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Beer Chang Faces Stiff Competition Next Year


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Beer, wine and spirits

Thailand immediately reduced its previous 54% tariff on wine to 40%, and will phase the tariff to zero in 2015.

Thailand reduced the previous tariffs on beer and spirits from 60% to 30%. Tariffs will be phased to zero in 2010.



So if I'm reading that tariff article correctly, all beer and spirits made in Australia are going to be sold tariff free starting Jan 1st? So in theory I could go to Villa Market and pick up a 12 pack of Tooheys New cans for 400B? (assuming they stock it)

The article also says that Australian Wine will be tariff free in 2015 and Cheese in 2020! I like this trade agreement...

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Budweiser (Anheuser-Busch) coming to Thailand.... India or Malaysia brews it locally ... cant remember which...

Thank god.. American beer is almost here..

This Buds for you!!


Edited by swain
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Budweiser (Anheuser-Busch) coming to Thailand.... India or Malaysia brews it locally ... cant remember which...

Thank god.. American beer is almost here..

This Buds for you!!

Yes, there are downsides to everything!

Looking forward to having more variety anyway, though I definitely won't be drinking that American pish...

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Can anyone who subscribed to the SMS news alert service confirm that they received this breaking news on their phones? :)

Yes, I got it

Great to hear George. Another idea for this breaking news service would offer 'opt in/out' filtering. Looking at the numbers of people reading this topic on beer, a breaking news story telling us where to get the cheapest beer, best happy hours and so on would be of great public service. Borderline spam I know but worthwhile spam at that. :D

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Great news for drunks all around. Compared to beer prices in the US for similar pissy looking beers like beer chang the price here is outrageously high. A 7-11 worker in the US could afford to a buy one 6-pack (or more for dirt cheap beer) of various beer brands with quality comparable to beer chang per hour (~$8/hour). Compare that to a Thai 7-11 worker making 25/baht per hour can only buy ONE can of beer chang!! The US 7-11 employee is getting at *least* 6x drunker than in Thailand! Why is beer so much for this poor people?

It is the tax system. Tax on alcohol is much higher here than in many other countries where beer is considered "cheap." Profit margins on beer in Thailand are among the lowest in Asia, and much lower than in western countries. Net profit margin is about 8% based on net sales, compared to 12-18% in S.E. Asia. Beer here is taxed at 60% of the ex-factory price.

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It is about time that Beer Chang and mister Charoen are subjected to normal business rules. Beer Chang became this big on the expense of Singha Beer because they had an defacto Whickey monopoly and therefore any shop who needed Thai Whiskey was forced to buy Chang beer. But I suppose that is all fine when you belong to the Happy few in Thailand. I wonder if Carlsberg will make a re entry another company that got screwed by Charoen.

If my memory serves me correctly, Carlsberg is brewed in the Philippines by the guy who owns PAL, its also brewed in HK and China, not that the last two help

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Budweiser (Anheuser-Busch) coming to Thailand.... India or Malaysia brews it locally ... cant remember which...

Thank god.. American beer is almost here..

This Buds for you!!


Sorry Swain how on earth can like anyone like budweiser :) you would be better of drinking your on p!ss :D beer lao gets my vote

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produced a Chang television commercial for its "Khon Thai Huajai Deaw Khun" campaign, to air for six months starting today

I may have missed something, but last I heard advertising alcohol here is supposed to be illegal...

It is not illegal for a drinks company to advertise between 10pm and 5am. The restrictions include not being able to show a bottle of drink, not showing anyone having a good time drinking and etc. The law allows for some kind of social messaging so the Chang ads all feature guys doing good works like environmental protection. The label/brand alone is allowed to be shown. No one can explain why the Regency brandy adverts show a gorgeous look kreung woman showing her navel in a jungle relates to brandy and that is the reason why new entrants to the market have a huge problem - you can't tell anyone what it is you are advertising!

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Beer, wine and spirits

Thailand immediately reduced its previous 54% tariff on wine to 40%, and will phase the tariff to zero in 2015.

Thailand reduced the previous tariffs on beer and spirits from 60% to 30%. Tariffs will be phased to zero in 2010.



So if I'm reading that tariff article correctly, all beer and spirits made in Australia are going to be sold tariff free starting Jan 1st? So in theory I could go to Villa Market and pick up a 12 pack of Tooheys New cans for 400B? (assuming they stock it)

The article also says that Australian Wine will be tariff free in 2015 and Cheese in 2020! I like this trade agreement...

I cant see imported beers from ASEAN getting any cheaper really. For instance, the 5% import duty on ASEAN drinks today shouldn't have stopped anyone as 0% is not a lot of difference. The reason ASEAN drinks don't find a market here is the excise tax (stamp duty), which would be based on CIF, the transportation cost, the fact that no one in their right mind would want to bring beer to a country just for a few expats to enjoy. If they can't get Thais to drink it today, why would there be a difference in the future? I guess Aussie beers are nice if one like frozen, tasteless beer, but it would still be a lot more expensive than in Australia due to the transportation cost and the excise tax. Also, why bring it into a market if you cant sell it to the Thais because you cant tell them it is here, cant tell them where it is, cant tell them why it is better than local beer? There are going to be a few disappointed expats when the dust settles.

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The stiff competition next year is the 'implementation of graphic labeling & higher alcohol taxes' imposed on the liquor industry.

the entire liquor industry will face a huge challenge when these impositions take place. How will the foreign imports such as

beer Lao react to placing a graphic label on its beer?

I think we better start sucking it up before all goes to hel_l.... infact the Thai government was smart on this initiative to have the

foreign imports join in as they fully understood the consequence in losing revenue from the graphic & higher taxation coming forward.

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I don't expect to be able to walk into a 7-11 and buy a 25 baht Beer Lao in this lifetime!

I'd be willing to pay 40 :D

I dream that one day, I'll be able to buy Badger's Champion Ale and Old Peculiar here but until then Beer Lao is definitely the best in the region

my Thai mates' preference runs like this : Chang, Singha, Heineken and don't get them anywhere near Leo unless they are on fire :)

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I looked up the Thai-Oz free trade agreement and it looks good. Noted lamb will have zero tariff from Jan 1st which should be great, as at the moment it is still on the pricey side. Now if you could accompany that with a fine red wine tariff free I would stay forever in Thailand. Let's wait and see.....

I'd like to see some good ales from Oz coming in .. Boags is exceptional if my memory serves me well.

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I would actually like to see a low alcohol beer like Cascade Premium Light get a run here. For those old buggers sitting in a Pattaya or Bangkok beer bar all day they could actually remember how they got home and perhaps the name of the sweet young thing they woke up next to. I say Cascade because it is the only one here that tastes like beer.

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It's a sad state of affairs when people praise Beer Lao and hope it's coming when we all know the wonderful craft beers that are prevalent in the UK, Germany, Oz and US.

Mate, dont get fooled: I no a retired staffer with the Beer Lao corp. and his son still works there.

The brewing stuff they use comes from Dortmund (Germany) and the staff involved in the brewing process are trained there.

BTW: Hv U ever noticed that ur favourite Beer from abroad does not taste very well in this climate zone (LOS) ?

I once got some cans of Erdinger...an awful experience.

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