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Self Defence For The Ladies

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Following on from an earlier thread re the perceived threat of attack here on Lovely Phuket, with it's smiling and gentle people, I would like to offer a practical demonstration of a really rather effective defence strategy taught to me by a black belt jujitsu instructor some years ago, in the very unlikely event that a Lady might feel more threatened here than in her 'home country'.

My husband's presently undergoing hospital treatment and the duration of his recuperation is, sadly at this time, indeterminable.

I would therefore be very grateful if some Man from this forum would kindly offer his assistance in this regard.

I think perhaps the next TV 'pissup' might present an ideal time for us all to get together for this very informative and potentially lifesaving demo.

Would the mods please inform us all of the next meet? And anyone Man enough to offer his assistance in this regard, please do step forward.



If enough people are interested the Krav Maga instructor does these.. Course real tuition costs money.

I just got my GF some pepper sprays.. Thats a dam_n good starter to have in the bedroom in case of any disturbance, without of the the issues for firearms etc (shes really on at me to get her a gun but I dont want one in the house).

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