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Teaching Opportunity - Should I Take It?


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The plans that I had, have been made... defunct - for the time being at least, leaving me with the age old question of "What do I do now?" One option that has been presented to me is teaching. I would be teaching in a school not too far from my aunt's house here in Praputthabaht, Saraburi where I have been staying for a while. I would be teaching kids, the ages, I'm not so sure of. I think it's M. 1 up to M. 6. I have been offered 300 Baht an hour, teaching for two terms, a hundred days each and at the end of it, I would be 59,400 Baht better off.

I'm young, 21 years young to be exact. I have no formal teaching qualifications, the highest level of my education was completing one year of college, after which I dropped out. They are aware of this, but still they are interested. I think they're interest partly stems from the fact that it may be difficult to attract teachers to this area since there really isn't much to do here and just about nobody speaks English round here.

Teaching is something that I had thought about a while back, but I decided against it. Now it's back. I'm trying to decide whether it's in my best interests and the students best interests. Supposedly, the teaching, or at least with the kids is very straight-forward, just playing games with the kids and speaking in English. And I will be accompanied by another teacher. Apparently all I have to do is follow the book - but I know, nothing is ever straight forward in Thailand.

Initially I was against it, as I thought I had visited the school and met with the students already, but I was mistaken, so I've began to warm to it a little. Things that cross my mind are, "Can I do this? Should I do this? Disruptive kids. I don't think they really want to learn English, not many kids in school do - it's difficult and can be very boring." I'm told though that they really do want to learn English and that their enthusiasm would increase were they learning with a native English speaker. Another thing I worry about is being good enough. If it all goes pear-shaped, it's not like I can just disappear. They know who I am, where I live and they know my family.

Anyway, I was just wondering what you all think of this situation? What are your thoughts? Has this got 'bad idea' written all over it or is it a great opportunity?

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Let's see... two termsx100 days... equals 200 days... that's more or less 7 months with a few vacation days thrown in... and you'll make basically 60,000B... for a monthly salary that will be something just under 9000 a month...

You have no quals, and no experience, but that's never been much of a barrier to working in the countryside in Thailand... and you don't have any expenses since you live at home....

First let me start by saying that no real, serious teacher would touch this gig with a ten-foot teacher-clown pole. On the other hand, they know this. On the other hand, you're committing to half a year of your life... on the other hand, do you have anything else better to do?

The answer to your basic question (is this a good opportunity?) would be a loud NO for just about any farang teacher with any kind of 'career' that I know about. If you have to be there and have nothing better to do, maybe it's a good opportunity for you, though. It could serve as part of experience-in-lieu-of-a-degree when you start applying for real teaching jobs, if that's the road you go.

Good luck. Let us know how it turns out.


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Hey, go for it. You're a 21-year old without much college - you can skate by on that. See how many lies they've already told you: see if there really is a Thai teacher accompanying you in the classroom for the whole hour, how large the classes are, how attentive the students, etc. You're probably going to be used as a speaker of native English, and as an entertainer. It might be fun. If not, bail out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Just be nice, smile, laugh, don't insult, never criticize. You'll learn more than anybody else learns.

It may be the most difficult thing you've ever done, but that's okay.

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The plans that I had, have been made... defunct - for the time being at least, leaving me with the age old question of "What do I do now?".

I'm young, 21 years young to be exact...

Teaching is something that I had thought about a while back, but I decided against it. Now it's back. ...

Anyway, I was just wondering what you all think of this situation? What are your thoughts? Has this got 'bad idea' written all over it or is it a great opportunity?

--u will learn a lot by taking that job.

good luck!

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