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Number Of Smokers In Thailand Rise To 14.3 Million

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Number of smokers in Thailand rise to 14.3 million

BANGKOK: -- The number of smokers in Thailand has reached 14.3 million people across country.

The figure was revealed Monday in a latest Global Adult Tobacco Survey.


-- The Nation 2009-11-09



Probably the best way to solve this problem would be to limit cigarette sales to the hours of 6AM through 7AM, unless you're a wholesaler, in which case 3PM - 5PM would also be acceptable hours.

Then hold semi-annual crackdowns to ensure the new law is enforced, and invite the media to join the BIB as they attempt to buy cigarettes at 7-11 at 7:04 on a rainy Monday morning.

If the numbers still go up, clearly the additional smokers were influenced by foreigners (don't get fooled by the fact that most only watch Thai TV and don't know a single foreigner).

Probably the best way to solve this problem would be to limit cigarette sales to the hours of 6AM through 7AM, unless you're a wholesaler, in which case 3PM - 5PM would also be acceptable hours.

Then hold semi-annual crackdowns to ensure the new law is enforced, and invite the media to join the BIB as they attempt to buy cigarettes at 7-11 at 7:04 on a rainy Monday morning.

If the numbers still go up, clearly the additional smokers were influenced by foreigners (don't get fooled by the fact that most only watch Thai TV and don't know a single foreigner).

Bravo!! :)

PS: without some knowledge being distributed to the masses, these things will ALWAYS be growing. It is time to educate your ppl, Mr.Abhisit....

PPS: and, being here for many years - I know that a good and valuable (even free for those poor farmer families on North) mass education will NEVER be realized here. It is just too profitable to have uneducated (buyers|voters|thinkers|speakers|leaders|etc). Pls underline your current needs with a red marker, Mr.Government...

Prohibition in action...

Yes, they still don't get it, do they...

Get what? Freedom of choice? No, generally they do not get much. And when they do get a choice they are frequently robbed of its outcome. Sometimes by a coup; sometimes by a band of Health Gestapo. Plus ca change ...

Prohibition in action...

Yes, they still don't get it, do they...

Though I haven't smoked tobac since 1972, I agree that people should have that option.

Granted 2nd hand smoke is a drag (pun intended), but most often, the people offended can move to a different spot (unless already in a restaurant, or in a crowded public transport, or a babe in its mother's arms, etc). It's easier to step away (to get away) from 2nd hand tobac smoke, then it is to get away from ubiquitous loud sounds that permeate Thailand. Same goes for smog, haze, and barking dogs.

There are a whole lot of ways people harm themselves. There's bad food, there are crappy TV shows, living in giant cities like Bangkok, ...the list can go on and on.

Smoking tobacco is relatively small self-inflictment. Perhaps the bigger question is, 'should we allow people who self-inflict harm, to partake in taxpayer-subsidised medical fixes?'

Also: 2nd hand smoke is indicative of how far people's breath travels. Do the people who worry about 2nd hand smoke, also worry about other minute things that travel out of peoples' lungs? Look at what the average person expels - under an electron microscope, and you might think a wisp of tobac smoke is benign in comparison.

Granted 2nd hand smoke is a drag (pun intended), but most often, the people offended can move to a different spot (unless already in a restaurant, or in a crowded public transport, or a babe in its mother's arms, etc).

Smoking tobacco is relatively small self-inflictment.

????? The person smoking should be the one to move away. In fact they should have enough respect for the people around them not to blow cancer causing smoke in their faces/lungs. We all know the dangers and so should the smokers....so stay away from me. Yes! I am a narky cranky reformed smoker.

By relatively small self inflictment...do you mean it does not cause you much harm?


How far does cigarette smoke travel? Not as far and as concentrated as germs coughed or sneezed from an uncovered mouth , which incidentely , also land in those tasty wares close at hand being sold to Tvers who brag about the nutritional value of street vendor food , nor as far as the phlegm carelessly spit on the side-walk(or where-ever) that gets carried by flip-flops with a great number of other bacteria to peoples homes . Life long habits of the locals can be far more effective in giving you a dose of that which you do not desire , just wear a face mask .

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