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Further Arrests Made On Huay Yai Gang Rapists


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Police from the Huay Yai district police station have arrested 4 more of the accused Huay Yai gang members in relation to the rape of a 16 year old college student. Also the officers in charge of the case have obtained authorisation from the courts to apprehend a further 11 more of the suspected rapists.

Pattaya, 9th of November 2009 (PDN): Following up from the 3 previous arrests police Lieutenant General Phaksuwat Chomthanon announced that on the 9th of November, two further arrests were made from warrants, in relation to the rape of Bee (fake name) aged 16. It is now believed that up to 50 youths could possibly have been involved in the case, rather than the previously mentioned number of 23.

Police have also stated that in addition to these two new arrests, two other members from the gang involved had voluntarily surrendered themselves to police, and were subsequently arrested later that same day. The 7 boys that have been arrested to date are being charged with forcing a minor between the ages of 10 and 18 into performing evil acts, as well as the charge of taking a minor between the ages of15 and 18 away from parental supervision (without permission), with the intent of performing evil acts.

The two arrested gang members; Rat (fake name) aged 16 and Keng (fake name) aged 18, both admitted to having taken part in the suspected rape of a minor. Both teen have now been placed in police custody awaiting further interview by detectives.

One of the teens who had voluntarily surrendered himself to police, Net (fake name) aged 18, admitted to officers that he was involved in the incident. He also stated that at no point did the 16 year old girl in the case appear worried or scared in any way, mentioning that she had invited them all to join in with the proceedings after previously having had sexual intercourse with one of his friends. The accused also stated to police that the number of men involved in the case was closer to 50 rather than the number which was previously reported.

The other teen that had surrendered himself to police explained that he had witnessed the events with the intention of taking part in proceedings, but due to the presence of so many of his friends he decided not to participate. Importantly stating that he to, did not feel that the victim was overly bothered by the amount of people she was having sex with at one time.

Police were then taken to the scene of the crime by the two surrendered teens at approximately 3:30pm on the 9th of November. The two boys were asked to roughly recreate the events surrounding the case. They showed the police where the supposed rape had taken place, and also pointed out where the 50 men had roughly been positioned during proceedings.

In addition to these new arrests, police have filed for a further 6 warrants to be issued allowing them to arrest yet more of the gang of youths involved in the suspected rape. Police have also received information from 5 other families of the gang members, stating that they will surrender their sons to police once they have been found. At present the remaining accused are believed to be in hiding due to the increased attention surrounding their gang and the Huay Yai area. To date a total of 7 suspects are in police custody with a further 11 boys predicted to be arrested or surrendered within the next few days. Hopefully these new advancements are followed by further interviews and cross examinations, which will bring some much needed clarity to a very confusing case at present.



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Reading this news report almost made me puke :) the young lady Bee she will most likely never recover from this ordeal. There could be up to fifty bast!rds involved in this gang rape :D each of the bast!rds who raped this girl should be put in a room alone with the poor girls family and then Bee will have justice

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Just before we send them all to the gallows.....

She is I believe over the age of sexual consent in Thailand......

So far two suspects have stated that she was a willing participant in the proceedings...

IF that is the case.....where does the charge of rape stand?

It is also strange that her friend from the college was apparantly also allegedly raped by 7 youths in the same spot the week before.

Interesting case....lets wait for more info before we condemn them to death by various means

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Just before we send them all to the gallows.....

She is I believe over the age of sexual consent in Thailand......

So far two suspects have stated that she was a willing participant in the proceedings...

IF that is the case.....where does the charge of rape stand?

It is also strange that her friend from the college was apparantly also allegedly raped by 7 youths in the same spot the week before.

Interesting case....lets wait for more info before we condemn them to death by various means

Sure blame the girl it is all her fault :)

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She was a willling participant to lay down and let a gang of boys have sex with her?What do you think the boys would say.

Dont know.... that hasnt been reported yet...

Sure blame the girl it is all her fault :)

Never blamed the girl....merely commented on what has been reported.

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Not at all.......I said.......... IF that is the case...emphasis on the word "if"

I have read two different stories on this.........one states that the same girl was involved in two separate incidents, one states that it was two different girls at the same location on two different days. One states three boys admitted rape, the other story states that the suspects said she was a willing participant.

Lets see what the facts are (if we ever find out) before we start coming out with the hang them high comments.

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In today's schools, there are plenty of cases where the gals willingly go but then instead of the "agreed" upon boyfriend and 3 friends, it's the whole school band and soccer team. How do you deal out justice in these cases (not saying that's the case here) when the testimony by all parties involved will likely be at least partial lies and perjury.


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In today's schools, there are plenty of cases where the gals willingly go but then instead of the "agreed" upon boyfriend and 3 friends, it's the whole school band and soccer team. How do you deal out justice in these cases (not saying that's the case here) when the testimony by all parties involved will likely be at least partial lies and perjury.


Where are the "plenty of cases"you talk about?dont be silly your talking through your ...

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In today's schools, there are plenty of cases where the gals willingly go but then instead of the "agreed" upon boyfriend and 3 friends, it's the whole school band and soccer team. How do you deal out justice in these cases (not saying that's the case here) when the testimony by all parties involved will likely be at least partial lies and perjury.


Where are the "plenty of cases"you talk about?dont be silly your talking through your ...

Just because you don't want to accept an unpleasant reality doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If you're hoping for documented cases, I don't have any links or video footage if that's what you want.

Just anecdotes from various cousins, nieces, and nephews all of various ages, levels of school, and socio-economic status.


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So your cousins and nieces and nephews talk to you about girls in there school that lie down for a gang of boys to have sex with,thats wonderfull.So that means there are plenty of cases does it,lol.Like i said,stop talking through your ... .This Topic is getting a bit distasteful.

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So your cousins and nieces and nephews talk to you about girls in there school that lie down for a gang of boys to have sex with,thats wonderfull.So that means there are plenty of cases does it,lol.Like i said,stop talking through your ... .This Topic is getting a bit distasteful.

It's mostly them talking amongst themselves with the adults hearing tidbits. Yeah, did you think that only kids in the west have a monopoly on group sex (more than a few sororities have initiations along the lines of 'tapped into the Zetas, tapped into the Tri-Delts,' etc. that all involve one female with multiple partners, and yes, sometimes it does get out of hand)? And yes, if extrapolated to the general population, it does mean 'many.' Like I said, just because you find it unpleasant, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


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There seems to be a fair amount of information missing--or misrepresented. Even if the young lady in question was willing to have sex with multiple partners, 50 starts to be a pretty large number. I highly doubt this would be physically pleasurable or psychologically satisfying.

Perhaps she was drugged?

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So your cousins and nieces and nephews talk to you about girls in there school that lie down for a gang of boys to have sex with,thats wonderfull.So that means there are plenty of cases does it,lol.Like i said,stop talking through your ... .This Topic is getting a bit distasteful.

It's mostly them talking amongst themselves with the adults hearing tidbits. Yeah, did you think that only kids in the west have a monopoly on group sex (more than a few sororities have initiations along the lines of 'tapped into the Zetas, tapped into the Tri-Delts,' etc. that all involve one female with multiple partners, and yes, sometimes it does get out of hand)? And yes, if extrapolated to the general population, it does mean 'many.' Like I said, just because you find it unpleasant, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Thats just sumS you up nicely doesnt it,with a little laughing emotion at the end.None of this is funny but im glad you find it amusing. :).So every girl out there that gets gang raped is just involved in some 'initiation"correct?none of those cases are helpless victimes no?oh sorry maybe you have been a victim of this kind of initiation before hence why you find if so amusing.

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So your cousins and nieces and nephews talk to you about girls in there school that lie down for a gang of boys to have sex with,thats wonderfull.So that means there are plenty of cases does it,lol.Like i said,stop talking through your ... .This Topic is getting a bit distasteful.

It's mostly them talking amongst themselves with the adults hearing tidbits. Yeah, did you think that only kids in the west have a monopoly on group sex (more than a few sororities have initiations along the lines of 'tapped into the Zetas, tapped into the Tri-Delts,' etc. that all involve one female with multiple partners, and yes, sometimes it does get out of hand)? And yes, if extrapolated to the general population, it does mean 'many.' Like I said, just because you find it unpleasant, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Thats just sumS you up nicely doesnt it,with a little laughing emotion at the end.None of this is funny but im glad you find it amusing. :).So every girl out there that gets gang raped is just involved in some 'initiation"correct?none of those cases are helpless victimes no?oh sorry maybe you have been a victim of this kind of initiation before hence why you find if so amusing.

Nah, I'm just laughing at your head in the sand attitude.

You threw out the generalization of such a correlation. I merely said such situations exist while you want to pretend it does not.


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There seems to be a fair amount of information missing--or misrepresented. Even if the young lady in question was willing to have sex with multiple partners, 50 starts to be a pretty large number. I highly doubt this would be physically pleasurable or psychologically satisfying.

Perhaps she was drugged?

I think the key is that no one is willing to go 50+, but 3-4, like it or not, does seem reasonable for some girls.

And there are all kinds of drugs the kids enjoy here that are readily available over the counter. Especially those in the 'date rape' category in many other countries. And that's on top of the illegal narcotics and easy access to alcohol that is already rampant.


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I know such situations exist stop being daft,my head is definetly not in the sand, ... I'll entertain you and say Maybe your right maybe she was willing for 2r3 but thats not the point.There was allot more then that so therefore that means she wasnt a willing paticipant.Which means she was gang raped no? Next time save your little pathetic laughing emotions for someone who cares.

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I know such situations exist stop being daft,my head is definetly not in the sand, ... Maybe your right maybe she was willing for 3 r 4 but thats not the point.There was allot more then that so therefore that means she wasnt a willing paticipant.Which means she was gang raped no?

You know these situations exist and were just replying to my first post to be argumentative?

And again, I wasn't commenting on this particular case.


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Another eight youths have been arrested by the Huay Yai police investigation unit in connection with the gang rape of a young lady. A further few members of the gang that raped the young female student in the forest at Huay Yai have been now arrested by the police after the terrible acts that they have committed.

Pattaya, - Monday 23rd November 2009 [PDN]: - At 9.30 Police Lieutenant General Prakob Saengpring, who is the chief investigator of the Huay Yai Police, together with his team of inspectors, managed to catch another eight suspects of the recent rape of a 16 year old lady. This included the boyfriend of the girl at the time when the crimes occurred in the middle of the forest in Huay Yai. The police caught the offenders and brought them to the Huay Yai Police station for further questioning.

Mr. Wit (fake name) aged 18, (the boyfriend of the girl at the time of the offence), admitted that a group of 21-youths raped the girl one after another. He declared that he went as the last one and that after he brought the girl back to her apartment in Pattaya and the rest of the group went their different ways.

Lieutenant General Prakob Saengpring divulged that it has been confirmed that the group consisted of 21-young men and that they have done this kind of thing several times already, sometimes using guns or other weapons to force their victims to submit.

Police have asked for the rest of the gang to surrender themselves, as all of them are aged less than 20-years old, so by Thai law, this case will be open for the next 20-years, within which time they can always be arrested.


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