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Very Proffessional Scam In Asia


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The scams you have to look for are the pop up windows that come up when you are internet banking. A friend of mine was checking his account and a window with the bank's logo etc came up and asked him to confirm his details. The next day his account was emptied. Fortunately he got the money refunded by the bank.

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='MrRichard2009' date='2009-11-24 18:12:03' post='3161374']

I am supposed to take a post about getting scamed from a guy named dumball seriously ? LOL .......... Anyone that did got scamed LOL

With a title like MR , I guess you already feel superior to most you meet , not withstanding , I did take the trouble to post about this particular scam and I am not perturbed about your re=action , but then again , if it added a little more confidence in your feelings about your superior self , I guess I did you a small favour , you are most welcome .

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'MrRichard2009' date='2009-11-24 19:37:13' post='3161527']

I don't fell superior at all it's just what people call me in Thailand. Thai people call most people Mr. XXXXXX ........ and I just chose a name that people use. ..... How did you come to use dumball ? ...... Is that what they call you in Cambodia ?


To be honest with you , the name dumball came to me quite readily , after reading posts on TV for qite some time , I decided to join in the fray , as so many respondents are put down or castigated for what should be taken as just an opinion , especialy newbies , it did seem quite appropriate .

Just my honest opinion of course .

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Ah, reminds me of the good old Nigerian letter scams... How would you like 900 million dollars from a big Nigerian hunk for a mere transaction cost of 10 grant? He can even come and do you in the airport bathroom if you wanna pay in cash.

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