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Hun Sen: Thaksin Will Visit Phnom Penh On Thursday


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^^^ On the Sir Anthony Eden point, he was being prescribed, after an ill fated operation, Benzedrine which was a major contributory factor in the decline of his abilities. At the time, ['53] of course, the drug was considered pioneering medicine and the breadth of the side effects was less understood.


/edit update chevrons//

Edited by A_Traveller
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Why is Abhisit so scared to have Thaksin in Cambodia? The poor child is absolutely obsessed with Thaksin's location at every moment and yet half the time he doesn't even know where Thaksin is. Abhisit isn't even qualified for the Minister ofFollowing Thaksin's Shadow, let alone trying to govern Thailand. In Abhisit's nightmares, he envisions the AXIS OF EVIL as elections, Thaksin, and freedom of the press.

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^ Just picking your last, Thaksin's approach to the press was of course, virtue enshrined.... except FEER in 2002 [very very relevant today], moves to use the AMLO to investigate journalists, or using the power [to remove] of advertising revenues to pressure papers to elide unfavourable reports.


/edit typo//

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Why is Abhisit so scared to have Thaksin in Cambodia? The poor child is absolutely obsessed with Thaksin's location at every moment and yet half the time he doesn't even know where Thaksin is. Abhisit isn't even qualified for the Minister ofFollowing Thaksin's Shadow, let alone trying to govern Thailand. In Abhisit's nightmares, he envisions the AXIS OF EVIL as elections, Thaksin, and freedom of the press.

I've been keeping fairly close watch on today's proceedings - at the expense of work in some cases - and don't recall him saying anything at all yet, apart from a couple of comments in accordance with the law and how Hun Sen should keep out of Thai affairs. These were on the weekend just to set the record straight.

Please point me in the right direction.


Edited by RegularReader
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Why is Abhisit so scared to have Thaksin in Cambodia? The poor child is absolutely obsessed with Thaksin's location at every moment and yet half the time he doesn't even know where Thaksin is. Abhisit isn't even qualified for the Minister ofFollowing Thaksin's Shadow, let alone trying to govern Thailand. In Abhisit's nightmares, he envisions the AXIS OF EVIL as elections, Thaksin, and freedom of the press.

I've been keeping fairly close watch on today's proceedings - at the expense of work in some cases - and don't recall him saying anything at all yet, apart from a couple of comments in accordance with the law and how Hun Sen should keep out of Thai affairs. These were on the weekend just to set the record straight.

Please point me in the right direction.


Look to the East, my friend!

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Why is Abhisit so scared to have Thaksin in Cambodia? The poor child is absolutely obsessed with Thaksin's location at every moment and yet half the time he doesn't even know where Thaksin is. Abhisit isn't even qualified for the Minister ofFollowing Thaksin's Shadow, let alone trying to govern Thailand. In Abhisit's nightmares, he envisions the AXIS OF EVIL as elections, Thaksin, and freedom of the press.

I've been keeping fairly close watch on today's proceedings - at the expense of work in some cases - and don't recall him saying anything at all yet, apart from a couple of comments in accordance with the law and how Hun Sen should keep out of Thai affairs. These were on the weekend just to set the record straight.

Please point me in the right direction.


Look to the East, my friend!

From where I am I can only see Cambodia.

I appreciate what you are alluding to, but if you look more closely, today's comments have not come from him.

Yes, I know, it's possible he put the other Dems up to it - who did speak in "frightened terms", to save his face.

But, how do you know?

How do I know?

I guess we both need to look to the East for the answer, eh?...my friend??

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Thaksin might be standing in Cambodia at a border market Thursday, looking West at adoring throngs.

As I mentioned in another post, I wouldn't be surprised to see an adoring group of Isaan Thaksin admirers on hand in Phenom Penh Thursday to make their hero feel almost at home courtesy of Hun Sen, or for Hun Sen to have a bunch of Cambodians on hand as well to welcome their newest official of their government.

Would Thaksin dare visit a border market Thursday?

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If you are unsure what a topic is about please read the topic title, which for this topic reads "Hun Sen: Thaksin Will Visit Phnom Penh On Thursday"



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Ex TRT MPs such as Sudarat are urging Thaksin not to go to Cambodia on Thursday. They don't trust Hun Sen who they worry may hand Thaksin over to the Thai authorities as he realises tourism to Angkor Wat has been damaged by mass cancellations from Asian tourists- he may fear a backlash from his own people.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Thaksin come out with a statement such as,' I'd love to go but......'.

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Is there any doubt Thaksin has compensated Hun Sen handsomely in return for Hun Sen's hospitality and continued friendship, to include Thursday? Does the Thai government really want Thaksin back in Thailand for any reason? I doubt Thaksin has much to fear in this respect. It's likely Thaksin and Thailand would be equally schocked if Hun Sen were to attempt such a move.

I also think Thaksin has big plans for his visit to Cambodia that go beyond speaking to a bunch of boring Cambodian burearcrats, plans Thaksin is greatly anticipating.

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But Hun Sen has to look after himself first as always. If border trade, investment and tourism are affected by his actions, he'll face discontent at home.

Much as he would gain if, and it's a huge if, Thaksin ever came back to power, he will be blamed domestically for putting his interests before the nation if the situation escalates and Cambodian start hurting.

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Thailand's Thaksin in Cambodia: AFP photographer

PHNOM PENH — Fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra landed in Phnom Penh Tuesday, arriving in Cambodia to carry out his new role as economics adviser to the government, an AFP photographer said.

-- AFP 2009-11-10

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So my prediction that Thaksin doesn't have the gut to land in Cambodia is wrong. Not bad, I hate the game of hide-n-seek from both sides. Big applause for both Abhisit and Thaksin.

The cancellation is somehow a boon to Thailand though.

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Thaksin arrives in Phnom Penh Tuesday

PHNOM PENH: -- Fugitive ex-Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra landed in Phnom Penh on Tuesday admist tense security.

He arrived at a military airport at about 9am by his private jet.

He is scheduled to give a lecture for Khmer officials at Finance Ministry at about noon.


-- The Nation 2009-11-10


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Cambodia's new economic adviser starts his first job

PHNOM PENH: -- Convicted ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra landed in Phnom Penh on Tuesday to start his first assignment as an economic adviser to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and his government.

He arrived at a military airport at in Phnom Penh at about 9am by his private jet. He was then escorted into the Cambodian capital by a convoy of cars under tight security.

He is a Hun Sen's guest lecturer to talk about economy issue in front of about 300 officials and economists at Finance Ministry at about noon.

Hun Sen has appointed Thaksin as his economic adviser recently. The appointment endorsed by Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni has drawn dissastisfaction from Thailand as Thaksin is a convicted and ran away from a two-year jail term for abuse of power and corruption.

To protest Cambodia over the appointment, Thailand recalled its ambassador to Phnom Penh and cancelled memorandum of understanding on Thai-Cambodia overlapping zones signed during Thaksin government.

Thai PM Abhisit Vejjajiva has insisted that Cambodia would not proceed with this [Thaksin's extradition] and criticised both Thai politics, and most importantly the Thai justice system questioning issues related to the court, fairness.

"I think Thailand and Thai people cannot accept this. All of this is not about political conflicts within our country but this is what all of us must assert on the legitimacy and dignity of our core institution, which is the justice system," Abhisit said.

Abhisit said his government had treated Thai-Cambodian conflicts carefully. Although it decided to lower bilateral relationship by recalling the ambassador, it was keeping in mind not to hurt people-to-people relations and border trade, and avoid tension or violence along the border. He said the conflict would not hurt regional cooperation such as Asean and Mekong countries.


-- The Nation 2009-11-10


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Interestingly TAN have story that PTP (or at least a group of leading members) asked Thaksin not to take the role as it affected popularity:


My wifes theory:

It is one of the usual Chavalit plans.

First he took Thaksins money and get PTP leader.

Than he talk Thaksin into this crazy idea. Than he distance himself from it and let all the complains fall on Thaksin

At the end he is the Party leader someone else financed.

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I wonder what all this implies for the ASEAN nations as a group?

They have the tradition of so-called non-interference in other countries internal affairs, and here we have a convicted criminal, ex-PM of one country being not only treated like a VIP in a neighbouring country, but also offered a govt post and being asked to give advice.............<deleted>!!!!...................if ASEAN stays quiet on this and does not condemn Cambodia's actions it looks bad, but will they ever get even near a joint agreement on releasing a statement? Highly unlikely, which means ASEAN will remain a paper tiger for a long time to come. hel_l, one couldn't even change Thai baht in a Malaysian bank last time I was there, and its supposed to be about bringing closer economic integration!!!? :)

Wonder why the Thaksin lecture seems to have been brought forward from Thurs to today? Not planning on staying in Hun Sen's munificent mansion tonite?

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I agree with Plachon that ASEAN is largely ineffective politically.

However, if you go the route of interfering in another country's business then that's clearly Thailand interfering in Cambodia.. Thaksin is a private person; he can do what he wants, he is only responsible for his own actions and can do anything he wants, from trading diamonds in Africa to doing a seminar in Phnom Penh. The Thai government on the other hand is responsible for 60 million Thais. In theory anyway. They're the ones making drama about it like Channel 7 soap TV ladies, trying to make it sound as if some country hiring an unemployed economic advisor is somehow about them, or an act of treason worthy of the death penalty. Please; if they didn't want him doing work elsewhere then maybe they shouldn't have supported a coup to remove him. :)

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Could it now be that Thaksin is simply bent on making Thailand's role in ASEAN as difficult as possible this weekend...?

"Wild" is a bit of an understatement to describe his actions recently. Guess the real intentions will be known sooner or later...

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Could it now be that Thaksin is simply bent on making Thailand's role in ASEAN as difficult as possible this weekend...?

"Wild" is a bit of an understatement to describe his actions recently. Guess the real intentions will be known sooner or later...

That's perspective. I think it's primarily the Thai government's response that was wild. Recalling their ambassador from a country they should be building mutually beneficial relations with, for... for what?

Honestly, there's a whole country and economy out there that needs running, and they're running around like headless chickens.

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I agree with Plachon that ASEAN is largely ineffective politically.

However, if you go the route of interfering in another country's business then that's clearly Thailand interfering in Cambodia.. Thaksin is a private person; he can do what he wants, he is only responsible for his own actions and can do anything he wants, from trading diamonds in Africa to doing a seminar in Phnom Penh. The Thai government on the other hand is responsible for 60 million Thais. In theory anyway. They're the ones being drama queenish about it, trying to make it sound as if some country hiring an unemployed economic advisor is somehow about them. Please; if they didn't want him doing work elsewhere then maybe they shouldn't have supported a coupe to remove him. :D


Cambodia goes and very publicly employs the services of a high-profile man wanted by a neighbouring country and it's Thailand interfering. Great logic there.

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