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Every day I have to turn my pick up on a narrow, medium used Soi sharp left into the driveway to my home. Indicating in time and then first a bit to the right to go into the left driveway in a nice drive.

But many times I notice, that most of the Thai motorcycle drivers behind me do not get it. Although 3 indicators clearly signal that I want to turn left, they try to pass on that side, on my left side.

Therefore I check the mirror carefully, if the guy behind me understands or what he is going to do, brake or pass by left or pass by right. I have to say that most do not get it. Today one bumped into my car - nothing happened - "forgive me smile"....

That is ok, because we are in Thailand and here traffic works in Thai ways. But, and although I have done xxx xxx kms in Thailand, sometimes I still have to shake my head, that Thais don't understand even in Thailand normal driving behaviour.

Similar to reverse into a parking space between 2 cars in a narrow street. Many times the driver behind do not understand, that someone wants to reverse and drives closer until it is not possible any more....

It could be that:

a ) Some do not know, what indicators are made for

b ) They know it, but they assume, that the car/bike in front made a mistake and turn into the other direction

c ) They know it, but they do not care, pass by any possible way

d ) They know it, but they do not realise it (all the time).


what do you think?


If I ever have an accident because of this, I wanna ask the guy, why do you think I turned on the indicator? Because the flashing orange light is pretty? :)

But seriously, I think the mentality of the bike driver is "I think I can get through", or maybe "OK, he wants to turn, but he sees me behind, so he should let me pass first"

Just the other day I was on the right lane (left lane is essentially a parking lane near here) and coming up behind a slow truck. I see a taxi pretty far behind, so i put on my left indicator and start to pull out to the left lane to check there's passing space, and the <deleted> taxi almost rear ends me... What to do, I quickly get back in the right lane and let him pass...

Then I dropped down and pass him in a loud roar... he slowed down and kept his distance after that, funnily enough :D


There's a particular junction near mine where this is a regular occurrence for me. What makes this one a peach is the fact that the lane I'm in is clearly marked with a "Left Turn Only" arrow on the road.

There's a particular junction near mine where this is a regular occurrence for me. What makes this one a peach is the fact that the lane I'm in is clearly marked with a "Left Turn Only" arrow on the road.

Like all other road signs, they are really just suggestions open to individual interpretation :)


In Thailand, nothing driving wise is for certain. When ever I see a car or motorcycle with its left hand indicator flashing, I always suspect he is about to turn RIGHT.

Thai's don't care, just don't want to stop moving what ever the cost.

I wish you'd tell that to the guys who're building my patio!


Forgive me but after reading this thread i just have to upload a few pix i saw at http://motosai.com/

555 Enjoy! :)

"Shortest path between two points is a straight line"


"Cars are slower than motorcycles, anyway"


"It's enough that I turned neatly during the driving courses"




"No-no, on a motorcycle you can easily bypass all oncoming cars"


"The shortest path between two points is a straight line-2"


"My 10 amulets and everyday prayer to Budha will help me to not to be smashed on that concrete dividing wall"




"I'd better spend 5 mins to cheating traffic light rather than wait 1 min for green"


"Left lane, right lane, stop puzzle me! I have a faster engine, period."



easy reply to this

i notice how expensive optional extras on cars,and standard kit on expensive cars get used. e,g front fog lights....

simply make indicators on bikes an optional extra for 5000 B,and hay presto,everyone will want them........and use them...

as for hazard lights,fkn hate them here,from the cars side,appears its intending to turn....doesn't the driver know i can't see both fkn sides at the same time......police should get both the tw@ts with front foggies and using hazards to go forwards.....


Some motorcyclists turn the indicators on all the way from start to the end of their rides without realising that. :)

Forget about original hazard lights significance. After many years on Thai streets, I only would like to know who, where and when invented turning it on while going straight through a crossing.


Forget about what you learned in the "home" country about driving.

In LOS the Thais have "their" own way of driving and you better accept that.

"Their" own way means that they will do what they want, when they want at any time day or night. Forget about driving laws or common sense.

Always, ALWAYS drive defensively here no matter what! And always, ALWAYS expect the unexpected and you will be Ok. And quit complaining that they don't drive the way you expect them to. Relax, you came to LOS for a reason and part of that reason most likely was the way of life was so different then where you came from.

Each year I live here in Banchang (now number 5) I seem to become more accepting of the Thai way of driving and I have a lot less problems and I feel better at the end of the journey.


Right, I will employ a bus boy, who will show himself to all the others by leaning his whole body out of the car and making wild gestures that we are going to turn left or right... :)

Forget about what you learned in the "home" country about driving.

In LOS the Thais have "their" own way of driving and you better accept that.

"Their" own way means that they will do what they want, when they want at any time day or night. Forget about driving laws or common sense.

Always, ALWAYS drive defensively here no matter what! And always, ALWAYS expect the unexpected and you will be Ok. And quit complaining that they don't drive the way you expect them to. Relax, you came to LOS for a reason and part of that reason most likely was the way of life was so different then where you came from.

Each year I live here in Banchang (now number 5) I seem to become more accepting of the Thai way of driving and I have a lot less problems and I feel better at the end of the journey.

It's a completely other style of traffic with it's own laws and it's own common sense, which has not much in common with Western driving laws or Western common sense. To go into details I started this thread.

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