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Malware In Thai Websites


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Hi All,

Every time the wife goes surfing the net my A/V (Avast Home 4.8) is constantly flagging up HTML-Script.inf malware and tells her to abort the connection to that site.

This never happens to me, just the wife and boy when looking at Thai sites (nothing dodgy BTW, cooking, crafts etc). Every time.

Is this unique to Avast - Google shows several others having the same problem?

Anyone experiencing the same problem with different A/V or is it Thai websites in general that are particularly dirty?


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Same thing happens to me. Many thai websites have viruses and malware etc. My wife goes to a website called 'sanook' a lot and there are lots of malware on that site (they even try to change your homepage etc). the content of that site looks good though.

If that's useful, you can download for free 'spybot search and destroy', you can find it on google. it's free and has real time protection

best wishes

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I use spyhunter, bitdefender and spybot and that seems to work great.

I dont know if it's sanook alone but our pc got infected with some virus 2 months ago and i had to re-install everything...! so i went to the extreme and installed all 3.

Spybot is free so i'd use it (pretty good actually) and i'd use either bitdefender or spyhunter... they are both quite good. I can give you details of where to get them from if that's useful?



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