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Windows 7 And Back To Xp


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I installed Windows 7 90 days test (clean install) and a lot of my programs. I was VERY happy with it at the beginning - all my software worked and I have a lot. But the more I used it and installed the more hard crashes I got.

Now I am back to WinXP SP3 because Windows 7 got almost useless. I checked the Windows 7 partition for virus because of many strange things. But could not find anything.

Is this just me with such problems?

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Yes it must be you or something wrong with what you are doing I have 4 computers running windows 7 with no complaints, I have had it since the first beta was made public. Maybe some of your software needs to run in compatibility mode.

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It certainly is curious. I have been beta testing 7 for many months and have installed and uninstalled several hundred programs and as many drivers for a lot of different hardware on an assortment of motherboards up to 5 years old. At no time have I ever been left with an unstable system, except on one quite old PC Chips motherboard, which ran XP fine. That PC would simply not load the install disk.

And I have never found 7 to need the constant re-installing that previous OS's, including XP, needed, just to keep it running smoothly. In fact, 7 is the most stable operating system I have ever used. So yes, there is something wrong. It might be a virus, incompatible hardware, motherboard, memory, disk drive dodgy, corropted driver(s). Unfortunately, it is going to be very hard to find out what the problem is. In general, if it worked with XP it should work better with 7.

Edited by stolidfeline
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It certainly is curious. I have been beta testing 7 for many months and have installed and uninstalled several hundred programs and as many drivers for a lot of different hardware on an assortment of motherboards up to 5 years old. At no time have I ever been left with an unstable system, except on one quite old PC Chips motherboard, which ran XP fine. That PC would simply not load the install disk.

And I have never found 7 to need the constant re-installing that previous OS's, including XP, needed, just to keep it running smoothly. In fact, 7 is the most stable operating system I have ever used. So yes, there is something wrong. It might be a virus, incompatible hardware, motherboard, memory, disk drive dodgy.... Unfortunately, it is going to be very hard to find out what the problem is. In general, if it worked with XP it will work better with 7.

Actually it is usually not that hard if there is any issue it will normally tell you with the little white flag on the task bar that opens solve PC issues.

I wonder if this is actually a troll thread.

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No, it is not a pirated version. It is the 90 day trial version from Microsoft. I checked many times for virus already with Norton - no problems. I was very happy with it when I saw that all my old software worked...

But - just before I tried again and got the message in the picture. Sometimes I get a hard crash were I have to switch off the power. I installed a lot during the last days. But nothing that did not work with XP before. And I did not get an immediate error message when I run the installed program. So I have to start again and install until I find what causes the problems I am afraid.


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It certainly is curious. I have been beta testing 7 for many months and have installed and uninstalled several hundred programs and as many drivers for a lot of different hardware on an assortment of motherboards up to 5 years old. At no time have I ever been left with an unstable system, except on one quite old PC Chips motherboard, which ran XP fine. That PC would simply not load the install disk.

My system cannot be newer. I7-860 with 4 GB RAM and 6 TB HD and Gigabyte P55-UD6. But this works without any problems with XP. I was wondering some days ago when Win 7 just rebooted without any message while I was using it. I said - cannot be. Then there was no further problem until yesterday. Since that time almost everything crashes. Changed a lot with the themes but did not install any dangerous software. If it works it is a great OS - no question. But now I am not so confident anymore that I can use it. It will take me many hours to find the problem I am afraid.

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The most likely thing would be a driver issue. From the screen shot above it appears a complaint from the ATI Catalyst control panel which is associated with the video driver. Did you update or do a re-install of the video driver? Perhaps be sure you have the latest from the ATI site.

PS: I've also not had any problems with 7 and also use a lot of programs including some that wouldn't work under Vista.

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The most likely thing would be a driver issue. From the screen shot above it appears a complaint from the ATI Catalyst control panel which is associated with the video driver. Did you update or do a re-install of the video driver? Perhaps be sure you have the latest from the ATI site.

PS: I've also not had any problems with 7 and also use a lot of programs including some that wouldn't work under Vista.

It has nothing to do with the ATI driver. This is just an example of an error message. It shows up almost randomly. Even the Explorer crashes. The strange thing is that I cannot kill it and restart it. With XP never a problem.

I do not want to leave the impression that Windows 7 is bad - it is a great OS. It just does not work for me.

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Post memory dump files so someone can analyze it.

.DMP files are automatically generated during a system crash and saved to C:\Windows\Minidump.

I do not find this file on the Win 7 partition (using XP again ;-). The reboot was without any message. I could not believe it somehow. So when the system started again I did not care further. And in respect of the themes (Aero) I changed almost everything. This is when the problems started. When I have time I will check again. I tried to use Aero even if it confused me more than helped. I am used to XP and here to the Win98 display. But I think I just have to get used to it. It has some benefits.

Edited by Beggar
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... I am used to XP and here to the Win98 display. But I think I just have to get used to it. It has some benefits.

People were once used to black&white television as well, but I think most are watching in color these days :)

If you need a window flying around it is up to you. I need a window showing the information I expect. I have no time for such "features".

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NORTON      diing ding ding bells go off.  The main reason I started use Linux was a crash pron XP I hated reinstalling to six times a year and later I dumped norton and two years on it has never happened again nor have I reinstalled it..  try running it without norton they say the windows sec package is real good.  I don't hate my xp anymore, I just don't need it, your mileage may vary. :)

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... I am used to XP and here to the Win98 display. But I think I just have to get used to it. It has some benefits.

People were once used to black&white television as well, but I think most are watching in color these days :)

If you need a window flying around it is up to you. I need a window showing the information I expect. I have no time for such "features".

Those features actually save time and make it easier to use. The message you showed the screen shot of has something to do with your ATI software/driver, try investigating it to see what it is telling you rather than dismissing it. Like everyone is saying W7 is stable, there is something wrong in your case.

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Even though it is new, up to date hardware, don't discount the possibility of a hardware problem such as marginal memory or disk drive. There are stress test programs out there for memory and hard drives that you might run to check those areas out.

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I found the problem. It is caused by a program called Mmm+. The program itself runs without any problems and does what you expect it to do. But Windows 7 seems to have a problem in other areas suddenly. It crashes and crashes with no hint to this program. Windows 7 does not look so stable to me anymore if such a small program can cause such troubles to an OS. I got many severe crashes - just two of them:



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Case closed then?

Installing obscure system utilities is pretty much asking for trouble, particularly on Windows where it's easy to write system-crashing programs. The bug from a Win 7 perspective is to let such a program run at all. I'd send a report to Microsoft.

If it wasn't this I'd have suggested to uninstall Norton. That's another program where installing it is asking for trouble.

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I have been using Mmm+ without problems for years with XP. And again, the program runs problem free in Windows 7. Just Windows 7 does not run problem free anymore. But it does not crash everywhere - so it looks at the beginning more like random crashes.

For a user with little knowledge such a software could mean the end of his Windows 7 installation. I did not think it is that easy to destroy this OS ;-) And I still have A LOT of software left to install.

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I have been using Mmm+ without problems for years with XP. And again, the program runs problem free in Windows 7. Just Windows 7 does not run problem free anymore. But it does not crash everywhere - so it looks at the beginning more like random crashes.

For a user with little knowledge such a software could mean the end of his Windows 7 installation. I did not think it is that easy to destroy this OS ;-) And I still have A LOT of software left to install.

Ineresting that the homepage of the authors of this utility clearly states ''Operating system: WinXP Only!''

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I did an upgrade from Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Home Premium approx two weeks ago on my Toshiba A100 laptop. The upgrade went pretty flawlessly (took about 2.5 hours), except I had intermittent wireless/Internet connectivity after installing Windows 7. Internet connection via RJ-45/hard line connection worked fine; just the wireless internet connection was intermittent. My other Toshiba laptop running XP continued to have no problem with a wireless connection which meant my router was working fine. After about a week playing with the wireless (uploading/reloading communications related programs and drivers, reloading Toshiba specific drives for Vista, reseting the TCP/IP, tweaking settings on the computer and router, etc), the wireless became rock steady "after I had briefly installed a U.S. Robotics 54G PCMCIA wireless card which worked fine/hooked right up to the internet and remained rock steady." After I took out the wireless card out a few hours later and turned back on my laptops internal wireless using the Intel 3945ABG chip, my laptop's internal wireless was now working fine. I noticed Windows had reloaded the Dec 07 driver my wireless chip had been using before (earlier and later dated driver versions didn't help as I tried them). Laptops can be touchy regarding drivers. Somehow, by installing the PCMCIA wireless card, it somehow forced windows to load the correct driver/fine tune the wireless settings. I'm now into my 5th day with rock steady wireless connectivity.

With the wireless problem fixed, I'm so glad I've got rid of Vista and moved to Windows 7. "And all my programs worked without having to be unloaded/reloaded." IMHO, the Windows 7 controls are more user friendly, similar to XP in many ways except improved upon, Windows 7 is definitely a lot faster than Vista, and I would have to say Windows is faster than XP. By far, this has been the easiest operating system upgrade I have ever experienced.

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Wait when I will try to migrate from XP to Vista and then immediately to 7 :)

My system is loaded with complex software. First I was thinking about a clean install. But there is too much software with too many settings to install. I will let you know what was left after XP -> Vista -> 7.

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