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A Bit Disappointed With Vimanmek


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The first year Vimanmek was opened I went through with my family and it was very impressive. The docents were dressed in traditional Thai clothing. The tour was long enough that one almost thought it was too long. Had time to really look at some of the treasures.

Went back today and was mildly disappointed. Docents are now in everyday uniforms. Okay, no big deal, but they didn't seem very interested in the tours. I felt we were being herded through. Those in the rear couldn't really hear the docents, particularly when there was more than one (and some with portable PA systems) talking.

For a third world country, I think Thailand has done a nice job preserving and restoring historical places, but today was a bit of a disappointment.

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That's disappointing to hear. I also went a few years ago and was really impressed with the tour and the price was quite cheap as well.

I agree with you that the price (100 baht) is very reasonable, and particularly since the early days other outbuildings have been reopened. And it's still a worthwhile visit.

I just remember that when it first opened with such great tours, you walked away having got a sense of who King Chulalongkorn was as a person. Now you get a sense of his house.

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Don't Thais get in for free?

Actually it does have two tier pricing but it's in English and not hidden so I don't mind. 20 baht for Thai and 100 baht for farang. Maybe if you show your drivers license or work permit you can get the 20 baht but I felt since they let me know I could take it or leave it.

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