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Pain Killer


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I believe that is correct. However, Tramadol is sold by several different manufacturers in Thailand. The prices vary widely. They come in capsule form and normally sold in aluminum packs of 10. Prices range from 25 baht, 30 baht, 40 baht and 60 baht (for pack of ten). They all say 50 mg, but I question in my mind the cheap ones if they are that strong.

Both the misses and I take tramadol daily, her for arthritis, me for back pain. I buy a box (10 pack of 10 capsule each) for 350 baht (100 capsules).

I know there is a stronger pain killer out there, but do not remember the name. However, if you don't know the pharmacy/pharmasist, they won't sell it to you over the counter without prescription.

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I believe tramadol is the strongest available without prescription.

However it would help to know what type of pain is in question here. For pain that is related to inflammation, one of the NSAIDs either instead or in addition to tramadol may do better.

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what type of pain?

not all painkillers are effective for all types of pain.

Tramadol is the strongest opiate type pain killer available but there is a COX 2 inhibitor pain killer thats once a day(something you would use presumably longer term especially if inflammation is a reason eg arthritis ....dam_n....forgot the name ......anyone? lol

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Well, Take NSAID is better then.

Arcoxia or celebrex are COX2 inhibitor.

They help to reduce the pain by inbihiting the inflammation process, are very good for muscle, bone and joint pain.

It is not recommended to take this tablets regular sue to the liver side effect.

Myonal is a muscle relaxant which is quite good. You might need to take some with you in case it is just muscle strain and no need for those strong cox2 inhibitor.

I do not think you need tramadol.

Good Luck

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Thx a lot but you guys have to stop using all these words like NSAID COX2 and and and i dont have a clue what it is :)

Well i got 10 retard tramal and 5 ambufen, they should last me about a year i think will only be taking pills if i really have pain.

Thx again

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Does anyone knows which is the best painkiller for sore throat?


You cant be serious, can you?

I will try to give answer anyway.

If the sore throat caused be the Freezing aircon in another thread, Take Kamillosan M spray.

It is a wonderful combination of a few herbal extracts, taste very strange in the first use but very good for sore throat.

Try it! Good Luck.

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Thx a lot but you guys have to stop using all these words like NSAID COX2 and and and i dont have a clue what it is :)

Well i got 10 retard tramal and 5 ambufen, they should last me about a year i think will only be taking pills if i really have pain.

Thx again

Just for your information:

NSAID : non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Ibuprofen is one of them, the side effect is gastritis,best to take with/after meal and drink lots of water as Sheryl mentioned.

Celebrex/arcoxi are two of them but better generation( selective COX2 inhibitor= It only blocks the enzyme COX2 to stop/reduce inflammatory process)

It does not stop the Cyclo-oxygenase 1(COX1)which produce the mucus to line the stomach.

If your stomach is ok and you had no problem with taking aspirin, the normal NSAID will do you good.

If not, better to take COX2.

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Does anyone knows which is the best painkiller for sore throat?


You cant be serious, can you?

I will try to give answer anyway.

If the sore throat caused be the Freezing aircon in another thread, Take Kamillosan M spray.

It is a wonderful combination of a few herbal extracts, taste very strange in the first use but very good for sore throat.

Try it! Good Luck.

Yep, that's exactly it. Why do you think I'm not serious?

I've been having bad sore throat for months and have been using the Kamilosan for years. I've also taken antibiotics, antiinflamatory drugs, antihistaminics and mucolitics - all of them given by the doctor and all of them proved useless. So did the lozenges.

So I want something strong for the pain because it keeps me awake at night.

In any case thank you for your reply!

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My apologies, thought you were joking!

Does it feel like scratching?? Heart burn?

Do you have any problem with your stomach?

Could it be GERD?

Well if it is not and still the pain is bad specially night pain.

Have you consult ENT Dr recently.

I would not recommend anything just to stop the pain but find out what it is.

Good Luck.

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