and I'll buy all the Chang the Cambodians can drink if that dint kill them then some Thai whiskey will. As for the 10 rai nothing. :)


Ta Muang is situated on the Cambodian/Thai border, also the Buriram/ Surin border. Take the 224 from either Ban Kruat or the 224 junction on the Kap Chong road. Please note: the 224 is not called the 224 on a lot of Thai maps. An amusing thing happened as well. My wifes sister phoned her and tgold her not to go anywhere near Ta Muang today, 10 minutes after she'd been turned away by Cambodian soldiers.

We're in the outskirts of BKK, the other day the wife had a call from her brother, ex-Buriram, moved to his GF's village near the border, stating something to the effect that the Thai government was giving away 10 rai parcels of land in the border areas to Thais in order to keep Cambodians from taking the land. Anybody else hearing of something to this effect?

Unfortunetly, YES, I was the bloody taximeter from our village for people to register a claim.

In my usual manner, I had no idea what was going on, other than being told the King is giving land to his people to help make him feel better and well.



If you're having difficulty finding Ta Muang on the map, check Ta Meuan; this spelling is used on the signposts, and on the maps I have (and by Lonely Planet, which is usually correct!). (Whether there is a village called Ban Ta Muang, I just don't know)

If you're having difficulty finding Ta Muang on the map, check Ta Meuan; this spelling is used on the signposts, and on the maps I have (and by Lonely Planet, which is usually correct!). (Whether there is a village called Ban Ta Muang, I just don't know)

You are right of course, it's just my way of saying it. It is not on most maps I have seen though, only the road and the village of Ta Meuan


If you are interested in Ta Muan in particular, or Khmer sites in general, I suggest you have a look at this site:


This gentleman has done a lot of research and put together a very interesting website about these things.

Not only is Ta Muan on the old road from Phimai to Angkor, but it is also in direct geographic alignment with other nearby prasats, including Preah Vihear.




So did cambodia invade or not. Any else get tired of the thai farang obsession with rumour mill. Only one farang i know ever knew what was about to happen and predicted it. All others spread rubbish. You don't think it'd be on the news cambodia was invading thailand?

If you are interested in Ta Muan in particular, or Khmer sites in general, I suggest you have a look at this site:


This gentleman has done a lot of research and put together a very interesting website about these things.

Not only is Ta Muan on the old road from Phimai to Angkor, but it is also in direct geographic alignment with other nearby prasats, including Preah Vihear.



Good website.

Thanks, Mike.

So did cambodia invade or not. Any else get tired of the thai farang obsession with rumour mill. Only one farang i know ever knew what was about to happen and predicted it. All others spread rubbish. You don't think it'd be on the news cambodia was invading thailand?

I really think you should learn to read posts, or at least keep up with current affairs. They don't need to invade,as one of the temples is in Cambodia.. My wife got told by CAMBODIAN SOLDIERS to get out. Maybe they were just spreading these rumours. Although as there has been fighting there for the last year, as well as Khow Pra Vi Harn.

I agree with you fully about bullshit posters, but my complaint is people who can't or don't read the OP.

By the way I have hilighted Cambodian soldiers just in case you miss it this time.

Another thing is, as The Farang Connection is part of the Surin Tourist Assossiation, do you really think we can afford to publish bullshite.....................Australian are you?


<<I really think you should learn to read posts, or at least keep up with current affairs. They don't need to invade,as one of the temples is in Cambodia..

Australian are you?

From Cambodian soldiers.

They are moving in and expect a skirmish in the next hour or so.>>

1 - Seems I can read fine

2 - Yes - problem with Australians? As you can see from my other work I do rural development in Thailand - Is that a bad thing?

3 - Skirmish with who then?

Keeping up with news - I guess you saw the news item last week saying Cambodia was conducting exercises near the border? Maybe you missed it?

<<I really think you should learn to read posts, or at least keep up with current affairs. They don't need to invade,as one of the temples is in Cambodia..

Australian are you?

From Cambodian soldiers.

They are moving in and expect a skirmish in the next hour or so.>>

1 - Seems I can read fine

2 - Yes - problem with Australians? As you can see from my other work I do rural development in Thailand - Is that a bad thing?

3 - Skirmish with who then?

Keeping up with news - I guess you saw the news item last week saying Cambodia was conducting exercises near the border? Maybe you missed it?

My apologies.......I should have put a smiley after the Australian bit, to show it was a joke ( in English piss-take). That was a genuine post, concerned with tourists entering the area. OK if you say it's fine, then all's well. I turned down a tour there today. Maybe I should have read your post first.

It seems every good piece of advice I give on this Forum is slagged off now. OH Thai Visa, what has happened to our ( not me any more) glorious web-site. Have you been recruiting from Teak Door?


No worries - be glad to have a beer with you next time in Surin - still not sure who you meant the Cambodians were going to skirmish with - maybe ThaiVisa ? :)


Well, I'm glad the newspapers, television and now Thai Visa have caught up with my Breaking Bullshite. I wouldn't be surprised if the confrontation between my wife and the Cambodian soldiers, started the whole bloody thing off. :)

Well, I'm glad the newspapers, television and now Thai Visa have caught up with my Breaking Bullshite. I wouldn't be surprised if the confrontation between my wife and the Cambodian soldiers, started the whole bloody thing off. :)

My money would be on the wife winning, Mate :D

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