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Thai Police Extorting My Neighbor


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As usual no real answer to my question. This is why I find the articles, discussions and debates involving politics and democracy totally pointless. When you have a group of people that can, if they so please, destroy +80% of the populations lives then do you believe that the people really care that much who leads them ?

This is what I mean by running amok


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You answered your own question there by stating you don't do anything of significance here in Thailand. Sitting around in shorts and a tank wearing flipflops drinking beer all day every day isn't going to involve you in Thailand in any way that you will be exposed to much at all.

And if people are happy doing that then why ridicule them?

I was going to ignore the barb thrown at me but a few posters have jumped on it so..

Sabum smart @rse care to indulge me in what you do here to have such a significant life, I'm waiting and can't wait to find out :D

Doesn't look like he wants to answer the question. :)

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This Mercedes driving Policeman owns a 12 million bt condo in our building.

He refuses to pay the maintenance fees. His overdue bill is 300,000 bt.

He refused to respond to registered mail and a legal notice so we shut off his water supply.

Now he is attempting to extort a another resident to pay off his unpaid balance.

He being abusive and threatening to the building staff too.

We checked him out and discovered he owes another acquaintance 8 million bt.

I would of thought the phad thai guy would of known exactly what to do about this. :)

Here is my take and opinion...

I am so sorry to hear this sad story. Now is my 2 cents to fight back...

I urge you and your friends go to The English Newspaper and Thai Newspaper and ask the Press for helping. ( public outcry and opinion will matter )

Go to the Prime Minister in Bangkok...and also if your friend is Farang I urge he she contact his or her embassy...and Lawyer as well.

Make sure your friend has documents and withness??? Make sure you have???

It is time to fight back....be firm...I am going to sue you....let's go to court with me???

Get our Thai Visa to gang up with you...it is too bad I am not in Bangkok...I won't mind to raise hel_l..

Make sure you all are strong and stand tall..my take..

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You answered your own question there by stating you don't do anything of significance here in Thailand. Sitting around in shorts and a tank wearing flipflops drinking beer all day every day isn't going to involve you in Thailand in any way that you will be exposed to much at all.

:) You got the shorts and flip flops right but not beer or wife beater top...

Thats it then.... happy life in Thailand..... shorts and flip flops.... and nothing significant.... peace on Earth bro!

Best piece of advice i have ever seen on TV...thanks...

keep out of anything significant in Thailand and do not expose yourself :D

I don't think anybody REALLY came to settle in Thailand to do anything significant or world changing... A roof, good food, good woman/women, warmth and a little entertainment...what else is there...goodonya mate...

I can't wear flip flops hurt me toes and I look silly in a tank lol.....

gotta go ..have to pick the ticks off the dogs and I think I forgot to push down that little switch on the rice cooker..busy busy..lol

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You answered your own question there by stating you don't do anything of significance here in Thailand. Sitting around in shorts and a tank wearing flipflops drinking beer all day every day isn't going to involve you in Thailand in any way that you will be exposed to much at all.

:) You got the shorts and flip flops right but not beer or wife beater top...

Thats it then.... happy life in Thailand..... shorts and flip flops.... and nothing significant.... peace on Earth bro!

Best piece of advice i have ever seen on TV...thanks...

keep out of anything significant in Thailand and do not expose yourself :D

I don't think anybody REALLY came to settle in Thailand to do anything significant or world changing... A roof, good food, good woman/women, warmth and a little entertainment...what else is there...goodonya mate...

I can't wear flip flops hurt me toes and I look silly in a tank lol.....

gotta go ..have to pick the ticks off the dogs and I think I forgot to push down that little switch on the rice cooker..busy busy..lol

Lol,i am very happy to report that i never do anything significant here,my days are just filled with playing on the net,going to the gym,eating,tanning myself,watching footie,and having sex with thousands of women.

Edited by Dpolenz
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The problem is that no one controls the police. The situation has gotten worse with this present ineffective government. It appears that the incredibly corrupt police are able to intimidate anyone and everyone.

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