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I've never understood this fear. Either you share a trusting/loving relationship and you have nothing to fear, or you don't trust your wife, in which case you better work on that. Either way, a sexy woman is a sexy woman.

Definitely- if she is young and attractive, she has probably been dealing with "advances" since the completion of puberty. Trust her to deflect all of the "talkers" and you can be there for her when it is really needed.

Neanderthal men view their wives as property and will pick up their club and bash another for appreciating what all men appreciate - beauty and youth.

That's funny! Can picture the caveman with a club in hand dragging the woman back to a cave by her hair!

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Many Thai ladies (if not all) are up for a shag on the side. If they want to, you ain't going to stop them.

Many thanks for coming to the FCCT and addressing our members Mr Clark but to be perfectly honest the topic for this evening was " Sustainable Economics In The Mekong Delta And Its Validity In The Long Term"

:) "


Good job Felix the Cat isn't on the loose here in the LOS. He'd be as happy as a pig in sh#t.

All old gits out there, will recall the antics of Felix, from the underground comix[as spelled] of yonks ago. And drawn by the world's greatest cartoonist, R. Crumb.

Felix would constantly put his giant organ to maximum use and hump anything that moved, either two legs or four.

He also had a fetish for riding on the backs of naked big assed women.

No pussyfooting about for Felix. if it's there, get stuck in. :)


Err...I think you mean Fritz The Cat mate. The Felix I recall from my younger years certainly didn't do that :)


OP, the next time it happens do the following:

After the jerk makes his remark, give him a disapproving look and immediately turn around and walk away. Hopefully :) your wife will quickly follow suit. If she lingers, even a little, you've got a problem.

BTW, been there, done that with my first Thai wife. Yep, I hadda problem! :D


Thanks for all the great advice. My wifes reactions to the men who hit on her is discomfort, and she tells me she is uncomfortable when a man looks at her as if he wants to devour her. She is not a drama queen, maybe just a good girl who worries about guys that dont know her boundaries.

Neverdie... nice to hear from you... Im not sure that your have the right number for my wife. She has changed it to 191...


I think it's more a personal problem. My wife is damm sexy, yet no one that knows she is with me EVER hits on her. Secondly she doesn't put her self out there like that in situations were she would be around a bunch of guys that would likely hit on her.

I think it's more a personal problem. My wife is damm sexy, yet no one that knows she is with me EVER hits on her. Secondly she doesn't put her self out there like that in situations were she would be around a bunch of guys that would likely hit on her.

LOL. You might consider removing the chains and letting her out of the basement once in a while.

I think it's more a personal problem. My wife is damm sexy, yet no one that knows she is with me EVER hits on her. Secondly she doesn't put her self out there like that in situations were she would be around a bunch of guys that would likely hit on her.

LOL. You might consider removing the chains and letting her out of the basement once in a while.

Hehe But she likes being chained up sometimes :)

But anyway, nahh we get out allot, locally and internationally, in places that guys are notorious for that, like the middle east for example. In Dubai guys looked but never dared to speak. In Iraq when she went out with my friend's sister they asked her if she was Jappanese (lol, she totaly dosn't look like a jappanese) but thats about it.

But no a man never came up and hit on any woman I was with as far as I am aware. If I wasn't aware of it and it happened at least they had the good sense (of self preservation) to not let me see it!

I think it's more a personal problem. My wife is damm sexy, yet no one that knows she is with me EVER hits on her. Secondly she doesn't put her self out there like that in situations were she would be around a bunch of guys that would likely hit on her.

Spot on, Huey.

The wife has to give clear signals to the guys that she is not interested and a look as if to say, don`t try that bullshit out on me.

In her younger days my wife was very attractive and if that sort of thing happened, she would tell them to f/off.

It`s that simple.


This whole thread is childish and stupid. The OP seems to think he is the only one with a sexy wife and that he has to constantly come charging to the rescue on his white seed to rescue her from evil villains.

If she was really, in her heart, his wife she would not get into situations where she would need to be "rescued"

My advice for what it's worth is enjoy your "sexy' wife and her admirers while you can because it is not going to last.

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life

Never make a pretty woman your wife

So from my personal point of view

Get an ugly girl to marry you

In her younger days my wife was very attractive and if that sort of thing happened, she would tell them to f/off.

It`s that simple.

I'm sure all guys would like to believe that their wives tell guys who show an interest in them to f/off, but that might be more to do with what guys would like them to say/think, than what actually happens. In actual fact most women i would imagine probably find it flattering and enjoy the attention. Not that means they would take it any further, but the likelihood of them telling a guy to f/off for simply trying to chat them up is i think slim (of course if the guy starts touching them then it's a different matter).

Put it this way, if a young saucy chick started chatting you up, with you tell her to f/off... or would you politely decline the offer and spend the next three months fantasizing about what might have been?


The problem is your thai wife is not reassuring you in a successful way like your old farang wife did. One can only speculate as to how and if she is failing or if it is your failure instead. Its an internal issue between the two of you. Having a sexy wife is not something I would imagine I would have to "deal with" rather something I would welcome but then each to their own.


I got married to my Thai wife this year,after knowing her four years.She too Is not an Ex bar girl,She is now living with me in the UK. She Worked long and hard in a factory in a province of Bangkok, making computers from Dawn till Dusk for 6300baht a month.When I first saw her, She was very Attractive, Like a lot of other Thai Lady's, They do not even know it. It Took me weeks to get to know her, a little every week , and the rest is History . When she came for a holiday last year, to see if she would like the British climate pri to marring, All i got was admiring looks , like, you Lucky Barstuard , or maybe you dirty luck old man, My wife is 36, i am a young 55, and fit.There is a bit of age deferents but not to much. Up to now she has had flowers bought her from some stranger, or strange man which ever, Her Answer was to say why don't you take them home for your wife, Chocolates, Asked for her Phone number by Boys half her age , Not knowing she is old enough to be there Mother, When we go out for a drink, which is not very often I get the odd comment now and again, I can Handel it , i just take it as a complement, or there lack of knowledge about Asian women. My wife usually has some good put downs to them , i just laugh at them. And think to myself I am lucky barstuard to have an attractive wife who cares for me.


I do have a degree of sympathy with the OP but I do think he is taking everything the wrong.

My GF is the manager of a Thai and Vietnamese art gallery selling modern contemporary art - a real gallery, with paintings from the top artists. She suffers under the double whammy of a) as people think she is sexy and many farang think that all Thai girls are bar girls, she constantly gets hit upon often by quite revolting guys :) for the same reasons they assume she is incredibly stupid (despite over 10 years in the business) and 'ask to see her boss' 'say that the most successful modern artist in Vietnam is a cheap copy of Francis Bacon' 'that such and such is a fake'. She also has to deal with guys who come to her gallery 5 times, enquire about paintings and then on the fifth occasion admit they are not interested in paintings and only want to take her out. On at least 2 occasions, this has reduced her to tears on the phone to me (on one of those she actually had to call the security guard to escort the guy off the premises.)

So part of the reason your gf/wife gets upset with all this is because although most Thai girls dont want to be treated as bar girls they are non-confrontational. If they confront the guy they end up feeling a lot better. So recently, an 'expert' came with a couple to help evaluate a painting and said to my GF 'not much of a painting but if I get them to buy it will you have dinner with me?' So she called over the couple and said 'look this guy just said this to me....please take him out of the gallery and make sure he does not come back.' More recently, a french guy turned up on a motorcycle and started chatting her up and when she said 'I already have a BF' he said 'I bet you are only with him because he has a big house and a fancy car' to which she replied 'well for starters, at least he has a car.'

The other point is this. Thai girls, in general, take enormous pride in their relationships. If she truely is a sexy girl, there are lots of farang that she could have chosen and she chose you. So you should take pride in the fact rather than getting jealous over it. If a guy tells you your wife is very sexy, just tell him 'if she wasnt she wouldnt be my wife.' Bear in mind, even from the posts here, that some guys believe every Thai woman is wanting to jump into bed with any farang at any opportunity.

Your anger and insecurity over the issues are counter-productive. As someone said if you cant handle a 'sexy wife' go and get an 'ugly one'.

In her younger days my wife was very attractive and if that sort of thing happened, she would tell them to f/off.

It`s that simple.

I'm sure all guys would like to believe that their wives tell guys who show an interest in them to f/off, but that might be more to do with what guys would like them to say/think, than what actually happens. In actual fact most women i would imagine probably find it flattering and enjoy the attention. Not that means they would take it any further, but the likelihood of them telling a guy to f/off for simply trying to chat them up is i think slim (of course if the guy starts touching them then it's a different matter).

Put it this way, if a young saucy chick started chatting you up, with you tell her to f/off... or would you politely decline the offer and spend the next three months fantasizing about what might have been?

I would say; how much for short time or would you consider an all night job?

Because they`re the only type that chat to me these days. Sadly more interested in the contents of my wallet than what`s in my pants.

In her younger days my wife was very attractive and if that sort of thing happened, she would tell them to f/off.

It`s that simple.

I'm sure all guys would like to believe that their wives tell guys who show an interest in them to f/off, but that might be more to do with what guys would like them to say/think, than what actually happens. In actual fact most women i would imagine probably find it flattering and enjoy the attention. Not that means they would take it any further, but the likelihood of them telling a guy to f/off for simply trying to chat them up is i think slim (of course if the guy starts touching them then it's a different matter).

Put it this way, if a young saucy chick started chatting you up, with you tell her to f/off... or would you politely decline the offer and spend the next three months fantasizing about what might have been?

Yeah this is all well and good but it is not how it works.

You see I have absolutely no doubt that my GF would be flattered if George Clooney says 'you are a very sexy girl' and she would not be the least offended.

However, most people at least over the age of 35, will admit that they have been approached in a club by some butt ugly hooker asking whether you are interested in her for the night. And to be honest you find it both slightly offensive and somewhat depressing. Well the op is not apparently complaining about super stud 24 year olds with their private yachts (with built in recording studio) hitting on his wife, more the local landlord or whatever.

And let's face it if George Clooney does say your wife is sexy, take it as a compliment. And remember, there is a degree that this is a much bigger problem for the 'sexy Thai wife'. There are plenty of sexy Thai girls to tell you 'you are sexy man' every day.

And to be honest if you think the majority of approaches from a farang man to a Thai girl leaves them 'fantasizing for the next 3 months over what could have been' you are simply delusional. It simply leaves them with a 'what sort of slut does this guy think I am' feeling.

However, most people at least over the age of 35, will admit that they have been approached in a club by some butt ugly hooker asking whether you are interested in her for the night. And to be honest you find it both slightly offensive and somewhat depressing.

Speak for yourself mate. Unless it has a penis, i'm happy to get any attention. One day you won't even be able to catch the eyes of the old slappers. Then you'll be sorry for having been so sniffy. :)

And to be honest if you think the majority of approaches from a farang man to a Thai girl leaves them 'fantasizing for the next 3 months over what could have been' you are simply delusional. It simply leaves them with a 'what sort of slut does this guy think I am' feeling.

I really don't know what women think. I'm a bloke. I can only hazard a guess. How come you are so in touch with their most inner thoughts?


. I happen to be 195cm, 110kg built with solid, well trained muscles (by the way, the guy in my avatar is me - it's an actual pic of myself).

I happen to be 30cm,20kg of lazy flab,(by the way the avatar is an actual picture of myself).If anybody starts sniffing around my wife I usually chase my tail for a bit,then drag my backside over a rug or rough ground then drop down and lick my own baws if that doesn't work then urinate on his leg and as a last resort try a bit of dry humping.


I see the board is swinging between teenage angst that someone is going to run off with 'their woman', indignation that anyone else might want to chat up 'their woman' (but lacks the gentlemanly skills to do so) and waggling 'their woman' as bait to hook the attention of other guys.

I'm not sure some of the people posting on this thread are aware of what they are revealing.

However, most people at least over the age of 35, will admit that they have been approached in a club by some butt ugly hooker asking whether you are interested in her for the night. And to be honest you find it both slightly offensive and somewhat depressing.

Speak for yourself mate. Unless it has a penis, i'm happy to get any attention. One day you won't even be able to catch the eyes of the old slappers. Then you'll be sorry for having been so sniffy. :)

Yeah. 15 years ago it was flirty eyes, cheeky grins and coy giggling round the water cooler in our office in BKK for 26 year old me . Today it's polite wais and complete disinterest from them when I'm introduced to my 20 year old niece's nubile university pals. :D

However, most people at least over the age of 35, will admit that they have been approached in a club by some butt ugly hooker asking whether you are interested in her for the night. And to be honest you find it both slightly offensive and somewhat depressing.

Speak for yourself mate. Unless it has a penis, i'm happy to get any attention. One day you won't even be able to catch the eyes of the old slappers. Then you'll be sorry for having been so sniffy. :)

And to be honest if you think the majority of approaches from a farang man to a Thai girl leaves them 'fantasizing for the next 3 months over what could have been' you are simply delusional. It simply leaves them with a 'what sort of slut does this guy think I am' feeling.

I really don't know what women think. I'm a bloke. I can only hazard a guess. How come you are so in touch with their most inner thoughts?

Well as you say one day I will reach the stage that if any old ugly slapper comes up to me and wants to spend the night with me I might take it as a compliment - that is why I said it was rather depressing. It sort of assumes that she thinks I am so pathetic that I cant do any better.

So good on you that you think that any attention paid to you is a compliment. And I do realize that one day the same will apply to me.

However, it really doesnt take much imagination that a bright sexy intelligent 25 year old girl doesnt take take a 50 year old balding farang turning up on his motorcycle to chat her up as slightly offensive and disgusting. As I say to my GF simply say 'dont you think I am a little out of your league?'

And here is the problem. Just because you take any old slapper chatting you up as a compliment, it is wrong to believe that everyone thinks the same. I dont. And for sure Thai girls dont. So I hope you realize that just because a girl is sniffy about being chatted up by some old fart on a motorcycle, it is because she is young sexy and intelligent not because she is looking to the day 30 years hence, when she will consider herself lucky to be chatted up by him.

So I am not really speaking for myself. I am simply asking you to believe that although you have reached the stage in life that any compliment is taken generously, you shouldnt assume that it is reciprocated. I mean imagine if you were a 25 year old wealthy, heroically good looking, guy and some 50 year old slapper came up to you and asked whether you wanted to spend the night together at a price, what would you think?

So you are part of the problem. Because any old slapper can come up to you and you regard it as a compliment, you simply assume that any old farang can go up to a Thai girl and offer his 'services' and she will take that as a compliment. It simply works the other way round. The very fact that any compliment will be appreciated by you as long as it has two legs and is female - is exactly why she will consider you a despicable, disgusting, nuisance by hitting on her because by definition you have reduced her to the same size as the 50 year old slapper that you appreciate. I mean if you appreciate 50 year old slappers hitting on you, please accept you are not going to be appreciated by young, fibrant, sexy, intelligent Thai girls.

However, it really doesnt take much imagination that a bright sexy intelligent 25 year old girl doesnt take take a 50 year old balding farang turning up on his motorcycle to chat her up as slightly offensive and disgusting. As I say to my GF simply say 'dont you think I am a little out of your league?'

Unfortunately that 50 year old balding farang might take that the wrong way Abrak. A lot of westerners I've met in LOS don't take a subtle hint on a variety of matters. It's more a case of riveting the message to their foreheads with an industrial nail gun.


“I have been together with my wife for over a year now (?)

… many guys have tried to hit on her despite the fact that they know she is with me ... I had these problems with my old farang wife …”

Seems like life keeps posing puzzles till we solve them, they are only ever about us. (A fact of life I resent deeply at times!)

“… one of my farang neighbors has told my wife a number of times in front of me that he thinks she is sexy … in a way that is offensive to me and her ... but he has helped us with many things, so I watch my temper.  Also, my Thai landlord is always trying to chat her up, he doesnt want to talk to me, he just tries to talk to her.”

Those comments are about power relationships – perhaps there is a clue in there?

I notice the mods seem to have removed the reply direct to OP facility. I can see why, based on Peace Blondie’s numerous appeals to reason and common sense, but it's irritating to have to copy and paste like this further down the post, rather than just delete the irrelevant. Oh well.

I see the board is swinging between teenage angst that someone is going to run off with 'their woman', indignation that anyone else might want to chat up 'their woman' (but lacks the gentlemanly skills to do so) and waggling 'their woman' as bait to hook the attention of other guys.

I'm not sure some of the people posting on this thread are aware of what they are revealing.

last but not least the super advice giver Clooneys, who in reality only emerge here to let the audience know about their intellectual hi so, b/g contrasting sophisticated, stunning catch.


Reminds me of a Dr Hook song. So you always score attractive women, however seems to me the problem isn't them, it is you. Appears that other men see you as a pussy who wont stand up to them when they hit on your wife.

Basic primeval law of the jungle stuff here, suggest you deck the next one that tries, assuming you are successful you should them start to give off an aura of self confidence of someone not to mess with. Your wife will appreciate it as well as she won't have to deal with it. Thai women aren't into new age sensitive guys, in fact doubt many are.

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