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Your Football Team Shirt


Team Shirt  

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Hooligans don't wear Colours Rix, i'm sure you know that..:)

No, not for me, haven't worn one since i was probably about 16..

I do have a couple of Retro Shirts that i like & i sometimes wear them when i'm playing Football but never " out out " if you know what i mean..

Not that i'm embaressed either, just personally don't think Football Shirts should be worn as a Fashion Item by grown Men to be honest but each to their own those that do, just not my Cup of Tea..

For us London Boys, Football Shirts are something that Northerners wear more than us anyway & the majority of us are far too fashion conscious to be seen in one, unlike Northerners.. :D

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For us London Boys, Football Shirts are something that Northerners wear more than us anyway & the majority of us are far too fashion conscious to be seen in one, unlike Northerners.. :)

Whatever do you mean Singhy? What could possibly be more fashionable and trendy than a perm and a shell-suit, i ask you?! :D

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Hooligans don't wear Colours Rix, i'm sure you know that.. :)

No, not for me, haven't worn one since i was probably about 16..

I do have a couple of Retro Shirts that i like & i sometimes wear them when i'm playing Football but never " out out " if you know what i mean..

Not that i'm embaressed either, just personally don't think Football Shirts should be worn as a Fashion Item by grown Men to be honest but each to their own those that do, just not my Cup of Tea..

For us London Boys, Football Shirts are something that Northerners wear more than us anyway & the majority of us are far too fashion conscious to be seen in one, unlike Northerners.. :D

Does the one you wore at 16 still fit you Singhy :D and don't say it was the fashion to wear them skin tight :D

I wonder if you know who is still wearing his one or has he changed it for a colchester one or who ever he is supporting at the moment :D

It must work out quite expensive keeping up to date with the current shirt especially when you keep changing clubs :D

Edited by alfieconn
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I,actually,have 3 football shirts....

Macc Town,which is getting a bit dated now as,surprisingly,I cant find the latest repica shirts for them over here. :)

Manchester United,latest design bought for the princely sum of 150 baht !

England,bought for the same extortionate amount over here.

But I find I get different reactions when I go watching the games in farang (mainly English) bars.

England top.....everyone is very friendly.

Macc top.....people are curious then sympathetic !

United top....I have met with some hostility so I am careful which bars I go in.Quite often I'll go in a Thai restaurant/bar to watch the game with my missus.Thais either support United or Liverpool,I find.

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I wonder if you know who is still wearing his one or has he changed it for a colchester one or who ever he is supporting at the moment :)

It must work out quite expensive keeping up to date with the current shirt especially when you keep changing clubs :D

What a childish embarrassment you are. Why don't you just post using just smilies ? It's not like the others in your playground would notice and you might even appear more articulate.

Edited by Happy Hammer
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Why do i always feel like i'm in the dark?

In amongst all those rules on Thaivisa, isn't there one that says bringing old disputes to new threads is not permitted unless you are prepared to explain the background of it all, thereby giving us all the chance to join in the dog fight - or should that be handbag swinging? :)

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Why do i always feel like i'm in the dark?

In amongst all those rules on Thaivisa, isn't there one that says bringing old disputes to new threads is not permitted unless you are prepared to explain the background of it all, thereby giving us all the chance to join in the dog fight - or should that be handbag swinging? :)

I would fully support any measure aimed at stopping an idiot who rarely , if ever , posts anything about football blubbering childish and inflammatory remarks at ever possible juncture.

You really don't want to join in. I'd like to think it beneath anyone over the age of about 10 years old.

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I have 42 Manchester United shirts (all different)...but they are a collection that i never wear.

Do you have them on display or tucked away in the cupboard?

They are currently tucked away in a cupboard. But i plan to set them up as a display in the future at my wifes retail store, which sells team uniforms (for schools etc..)

In the future i'd like to have a shirt collectors store, trading in vintage shirts, but at the moment our location is not big enough for that.

Edited by dave111223
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I have 42 Manchester United shirts (all different)...but they are a collection that i never wear.

Do you have them on display or tucked away in the cupboard?

and more importantly, where do you live and what time to you generally get home? :)

Sounds like a plan. I'll stand look out James whilst you dash in and ferret through Dave's underwear drawers and cupboards for the loot. We on? :D

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I have a shirt, but I don't wear it much. I can speak Thai to a good level. Fed up with local people asking me what team it is, then asking me why I support them. When I respond it was where I was born and who my Dad and my Grandad supported and who my friends support. They still ask 'but why? ' 'they are not premiership?'

Why? I've been asking myself the same question for years.

Anyway there is a stigma attached to wearing a football shirt. I'd rather be a casual.

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I have a shirt, but I don't wear it much. I can speak Thai to a good level. Fed up with local people asking me what team it is, then asking me why I support them. When I respond it was where I was born and who my Dad and my Grandad supported and who my friends support. They still ask 'but why? ' 'they are not premiership?'

Why? I've been asking myself the same question for years.

Anyway there is a stigma attached to wearing a football shirt. I'd rather be a casual.

Good shout Geek..

To some, supporting a Football Club isn't just about Premiership, Trophies, CL etc ( luckily :D ), it's about who a Person actually is & i'm with you 100% on what you said & win, lose or draw, i wouldn't change my History, my Family History, where we're from etc etc so it wouldn't even enter my head to support a different Football Club because it's who i am & believe it or not, i quite like myself..... :)

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haven't worn one for about 20 years. partly because they're shit quality and a complete ripoff, partly because i felt that i could support my team better by singing at the match rather than by wearing the same shirt as everyone else.

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haven't worn one for about 20 years. partly because they're shit quality and a complete ripoff, partly because i felt that i could support my team better by singing at the match rather than by wearing the same shirt as everyone else.

"You'll never catch me walking alone with my Scouse shirt on", like that mate?

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I have a shirt, but I don't wear it much. I can speak Thai to a good level. Fed up with local people asking me what team it is, then asking me why I support them. When I respond it was where I was born and who my Dad and my Granddad supported and who my friends support. They still ask 'but why? ' 'they are not premiership?'

Why? I've been asking myself the same question for years.

Anyway there is a stigma attached to wearing a football shirt. I'd rather be a casual.

Good shout Geek..

To some, supporting a Football Club isn't just about Premiership, Trophies, CL etc ( luckily :D ), it's about who a Person actually is & I'm with you 100% on what you said & win, lose or draw, i wouldn't change my History, my Family History, where we're from etc etc so it wouldn't even enter my head to support a different Football Club because it's who i am & believe it or not, i quite like myself..... :)

It's not about win, lose or draw. It's not about big business. It's about a local community supporting a local team and following that team at home and on away days. When you decide your team you work out where the nearest professional football club is and you work out who your family have followed in the past. I've been living in Thailand for many years, so I have been neglecting my duties, but I still know that when I come back to the UK for Christmas I will get a ticket and be able to cheer on my team. Can 'supporters' of Man Utd and Arsenal say the same thing? you can watch the team playing on TV with your football shirt on all day. Celebrate the medals. But it's not the same as going to the game.

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Hooligans don't wear Colours Rix, i'm sure you know that.. :)

No, not for me, haven't worn one since i was probably about 16..

I do have a couple of Retro Shirts that i like & i sometimes wear them when i'm playing Football but never " out out " if you know what i mean..

Not that i'm embaressed either, just personally don't think Football Shirts should be worn as a Fashion Item by grown Men to be honest but each to their own those that do, just not my Cup of Tea..

For us London Boys, Football Shirts are something that Northerners wear more than us anyway & the majority of us are far too fashion conscious to be seen in one, unlike Northerners.. :D

Does the one you wore at 16 still fit you Singhy :D and don't say it was the fashion to wear them skin tight :D

In fact i'm pretty sure i would have been younger than 16 thinking about it & i doubt very much it'd fit me now...

& i hope you are not insinuating that the real reaosn i don't wear one now is cos of these Kappa Shirts & the like these days & their " figure hugging " styles ?? :D

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haven't worn one for about 20 years. partly because they're shit quality and a complete ripoff, partly because i felt that i could support my team better by singing at the match rather than by wearing the same shirt as everyone else.

"You'll never catch me walking alone with my Scouse shirt on", like that mate?

dunno james, i was thinking more 'i wonder what james is doing in this thread never having been to a match and encountered the problems which can go with wearing colours?'. :)

replica shirts are a big fat cynical moneymaking exercise and very often worn at matches by people who have a whole raft of insecurities. most red i've ever worn at a match really is a scarf because a) they're warm in winter and b] good for whirling around your head.

Edited by StevieH
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replica shirts are a big fat cynical moneymaking exercise and very often worn at matches by people who have a whole raft of insecurities.


So what do you make Dr H of those, over the age of 30, that not only have Relica Shirts on but have the name & number of their favourite Player/Hero on the back too, who generally is 15 Years or more their Junior ?? :):D

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haven't worn one for about 20 years. partly because they're shit quality and a complete ripoff, partly because i felt that i could support my team better by singing at the match rather than by wearing the same shirt as everyone else.

"You'll never catch me walking alone with my Scouse shirt on", like that mate?

dunno james, i was thinking more 'i wonder what james is doing in this thread never having been to a match and encountered the problems which can go with wearing colours?'. :D

replica shirts are a big fat cynical moneymaking exercise and very often worn at matches by people who have a whole raft of insecurities. most red i've ever worn at a match really is a scarf because a) they're warm in winter and b] good for whirling around your head.

I have LP towel that I use to wipe up my kid's puke, does that count Stevie? :)

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I'm wearing our away shirt as I write....

It's sure luckier than our home shirt !!!

I find that my football shirts ( I have about 4 or 5) are perfect for slobbing round the house in the climate here in LOS.

But I would not wear it to go out.

But I will wear a polo shirt with the crest on out, again they are very comfortable.

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theres a few tshirts /football and otherwise/ that Id like to add to my collection

the plan is, one day when I open a cafe, they will go on display

amongst them an Arsenal shirt signed by the likes of Overmars, Petit and a few others from the 98 squad

Dave's collection, albeit being united shirts, might have a place in my cafe. I wont say where :)

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