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Meeting To Bust Bangkok Market Mafia


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Meeting to bust market mafia

BANGKOK: -- The first meeting of government agencies working to bust mafia rings extorting money from market vendors is scheduled for 11 April, the newly appointed head of the task-force, Pol. Gen Seri Temiyavej told TNA.

The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra met small-scale vendors from markets around Bangkok on Wednesday to hear how the mafia rings were extorting, harassing and terrorising them.

After listening to the vendors' plight, an inter-agency committee was appointed under the deputy Prime Minster and Interior Minister Chidchai Wannasathi.

Representatives from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, the Metropolitan Police Force and the Anti-Money Laundering Commission will meet for the first time on 11 April to plan their strategy to combat the market mafia , Pol. Gen. Seri said.

Pol. Gen. Seri also told TNA that he would make sure the vendors who gave information to the PM would be well-protected.

--TNA 2005-04-06

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