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Job Stories

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Hi guys

I have now read several posts on the forum, and most time when the topic “work for foreigners comes” up the answer is, is going to be hard or near to impossible to get a job. However, I would really like to hear the success stories of you who have managed to get a job in Thailand. What did you went through to get it, where did you start and where are you now, tips on what opportunities to look out for, people to contact etc., the do and the don’t in the field of job hunting. I hope that you will share your experience with us.

Best regards


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A Farang mate of mine got a job with an MNC when he was sitting on the beach at Jomtien.

The company was having a teambuilding day on the beach and wanted to hire some jetskis which my mates missus owned. She got talking to the guys from the company and on hearing they are a major electrical contractor told them her husband is an electrical engineer looking or a job.

They just happened to be looking for an expat for their project and she pointed him out sitting in a deckchair with a beer.

They had a chat and he went into the offices the next day with his CV and started work for them next day.

He told me they were looking for people so I sent my CV in and started work a week later too.

Edited by PattayaParent
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I've had several jobs in Asia including thru the following routes. Throughout it has never been handed to me on a plate and I've had to be flexible and take measured risks. Might provide some ideas. I should add I never intended to come to Thailand, but preferred other places in SE Asia, and Thailand just sort of happened along the way, and I grew to like it.

1) Started with company B back home that sent me to Asia looking at overseas subsidiaries for about 8 weeks a year in small stints

2) Seconded to Singapore with comapny B from back home for 2 years as someone with expertise in my field as well as Asian experience from short trips above, and knowing the Asian offices

3) After secondment ended, I wanted to stay in Singapore but couldn't find a role due to very tough times in the market. So took a 2 year contract in a company C in Thailand via a recruitment agent in Singapore. Thailand was just opening up in an area I had expertise. Long hours, hard work, but great time.

4) After contract ended found a job in Thailand in company D via a business friend whose wife worked in an exectuive recruitment company in Thailand. I also knew the owner/director of the recruitment company from previous business experience from the same industry. Had to switch to a different industry.

5) Answered an add in the Bangkok Post for company E and found the expat directors/owners in the company although it was a different industry again. Should add here that many ads I applied for heard nothing.

6) Headhunted to move outside Thailand, by being recommended by a friend from company 3) who had moved to another company F that needed expertise, and he recommened me on the basis of being recognised as someone that knew SE Asia, could hit the ground running and deal with cultural issues to get the job done; mobile and could deliver the results in a set time frame

7) After successful stint in 6) I was moved to another country to do a similar "deliver the results in certain time frame" role for same company F . Didn't really want to move countries to be honest, but had little choice with being regarded as someone who solves problems/issues

8) Role came up in Thailand in company F, and having built a reputation internally in roles 6) and 7) they accommodated me.

So in summary:

- Built up my expertise back home in an industry

- Gained some short term exposure to Asia

- Made it known I wanted, and then waited for, a move internally to Asia. Had to take a contract

- Singapore recruitment agents again taking contracts

- Thailand networking and Thai recruitment agents

- Built a reputation for getting the job done. Got headunted by ex colleagues who moved to other companies in the region

- Always worked very hard in jobs as and when needed: Jobs 3, 6 and 7 in particular with frequently 6 day weeks well into double digit hours.

- Waited for an internal move back here with a quality company that cares for its employees and rewards people that work hard

Key factors:

- Flexibility, but putting job quality above country location most of the time

- Willing to take contracts

- Hard work, stress, and long hours as and when needed

- Prepared to switch industries to apply talents

- Prepared to be mobile throughout Asia, and taking quality jobs in one country even though wanting to be in another

- Worked towards a quality company that knows what I can do, and built trust.

- Even when temporarily between jobs have always looked to upgrade skillsets, eg Thai language.

- Never found a job thru Thai people/connections, always thru expats

All the above involves taking risks that you don't know what the next step might be, but ensuring along the way you keep developing more skills so not hitting dead ends: Asia + expertise + people + broaden indutsries + broaden countries + trust = Thailand :D

Oh and lastly would add that Thai exposure from a previous life was useful. Coming back in a different incarnation has its merits :)

Edited by fletchsmile
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