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Thaksin's New Passport Name: Takki Shinegra

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Best identity money can buy,

in a third world country.

Ask any Red and they will tell you that this is a fake Thaksin and just Government propaganda..

Leave Khun Thaksin alone he is a good man. It is the yellow shirts and sontee, and miltary that are the trouble makers. The current PM is another yellow shirt arse kisser. His Oxford education and being born in the Uk do not make him a better person. It is just a con job. WAKE UP EVERYBODY!

Good men don't runaway from jail terms and change their name to ridiculous names. While for the morons everything is possible.

May I conclude that so far there is no evidence whatsoever that Thaksin has that new passport as claimed by the Minister of Foreign affairs ?

Surely, if a respectable Minister of Thailand claims so he should/must be able to present such evidence to the audience in Thailand ? Piece of cake I think.

Or did I miss the evidence ? :)


Sorry to reply in an old topic but I came across these photos only today and seeing that no pictures of Thaksin's Nicaraguan passport have been posted yet I thought it best to add them here. The printed text on the inside pages of the passport is unfortunately not legible:




That "news" about the Diplomatic Passport from Nicaragua is from last year 2009 when he received that passport in February 2009.

But thanks for the photos!

However, I wonder why those photos were never used or published in Thailand other than some blog.....any idea?


May I conclude that so far there is no evidence whatsoever that Thaksin has that new passport as claimed by the Minister of Foreign affairs ?

Surely, if a respectable Minister of Thailand claims so he should/must be able to present such evidence to the audience in Thailand ? Piece of cake I think.

Or did I miss the evidence ? :)


Sorry to reply in an old topic but I came across these photos only today and seeing that no pictures of Thaksin's Nicaraguan passport have been posted yet I thought it best to add them here. The printed text on the inside pages of the passport is unfortunately not legible:




That "news" about the Diplomatic Passport from Nicaragua is from last year 2009 when he received that passport in February 2009.

But thanks for the photos!

However, I wonder why those photos were never used or published in Thailand other than some blog.....any idea?


You were pursuing the matter so you probably missed that too......you guys keep us posted with this excellent work, thanks.

May I conclude that so far there is no evidence whatsoever that Thaksin has that new passport as claimed by the Minister of Foreign affairs ?

Surely, if a respectable Minister of Thailand claims so he should/must be able to present such evidence to the audience in Thailand ? Piece of cake I think.

Or did I miss the evidence ? :)


Sorry to reply in an old topic but I came across these photos only today and seeing that no pictures of Thaksin's Nicaraguan passport have been posted yet I thought it best to add them here. The printed text on the inside pages of the passport is unfortunately not legible:




That "news" about the Diplomatic Passport from Nicaragua is from last year 2009 when he received that passport in February 2009.

But thanks for the photos!

However, I wonder why those photos were never used or published in Thailand other than some blog.....any idea?


You were pursuing the matter so you probably missed that too......you guys keep us posted with this excellent work, thanks.

(As to the Montenegran passport, may I suggest searching under a 'Takki Montshinegrowat?')


I think in countries like Nicaragua and Montenegro you can buy most things for money: He could have two passport from each country, who knows?

Like someone said earlier in this thread, I don´t think the goverment want him back in Thailand. They only makes the ground hot under his feets, make him travel around the earth.

If the Takki thing is not true, it is a good lie to put back at him, for all his lies.


He could also have passports from Fiji and at least one west African country - as those are among places where Thaksin has been known to visit during his self-imposed exile. Passports are not difficult to obtain, for a rich person with zero scruples, .....someone who lost his moral compass decades ago.

He may even have one or more from Russia, Cambodia and Burma, Montenegro, or Dubai - only he knows for sure. If the mafia issued passports, he'd have an honorary one of those also.


I am wondering if he has a passport issued by the Vatican. They know all about Cardinal sin, seem to have few scruples and obviously don't know right from wrong. Hmmm Monseignor Thaksin has a certain ring about it don't you think?


I am wondering if he has a passport issued by the Vatican. They know all about Cardinal sin, seem to have few scruples and obviously don't know right from wrong. Hmmm Monseignor Thaksin has a certain ring about it don't you think?


Abhisit is just a shit who corrupt democracy. His government and military kills their own people. Shame on you who support abhisit!!!

Thaksin is better than any of your politician.

I am indonesian and will support for red shirt struggle to gain democracy

I am wondering if he has a passport issued by the Vatican. They know all about Cardinal sin, seem to have few scruples and obviously don't know right from wrong. Hmmm Monseignor Thaksin has a certain ring about it don't you think?

It seems that abhisit suporters also hate christian follower all over the world

I am wondering if he has a passport issued by the Vatican. They know all about Cardinal sin, seem to have few scruples and obviously don't know right from wrong. Hmmm Monseignor Thaksin has a certain ring about it don't you think?

It seems that abhisit suporters also hate christian follower all over the world

:D Hmm, but I think Thaksin has a good track record with Muslims :)


:)dam_n, I just spit Singha out my nose, now the girls in the internet coffee shop are giving me dirty looks...

Perhaps his new name was inspired/influenced by the pain medication he's taking for his Cancer Treatment!!

Man I've get me some of that stuff!! Takki Wakki Meds!!! :D

...We've long been allowed to refer to Thaksin Chinnawat as Taksin Shinawatra.

No. On ThaiVisa, please refer to any person by one of the names he/she uses himself/herself. Thank you. Maestro

Then I assume it's ok to refer to Takki as:

"Thaksin, the only one who can save Thailand from the aspersions that I cast at it and its people, and the only person who can call off the Red Shirts from threatening the PM's life and office, and the only savior who can lift Thailand from chasm of economic downturns."

Shinegra the only leader who will be able to lead ALL Thai's to a Takki Future!!! :)

"Since his exile, Thaksin Shinawatra or Takki Shinegra or whatever he calls himself has become a master of disguise," said Interpol. According to the agency, since 2007 Thaksin has traveled around the world using no fewer than 14 aliases, including "Tex Sheen" in the US , "Taal Shienweiss" in Israel , "Aksim Szchenewassad" in Egypt , "Toxeus Shinawapoulus" in Greece and "Tocque Zinne J'ene Veauetreu" in France .

Police were still determining whether passport holders Thakslav Shinawatov from Russia , Thaksiano Shinawati from Italy and Dak Shinsson from Finland are also Thaksin aliases.


"Tex Sheen" any relation to Charlie Sheen - 2 Men & A Crim comming to a Cinema near you! :D

I am wondering if he has a passport issued by the Vatican. They know all about Cardinal sin, seem to have few scruples and obviously don't know right from wrong. Hmmm Monseignor Thaksin has a certain ring about it don't you think?

It seems that abhisit suporters also hate christian follower all over the world

Do connect your brain assuming that you have one that is. I do not speak for all of Abhisits supporters; I merely posted my thoughts on the oppressive RC church and its leaders and the criminal Thaksin being birds of a feather.

Look around you and try to find a prosperous Catholic country if you can. Most of their peoples live in abject poverty. One of the reasons for this is that they are overpopulated and who do we blame for that? How does an allegedly virtuous man get off telling women how to use their bodies? Perhaps the insistence that condoms are an evil and do nothing to combat the spread of Aids will help keep the numbers down. Ever walk around the Vatican and see the riches and opulence? You think the Pope and Cardinals eat the Italian equivalent of nasi goreng or drink Leo? The epithet Parasites come to mind.

I recognise it is a gross distortion but the term Catholic priest is now almost synonymous with paedophile. What what does this half hard Pope do? Zilch of any consequence. I am beginning to see him in the same light as the cowardly unchristian Pious XII driven solely by self interest.

I do not hate Christians or any other supporters of the multitude of the World's religions. I just think that they are misguided and maybe incapable of logical thought. I do however harbour contempt for some of the World's religious leaders - especially yours.

Abhisit is just a shit who corrupt democracy. His government and military kills their own people. Shame on you who support abhisit!!!

Thaksin is better than any of your politician.

I am indonesian and will support for red shirt struggle to gain democracy

May I take the liberty of advising you to direct your efforts to improve the lot of downtrodden peoples towards your own country? You have a plentiful supply of corrupt murderous Moslem clerics, supposedly downtrodden Catholics, world standard corruption, seismic upheavals etc etc. Should keep you busy for a century or two. Since you think that Thaksin was a good egg I would be interested to learn of your views on Suharto.

Being Indonesian tends to make people think that you know as much about democracy as the misguided Red hordes currently making a nuisance of themselves in BKK.

I can only say good luck :D to him! He is smarter than the whole lot of Polititions put together :)

That must be why he is living in Montenegro.

Has the Jackal retired?

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