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New Mcdonalds At Thapae Gate

Ulysses G.

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In a word - YES ! It is !

Cow milk today is such a chemical, toxic concoction, that it is killing the baby

calves that nurse from their mothers ! Plus it is shortening the lives of the cows themselves ! But that's a secret - YOU are not suppose to know about that ! Why ? Because government makes big bucks on all the harmful things we have today, including the dairy industry ! How ? First of all, cows' milk is loaded

with more than 144 chemicals that are pumped into the cow; antibiotics,

growth hormones, drugs, pesticides of all kinds, and fattening chemicals to

fatten up the beef cows. Yes - YOU are ingesting all those chemicals too, if you drink the milk or eat the meat; and these poisons stay in your cells and tissues forever !

Lots more about this subject at... http://home1.gte.net/carriet/CowsMilk.htm

After you get rid of McDonald's, meat and capitalism, milk should probably be next on the list.

All milk products too. Milk is for one purpose only - to make baby cows fat. Milk products are harmful to humans. Use to get upper respiratory congestion leading to colds virtually every few months and I use to drink milk almost every night. Once I stopped consuming milk, the respiratory congestion stopped. We all need protein, and beef is an excellent source.

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Shouldn't "Chiang Mai" and "femi fan" be posting on the "best burger" thread? I thought this was about coffee??!!

And once we close down McDonald's do we have to close Duke's, Mad Dog, and Chiang Mai Saloon too?

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Cannot understand the thought process in the minds of those who say places like MacDonlds shouldn't be in places like the Thaepae Gate Area...

They have as much right to be there as anyone, considering that there is no such thing as zoning to keep them out.... and even if there was, the group of you objectionists do not seem to have a problem with the massage joints, the girlie bars and the like.

Given the lack of restrictions on the area, the owners have every right and some might say obligation to get as great a return on their investment as possible [ legal operations] .

The thinking seems to be,,,,, if I like it , then its ok,,,,,, if I don't like it ,,,, its not ok... [however I don't have my money tied up in it]

In today financial situation I say if MacDonalds is willing to go in there , good for them..... it will help the area and it will bring in more revenue to all involved in the area.....

Just my opinion.....

which is always right by the way


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Maybe human beings should stop settling our differences by killing each other instead of blaming all of our problems on McDonalds. :)

The system of profit has not an iota of empathy in it. It is rapacious, and devours everything in its way, killing humans, cows, and our planet in equal measure.

Good that you are expressing yourself on the non-profit Thaivisa website. Oh, wait a second, Thaivisa is a 'for-profit' entity. Sorry to ruin your day, however it does prove that capitalism works for it even provides a forum for those who condemn its existence.

Edited by venturalaw
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Maybe human beings should stop settling our differences by killing each other instead of blaming all of our problems on McDonalds. :)

The system of profit has not an iota of empathy in it. It is rapacious, and devours everything in its way, killing humans, cows, and our planet in equal measure.

Good that you are expressing yourself on the non-profit Thaivisa website. Oh, wait a second, Thaivisa is a 'for-profit' entity. Sorry to ruin your day, however it does prove that capitalism works for it even provides a forum for those who condemn its existence.


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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

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i suppose if we want to improve on the aesthetics of the area, then we should ban the

hordes of fat, old caucasian men --- particularly the ones wearing loud hawaiian shirts,

bermuda shorts, sandals and black socks.

That's formal attire when they want to impress the sweet and lovelies! You were polite! You forgot the less than trim crowd with tattoos (some with grey pony tails, if they still have hair, obviously lost children of the late 1960s and early 1970s) showing off their bellies under their vests! Quaint! Does this promote tourism?!

Sorry! Perhaps this might advance the conversation in a somewhat different direction!

But, oh!, to get back on point, the MacDonald's "habit" (and the same promoted by my less than favorite CM sidewalk electrically lit sign polluter of Chiang Mai, Burger King) will probabaly be --- historically --- one of the greatest single killers of people through heart disease, et cetera, et cetera, short of another world war.

So, how's the coffee? A mild drug, but a good cup of coffee is super! Shall we have a poll, UG?

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Basically the Western franchises are run by the Thai big business interests, so to see a McSh-- being opened in a hotel run by Beer Chang Inc. really comes as no surprise.

I can't see many Thais partaking of the delicate morsels they serve up, in this particular location.

So it really remains to be seen if it will be just as desolate as the Starbucks across the street which often boasts a lone coffee drinker in there perusing the scenery.

Does Beer Chang Inc have a stake in McSh-- Thailand? In which case I suppose it sorts out their rent.

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Carrots, they scream too.

Problem is, people identify McD with some sort of international cultural imperialism.

IMO, this is so last century.

Probably the Thai franchisee did a market study, and was able to get this location. Not rocket science. There is obvious a market for this, otherwise they wouldn't have opened. These people didn't become a mega company by being dumb.

I haven't eaten at McD in eons, and will not likely not do so soon.

I quit them when they changed their french fries oil from beef lard to a vegetable oil in the early 70's.

Bastids.... :D

To get back on thread, coffee at McD?

What a joke...I only consume Duang Dee Hilltribe, Extra Strong, Free Trade, Opium-Free, brewed with nominal carbon footprint water trekked in from a secret spring by Indian fakkirs. :)

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Cannot understand the thought process in the minds of those who say places like MacDonlds shouldn't be in places like the Thaepae Gate Area...

They have as much right to be there as anyone, considering that there is no such thing as zoning to keep them out.... and even if there was, the group of you objectionists do not seem to have a problem with the massage joints, the girlie bars and the like.

Given the lack of restrictions on the area, the owners have every right and some might say obligation to get as great a return on their investment as possible [ legal operations] .

The thinking seems to be,,,,, if I like it , then its ok,,,,,, if I don't like it ,,,, its not ok... [however I don't have my money tied up in it]

In today financial situation I say if MacDonalds is willing to go in there , good for them..... it will help the area and it will bring in more revenue to all involved in the area.....

Just my opinion.....

which is always right by the way


So just because there's no zoning, everything and anything is OK, how can that be even close to correct! And, if you have some skin in the game then one view is right whilst the rest of the population who doesn't have a vested interest thinks the opposite, hmmm, that doesn't seem right either!

For my part, if the OP had posted news about a new brothel, bar or "the like" being constructed in the same location, my response would be exactly the same as now, especially if it displayed bright neon signs saying, "over 20,000,0000 satisfied customers served" and we all knew that most of them were in poorer health as a result - there, play with that as you will.

Anyway, how is the coffee?

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They say that soy products are destroying the planet too. Should we get rid of them after milk?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun UG,

Why not follow this to its logical conclusion, and focus on the real problem : the infestation of insane vermin called "humanity" that is destroying the planet at exponentially increasing velocity ?

best, ~o:37;

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Shouldn't "Chiang Mai" and "femi fan" be posting on the "best burger" thread? I thought this was about coffee??!!

And once we close down McDonald's do we have to close Duke's, Mad Dog, and Chiang Mai Saloon too?

No. They're single businesses, and they're not burger joints. They don't spend billions of dollars 'persuading' and lying to people to get them to eat their foods.

There is the debate about mcdonalds.

And then there is the debate about hamburgers in general.

Perhaps i conflated the two when it might have been more appropriate not to. But the fact remains that we slaughter billions of acres of forest land to feed billions of cows which we fatten and keep alive with millions of tonnes of hormones and antibiotics, and then we slaughter those billions of cows in order to make billions of hamburgers to feed millions of rich people. All able to be done having resorted to the power of advertising. The damage done to those who eat thousands of hamburgers in their lifetime (not one a week say at the mad dog or dukes), and the damage done to our planet to sustain this hamburger industry created by the likes of mcdonalds is undeniable.

Food fascist, emotional, adding in strawmen arguments, putting words into people's mouths that weren't there, whatever, it's an easy jibe to help one refuse to accept the reality behind the industry.

The hamburger industry stinks, and probably causes more global warming than oil. I don't know the figures, but it's probably odds on to be the case.

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They say that soy products are destroying the planet too. Should we get rid of them after milk?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun UG,

Why not follow this to its logical conclusion, and focus on the real problem : the infestation of insane vermin called "humanity" that is destroying the planet at exponentially increasing velocity ?

best, ~o:37;

Say what ?!

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Shouldn't "Chiang Mai" and "femi fan" be posting on the "best burger" thread? I thought this was about coffee??!!

And once we close down McDonald's do we have to close Duke's, Mad Dog, and Chiang Mai Saloon too?

No. They're single businesses, and they're not burger joints. They don't spend billions of dollars 'persuading' and lying to people to get them to eat their foods.

There is the debate about mcdonalds.

And then there is the debate about hamburgers in general.

Perhaps i conflated the two when it might have been more appropriate not to. But the fact remains that we slaughter billions of acres of forest land to feed billions of cows which we fatten and keep alive with millions of tonnes of hormones and antibiotics, and then we slaughter those billions of cows in order to make billions of hamburgers to feed millions of rich people. All able to be done having resorted to the power of advertising. The damage done to those who eat thousands of hamburgers in their lifetime (not one a week say at the mad dog or dukes), and the damage done to our planet to sustain this hamburger industry created by the likes of mcdonalds is undeniable.

Food fascist, emotional, adding in strawmen arguments, putting words into people's mouths that weren't there, whatever, it's an easy jibe to help one refuse to accept the reality behind the industry.

The hamburger industry stinks, and probably causes more global warming than oil. I don't know the figures, but it's probably odds on to be the case.

Temper Temper. Ill' take about 6 each.


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Shouldn't "Chiang Mai" and "femi fan" be posting on the "best burger" thread? I thought this was about coffee??!!

And once we close down McDonald's do we have to close Duke's, Mad Dog, and Chiang Mai Saloon too?

No. They're single businesses, and they're not burger joints. They don't spend billions of dollars 'persuading' and lying to people to get them to eat their foods.

There is the debate about mcdonalds.

And then there is the debate about hamburgers in general.

Perhaps i conflated the two when it might have been more appropriate not to. But the fact remains that we slaughter billions of acres of forest land to feed billions of cows which we fatten and keep alive with millions of tonnes of hormones and antibiotics, and then we slaughter those billions of cows in order to make billions of hamburgers to feed millions of rich people. All able to be done having resorted to the power of advertising. The damage done to those who eat thousands of hamburgers in their lifetime (not one a week say at the mad dog or dukes), and the damage done to our planet to sustain this hamburger industry created by the likes of mcdonalds is undeniable.

Food fascist, emotional, adding in strawmen arguments, putting words into people's mouths that weren't there, whatever, it's an easy jibe to help one refuse to accept the reality behind the industry.

The hamburger industry stinks, and probably causes more global warming than oil. I don't know the figures, but it's probably odds on to be the case.

Some might say that you are a bit over the top on this post, but I thank you for saying what should be said.

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This reminds me of flicking through the guestbook at Julie Guesthouse some years ago and reading page after page of 'DOWN WITH THE LONELY PLANET' comments written by backpackers. There must be a word for this, some kind of complex perhaps, I don't know, but it's both amusing and worrying to see people getting so wound up over such a small and insignificant event in a world of full of large and very dangerous problems.

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As we become more aware of, and thus respectful of life in all its forms and manifestations, we are becoming more reluctant to take life, to eat other lifeforms and to consume the aura of fear and death. We begin to ask the very fundamental question: "Why should others die so that I can live?"

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Sendbaht,

That's a fascinating meditation ! We are curious if you would judge, on the basis of a person's diet, that they had more or less awareness of and/or respect for life.

regards, ~o:37;

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