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Setting Up Edge Over Bluetooth On Ubuntu

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I would like to set up mobile internet access for my Ubuntu netbook, via bluetooth connection to my phone's EDGE modem. I've tried many 'howtos' on the internet but so far none of them has worked out for me.

Anyone know of a complete, working howto guide that is relevant to recent versions of Ubuntu (preferably the current one!). Or anyone got the patience to guide me through it?

My phone is an ordinary Nokia candybar variety and it works well via Windows.


PS: Why is this so hard? Setting up a modem should be trivial in Linux, right?


I use the USB cable with my Nokia and it hooks up without having to do any geek work.


Supposed to be trivial. Make sure that you have the phone set to allow connections (which I assume you do since you have success in Windows). Than right click on your bluetooth icon (assuming you're running Gnome) and pair the device--you may have to choose the services that you want to use at that time. You then can use the network manager to connect.

This is all from memory; my 5800 is in Thailand and I'm not. Throw in the fact that I use KDE (although I fart around in Gnome to keep my skills ok and help people) and I'm not quite sure why you can't connect.


Ok the phone is paired no problem, and I found I could add the phone as a connection in the 'mobile broadband' section of the network manager, and it even had a preconfiguration option for DTAC. However, when pairing the device the Bluetooth Manager doesn't seem to offer any options about what services to choose from a device. You can just pair it and that's all (it automatically lets me send files or browse the phone afterwards, but there's no mention of dial up).

So things are looking a bit more optimistic, but what I can't find is a way to actually *dial* this connection! Network manager only lists WIFI networks in the vicinity, and Gnome PPP only has options for analogue/USB/ISDN modems. How can I dial?


Edit: It sounds like a newly added mobile broadband connection *should* appear as an option in the list of networks that the network manager displays when you right click. But it doesn't.


Ok I got connected, here's how:

* I paired the phone through the Bluetooth manager that ships with Ubuntu.

* Added a new mobile broadband connection (right click on network manager, it has a preconfigured option for DTAC).

* Then I installed a different Bluetooth manager (blueman):

sudo apt-get install blueman

Opening Blueman, my mobile was already listed there. Right click => serial ports => Dialup service and it connected automatically.

Finally!!! I've tried to set this up a few times over the past few years and this is the first time it has worked.

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