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3 Beautiful, Gentle Pedigree Dogs Looking For New Home


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It is great regret that due to personal circumstances, I am obliged to find new homes for my lovely dogs who are currently living at my house in Pong, some 20 kms east of Pattaya.

The Golden can be re-housed separately from the 2 little ones, but I would prefer to keep the little ones together, as they are inseparable.

Ideally, but not necessarily, I would like to keep all three together as they love each other so much.

The Golden, Cookie, is a spayed female, four years old, pedigree bred by a reputable breeder and is the most beautiful, gentle creature you have ever met. She loves everyone, but is not over -boisterous, as some goldens tend to be.

The Shihtsus are 2 - 21/2 years old, both male, and are cousins. Again they have a first class pedigree and were bought as puppies from a reputable breeder. They both still have their long coats and are lovely, gentle animals. For those not familiar with Shih Tsus, the essential features are that they do not shed their hair, so can be nursed and handled with impunity, and almost never bark, (unlike most small breeds).They never really grow up and love to play all day, when not asleep.

All three dogs are extremely healthy, have rarely had a day's sickness, are groomed daily and are in excellent condition. All vaccinations and "de-worming" are up to date.

None of the dogs have ever bitten anyone, and they are all well past the shoe/flip flop chewing stage.

Although I paid quite a bit for these dogs, I am not looking for any money.

I just want to find them a good, loving home(s).

Anyone interested, please send me a P.M.

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Oh no Mobi, I am so sorry to hear you must give up your beloved Cookie. You must be heartbroken to have to make that decision.

I wish I could take them all but I have three dogs that have just about worked out their hierarchy and it wouldn't be fair on them or your dogs to have to find their place too. And the shih tzus would probably get eaten by either the monitors or pythons.

I hope things work out the best for you Mobi.

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I'm sorry Mobi,

obviously I don't know what your circumstances are, but I do know that saying goodbye to one's dogs can be more gut wrenching than losing a girlfriend/wife.

I can't take your dogs, ( already seem to have 5 - none of them mine, they adopted me!) I wish I could and wish you the best of luck in finding a good home for them

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if u were willing to ship them to israel i would be able to place all three very quickly as both breeds are in high demand... especially for free; but i cant take them as have a warning on me for owning more then two here on the kibbutz... is it really neccessary to rehome them and not just foster them out for a time with friends /willing 'foster' homes?; like if u are going overseas for a year and need to find a home til u come back? does this mean that cookie wont star in any more posts? :)(



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Mobi, I know you have posted pictures of Cookie and the other two in the past, but you might want to post them again so some of us can send them to some of our friends.

Best regards,

Thanks OMR and all those who have expressed your sympathies etc.

FYI my dogs are still at my house and being looked after very well, but I am not there any more. They will have to be re-homed by the time the house is sold, but that may take quite awhile. In the meantime I am continuing to "support" them, but am not able to visit them.

So there is no major rush on this and i really want to try and find them the best new home possible.

My wife originally wanted to sell the dogs, but I now have her agreement to give them away to a good home.

For the time being I remain in Thailand, but cannot be sure about my future plans.

All 3 dogs are adorable and loving and they will make you laugh at the way they play together and jump on Cookie who then shakes them off and chases them around the garden. They will also include you in their games if you choose to get in the middle.

All 3 love chasing balls but Cookie will bring it back to you, and the Shih tsus will run away with it and hide it. It's a real hoot watching all 3 chasing after a single ball, the little ones usually win the sprint, but Cookie wins the longer distances once she has cranked up a decent turn of speed.

Well, OMR you asked , so here are some pics. Cookie is the Golden, the Shih tsu with the darker (black streaks) is the older of the two cousins, "Somchai", and the other is a little rascal called "Yoghurt".

The lady is my daughter, who lives in The UK.

I miss them like crazy, but what can I do?

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Many thanks to all those who have responded by PM, and I will be replying to you all in due course.

I have had a number of offers, ranging from putting them into a sanctury, to even shipping them all to Israel!

I am still considering all the offers, but haven't had any yet from someone in the Pattaya area who would be prepared to take all three dogs, as this is my ideal solution. Not only would I be so happy to keep all three together, but if they are in Pattya, it may mean that I can visit them from time to time.

But at this point in time, no offer is ruled out.

Anyway, please keep the offers coming and I will make a decision soon.

Thanks folks.


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Mobi, I know you have posted pictures of Cookie and the other two in the past, but you might want to post them again so some of us can send them to some of our friends.

Best regards,

Thanks OMR and all those who have expressed your sympathies etc.

FYI my dogs are still at my house and being looked after very well, but I am not there any more. They will have to be re-homed by the time the house is sold, but that may take quite awhile. In the meantime I am continuing to "support" them, but am not able to visit them.

So there is no major rush on this and i really want to try and find them the best new home possible.

My wife originally wanted to sell the dogs, but I now have her agreement to give them away to a good home.

For the time being I remain in Thailand, but cannot be sure about my future plans.

All 3 dogs are adorable and loving and they will make you laugh at the way they play together and jump on Cookie who then shakes them off and chases them around the garden. They will also include you in their games if you choose to get in the middle.

All 3 love chasing balls but Cookie will bring it back to you, and the Shih tsus will run away with it and hide it. It's a real hoot watching all 3 chasing after a single ball, the little ones usually win the sprint, but Cookie wins the longer distances once she has cranked up a decent turn of speed.

Well, OMR you asked , so here are some pics. Cookie is the Golden, the Shih tsu with the darker (black streaks) is the older of the two cousins, "Somchai", and the other is a little rascal called "Yoghurt".

The lady is my daughter, who lives in The UK.

I miss them like crazy, but what can I do?

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Edited by ptty97
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If u still have the golden retriever I wud like to have her. My wife and I have approx 2 1/2 rai just outside Pattaya. We only have one dog (a thai mix-sm) approx 9 yrs old. The land is cleared so there is good room to run and it is fenced/walled. If you are interested in getting to know us, give me a call at (wife's cell--she speaks english/thai). I will be available if an english speaker wants to talk to me.

Hope to hear fm u...

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