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Thai Gf And Uk Imigration

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thanks to this forum my gf has managed to have a 6 month visit visa (thanks a lot to all who helped prepare my documentation), just 1 final question before we fly back to england next week. will she be able to go through the uk visa imigration at london heathrow if im with her? i know it's signposted E.U and U.K only but i was under the impression she can come through with me if im with her... greatfull for any help.. regards barnaby

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I know that a married couple can go through either the EU or non EU gates together without any problems as I've done it myself. When you do this you can also go to the immigration desk together. Before we were married we always went through the non EU gate together (we never tried going through the EU gate) and were still able to go up to the desk together. I've never known it to happen but if you are told you have to see the IO separately let your G/F go first. At least then you're still there to help if there's a problem. If you go through first you're 'forced to go through to the baggage hall by yourself so aren't available if you're needed.

Normally, once you've left the immigration hall you can't return although once, at Manchester airport, my wife and I were asked to go back to help the IO with translation for a Thai girl who couldn't speak English so that it wouldn't delay her while they found an official translator. So some IO's are human, although he just laughed and said 'bugger off' when I asked for our translation fee :):D

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As this is, presumably, her first visit, and as it is a visit, then it is extremely unlikely that an IO will let her through the UK/EU gate with you.

However, you can definitely go through the non-EU gate with her.

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As this is, presumably, her first visit, and as it is a visit, then it is extremely unlikely that an IO will let her through the UK/EU gate with you.

However, you can definitely go through the non-EU gate with her.

I concur. First UK visit, when my wife was my fiancee we had to go through the aliens channel. Second time we were married and went through the UK/EU channel. Both times we fronted up to the desk together and both times were at Newcastle.

The official word from UK Border Control is reproduced below:

Dear Sir,

Your enquiry dated 27th June 2007 refers.

If you accompany your wife you may clear passport control at any UK port of entry using the UK/EEA channel.

Border and Immigration Agency/ Border Control

Customer Focus.

This was in response to an email that I sent to them.


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I agree with the previous comments.

When my (now) wife went on her fiance visa through Heathrow terminal 3, we both went through the foreign channel together. I explained to the immigration guy on the desk that this was my fiancee on her first trip to the UK. He checked her passport and visa without problem, looked at my passport and let us both through.

Now that we are married, my wife has a permanent right to reside in the UK stamped in her Thai passport, and we both go together through the UK & EU citizens channel. I step up with my wife and explain that we are married. They check both passports, and entry stamp my wifes, and we are in without problem.

Good luck to you.


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As this is, presumably, her first visit, and as it is a visit, then it is extremely unlikely that an IO will let her through the UK/EU gate with you.


Is there something set in stone in the immigration rules, after the first visit will it then be OK to go through UK/EU Channel?

I am not disagreeing, I would just like to know is there a ruling, a standing requirement, or any other reason?

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As this is, presumably, her first visit, and as it is a visit, then it is extremely unlikely that an IO will let her through the UK/EU gate with you.


Is there something set in stone in the immigration rules, after the first visit will it then be OK to go through UK/EU Channel?

I am not disagreeing, I would just like to know is there a ruling, a standing requirement, or any other reason?

It is UKBA policy that families will not be split up on arrival, a long time girlfriend, and by that I mean some with whom you have a relationship for over two years could be regarded as family. A wife would certainly be allowed through the EU channel with her husband though a girl friend would depend on the IO. I would agree with 7by7 that you might cause yourself problems if you did, so it might be better to go through the non-EU channel or blag yourself into the fast track line.

That said, I took a calculated risk and my girlfriend and I went through the EU channel at LHR in the summer on her first visit and the IO smiled and said "have a good trip".

Edited by theoldgit
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