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Frustrating Experiences In Los


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The good out weighs the bad by a long shot, but there are some things that just make you shake your head in wonder.

The good outweighs the bad sounds nice, but in Thailand the bad far outweighs the good for many if not most expats.

The main problems:

1) totally insane visa/retirement system;

2) totally insane business rules for foreigners;

3) massive corruption;

4) stealing from foreigners at every opportunity;

5) environmental pollution;

6) complete lack of understanding of basic hygiene;

7) horrible traffic jams.

There are certainly better places to be than Thailand.

Agree although you have missed/forgot a few things;

1) Treated as a second class citizen.

2) Two tier price system.

3) Agreeing with something you said but actually not understanding what was said.

4) Lack/quality/non-existence of service.

5) Inability of Thai's to queue.

6) General quality of workmanship.

7) Someone with an IQ of 10 believing they know more than you.

8) Inability to answer a straight forward question honestly.

9) General lack of basic manners.

10) Exploration of animals.*

11) Exploration of females.*

12) Poor value for money satellite TV.

13) The belief amongst many Thais that when you defecate money mysteriously appears.

14) Listening to ex-pats who rave about the country who in reality want to leave but are 'stuck' here.

15) Listening to Thai's (mainly men) who have never left the country telling me it is the best country in the world.

16) having to spend almost half the year here.

Other than that it is a fantastic place to be, you are made to feel so welcome (while they think there is a chance of scamming money from you).

Very soon Vietnam, Laos and even Cambodia will over take Thailand in every aspect of tourism and a place where one could retire with less of the above!

* 10 and 11 are in that order as animals have no choice!

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1. Going into a 7-11 and asking for Benson & Hedges. Staff say "finish", and give no indication when or if they will have more in stock, nor do they offer an alternative.

2. Trying to get someone to fix my internet connection. "Come tomorrow, sir", they say. When they haven't arrived, call up. "Sorry sir, cannot come", is their reply. Grrr!

3. Ordering something from the menu at a reataurant. Wrong meal arrives, when I ask for the meal I ordered, "Not have".

4. Cannot understand why I am paying twice for my internet connection (ADSL). 856 baht to Loxinfo, and 700 baht to TOT. When I ask why, no-one can tell me.

Mind you, all these are minor things - you learn to live with them. Life in Thailand is GOOD!

Good for you Eyebee,

i lived in Thailand for 5 years and you know what? it totally chilled me out! because you do realize that we are not living in our own country, its ASIA !!!! so 'waiting for a part to come from Bangkok' is 'manana' in Spanish and yes i did live in Spain also (spelling aside!).

Last word to all farlangs living in Asia, if you dont like it you know where the airports are!


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After spending time in LOS even the most frustrating outings can wind up being slightly comical if you look at them in that regard, however its not always easy to feel that way at the time.

When i first arrived i was having difficulty with my old laptop picking up the wireless broadband amongst other frustrating computer issues. An aussie at the hotel i was staying in reccomended a guy who had a small IT stall in a big nearby shopping complex.

He stated the vendor had small overhead sign saying "Pop con" but even as a greenhorne i suspected it was gonna be a tough ask to find the place let alone get directions by using this version of the sounding of a thai word, especially considering his kakky q'land accent.

Searched high and low for what seemed like hours and asked the question of many a thai passer by,...about this mysterious pop con guy who fixes computers, asking where can i fix computer,computer shop,repair, ect..started on charades and hand signs but no-one could understand what the heck i was saying and didnt seem to know what the place was or even what i was talking about.

Even having the laptop out and saying it no good,fix ect bought no results...(this is on the outskirts of BK btw)

Finally i got a response from a young uni student type who seemed to get the gist of what i wanted and sent me up to the top floor. When i got to the top floor (of course) i then realized there was nothing much there other than a cinema....OK 5555, so the realization dawned that he sent me to get POP CORN..how he connected that to computers is beyond me :D

Incidently had no luck on the day but found what i suspected may have been the guys stall all a few weeks later...had the words POB GUN or something like that on the sign :)

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The good out weighs the bad by a long shot, but there are some things that just make you shake your head in wonder.

When you tell a Thai woman that you will buy her a motorbike, but she has to wait until you get there before you do. So, what does she do? Before you arrive she goes off and purchases a brand new motorbike on time... with all the attending interest payments. Then, you find out that you can't buy out the contract at the original cost of 40,000 baht, but have to pay the amortized price of 60,000 baht. Sorry, I ain't paying interest to either a bank or a motorcycle company. I pay the full amount in cash or I don't buy at all. Then the little lady thinks it's my fault and not hers.

Another is buying a Thai woman gold jewelry as a birthday present, and coming back a few months later to find she's sold it... at half the original cost of course. When you ask where is the gold necklace I bought for you she says "I sell. Need money." Oops, there goes another interest loss. Similar scenarios are repeated over and over and the little lady never seems to understand why she hasn't any money.

Eventually, your generosity is terminated and you find someone else to help. I enjoy helping others when I can, but nobody wants to be played as a sucker. I prefer helping others help themselves, but a lot of Thais can not see five minutes into the future and realize their actions can screw up a good thing. They don't seem to have any loyalty when it comes to a verbal business contract. Many will leave a perfectly good job to run home and see some relative, and in so doing leave the business owner in need of staff. Then, they expect their job to be waiting for them when they decide to return.

Hey Forbesy

Seems you've had a few tough breaks lately?

Maybe this is the reason your last few posts have been a little damning on certain issues...something about assuming the negative about certain people from the start..??

Not like you at all, so im wondering what is it thats happened to squash that cheerful outlook of yours??

Anyway, i can see where your coming from.

In my boredom while temporarily here in Oz i was thinking of sending a little monthly cash to a certain pooying friend so she could get the net reconnected at the family home after they got it cut off from lack of funds..

I naively thought we could possibly talk on skype or she could brush up on writing Angrit with chat or email while im away

Thought about that for 30 seconds and had to give myself an uppercut for even contemplating OFFERING a reason to send money as i have never done so before and never will.

The thing is id like to help out like that in some small way (they are not rich) but i cannot be sure that my doing so will not open the floodgates and turn a nice girl into someone that will go at it like a champion if she gets a hint of being able to take advantage in that way....especially if friends and family get into her ear about the supposed rich farang.

From what ive noticed about some thai behaviours (and neverending posts) its most probable that the money wouldnt even go into the net access at all and instead would frittered away on a 10 000 baht handbag or something with the excuse that she cant get it going and connection no good..ect ect

Still, she's never asked or hinted about me sending money while away so it works both ways:

I like her and would like to help her or at least be a little kind to her, BECAUSE because she hasnt shown any greed or any of that other sort of behaviour before..

BUT...id have to be BAH MUK MUK to get her into the habit hey?

I can see what other posters would say..

id be inviting myself to be milked and be lined up with a mountain of expenses for everything

need money microphone

computer broken, need money fix

need money power bill

connection no good

and then at the end of the day find all the money went on something else.

SO thats the dliemna, its a shame that the actions of others can sometimes affect kindness that could have been directed to someone truelly worthy

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Hey Forbesy

Seems you've had a few tough breaks lately?

Maybe this is the reason your last few posts have been a little damning on certain issues...something about assuming the negative about certain people from the start..??

Not like you at all, so im wondering what is it thats happened to squash that cheerful outlook of yours??

No tough breaks, Ozzie. I'm entirely self contained and happy because I hold all the cards. But it just amazes me when people continually ruin a good thing and piss off the person trying to help them. My ex wife's son did that to me 14 years ago and it just blew me away at the time. And, some people here are teaching me the same lesson again.

I finally learned never to invest in anything (emotionally or financially) that you can't just walk away from with few regrets. And all possessions are just "stuff" that most of us can live without. And, when someone wants to start a war, you can actually enjoy it if you are not emotionally attached.

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At the minute my latest frustrations are:

1. The car audio shop situated 1/2 mile away that manages to send vibrations all the way to my house daily. :)

2. The neighbor over the road who makes enough noise at 2am every night to wake me up. This includes a pick up truck that makes the sound of a space ship taking off then ever it reverses! :D

3. The ongoing problems with the electrics of my house.

That's just the recent things. If I listed everything I'd just bring myself down. :D

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One frustration of mine that comes to mind is the horrible Thai or Western bubblegum pop noise pollution, which is inescapable while shopping or while travelling in a taxi. The rationale behind my local convenience stores decision to play god awful Britney Spears and Westlife at night club levels inside and outside the shop I will never understand.

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The good out weighs the bad by a long shot, but there are some things that just make you shake your head in wonder.

The good outweighs the bad sounds nice, but in Thailand the bad far outweighs the good for many if not most expats.

The main problems:

1) totally insane visa/retirement system;

2) totally insane business rules for foreigners;

3) massive corruption;

4) stealing from foreigners at every opportunity;

5) environmental pollution;

6) complete lack of understanding of basic hygiene;

7) horrible traffic jams.

There are certainly better places to be than Thailand.

Agree although you have missed/forgot a few things;

1) Treated as a second class citizen.

2) Two tier price system.

3) Agreeing with something you said but actually not understanding what was said.

4) Lack/quality/non-existence of service.

5) Inability of Thai's to queue.

6) General quality of workmanship.

7) Someone with an IQ of 10 believing they know more than you.

8) Inability to answer a straight forward question honestly.

9) General lack of basic manners.

10) Exploration of animals.*

11) Exploration of females.*

12) Poor value for money satellite TV.

13) The belief amongst many Thais that when you defecate money mysteriously appears.

14) Listening to ex-pats who rave about the country who in reality want to leave but are 'stuck' here.

15) Listening to Thai's (mainly men) who have never left the country telling me it is the best country in the world.

16) having to spend almost half the year here.

Other than that it is a fantastic place to be, you are made to feel so welcome (while they think there is a chance of scamming money from you).

Very soon Vietnam, Laos and even Cambodia will over take Thailand in every aspect of tourism and a place where one could retire with less of the above!

* 10 and 11 are in that order as animals have no choice!

Absolutely brilliant :)

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I go into all situations in Thailand expecting the worst and am often suprised! The most recent was buying land, went without a hitch anywhere. The previous 4 attempts were atrocious, liars, cheating etc

Don't you think it strange though living in a country whereby you go into situations expecting the worst? It does'ny say alot about the country does it?

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Agree although you have missed/forgot a few things;

1) Treated as a second class citizen.

2) Two tier price system.

3) Agreeing with something you said but actually not understanding what was said.

4) Lack/quality/non-existence of service.

5) Inability of Thai's to queue.

6) General quality of workmanship.

7) Someone with an IQ of 10 believing they know more than you.

8) Inability to answer a straight forward question honestly.

9) General lack of basic manners.

10) Exploration of animals.*

11) Exploration of females.*

12) Poor value for money satellite TV.

13) The belief amongst many Thais that when you defecate money mysteriously appears.

14) Listening to ex-pats who rave about the country who in reality want to leave but are 'stuck' here.

15) Listening to Thai's (mainly men) who have never left the country telling me it is the best country in the world.

16) having to spend almost half the year here.

Other than that it is a fantastic place to be, you are made to feel so welcome (while they think there is a chance of scamming money from you).

Very soon Vietnam, Laos and even Cambodia will over take Thailand in every aspect of tourism and a place where one could retire with less of the above!

* 10 and 11 are in that order as animals have no choice!

Hold on there a darn minute! I take exception to numbers 10 and 11. I have always explored my dog for ticks and fleas. And, what red blooded heterosexual doesn't like exploring the female of our species? :D

Now, I would agree that the EXPLOTATION of women and animals is a bad thing. :)

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Agree although you have missed/forgot a few things;

1) Treated as a second class citizen.

2) Two tier price system.

3) Agreeing with something you said but actually not understanding what was said.

4) Lack/quality/non-existence of service.

5) Inability of Thai's to queue.

6) General quality of workmanship.

7) Someone with an IQ of 10 believing they know more than you.

8) Inability to answer a straight forward question honestly.

9) General lack of basic manners.

10) Exploration of animals.*

11) Exploration of females.*

12) Poor value for money satellite TV.

13) The belief amongst many Thais that when you defecate money mysteriously appears.

14) Listening to ex-pats who rave about the country who in reality want to leave but are 'stuck' here.

15) Listening to Thai's (mainly men) who have never left the country telling me it is the best country in the world.

16) having to spend almost half the year here.

Other than that it is a fantastic place to be, you are made to feel so welcome (while they think there is a chance of scamming money from you).

Very soon Vietnam, Laos and even Cambodia will over take Thailand in every aspect of tourism and a place where one could retire with less of the above!

* 10 and 11 are in that order as animals have no choice!

Hold on there a darn minute! I take exception to numbers 10 and 11. I have always explored my dog for ticks and fleas. And, what red blooded heterosexual doesn't like exploring the female of our species? :D

Now, I would agree that the EXPLOTATION of women and animals is a bad thing. :)

And, if you haven't already caught it, I also made a spelling error.... It's EXPLOITATION, and not EXPLOTATION.

That is the fun of being a spelling and grammar nazi. :D Or, is it grammer or grimmer nazi? Grimmer might be more appropriate. :D

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It sounds like a lot of complaints about Thai people's lack of financial understanding and low intelligence has to do with the type you're associating with. I'm assuming you're referring to lower class, uneducated folk. Most of the Thais I know are very savvy and serious business people.

I get a good chuckle out of thaivisa posts for this reason. It's a window into the seedy side of Thailand that I personally have no experience with. If people hang out with prostitutes, village conmen, alcoholic expats etc.. you can expect a certain level of "grief" in your daily life. Shady thai girls looking for an easy ride in life are attracted to the obvious western expats and even if they aren't prostitutes I bet there are certain "expectations" there that normal girls wouldn't entertain which leads to the numerous monetary misunderstandings in most western expat's love life so to speak.

The fact is the thai people I know have their noses in careers 24-7 and don't have time to go out carousing and or playing these types of games with people.

Edited by wintermute
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The fact is the thai people I know have their noses in careers 24-7 and don't have time to go out carousing and or playing these types of games with people.

Ah, with that statement I totally concur. We retired layabouts can waddle around getting up to mischief while the true workers have their noses to the grindstone and don't even have time to visit a place like thaivisa. Any well run business requires that the owner hires good staff and pays constant attention to each and every detail. They also have to understand the Thai psyche

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