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I Know This Will Sound Racist, But It's A Serious Question


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One or two people tried to scam me (one was a Chinaman trying to sell me a woman and the other was a Thai trying to sell paintings), but apart from that over many years nobody bothered or hassled me.

Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. :)

correct thats gender biased racisism at its ugly worst - have you never heard of politicl correctness? you should be arrested and sent to aa re education camp. :D

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If you persist to hang out and or live in the heart of scammer country, which is Sukhumvit, what do you expect?

What amazes me is what are all these African/Nigerians doing for VISA's? They seem to be everywhere around Gullivers Soi 5 over to Soi 3 the last time I was there?

I am glad I live far away from this madness.

Why someone would move to Thailand and live or hang out on Sukhumvit is beyond me?

Soi 24 is hardly a dive.

Agreed & Thong Lo, Ekkamai are hardly dives either.

Considering the length of the road in question - I would guess the person saying that Sukhumvit is a dive, rarely leaves Soi 4.... :)

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It's NOT racist, your just being accurate in your descriptions of the guys trying to play you. AND YES they are trying to rob you. I played along with a couple of guys that fit the exact same description with the exact same line around Sukumvit soi 3 near the fed ex.

Just curious as to the game I went along with them. A couple of Liberians on some tired ass dusty bank note scheme were they need you to buy the chemicals to clean off some dusty money they have and if you buy the chem they give you a cut.

I laughed and walked away.


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From Africa? They probably want to know why you haven't answered their e-mails.

Excellent reply!

I suspect it will be gems or gold "because of the state of the gem market in Bangkok, we can't sell our high quality sapphires and rubies we have brought from Africa and we have to get back to our own country"......

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There's a lot of human trash in Bangkok, comes in all colors.

The nationality I've been approached by the most for such scams seem to be the British who are always lost without money, becuase their girlfriend drugged them. The ones of Asian descent always work in the gem industry as well, possibly setting up a second scam. :)

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I think many of these guys are into serious scams, confidence games, etc. I was approached several times by similar overly friendly Africans in Kuala Lumpur. The bottom line is that in an urban setting strangers who instantly act like they want to be close friends with you (except if it is a mutual sexual attraction) have an agenda. They are seeking the naive, they are out there.

Not Africans in my time in KL it was always Filippinos (and before we get into yet another hissing contest you CAN tell, with 90% accuracy, Flips) and usually started along the lines of "nice tee shirt/shoes/jacket/whatever, where did you buy it/them?". I believe a lot of them are trying on an intro into a friendly conversation that often leads to a cards game someplace with other of their aquaintances. The end result of being suckered into this little scam is too obvious to bother with here. They've popped up here now in HCMC, I had one the other day saying "I remember you from the airport...." I just told him he must have a very inventive imagination as I arrived overland.

Rule #1. If a complete stranger approaches you in the street and they're not asking directions then they are after your money.

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In 5 years i cant say ive ever been approached and ive spent fair amount of time around that area.

Walk with confidence to show you know exactly where you are going, don't daydream and best to keep valuables zipped up instead of sitting in a pair of baggy short pockets...

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^You keep bumping into the same two men? :)

No, different ones...although always either one alone or 2 together. One repeat I guess.

to be on the safe side you should also check whether some africans hide below your bed before you go to sleep. when you sit at the breakfast table then there is no harm to expect. but don't wear your "shades" during breakfast! they dry out the scrambled eggs. if they don't then there's something wrong. report immediately all details here. we are impatiently waiting.

p.s. shades for dinner are ok. nothing to worry!

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How sad that the OP had the opinion that he thinks people will think he sounds Racist, when it just so happens that the people that are probably trying to scam him are Black... :)

If they was White or Thai, the thought would never have even entered his head but as soon as he realises he will be mentioning Black Men in his Post, he thinks he has to make excuses & imply that he " knows " his Post will sound racist..

How sad that society is made to feel this way..

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You'll find characters like this at Paragon, and they'll approach you with such a warm welcome you can be sure they're working you. When you shoo them off they'll probably call you names.

BTW, I've had guys tell me they've had the Nigerian fax/email scam (I need money to get money) run by them in realtime in Bangkok.

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I don't make eye contact or talk with strangers who try to approach me in tourist-prone areas- there is no good reason for this to happen. I walk past them as if I can't even see or hear them. Most of the smarter ones have already figured out how to tell the difference in body language between a tourist and a local and don't waste their time, so unfortunately I only get approached by the really stupid ones these days- some of them are even stupid enough to think that I really haven't heard them- but that makes it easier to ignore them (and god help them if they try to block my path- although I am very polite and say 'excuse me' in Thai as if surprised after I step on their feet, accidently knock them over while looking the other way ostentatiously, etc., etc.)

If you are constantly approached by this type of person- especially the same person- it probably means you are not being off-putting enough. Next time ignore them completely- even eye contact is a sign of interest inviting them to make further contact.

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How sad that the OP had the opinion that he thinks people will think he sounds Racist, when it just so happens that the people that are probably trying to scam him are Black... :D

If they was White or Thai, the thought would never have even entered his head but as soon as he realises he will be mentioning Black Men in his Post, he thinks he has to make excuses & imply that he " knows " his Post will sound racist..

How sad that society is made to feel this way..

The same thought occurred to me. Bloody PC brigade. Things have come to a pretty pass when you can't even call a spade a spade.

(Oops! :) )

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I had some stranger come up to me and put his hand out for me to shake it as I was walking down the sidwalk. (He was Indian trying to sell suits etc)

Any how I just ignored him and walk on by him. He caught up to me and grabbed my arm to turn me around.

He said, "Why didn't you shake my hand, are you afraid of me?" I laughed at the guy, and said, I am certainly not afraid you you, and if you touch me again I will punch you in the face....

He turned and walked away.

He probably wieghed in at 130, and I am 215.... so unless he had a weapon he would have had major dental problems in his future.

I can't stand being touched!!!!!!!

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There's a lot of human trash in Bangkok, comes in all colors.

The nationality I've been approached by the most for such scams seem to be the British who are always lost without money, becuase their girlfriend drugged them. The ones of Asian descent always work in the gem industry as well, possibly setting up a second scam. :D

I was at Ekkamai waiting for the Sky Train and who can only be described as your "average Joe septic" came over and shouted nice pants maaan! I figured he was obviously referring to my shorts as where i come from pants are what you wear under your shorts/trousers :)

Anyway looking left and right suspiciously but over acting, he said i have some gold where can i sell it? I said try China Town they will buy it but watch out for the fake gem scammers on your way there as they are all over Bangkok.

He just grinned and walked away. :D

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"My ow Kup" seems to do the trick for me. I don't mind scammers approaching me. I just don't want to be man handled or heisted. For that I'll stick a switch blade in their ribs as an exchange. Scammers, condo salesmen, Indian tailors, flower ladies, and time share salesmen are just a few of the constant irritants that comes with being in Thailand. If you don't like it and can't handle it then it's wise to move back to where you came from.

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Once or twice a week? They obviously find you extraordinarily alluring.

I get it maybe three or four times a year. I always say "You don't know me and I don't know you. Go away." And they do.

No racism on my part. I would say exactly the same if it were a honky. But in fact it has always been a black African. And always somewhere within 100m or so from Sukhumwit.

Well, of course I am quite alluring! :)

But my guess is that I am very touristy looking since photography is my hobby and I am often carrying an expensive camera.

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